We have one rule

We have one rule...
Don't break the VTMB threads

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Other urls found in this thread:


>the gameplay videos


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first post is dedicated to my giraffe gf

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VTMB2 will be pure trash.

They just released another 20 minutes of gameplay.

I'm fine if they take another half-year to polish it. Release it around october.
Obviously it's still being made by a relatively small budget (compared to AAA RPGs) studio so somethings they just wont have the resources to do.

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>the gameplay videos

You can make any game looks like utter shit when it's played by a spastic retard on a controller. I don't think any VtMB fan would be put off by what we've seen so far.

Quite the punishment for Lacroix

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Combat still looks like shit, and the disciplines, they look like MMO spells.

In my day the one rule was don't talk about Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums.

game looks like shit, but we all expected that

Is Take Me Now an actual song or composed for the game? Couldn't find it myself.

Attached: Takemenow.webm (1280x720, 968K)


I couldn't find it with shazam or by typing lyrics so i guess it is

It's always been 100% guaranteed to be shit and NO ONE ever, EVER thought otherwise for even an instant.

And we'll still play it (if only once) anyway, because of what it is and how long we've all been waiting for it.

The best we can hope for (and this is the main thing that MIGHT even get me to BUY it) is that the modding community for it is HUGE and talented enough to fix its problems and create enough new content for it to make it worth replaying.

>One rule

But they are supposed to have five.

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Paradox is like EA with less money. The idea of Paradox "pushing a release date back to finish a game" is ABSURD. Their CEOs would ship literally anything even if it was 10% done by the deadline.

>fast traveling
>quest markers
>objective pop-ups

Attached: why.png (1286x163, 123K)

Anarchs only follow the masquerade and piss on the rest of the traditions

Attached: VTMB2.webm (1920x1080, 1.36M)

So when are we gonna get our little spot on /vg/?


When the game is out.

Someone needs to ask the devs on twitter if there'll be the option to turn off quest markers and objective pop-ups.

most thinbloods won't have to worry about their progeny and announcing their presence will get them hunted and killed so they only have one rule to follow

When the game is out it's going to have 50 fucking threads a day on Yea Forums and even if the mods make a rule of "1 VTMB2 thread at a time" it'll be ignored. This is the sequel to the RPG with THE biggest cult following on this entire board. Yea Forums is going to go nuclear when this game is released.

someone have that gif of a jew vampire being repelled with a swastika?

>NO ONE ever, EVER thought otherwise for even an instant.

Game looks fine to me.

>the disciplines, they look like MMO spells

This and the "mag dump into the face that hit nothing" moment are my biggest concerns about the combat. The cartwheel/flip move also looks RETARDED, but you can tell the devs thought that was "super badass" or something. That's what happens when you let weirdos work on games.

Yea Forums goes nuclear at any release now since NEWLY RELEASED GAME IS SHIT BECAUSE DISCORD

The game looks really shit 2bh. Then again it was to be expected with Paradox.

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Even though Yea Forums will latch on to it like a pitbull on a baby I don't particularly care how shitty the gameplay. The first game has the worst third-person melee combat I've played.
All I care about is the atmosphere and writing. As long as that is as good as the first game. With Rik Schaffer and Brian Mitsoda returning I hope it will be. It might not be but I hope it is.

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I really wish the building across the Venture tower had something.
It just looks important

When I first played it I spent so much time trying to get in there before I realized Lacroix was in the less impressive tower next door

It looks like Underworld Ascendant. Literally the gameplay and structure of the game are identical. It even has similar interfaces and animations. And we know how that turned out.


>kine gets hit in the face witha lead pip by vampire
>barely reacts
the thing is though they should've improved the combat
i think you're on about the libary, it had a cut mission

nigga most people don't know what "discord" is

go outside

>Yea Forums

But they were great.

>The first game has the worst third-person melee combat I've played.

If you've played more than 20 games this is an absurd statement.

>All I care about is the atmosphere and writing.
>Rik Schaffer

Allegedly they're using a combination of mostly new tracks with a few unused tracks from the original game. So even if Schaffer's lost it we'll still get a few great background music tracks.

The animations are beyond redeemable, holy shit.

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Supposedly the devs intended to have a quest in the library, but didn't get around to it in time.

Other than visuals the game looks worse than the original in every aspect. I don't think some improvements are too much to ask for in a sequel that comes out 15 years later. This is just fucking embarrassing really.

Also the first game being shit in some areas is not a blank check for the sequel to be shit as well. That is a retarded argument to have.

>lengthy animations
>no real sense of rhythm
>weapons all basically swing the same
Even the first witcher was better

Unfortunately, I don't have shit standards like you, if you are going to make a sequel to bloodlines, I expect no less than bloodlines, same type of voice acting, same type of animation, same type of storytelling, same of type of combat, but, bloodlines 2 have nothing to do with bloodlines outside of the setting and title, is not a sequel, is not an improved version, nor a remake, is a shit cashgrab made but a no name studio with zero experience with RPGs, and published by one of the most greed companies in the video game industry.
>Oh but you have Brian and Rik, they will fix game
Rik already explained in past interviews he won't be able to put the same emotional catharsis in his musics because his current life is good, and they already using old tracks in the game, and Brian, from demo and the interviews, will not be close to vtmb dialog.
>But mods and the community
Mods and the community won't fix the game, because the base game is shit, the community won't have the same quality of voice actors from the first one, and I'm sure most people don't have the type of writing from the first one, and mods won't change the shit stiff animations, change the perspective of the camera, it won't allow you to create new clans, add unique interactions, at the best, will be a level editor like DUUM, you create a quests and NPCs, add to the base game and whatever.
I don't want to play Deus Ex Human Revolution with vampires, I want to play an actual sequel to Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, I don't want the shit realism close to Bloodlines.

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Still superior to VTMB2, and the combat in late game was fun.

the combat in bloodlines is not the best but it was fast paced, this one jusy seems slow and """weighty"""

That's wrong though, the ARG and announcement trailer were very hype, then it went downhill when the blue hairs appeared on stage.

>Even though Yea Forums will latch on to it like a pitbull on a baby

Who's Penny? New ghoul?

It's played by a video game journalist with a controller, people should not ignore that. If you play like a drunk retard you can make the best game in the world look like shit. Remember the Polygon guy playing Doom.

