I don't get it. Why change the gameplay to this degree? It's not even an RPG anymore

I don't get it. Why change the gameplay to this degree? It's not even an RPG anymore.

Attached: 1550560647878.jpg (1200x1199, 283K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You probably have a very narrow definition of what an RPG is then

FF7 wasn't an RPG to begin with

It's almost literally Secret of Mana gameplay.

How does the combat system determine if a game is roleplaying or not?
Besides, the old "" "" "" gameplay "" "" "" was selecting 'Attack' 8 gazillion times from a dropdown menu.

It's hardly even a good action game either, there are no aircombos and unlike godhand or something you aren't going to get a shit load of combo tools.

>don't change the gameplay
>wow soulless what is the point
>change the gameplay
>wow it's different what is the point

Have you played the Cait Sith sections yet?

Are you actually retarded. Play other RPGs outside of JRPGs you absolute retard.

It's basically KH.

Why would anyone want KH in their FF7?

KH2 is one of the best action games ever made

So's DMC3. I still don't want DMC in my FF7.

The old gameplay was clunky and boring. This new gameplay is better.

Pretty sure it was mate

It was never an RPG.

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>implying anyone gave a shit about FF7’s gameplay
We just like seeing ridiculous numbers popping on screen with KoTR, Omnislash, etc.

>"FF7 was never an rpg"
>The remake isn't an rpg somehow
Where do you disgusting idiots come from? Can you go back and stay there.

Just accept that this isn't for fans of the original and move on, no ones forcing you to buy it, I certainly know I'm not.

>it's not an RPG if it isn't turn-based

>ffvii was any kind of an rpg
it's like he's trying to communicate

I don't like it either but who knows, maybe we're just a minority.

Squaredrones pls go

Because the "turn-based is outdated" sentiment actually applies to far too many people. Ironically, it works fine with Persona.

You know, when the remake comes out, all the copies of the original game are still going to exist. Just get the PC version and use mods to make it look halfway decent and you'll be golden.

I don't know why you'd be sad that they aren't just doing a port when it's already been ported to ps4.

I do kinda think a remaster could've had a much smaller investment for a similar return, but I'm also glad to see something more ambitious instead

FF7 had some of the weakest gameplay in the series. Redoing it was fine.

this guy writes like the biggest faggot. he's not wrong about much, but i'd prefer if he just wrote his own suicide note

From the brilliant minds behind twitter and youtube comment sections. Trust me, I've read some retarded shit there.

>works fine
>literally sold less than Nier:Automata, an even more Niche series.

>hurrr its not a real rpg because real rpgs are like my old ass pen and paper games i used to play with my 12 year old friends

also its amusing to read the guy talk about how jrpgs are more like movies, when most genres in the west are becoming more movies than games

How about you stop irrationally hating the remake?

>implying that game sold so much due to its combat and not android ass

You would have said this too if they had made it an FPS or sports game you fucking fanboy


There are no RPG's in the Final Fantasy series.

If they're not about role-playing then call them Wizardrylikes instead.

Nah, action rpg is still an rpg. I like real time and action and RTWP and turn based.

>implying Persona is sold due to the combat, and not the waifu fagging dating sim

Are you genuinely retarded? What is it with turn based faggots? They claim to be this "chess master where I can end a battle before the battle even started with my strategy" but at the same time they spout nonsense after nonsense.

The rpg part was never important.

>no aircombos
Watch the cloud and Tifa segments again in the trailer mate, you see them juggle/launch the enemy into the air

I get where he's coming from, but I prefer C/WRPGs do their own thing and JRPGs do their own thing as well.
If all of them follow the same format of character creation, playing evil and choices, then everything will be bland.

JRPGs are less about emulating tabletop and more of sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Because Nomura only makes action games. Why is everyone surprised by this?

Attached: se10.jpg (900x600, 63K)

Read it more carefully. He doesn't dispute that JRPGs can be fun. He simply bashes JRPGs with bad combat and says that even the good ones are not role-playing games.

Probably because it was a remake and not a remaster.

Though I suppose it's a bit of a slippery slope since IV was also a remake but still retained the same gameplay just with buffed up mob enemies.