Paradox employee was playing the game.

>Rik already explained in past interviews he won't be able to put the same emotional catharsis in his musics because his current life is good

That's got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read, you must be a teen

Atmosphere might be good -- if we're lucky it might even be GREAT -- but it won't be on the same level as the original. Everything we've seen so far already proves that.

Seriously, THE single biggest red flag about this game is the fact that the devs set it in seattle just because that's where THEY'RE from. That shows that they don't care about the game, its content, its history, or its fanbase. By putting it in seattle the devs have proven that they think this is about THEM and not about the game itself and they sure as fuck don't care about what their potential customers want.

What blue hairs

He was a junkie out of jail, composing music for a undisclosed project.

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The biggest issue with the combat in the last game is that it's just not skill based. Gothic has dry as fuck combat, but it's 100% skill based and you can deal with literally any problem as long as you bother to take the time to git gud. VTMB is probably physically impossible to play without regularly taking damage in combat because there's just not much skill involved at all and you don't even really have the option to improve beyond the slightest bit.

looks like a first person mod for gta

>bloodlines 2 have nothing to do with bloodlines outside of the setting and title


I really wish they had called it "Vampire: The Masquerade: SOMETHINGOTHERTHANBLOODLINES". It's clearly a World of Darkness game, but it's not even based on the same version of the World of Darkness, let alone its lack of any meaningful similarity to VTMB, which means passing it off as a sequel is misleading.

thanks for pointing that out, i couldn't figure out what was off about her

>it won't allow you to create new clans

People have managed to pull this off in the original, which is a borderline miracle, so don't count that out for 2 which is literally designed to be moddable unlike the original.

This is EXTREMELY worrying if true.

>welcome to EB games


IGN and some other site confirmed the game wasn't working correctly on the booth, and Paradox sent a their video, someone posted a image yesterday.

>one of the most greed companies in the video game industry

Paradox is fucking evil. Seriously, anyone who knows the kind of shit they pull should know that this game was doomed from the start. I'd sooner trust Activision to make a polished sequel then them. They might be the single most soulless corporation in the industry.

we will have to mod out the shit song that was playing in the video and replace it with the right one

That's why you pretend to be a Tremere, like every other thinblood around.

Even the dance animations.

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youtu.be/SYPyd_ECL-4 This one?

It's not his statements, he can feel however he wants, it's you believing in the correlation between short-term suffering and creative drive
Also, while highly enjoyable and fitting in the game, I find it kinda silly that he says he can't top Bloodlines OST; either he has extreme low self-esteem or extremely misled in his judgement of it

Here's your Bloodlines menu theme


>the game wasn't working correctly on the booth

What the fuck? So it's in even WORSE condition than what they showed in the video?!

The Slugg quest they showed was good and showed lots of potential and convinced me it's gonna be good, so I'm buying the game.

Paradox is a cancer. The moment I read that they acquired the rights I lost all hope for ever seeing a decent WoD rpg.

It's pre-alpha footage, what do you expect? The game's dropping in q1 of 2020, so they'll polish it by then.


>pre-alpha footage
Can we stop with this shit already? You know full well that is not pre-alpha.

It's quite obvious how much they borrowed the combat system from Condemned Criminal Origins, from the lead pipe action to the gun system where once you expend all bullets you pretty much throw away the gun.

Plebs, long necks are kino.

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Atmosphere is gone, judging by the gameplay videos.
See how he just walked out of his apartment, across the street, into an apparently 'popular' dance club that had otherwise no other environmental contextual information from the outside why it would be there. It's kind of out place. I understand the Asylum was much the same, but Asylum gave off the vibe of a seedy dive bar not some high class club, that's in the middle of an empty quiet street.

Not to mention the most important thing... the sex appeal. Sex appeal and seediness was dripping off the old game. Now it's been completely sterilized.

And that is good enough for them to actually showcase it which means it's one of the "better" parts that is "finished/working". Should be cause for a lot of concern.

Biggest red flag about this game is Paradox's involvement, I simply cannot imagine Paradox not stuffing a game with bullshit DLC.

But it said pre-alpha footage, why would they lie?

Nobody knows, but my guess is we're gonna hear more about it next year on e3 since it probably proved too much for Cyanide and they needed more time.

Big necks are perfect for deepthroating


Attached: ISOLATED.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

So, are we gonna get any more info thus summer?
Or wait till paradoxcon?

>open pre-orders with early access, three different editions, dlc, season pass and "expansion"

It's definitely off to a good start. I also like how that was after their CGI trailer and not a single second of gameplay to reel in some gullible retards.


>soulless REMEMBER X numake
I was honestly excited for the game but these fucking demos man...

I'm gonna hug Dale

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That much was obvious. Just listen to this crap. Almost the exact same as the original but worse. Seems to be a theme with this game.



Finally someone else who also hates the new theme

I'm ok with the menu music and the cinematic trailer was hype as fuck, the issue is mostly how shit and unpolished the game itself looks, the audio is completely flat and the jank is something you would expect from a game 3 years away, not 10 months.

This is why my mate calls it bloodflows instead of bloodlines

Shitry tranny infested piece of shit, can’t wait for it to flop

It just screams cheap cash grab. Tug a little on nostalgia strings, change it slightly to appear "new" and voila. Literally everything about this turd is completely fucking soulless and without an identity of its own.

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>Literally everything about this turd is completely fucking soulless and without an identity of its own.
That's wrong though, I was actually afraid they would change the game up too much because of the CG trailer, the issue is how the game itself doesn't live up to the trailer at all.
You are right about the game probably ending up shit but for the wrong reasons, it was looking good until the gameplay demos.

How buggy do you think VTMB2 is gonna be? Memory leaks? Stutters? Getting stuck on doors?

Game is not meant for you

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>the game was looking good until they showed the game

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Exactly, the marketing material is great and high budget, I know it's a meme but it's not that often you see such a gigantic disparity in marketing and game quality.

>Game is not meant for /pol/tards
fixed it

My Malk girl is gonna make it her goal to have weird, gross vampire sex with her. By Cain, she is fucking perfect.

t. nigger

hey hey

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>80% of game budget goes to marketing

it wasn't just the camera handling or the shitty aim, the game looks pretty horrible overall

I've always found it funny how much /pol/ (and by extension the alt-right) claims the left gets offended so much, when they get offended at shit like this in video games. Hell, the tiniest shit like a fucking coffee cup at Starbucks sets them off in a ridiculously childish rage. And they don't even notice their hypocrisy.