Normies hate turned based combat, I cant tell you how many friends/acquaintances have turned down games I suggest because they have turn based combat. Pokemon is exempt though because everyone has an autistic desire to collect anime creatures that somehow overrides their hatred for turn based. This was Square's best option to get everyone to play.

Normies love good turn based combat. Normies love chess, checkers, and go.
Not to mention every single motherfucking card game. Hearthstone is turn based.

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It uses LR's combat system which is the best FF combat system ever, even better than X-2.


Is it me or Cloud's chest is as big as Tifa's one?

Attached: ViciousIllDogwoodclubgall-size_restricted[1].gif (320x320, 283K)

Cloud does indeed have a bountiful chest

Attached: Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake_2017_01-31-17_001.jpg (1924x1080, 1.65M)

Why play it if it’s going to be the same FF7 you can already play?

So what does the remake lack that the original had that was so important that not having it destroys the game for anyone playing it? Only concrete answers are accepted, no brainlet shit like "MUH SOUL". If I don't get any satisfactory answer, I am going to assume that there isn't actually anything and that therefore all the complains are full of shit.

>JRPGs are less about emulating tabletop
There's many, many JRPGs based around tabletop rules or core design, let alone roleplaying.
You want to enjoy your movies, fine by me, just don't pretend an entire industry is like.

based as fuck

Im to assume that you've ONLY played mainline Final Fantasy games or something right? You are woefully misinformed and ignorant about a great deal of thing my man.

Normies want action
Normies don't want 'menu based' combat
Normies are the target audience of games now
Developers will cater to normies in order to make tons of cash

Not really rocket science.


turn-based RPGs have always and will always be garbage, and now outdated garbage

>Normies don't want 'menu based' combat
But FFVIIR does have that.

The zoomer cries out in pain as he strikes you.

zoom zoom

>Not turn based
>It's no RPG then.

You have a VERY narrow definition of RPG if you think RemakeVII is not RPG anymore. FFXV is also a JRPG just for a reminder

SE prefer real time combat these days for it games than "wai for your turn" BS. You should be glad it's bascially DMC + RPG elements

FFXV set up a trend. It was really shitty 20 hour long game, and FFVII remake in Midgar only will be too. Other chapters will be sold as DLCs, 1 hour long each of them. Ending won't even sell, so they will abandon it.

>How about you stop blindly shilling the remake?

But the Remake basically is turn based. Just now you can mash attack for minimal damage while you wait for your ATB. Rather than just stare at the screen and wait. People who complain about this are retarded.

Tifa's design

no one wants to play your shitty boomer turn based combat.

Designs are up to the eyes of the beholder. But that's not what I meant. I guess I wasn't specific enough, but I meant gameplay specifically.

But FF7R is menu based. Mashing attack while you wait for ATB charges does basically no damage. All your damage comes from ATB attacks. Which is menu. Literally the only difference is you can mash small attacks while you wait for the menu.

you are to young to post here. or to post at all

Because of zoomers/normies/casuals/investors


Tifa is fine. The people still bitching about her were going to bitch no matter what they did. They could have increased her bust size and people would have still bitched. I think they found a happy medium.

>Designs are up to the eyes of the beholder.
no, it's in the source material
>but I meant gameplay specifically.
looks to much like FFXV

I honestly just want a remake of FF7 with just updated graphics. The original game looks so ugly and dated. Even giving us a "pocket edition" type game like they did for FF15 would have been fine.

>to young

braindead boomers, everyone. keep proving that only lobotomized, senile boomers like turn based shit combat

Good RPG mechanics suck. I hope they go even further and remove the DEF & ATK stats scaling with level because that shit actively works against real combat systems. Can't even back track and have decent fights with enemies without one-shotting the fuckers.
All that outdated shit needs to go.

>don't change it
>wow why was this even remade
>change it
>wow whats even the point anymore

>But FF7R is menu based. Mashing attack while you wait for ATB charges does basically no damage. All your damage comes from ATB attacks. Which is menu. Literally the only difference is you can mash small attacks while you wait for the menu.
This. It's still ATB from the original, just that the redundant "position change" and "defense" are now free actions that get utilized, while the previously bland "standard physical attack" has been improved by being a free action as well instead of being the "hold circle to win" method from original ff7 to finish easy fights quickly. Aside from that there is positioning, stagger mechanic, and roll dodge that's new. Limit Break were revamped from accelerated, guaranteed first priority ATB+Limit consuming action to just a Limit consuming action that costs no ATB.
And that's all, most other things seem to be the same as of now. Overall a great improvement over the original.

>Tifa is fine.
no she isn't
>The people still bitching about her were going to bitch no matter what they did. They could have increased her bust size and people would have still bitched. I think they found a happy medium.
You are full of shit. Give her the og costume, bigger arms/legs and free the boobs from the imaginary sportbra and nobody would complain. Why would they?

"Faithfulness to the original" is not an absolute indicator for quality, because that makes the false assumption that the original is perfect and cannot be surpassed in any capacity, which is complete and utter nostalgia-glasses bullshit.

you only want to mash buttons to activate lightshows on screen

>looks to much like FFXV
No it doesn't. Most obvious difference is no more item spamming. Potions now consume both item stock and an ATB bar each as well.

The turn based system VII had was honestly pretty boring. I don't have a single issue with the combat so far, it's the episodic stuff that bothers me.

>"Faithfulness to the original" is not an absolute indicator for quality, because that makes the false assumption that the original is perfect and cannot be surpassed in any capacity, which is complete and utter nostalgia-glasses bullshit.
Absolute indicator of quality is improving without deviating from the source material. Otherwise you are not improving, you are changing.
You just want to defend PRODUCT! If it was faithful you would defend that.

Aren't you tired of imagining oponents to debate?
We're on the the public place here you're not in your shower i swear, bunch of schyzos with their backs turned to each other talking to themselves.

its going to be less rpg than kingdom hearts.
they cant sell the game in parts and still have a level up system unless the level cap in part 1 is like 30.
everyone would be bored and grind to 100 in part 1 otherwise.

Attached: Honey_Bee_In_Top_Left_Room.jpg (1200x841, 750K)

That's more than enough to hook the brainlet masses.

Because classic ATB is an absolutely horrendous combat system.

Turn based is not outdated. Just classic JRPG turn based.

It is an RPG, though

Final Fantasy is a Game where you Play the Role of a terrorist that's also a super soldier

Turn based is niche, se is no looking for niche market.

>Make something better without changing it
Listen to yourself and how idiotic that sounds...

The ATB fills up faster than the item cast animation takes in XV and with barret you can just hold to attack which fills the ATB even faster and is a more reliant mode of attack than using cloud according to all the people who played it, and cloud you just hold to block and on punisher he automatically counters if hit

impressions all basically say its a mix of atb and xv and some 13 and tiny bit of kh

Final Fantasy VII Remake features a hybrid gameplay system that merges real-time action with strategic command-based combat. For starters, each press of the Square button is a swing of Cloud’s Buster Sword. Cloud attacks, dodges, and blocks all in real-time. His standard attacks do some damage, but they barely scratch the surface of Cloud’s true potential.
Succeeding on the battlefield requires more than just hacking and slashing. Cloud needs to be tactical. He needs ATB. Two ATB bars are displayed in the lower right. These fill up slowly over time, but fill much faster as Cloud lands standard attacks. Once an ATB bar is full, you can enter Tactical Mode, where time slows to a crawl and you have the opportunity to choose actions from the command menu. Once in Tactical Mode, you can choose to perform various abilities, such as Cloud’s Braver attack. Using an item in battle will deplete an ATB charge, and if Cloud has the right Materia equipped and enough MP, he can use ATB charges to cast spells.

[As for Barrett,] with the use of his iconic gun arm, Barrett is able to target enemies at a distance. Barrett’s standard attacks generate ATB charges similar to Cloud, but his abilities are entirely different. Switching between characters in combat is done with a single button press, which makes rotating through characters in combat a snap. Characters will continue to fight even when you’re not controlling them directly, but it’s up to you to control when and how ATB charges are used. You can maximize your effectiveness by switching between characters or issuing commands to characters with full ATB bars. Every enemy has a focus gauge that fills up as you deal damage. When the gauge is full, the enemy becomes staggered and you’ll deal bonus damage.
Tactical Mode evokes the command selections from the original Final Fantasy VII, and allows players to enjoy battle while taking the time to think strategically. For players who prefer fast-paced actions, abilities and spells can be bound to shortcuts for immediate execution. Shortcuts make combat extremely dynamic, but the choice of using them is entirely up to you.