Because they're militants, and all militants tend to develop outrage subcultures. Their behavior is not very different from marxists in universities and such.


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>muh carthage
>muh beast
>muh cobweb
>muh dignitas
>muh sewers
>muh art
>muh carthage
>muh pyramid
>muh corruption
>muh shadows
>muh family
>muh haqin
>muh body horror
>muh mayaparisatya
>muh carthage

Attached: proooö =DDD.png (500x250, 35K)

No sane person wants to play a game where pandering to mentally ill people is the main objective.

Sorry, sorry, Neo-Nazis is the appropriate term. My bad.

>exact same massive attack ripoff but remixed to sound a lot shittier

White people you mean

White niggers.

>Best girl is best clan

You people and /pol/ have a lot in-common. It's either hateful neo-nazi white supremacists or the joos who are stupid and subhuman, but also able to control the whole world somehow. Funny how both groups could be played as a "fill in the blanks" with "alt-right" or "jews" and have the exact same script down to the last word.

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It's the main theme afterall. It's gonna be reused but different.

The Irish?

Dude they got triggered when starbucks removed happy Christmas from their cups.
Don't get me wrong, i'm a lefty and our critiques of cultures can sometimes get ridiculous like the recent cyberpunk /CDPR shit and digging shit people said years ago to destroy them but right wingers get triggered just as easily.

When a dev studio is so infested with self-centered blue hairs who think "choose your pronouns" is a good selling point you know how little attention will be given to the actual game, making your game political will automatically and mechanically make it shit.

>that neck
>that lip ring
Made for face fucking.

Post yfw when you found out Blood Strike has ZERO second cooldown

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>i'm a lefty and our critiques
Imagine putting yourself in the same booth at the most deranged subhumans of Twitter. I pity you.

It's almost as if people are oversensitive no matter their ideology and they just want to pretend that their side is the universal good side, while the other side is evil satan.

They mentioned it once. They're not even using it as a marketing thing, literally just saying "hey make whatever character you want, you have options". Go back to /pol/, friend.

Thanks for ruining another game with your lunacy.

One is objectively better.
What society would be the best and most functional?
The one run by white racist alt-righters or the one run by non-whites, feminists and gay people?

quest objectives in the UI trigger the absolute fuck out of me, I hope retard mode can be disabled

well, at least there won't be a map, I guess

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I'd rather associate with trannies than race realists or white nationalist or whatever name they use to hide their fascist believes any day of the week.


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Personally I don't like junk people and wouldn't want to be in a society with either kind.

What you doing not posting on reddit instead? Isn't that what you want?

NOOOOOOO hes a fishmalk

It’s a trick question, because the second option wouldn’t have a society at all.

>there's only two choices
>if you don't follow one extreme, you must go with the other
>you either need to hang everyone who dares speak up about anything or completely indulge in self destructive behaviour or youre a centrist with no opinion!
I'd rather both of those had the option to get therapy that's not overpriced and filled with underqualified people.

That’s pretty funny considering the people you associate with are fascists by definition

Nor would the first one, nigger. What, you thought your special snowflake IQ89 populist politics stood above the others? Populists are all niggers who should be gassed. Nigger.

thats a dude

So fascism is now allowing people to live their lives in a way that makes them happy if it doesn't hurt anyone else?
You don't even know the definition of fascist, do you?

That’s just because you aren’t white though.

>liberal society

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>just as easily
Clearly that's not true just from what you've said right in that sentence.

/pol/ has its fair share of retards but even those will never be as retarded as people writing equivalencies like these and thinking they made some profound observation

Read a book or get more inner mental dialogues sessions

Even with someone competent playing it there were still so many issues. Hopefully most of it is just alpha jank and will be fixed in the next 9 months.

Why would anyone choose Thinblood?

Ghosts, and goblins, and cuties, oh my!

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Yeah no one likes junk people like niggers, have you seen those crime rates?

If you hate this you're an intolerant fascist

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My dude


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>no gangrel
>no nosferatu
>no new clans
shit game

I better not see any of you utter faggots making a discord for the vg thread when this game comes out. I expect better of you

If you need to ask, go read about it. Some of the core fascist strategies is to use fear and violence against people who disagree with you. Even if it means using it against their family to get what you want. It's good that the tolerant beacons of virtue lefties never ever do it. That would be problematic.

/vg/ is already the cancer where franchises go to die

>be gay
>do something fucked
>suddenly all gay people are bad

>be white
>do something bad
>well that was an individual act, he obviously doesn't represent an entire group of people and so we shouldn't demonize said group

really makes one think

>no nosferatu
Didn't they confirm trans characters?

So you'd be fine with people reenacting slavery at white pride parades?

>Prince Cross
Please tell me he's back

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A white doing something bad won't be encouraged by other whites, they will go to prison.
Can't say the same about pride parades and niggers.

I'm conflicted
I guess I'll wait till the end of the year and if things don't look better by then then it's totally fucked

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Prince Cross is bald dude

he's been turned into a noseferatu. would be cool to see a punished lacroix hiding in seattle tho

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You just did it again. You are so angry you create fantasies in your head, like
>dev studio is so infested with self-centered blue hairs who think "choose your pronouns" is a good selling point
to rationalize that butthurt.

Problem is gay people don’t condemn the behavior of the other gay people. Why would they not be accomplices?

He's posing as a nosferatu thinblood named Samuel

You can't get turned into another clan
Well, if Caine decides that you're part of a different clan, sure, but otherwise no

You don’t even deny it, because you know it’s true.
So do you have a point or an argument?

no hes pretending

Let me give you the simplest example possible
>Group A is the size of 100 million
>Group B is the size of 1 million
100000 from each group do something bad based on each others views. Calculate the % of "people who did bad" for both groups. Sit on the results for a few minutes and think about it.
Bonus homework
Group A discourages the bad people from their group and either treats them or puts them away, while not wanting anyone else to do the same.
Group B accepts those people who "did bad" from their own group and wants more people to be like that.