Some abilities seem to cost multiple ATB bars. I think over time you will gain more ATB bars but the ATB-bar costs for stronger abilities will go up as well.

I don't want this bros. I just wanted Final Fantasy 7 how it was but with more challenge to make the in depth materia system more worth it. The original you can do so much cool shit but don't have to because "lol kotr/omnislash"

Everything past 12 has a shit battle system. Even 12 is questionable

Who cares? Tifa's boobs are small now.


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there's only 2 bars and they fill up in 2-5 seconds

>western good
>japanese bad

>le "people will complain on matter what" fallacy

>8 gazillion times
Except that's completely wrong. Most trash mobs die with 2-3 normal attacks. And bosses need some more than just attacking blind all the time (given how easy 7 is you don't need much strategy anyway, not even on bosses).
The new gameplay, however, has you mashing square a gorillion times, and what the gameplay trailer showed the "damage" could hardly even be classified as chip damage, until you have enough ATB to finally make a real attack.

Only valid answer in the whole fucking thread.

If you think that those things condradict each other you need your brain checked


You have a very peculiar definition of "change"!

Then give an example that is:
- Not just a facelift
- An Improvement
- Not a Change from the original
All at the same time.

I am going to enjoy Tifa's large breasts and toned tummy and there is nothing you can do to stop me

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I never assumed I had the power to magically stop bad tastes caused by lack of standars

Improvement : OG Lara Croft ---> Lau Lara
Change : OG/Lau Lara Croft ---> nuLara

having a command menu is completely different and you're retarded if you think otherwise. the game plays exactly like KH, and the menu is an afterthough in that game unless you're usign a summon or limit, as most thing can be accessed through shortcuts


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kek user BTFO

What about X-com? Fire Emblem? Card games? Zoomers have nothing against turn-based as long as it isn't shit like jrpg combat.

Nobody is seething at the idea of some user somewhere enjoing bad content. Do you think you are some celebrity (or will be one after your puberty)?

Sounds like zoomers like gacha-tier gameplay.

It's a Modern RPG.

Hold O to win is boring now. Even if they kept ATB or classic JRPG menu battles, they'd have to revamp the system or make it more difficult in some way, FF7 is braindead piss easy.

who here just waiting for a turn based mod and a tifa fix mod?

Why would I buy new multiple copies of a game that I've already played to death and back?

You hold down attack button to attack with barret

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at such rapid rate that you deal more damage than clouds combos and also fill ATB faster than cloud too

Well there's your gameplay for ATBfags.

you know there are more than two people here

No that's just the difference of "change you like/love" vs "change you dislike/hate".

The only thing shortcuts do is spare you scrolling through the menues for abilities you use a lot. Otherwise short-cut play is a more player-friendly way of playing original FFVII with "active" ATB, while playing with tactical mode is like playing with "waiting" ATB. The new system just replaces the act of "waiting and doing nothing" with a little action mini-game. Nothing more, nothing less.

This. There's no player agency in Final Fantasy VII. The closest you get is with the materia system, and even then it's about which ones you choose to level up.

It's also not a 1997 game.


I want to see hd trap Cloud

Wow. That was a really good read.

>SE acts like FF7R is just gonna be an action game
>it actually has some nod to turn-based combat

you can play the original right fucking now you morons

>turn-based is for boomers
>action is for zoomers
I was already tired of turn-based JRPGs by the time I emulated Tales of She Fucks like a Tiger Phantasia back in '99.

that's really not what he was saying, it's not a black and white opinion piece

>muh centrism

His hair looks so dead now. Also wish the shoulder piece was more reflective.

absolutely epic

Imagine being excited for this mutilation of a remake.

What if this turns out to be another ffxv and the gameplay is weak and boring as fuck in practice.

>designed by Mitsunori Takahashi
literally impossible

I hope you can still date Barret at the Golden Saucer.

typically when you remake a game, you don't completely change it with entirely different gameplay

No it's not.

DQXI then

>typically when you remake a game, you don't completely change it with entirely different gameplay
Most of the ATB and command system is still intact. The Gameplay was expanded upon for the lackluster parts like the bland physical attack and the redundant defend and change position functions.