It's almost as if morbidly individualistic people have such an inflated ego than they'd rather revel in their objectively mediocre intelligence and sober image (compared to those crazy people that shout on the internet) than take a stance on things

>A white doing something bad won't be encouraged by other whites
Damn, I didn't know whites were so advanced that they cannot partake in fucked up actions in groups. Hell I find something new about myself everyday.

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Wasn't his crosshairs right on the enemy and they weren't registering the hits?
God I hate the nuNosferatu.

I mean LaCroix's VA is voicing the Nosferatu in the gameplay trailer

Yes, they actually did mention gender pronouns.

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>but then the united minority armies filled with LGBT members, blacks, mexicans and other groups rose up and destroyed the evil white nazies and ended WW2. Everyone clapped.

Their enemies who beat them were what color again?

gameplay footage is literally the most disappointed thing I saw in months
I don't want to be a contrarian (not that I payed attention on Yea Forums's opinion of the game) but this shit really looks depressingly bad. Paired with a unknown studio - low budget and they releasing that footage thinking THAT will hype up the people.... I strongly believe it'll be trash
I was so hopeful before #3, even started another VtMB play.... This shit is sad

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Oh shit I'm sorry

i appreciate the compass thing instead of a minimap but it's fucking distracting and i just seems like a crutch for bad level design and i breaks immersion.
>inb4 hurr durr u can urn it off
it doesn't change the fact that it's there for a reason, even the floaty ui elements are just cluttering the whole thing and are even with the whole unfitting minimalist design.

And what's wrong with it being included? Even if it is for PR, it makes people feel included. More people will buy the game. And it's such a small feature that it boggles my mind that people are taking issue with it.

Are Nosferatu just worse Gangrel?

The point is that what you said is not true. It was mentioned once in an interview, they are not acting like it's a huge selling point. But you have to pretend that they are to justify getting outraged by such a minor thing.

it's nice to hear his voice tho.. who knows they might bring LaCroix himself back seeing as they've confirmed that some of the popular characters from 1 are back. they could just bullshit that lacroix managed to survive the blast cause he had celerity and fortitude.

You don't get it dude. Customization in rpg's is good unless it pleases gay and trans people. Than its bad.

Could they possible make the gunplay feel any more weightless and unfun?

A game is about good gameplay and worldbuilding, not about how many trendy made up mental illnesses you can cram into it.

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It would be good if it gave stats or actually affected gameplay in a meaningful way.

WHy doesnt the game have iron sights?

Because the large majority feels excluded by having that shit in it.

You're delusional just look what they fuckin did to new collosus. Don't tell me that level design was finished and those characters were fleshed out to be nothing but progressive caricatures.

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Never ever let it cool?

Mental illness needs to be treated, not humored and accepted.

no, this is a dude

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I didn't even recognize him brfore someone here pointed it out lol

I don't think anyone would really care if lacroix being alive was breaking canon or anything

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Like locking you into playing as a Malkavian and get a penalty in intelligence, seduction and humanity

because nobody else wants it included
its uncomfortable and annoying

I hope they adjust the zoom. I guess they're trying to add more body language (maybe) to the conversation trees but I liked how close up the characters were. Now it feels like you're talking from several feet away and it's awkward. You'd also think they'd wanna be closer considering they're talking about vampire things.

>More people will buy the game
Why would they? Twitter trannies don't play games to begin with, this is purely political pressure for the benefit of a powerful few.

>implying that's as long as the one in vtmb2

Caine I know you're shitposting here, when are you gonna stop being a faggot and apologize?

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Umm, because people who are trans will like being able to choose their pronouns??? Like feminine-presenting people who like using he/him or masculine-presenting people who like she/they? It's part of the trans identity??? I'm non-binary and like they/their.

The Ventrue have survived much worse. He'll be back.. At least I hope. If not then at least easter eggs or references/callbacks from previous game will suffice

Someone post the guide on how to play the original!

>>fast traveling
I can see this being okay if the made it all one big open world. The question is why on earth would you make it all one big open world even modern games struggle with that concept. the first game's hub areas worked great for what it was.

>>quest markers
>>objective pop-ups
Oh no...

Nice cock.


please PLEASE be an ironic shitpost

Yeah, I hope entering a conversation with characters will lock you into a set camera angle, like with the nosferatu in the trailer someone can accidentaly block his face with a bar

It can be anything honestly, stat penalty, different interactions with the world, buffs, debuffs and so on. Saying that it's in favor of RPG elements when you don't even notice it makes it useless and only done as a way to pander to something thats popular right now for exposure. It's not made for gameplay or the player in mind, it's made to be a talking point and to fuel discussions/debates/rage and other shit.
Many RPGs offer slightly different choices even if you choose between male/female. They do impact the gameplay and dialogue options at the very least, so it's an actual RPG element. Being able to choose your pronouns without anything else is empty.

I'm beginning to understand why companies are so reluctant on showing raw gameplay footage. It looked like absolute dogshit that killed most of my interest for the game. It looked like a cheap fan project you'd find for free on the internet instead of a full-fledged sequel. How the fuck does a game from fifteen YEARS ago have better facial animations? It's absolutely baffling. And I doubt they can fix all that much in the 6-ish months they have.

/d/ would also like if you could suck huge vampire futa dicks, that doesn't mean it needs to be added, what makes your fetish particularly special?

There's a peince named Cross, his VA's back so they haven't forgotten him

There's hope

>The question is why on earth would you make it all one big open world
Im pretty sure vtmb2 uses hub system, like the first game

So theres no playable Nosferatu or Gangrel?

Attached: 15372569376194.jpg (1235x638, 172K)

Well that’s the problem, they want special treatment and equality and the same time. Imagine the outrage if it had differences

No they'll be DLC later

No. They said other clans are gonna be free dlc but

That is some shitty dancing.


if that's the case it's even more unfortunate. Both the journal and the characters would give you directions on where to go to get to places and I've never heard of anyone getting lost in the first game (outside of maybe the old sewers but they were somewhat intentionally maze like)

Because trannies are selfish super snowflakes who need special treatment

>You lose the gun
Your lying.

Do devs think people actually like it when the camera clunkily goes third person from first person?

Attached: arrow.gif (360x202, 1.73M)

Yes? Especially when you can choose different pronouns too


>Imagine the outrage if it had differences
Yeah .The joke is I'm not a fan of fags and yet i'd be perfectly fine with whatever tranny shit, LGBT and pronouns in the game if it affects the gameplay/story or lets you select difference outcomes. It means it adds replayability. If it has absolutely no effect on the gameplay and does nothing except a few places saying "Xir was shot in the shoulder" then whats the point. Why would anyone who likes games be okay with even more bloat in games when there's already tons of unnecessary shit. But as you said it would be hard to do to not hurt them. what if the gay character gets rejected or shunned in a cutscene.

>How the fuck does a game from fifteen YEARS ago have better facial animations? It's absolutely baffling.

That's not a problem with VtMB2 in itself though, VtMB1 NPCs had something special in their facial expressions and eyes that has not really been replicated since. I never found any RPG where you speak to someone in first person that did it better. I wasn't expecting to be impressed this time.

Why didn't they just copy the melee combat from mount and blade? Literally everyone would be happy.

>1) Include "Tranny Mode" in the gameplay options menu
>2)When enabled, Tranny Mode will still allow you choose Male/Female but it will unlock all clothing/makeup/facial hair options for both!
>3)You are most welcome for blessing you with my insight, both trannies and normies alike!

Why does every modern dev think that every single thing you do needs to have a flow breaking animation attached to it?
>jump off a building
>no fall damage because vampires lmao
>hold on wait a minute can't let you do that without stopping the game to play a five second long landing recovery animation

I'm betting people are just going to use the new game to remake the original. Which I am a ok with.

I wonder if it was related to the third guy from Troika, Jason Anderson? Apparently he was a fucking wizard when it came to making the art come to life in game.

How to actually solve it
>Don't shove fucking political memes in your game

lol, no.

Source had really good facial animations.

It's funny how the faces are so deep in the uncanny valley and also feel the most expressive. It's like the characters are breaking the fourth wall or something. Didn't they hand animate everything? I remember watching some old video where they animated all of the vowels and stuff for mouth expressions and i think it was for VtMB.

or how about we don't conform to a group that makes up a microscopically tiny portion of humanity

but thats gay thats how we end up with things like shadowy negaHitler in hearts of iron

That's historical, not current politics.

Ugh that’s literally segregation FUCK YOU NAZI

Hey man I'm trying to be optimistic here, hopefully they'll be history soon too.

Or how about this
>Does adding anything else besides male/female affect the story in a meaningful way? Does it affect the gameplay in any way? Does it feel out of place or does the game world fit in with it perfectly?
>Yes to all?
>Add it.
>Dont add it.

That's impressive and sounds very tedious

they could copy the melee combat from mordhau for all i care

why are you so obsessed with trannies? i dont get it are they the new bogeyman? are they the new democrates? i hate americans for forcing trannies and discussing tranny positivity and negativity in here.

source not only has incredibly good facial animation, it can literally automate mouth movements based on sillable, how loud is it ecc, just feed it a .wav file and you got the basic mouth movements setup
probably frees up time to do the clean-up job


>adding a feature that takes less than 5 minutes to program and implement somehow means the whole gameplay will be worse
yeah, nah

Why should it even be implemented at all?

The original game was a massive fucking turd. Yes I unfortunately played it, and recently unlike all the people who mistakenly praise it.
Don't tell me you're one of the tranny spammers in all the VTMB2 threads.
The game is going to realease. It is going to sell well. It is going to out do your janky piece of source shit in every imaginable way and all you will be left to do is play your same fucking lame game over and over again on loop like the autistic worm you are. Go hide in your poop-hole, filthy nos.

>The original game was a massive fucking turd.
Stopped reading, kys tranny

Besides it taking much longer than 5 minutes, it also shows the developer's actual priorities.
The red flags were there but I still had hope it was just misguided pandering by a few spokespeople, but demo shows they really don't give a fuck about the game at all and only want to virtue signal.

>besides Male/Female
those are literally the only two choices I gave
what are you on about m8

I don't think that's him

>why are you so obsessed with trannies?
I don't give a shit about them at all tbqhwy but nobody else will stop seething over them
Try discussing the actual game instead, I'll wait.

>It is going to sell well
The first game didn't sell well at all and was overshadowed by a much more popular game that came out in the same day, the sequel is also suffering from being overshadowed by a popular game and the gameplay demo probably has the worst reception out of all the demos there barring pokemon.
A game doesn't sell well because it panders to demographics that don't play videogames.

He's a nozzie thin-blood. I haven't watched all the footage though, did they show any earlier gen nosferatu?

>Try discussing the actual game instead
Okay like the fact that it’s a mess pandering to trannies?

They used third party tool to animate the faces.

Cyberpunk also has trannies

>Yes I unfortunately played it, and recently unlike all the people who mistakenly praise it.
You just have a shit taste.

I see you never worked on a large coding project in your entire life. The only way it is easy if they add a singular text field and you never ever see it pop up again, besides your character creation. But if that's the case, then why even have it? Why add extra bloat into your game? There's a whole function or even a separate class dedicated just to that. In coding you want to have as little of useless stuff as possible that do nothing for your project.


nope, just thinbloods


Here's your senior writer bro.

Attached: destruction.png (583x147, 18K)

Didn't they hire AAA industry veterans or some shit after they landed VTMB? Then why does the game look like shit

Attached: hsl_partner.png (251x210, 24K)

but the original is straight garbage but set in an interesting universe which gave it a bit of a cult status. The gameplay was terrible, the missions were terrible, the characters were hit and miss, its got old graphics and sound. I'm not sure what you think was so good about it

don't post tweets without linking to them

Yes companies take huge financial risks to make sequels for cult hits because they want to show how progressive they are. How stupid are you? The demo didn't even have any virtue signalling so they must failed at that too.

Ya’ll are pathetic. Just because the women and allies of Hardsuit Labs want to include the trans community it’s the end of the world?

I think the problem isn't the retard of IGN playing the game in the videos, is the game that looks dreadful, don't be delusional.


Attached: 1557313682006.png (1800x814, 176K)

> The gameplay was terrible, the missions were terrible, the characters were hit and miss, its got old graphics and sound.