Attached: this.jpg (1000x563, 105K)

Post yfw the remake outsells the original!

Attached: 1531220989714.jpg (258x245, 17K)

It probably won't. I could be wrong, and the inflation of the amount of people in the world playing video games has increased, but FF7 is still selling right now, and I'm sure there are people who are going to buy FF7 after the remake drops them off at 10% of the story.

Also am i crazy or did barret say fuck at one point?

He did swear a lot in the original translation. But I think it was through cartoon text. *@&!

times change grandpa

Yeah, they change for the worse.




I never played the original FF7 when it came out. Which port/version is the best to play? How long is the game if you don't go full autism? Do I need to grind to progress?

Attached: Pacifier-Girl-Tifa-–-Volume-2[1].jpg (322x399, 40K)

Final Fantasy has literally never had good gameplay

Switch or emulated.

>how long is the game
40 hours if you don't use fast forward, but you have fast forward in the ports

>Do I need to grind
Only if you don't know how to abuse the shit out of the combat

How do you abuse the combat?

FF7 is the easiest FF game. You can beat it with one character, extremely low levels, or without using any materia.

I think he meant if you know the bosses in and out and their patterns.
There are some broken materia combinations and Tifa's Powersoul (I think it is the name for it) weapon which makes the game a breeze.

>I think he meant if you know the bosses in and out and their patterns.
But that applies for all games.

But that requires you to play the game at least once.
Grenades early on makes most bosses a breeze also.

>episode 1
Midgar, as has already been established.
>episode 2
Eastern continent, ends on the boat after fighting Jenova.
>episode 3
Western continent, including Wutai as a bonus area. Ends in an aerial battle aboard the Tiny Bronco.
>episode 4
Southern and Northern continents, ends on the scene where Barret and Tifa see the meteor for the first time.
>episode 5
You have the Highwind, but progression is scripted. Ends after Cid engages the boosters.
>episode 6
Open world, including the final dungeon.
>episode 7
Not actually an episode, just a collection of Compilation scenarios as dlc, and maybe some bonus added shit like Gilgamesh fight.

With the exception of episode 7, each episode will be 4-6 years apart. Mark my words.

"Fuck" is the only curse that was censored in the original game. Nothing else was, "shit" was routinely said

One of the characters has a """random""" dice limit break that can be manipulated and can insta-one hit every single enemy in the game. It's considered so broken that the speedrun categories specifically exclude using it into its own category.

Bad prediction. You know about 30% of the game's script is in Midgar, right?

You are in midgar more than once though.

Yeah, because someone who's playing the game for the first time is gonna manipulate the RNG.

7R has you hold to attack with barret

Takahashi was just a battle planner on KH2, the ACTUAL person in charge of KH2s entire battle system was Kanemori who was the lead on XVs enemy fights and he was planning director on KH2, aka a higher position than just lead battle planner, as Takahashi would answer to Kanemori

Attached: On-XV-since-Versus.jpg (665x4867, 1.88M)

Cloud actually looks pretty handsome in this ngl

You mean Slots. Dice is just random damage. Slots is rigged against the player for the better outcomes. If your first slot is the Cait Sith face, there's about a 2% chance that the game will let you get the Instant-kill result. Otherwise the third slot will always skip to the next picture if you have two Cait Sith faces.

>Nier Automata, a niche franchise, ~3.5 mil worldwide
>DQ XI a massive franchise in Japan and pretty much can be installed every fucking where even on a 3ds, ~4 mil worldwide

Jrpgs aren't rpg's m8

"Suck on this" is the actual line.

>a niche franchise that won game of the year 2017
shut up idiot

>No it doesn't. Most obvious difference is no more item spamming. Potions now consume both item stock and an ATB bar each as well.

and I doubt FF7R will allow 0 HP characters to use potions on themselves to get back into the fight.

Which is something XV allowed you to do because "we want to pander to casuals"

>You hold down attack button to attack with barret

No shit you would hold down a button to attack with a gun.