Attached: 1539734188169.png (1680x1050, 1.85M)

A megacorp objectifying a tranny for a power drink ad is hilarious and fits the dystopian nightmare setting perfectly.

i mean it's probably better to shitpost about the game rather than have an actual discussion about how awful it is. The devs are so incompetent that they couldn't have a crosshair that increases/decreases in size depending on your skill with guns which Deus Ex maanged to do twenty years ago, or the ai animations unironically look worse than VtMB despite that game being shoved out the door.

Cyberpunk is doing trannies properly.

wowee its almost as if the game isn't done

had to drop the first game around the sewers, and not looking too excited for this one

Bad opinions besides gameplay.

But the tranny is too attractive, trannies hate that for some reason

so make the trannies cuter with HUGE RIBBED COCKS and we're good to go?
Seems like not including Tzimisce as playable really is a mistake.

Ouch, that looks like Die Hard: Vendetta levels of jank.

They're butthurt because the tranny is hung like a horse and it's embarrassing, for they are dicklets.

That would be problematic you cis scum

No, it's all about context, a megacorp using a tranny for an ad is par for the course for the setting, it's not about pandering at all and actually criticizes how corporations sway public culture which is the whole point of cyberpunk, the ad is criticizing devs like hardsuit.

wow I wish I could see a small portion of .jpg and come to wild conclusions about the devs' thought process like this

I was under the impression being a thinblood didn't make you look like a nozzie?

Never ever faggot

You could just read the artists own words about it

t. Sane, un-obsessed user.
The og was carried by it's premise and voice acting, which was still very cheesy. I'm honestly starting to believe vtmb might be the most overhyped game of all time. It at least ties with Half-Life2, but overall HL2 will give you less headaches and make you cringe less.

They already directly explained it bud.
While Hardsuit exploits trannies for cookie points, CDPR makes fun of that which is hilarious since the devs also said VTMB was a big inspiration for CP2077.

CDPR isn't making fun of it, though. They're making a point about how social and mental issues get exploited by big corporations to make bigger bucks

>snivelly kike tells you about not breaking the masquerade
>he isn't a vampire
>just a baby dick eating, blood drinking jewish RAT
I hope we get to kill him. Preferrably with either gas or fire.

>Besides it taking much longer than 5 minutes
>adding a button to a menu takes longer than 5 minutes


If VTMB2 has the same issues as another Hardsuit Labs game, Killing Floor 2, we'll see this:
-long load times
-sound design issues (multiple things sound alike)
-jumping into or moving into a solid object in an unexpected way may accidentally kill you, albeit very rarely
-getting stuck on small bits of uneven scenery when you're running/jumping
-occasional crashes like once a week, and inability to report them
-melee hit/hurt boxes seem a little off

what's wrong with them though?
I mean if I'd see some F4 style yes/no/sarcasm dialog I would understand, but it looked great

wow it's almost as if you could read the devs talk about you you fucking passive aggressive piece of useless shit.

>-jumping into or moving into a solid object in an unexpected way may accidentally kill you, albeit very rarely
>-getting stuck on small bits of uneven scenery when you're running/jumping
>-long load times
>-sound design issues (multiple things sound alike)

>"Personally, for me, this person is sexy. I like how this person looks,"
Huh...really...makes me think...

KF2 is by Tripwire, the only halfway decent game HSL did was Blacklight Retribution but it was microtransaction hell, HSL ported KF2 to PS4 but that's it I think.

wow its almost as if that just contradicts you so you probably shouldn't have even brought it up
>Despite the controversy, she hopes that the ad will ultimately help foster empathy for the LGBTQ community among the overall videogame audience.

Almost like people don't care about the artist's personal opinions as long as the product itself isn't pandering garbage.

what's wrong though?
he missed every shot, obvious low ranged feat

>guns may be temporary
>melee may suck
>but blood magic is eternal

Attached: blood-for-the-blood-god.jpg (480x343, 94K)

>Cyberpunk panders
>actually the artist sai-

wtf I love kuei jin now

Thinblood aren't necessarilly clanless, it depends on your luck
nossie thinbloods can look full nosferatu or just be slightly disfigured

Are you retarded? How does the article contradict anything? You tried to use the tranny as a gotcha even though the rationale for its inclusion is the complete opposite of what hardsuit is doing.

>she hopes that the ad will ultimately help foster empathy for the LGBTQ community among the overall videogame audience.
It sure won't, trannies got mad about it to begin with so it only exposed them further as the complete lunatics they are.

Wow it's almost as if that's the point.
Again, cyberpunk did it right, VtMB:2 did not.

>Hardsuit: You'll be able to pick your pronoun
>CDPR: LOOK AT THIS SLUT'S HUGE ROBOT COCK. CHANGE THINGS UP, BIGOT. We the devs, think (s)he's sexy as FUCK! We're standing up for LGBTQ rights by showing their struggles and how corporations explot these brave people!

>this is somehow Hardsuit going overboard and CDPR being 100% acceptable

Your fellow trannies disagree with you, they didn't like CDPR accurately portraying megacorps exploiting mental illnesses to sell products.

What's the point of making up claims and exaggerating them? Just to 'win' an online argument on an anonymous imageboard?

why did you guys even link to the article if you're just going to turn around and ignore every single thing it says?

More people will be excluded by adding it

Nothing it says contradicts what was said in this thread, what are you even trying to do?

Yes it quite literally does, not going to bother responding to you anymore since you're clearly either retarded or illiterate.

>made by SJWs

Maybe you should go back to resetera to see what your friends thought about the ad.

>Hardsuit : Lets add tranny shit just because we need the good karma points and dunno lol who cares
>CDPR : lets add trannies because in the dystopian future everyone is exploited and it seamlessly integrates into our game and world where people are seen as cattle by corporations with shameless targeted aggressive ads

In the first case a company builds more hate towards a group because they're forcefully lumped in for no reason. In the second case, you add a world building element that people who play the game can take away and empathize more with people who are different. You literally have a setting where humans can modify their body in whatever shape they want to please their personal desires. Having trannies makes perfect sense in cyberpunk 2077. The element isn't there to appease some group of people that comment on twitter, but because it should be there. In hardsuit case, it was added to be hip and popular with the current social trend.

How hard is it to understand?

The pronoun issue is kind of pointless as it'll be more for gender queer people rather than trans. If you're trans you'd probably just play the body type you identify with have the pronoun to match. It's more that some people suspect screwy political biases to dominate their story telling focus.

CDPR didn't say anything about, 'you better change things up, bigot'. Having all sorts of gender changing and enhancements via technology fits the setting. This seems to fit fine, and isn't necessarily a sign of shying away from being anything but political preaching (aside from the traditional genre morale of 'cyberpunk is a dystopia, powerful megacorps are bad').

we're already living in that future dumbass

>SSeth's reddit as fuck youtube channel has created another garbage memefest and ruined another good community

Every fucking time. Garbage youtubers.

Attached: 1541120546145.gif (200x150, 395K)

look at this fucking cope

>its ok in cyberpunk because its a social trend!
>its not ok in Bloodlines because its a social trend!
pretty fucking hard to understand because its not even an argument

> that some people suspect screwy political biases to dominate their story telling focus.
Suspect with absolutely no valid reason as Hardsuit and Paradox have said less about gays and trannies than CDPR has

the only genuinely awful thing so far is that stupid combat flip animation that seems to happen randomly. What were they thinking?

Attached: 1436677912421.png (486x613, 314K)

How can you ruin something that's already shit?



imagine spending your thursday seething about a game you aren't even interested in on a ugandan spearfishing forum

>add a social trend forcefully in your game just because it's a trend and make it a core selling point of your game
>add a social trend into your game because it make sense for the story and gameplay, because it's part of the world building elements and have it as one of many things that your game covers while being just a piece of a bigger picture
I'm astounded at how simple concepts elude you. I know this is bait and all, but it feels so real. I'm almost curious at what bullshit response you will give next.

The shittiest and the worst character in the entire trailer.
>dumb design
>cringe jokes
>annoying voice
Why the fuck did he had to narrate the most of the trailer with that squeaky toy voice? I don't give a shit that he's a tutorial character. Jack never narrated a damn thing back then either. And Lilian narrated the first trailer, speaking the lines that won't even be in the game. They should've just done the same here and hired a guy that has a voice for narration. Either Mitsoda or Neil Ross:
Just, fuck Dale! I've never hated a character I saw merely from the trailer as much as Dale. He's awful. They'll have to work hard to make me like him in the game. Especially because he's confirmed as someone who has lame sense of humor (which means that we can expect more cringe like in the trailer), and has that godawful voice.
I just want to sell him to the first Sabbat I see.

Attached: tfw Dale talks.gif (330x286, 3.34M)

holy fuckin based retard do you really not understand that we're living in the world you seem to think is only in dystopian cyberpunk settings?
Its as relevant to World of Darkness as it is to Cyberpunk because its a trend being pushed in both worlds bud

Unironically didn't look that bad. The worst things were the flips and forcing you into third person for climbing and lockpicking. Although in the case of the former some people get confused if you do shit like that in first person and in the latter you could argue it's so you can see the shit around you. That aside the jank made me more optimistic. If a game is janky in places like animations and audio (the enemies were all repeating the same line) that usually (emphasis on usually) means the devs put more effort elsewhere. Almost all of my favorite games are either janky (VTMB, KCD, to some extent Morrowind) or unfinished (FNV, KOTOR 2, VTMB again)

imagine spending a single moment on Yea Forums's board for children's toys instead of going out and trying to have sex

You are too retarded to even function.

wait so you mean there were jokes?I didnt even notice them
Anyway it is pirate on day 1 for me

Attached: wut.jpg (480x360, 10K)

shitposting is unironically more entertaining

epic response, I'm shocked that only took you 6 minutes

One of the trademarks of /pol/tards is that they have never actually partaken or know anything about the thing they are mad about.

Attached: 432.png (552x637, 293K)

The lack of quest markers in VTMB was mostly because the environment was memorable enough that you could figure out where to go for every task. The new hub (if it will even be a hub) looks not less distinct, but also bigger and therefore easier to get lost in

Leave Dale alone :(

I am a /pol/tard and I don't appreciate your bigotry tbqh
What are you implying by lumping me in with them? Do you think we're all the same?
literally shaking rn

I'm mad because I cared about the game, that's the problem. It just looks bad and I doubt things will improve much unless they decide to delay it which is very unlikely since delays are stock market suicide.

Same. Fact that other thin blood who could've worked as our information broker will die just so we're forced to be with Dale, triggers me even more.

/pol/ is living in your head free

using that logic, literally every single tiny thing that has ever triggered /pol/ (everything ever) is living rent free in their heads

epic post btw

>using that logic, i know what you are but what am I

Not him, but Dale attempts at sarcasm multiple times. He does it so at very start of the trailer with:
>You're dead. Having fun yet?
He does it multiple times when trying to explain how vampire society works. It's very awkward type of "humor" but it's there.

seeting because i'm right.
imagine being mad at a literal elementary school technique because it blew you out.


Tranny pandering games always flop, prove me wrong

Yeah I'm with you there user and I hope they delay it
9 months doesn't seem like enough time to get it out of "pre-alpha" and polish it to a decent level


Attached: 1533045327404.jpg (575x768, 99K)

By that logic, I know you are but what am I?

Please don't bully Dale. It's not his fault that he's special.

Attached: Autism.jpg (944x986, 325K)

misquote, meant for

>mfw i'm rent free in /pol/'s head with one post

Attached: 1539289445272.jpg (750x750, 27K)

>Sunless Seas
>Street Fighter

gg no runback. get the fuck out of the thread.

You're not very convincing when you're pulling that 15 year old copycat bullshit, bud.

Attached: 1446074678361.jpg (431x450, 68K)

The Voermans in B2 would feel like fanservice at best.

>this dull nigger is the first character you meet in VtMB2
>meanwhile in VtMB1 youtu.be/4aa8B7hIynE

That's the same for everyone who isn't Beckett or Pisha. Only Beckett and Pisha make any sense. Whoever else appears is just pure fanservice with zero sense to it.

I love my wife Pisha and I hope she returns!

Attached: 1559336869583.png (896x896, 595K)

I fucking hate paradox so much

Attached: 8d4.jpg (500x738, 40K)

Actually, no. The first character you will meet is pic-related. Then you'll meet Bruce Wills looking guy. Then some guy named Dominic who will be killed by cover guy. AND THEN YOU'LL MEET DALE.
That's 4 characters before you even get to Dale.