>What if this turns out to be another ffxv and the gameplay is weak and boring as fuck in practice.
considering that Tabata is not there to hold everything back for the sake of Casual Pandering, there is hope for good gameplay

Attached: 1538265408487.jpg (749x1111, 178K)

They confirmed you can use phoenix downs and also you cant use potions on full 0HP in XV, you only use them to heal out of danger state not actual 0HP, your current max HP is what the potion fills it back up to which is why you see sometimes you use a high potion but only 1/4 of the bar fills back up, because it does that because your actual max HP is what your true real HP is, danger state is just a temporary weakened state where if you are in it too long you'll hit actual 0HP where you must use phoenix downs to revive, danger state is not actual 0HP so stop misrepresenting the game and acting like it is.

It's not fucking TPS its literally auto target projectiles and you just hold to attack, barret ATB fills up faster and thus there is no reason to ever use cloud.

>this autistic bullshit again
Oh fuck off KH cocksucking faggot

That isn't the combat at all because you have manual attacks with opener, mid, finisher, counter and aerial attacks, charge attacks, directional inputs, warpstrike, point warps and warp itself, manual weapon switching which each weapon type plays differently, plus character switch which adds even more variety because each member has their own unique combat to them.

Stop fucking posting outdated 2014 interview that was literally debunked a few days after it was posted.

You're such a retarded cunt that gets BTFO on a daily basis and you're a piece of absolute shit.

Attached: Tabata-debunks-outdated-2014-interview.jpg (5341x6588, 3.41M)

Oh hi, Barry.

I guess he got tried of trying and failing to convince people on Twitter that FF7R's gameplay is inferior to FF15's Hold O shit

And? Persona won RPG of the year the same year, and was nominated for GOTY, while Nier only got nominated for RPG of the year and still Persona sold less you utter fucking retard. Get help you fucking mentally ill turn based fucker. Get the fuck out and play fucking chess in your retirement homes.

7r is literal hold Square to barret

But FFXV had Mr. "we want everything to be casual" Tabata as the overall director, so this isn't much of an indication.

>gun character requires holding down a button

Attached: Master%20of%20the%20Obvious%20small.jpg (252x320, 10K)

>this low quality bait

Attached: bowlman.png (480x320, 19K)

Square's gonna need to do some serious re-imagining in order to make the next parts feels "full". Junon and Gold Saucer will be a headache for them. But I doubt that Gold Saucer will be as big as Midgar, but Junon? That one's a head-scratcher indeed.

Both Cloud and Barret where swearing throughout the boss fight.

RPGs are shit trash for nerds who live in mothers basement. Action game with FF7 characters is much better fit.

They'll be able to re-use Midgar assets in Junon, which makes sense considering it's the second biggest Shinra-run city in the world.

Final Fantasy has become this disgusting melting pot of people that fight all the time. In the end Final Fantasy rightfully belongs to the turn based/ATB community and they should have never had to share with other demographics in the first place. This idea that "trends have changed" is a bullshit lie they've perpetuated that gets shot to hell everytime it's put to the test. When ports and remakes outsell new games of theirs, when turn based Dragon Quest continues to break the all time sales record in Japan it proves that the execs with Square-Enix don't know what they're talking about.

We're never getting another new Final Fantasy game until all these guys are fired/retired or it's bought by another company. FF is destined to be what Star Wars was under George Lucas, 30 years of hating their product till finally somebody makes an actual FF and then people will be cheering at the departure of the people who butchered it for so long. It's obvious the FF devs don't want to make FF, so why don't they call it something else? It seems like Bravely Default and FFXIV have inherited FF's legacy, while the main series has mutated to become something else entirely.

2 years max, they did the same with FFX and FFXIII

Ah, I didn't think about that. And besides most enemies there are just Shinra troops right? Until the underwater bunker where there's some weird monster down there like that ghost ship. IIRC you need to morph the ghost ship for a sidequest right?

>There's a lot of Final Fantasy XV DNA on show here, but the team has still kept the game incredibly faithful to the PlayStation original
7r confirmed to be like XV

>IIRC you need to morph the ghost ship for a sidequest right?

yeah, morph the ghost ship to get an item to trade for the Underwater Materia so Emerald Weapon (how will the remake handle the Weapons) has no time limit

He never said that idiot, it was a mistranslation which he literally cleared up only a few days later on stream here He isn't a TPS controlling character idiot


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