Attached: such_nice_guy.jpg (1200x675, 31K)

>I just want to sell him to the first Sabbat I see.
Well, there will be 4 factions in this game. So this might be an option.

She mentioned leaving town in VTMB. This is a character that I can actually see returning.

Yea, but Dale is the one we'll be stuck with at start of the game.

For a few seconds.
>that guy will only stake us to bring us to the court
>so-called Bruce Wills guy will play Sebastian for us in the court
>Dominic is just some guy who will get JUST'D before he can even say anything useful to us
>cover guy is there only to traumatize us by cutting Dominic's head off
Meanwhile, Dale is someone we will have to suffer for MOST OF THE GAME!

We don't know that yet. Since he's a neet we'll probably see him for quests only. Then later we get a clan specific haven so again, you won't

How did you get this information?

We already know that he will play as an information broker for us. How relevant will he stay after we get clan/faction... that we don't know. However, it's obvious that he is the most relevant character at the very start and as someone who will give us the information.

How can you compare the two necks? The VTMB2 has giraffe level of length

>ruined another good community
>VMTB threads are nothing but typical Yea Forums garbage with /pol/

Magazine. Interviews. Everything they've said about this game and how will it apparently go. Bullet points:
>We'll get mass embraced only to be dragged into a court (that pic there).
>We'll wake up in the court and get greeted by this bald guy who will "grill" us.
>Fire starts, which will allow us to escape.
>The first thin blood we'll meet is guy called Dominic who was embraced in the same mass embrace as us and was courted like us.
>He gets his head cut clean off by long haired assassin who will leave us alone because we weren't his target.
>Whole Dale thing after it.

>implying it was Sseth
This shit show has been happening since the fucking gameplay reveal.

I’m going to buy this game

>The first thing you experience in Bloodlines II is a courtroom and you're the one on trial. A bald man in a suit tells you that two weeks prior, you were created in a vampire attack and he wants to know why. A flashback shows that you were walking around Pioneer Square in Seattle when a group of vampires started attacking random citizens and siring new kindred (the series' name for vampires) without the go-ahead of a clan.
>You arrive at the pier after your first combat encounter and come across a man named Dominic. He tells you that there is something mysterious at work in the underbelly of the city and gives you an address to an apartment, but he's soon decapitated by a long haired assassin. He's also about to kill you but says that you aren't on his list and he lets you go.
>You go to the apartment where you meet another vampire named Dale. He gives you some basics on the world — that there are warring clans and that as a clanless vampire, you're in immediate danger. He tells you to stay out of sunlight and out of the way of normal humans. This is where the "Masquerade" comes in. Vampires must not reveal themselves to humans and to do so is a major violation. He gives you the key to the apartment and lets you go.
>At this point, your character can go out exploring, whether it's to feed, fight enemies, find clues to the larger mystery, or to try out your powers. There is a main storyline, but the rest is up to you.
There. I tried to mix you up different interviews about how whole thing will play out.

Attached: Bruce Wills.jpg (936x639, 303K)

>fascist society

Attached: 1f12478685d1e4cb288846dc96a3f647.jpg (550x799, 99K)

>if we bomb you, its your fault!
based retard

This guy looks like Therese/Jeanette's father.

Attached: voerman-family-portrait.png (364x512, 235K)

I see. Thanks

imagine getting bombed and shat on by proto-trannies

Fun-fact: Therese's father is alive and he even writes to Therese/Jeanette.

Attached: 1499049639996.jpg (287x300, 34K)

I know. That's why I said that dude looks like him.

>the inevitable downfall of our society caused by an unwinnable war we started is not our fault

Attached: D6ukn46XsAADRhZ.jpg large.jpg (540x303, 18K)

meant for

I don't like your attitude!

If dale is the info broker i wonder who penny is

SJW garbage

Might be Dale's nickname that he goes by.
I mean, one of his friends apparently got his head cut off because he was... digging too deep. Dale might be using an alias as such.

>Dale pretending to be Penny is the trans representation

that's beside the point you faggot

Nobody posted this yet.

Attached: mainmenu.png (1104x774, 1.27M)

I always thought that was really weird. I preferred when they kept the finer details of Jeanette and Therese's past and their father's murder ambiguous.

Attached: 43912986_293154014864120_2694620638387463355_n.jpg (1080x1334, 170K)

Here is one of your game designers bro

Attached: 9C901B03-A71A-441B-B661-686D2BE95C58.jpg (640x759, 56K)

that music is unused downtown theme, cool

Woah truly epic, can we pay for a game and get to fix it ourselves.. FREE?!

i-is this my cute wife??

Don't get your hopes up, it is a paradox game.

i dont expect the game to be good
none of the characters look even as good as vtmb1, a fucking 15 year old game
voice acting is trash

don't post tweets without linking to them

You do know they are the same person, right?

>clicking it opens a report window

2 options:
>It's just Dale's alias that he might be using because he's too scared not to end up like Dominic guy.
>It's someone we'll meet later since demo starts after we've obtained the clan. Player was of the Brujah clan in the demo.

Interesting theory

>Tremere in the main menu
Based and bloodpilled

Is this her?

Attached: Tremere.jpg (1999x1863, 246K)

What the fuck is that hair?

holy shit that is absolutely disgusting

I love goth art hoes.

>-sound design issues (multiple things sound alike)

Did you not notice that male voice clips were randomly playing for the female NPCs?

Why are Tremeres piercing dykes in this game?

what is it about how cute the tremere are that makes magiclets absolutely SEETHE with jealousy?

Attached: 9e7.gif (120x160, 826)

Weren't those trannies?


>IGN and some other site confirmed the game wasn't working correctly on the booth

Any more info on this?

God I want a real vampire gf

Attached: unknown.png (391x390, 224K)

Yes. That doesn't mean the nature of their past and who they originally were was set in stone. It wasn't meant to be clear if Jeanette was based on a real sister that Therese had, which personality was real, or if one or the other or both were purely a product of trauma and the effects of the Malkavian curse.

Then extra side-material comes out from apparent different writers and drops the ambiguity just to claim that the entire childhood backstory was bullshit.

Attached: pain_of_being_therese_by_lancea_dutdzu.jpg (1024x768, 128K)

Therese is most likely real by the canon itself. Mainly because her Sire, Jacob (who also suffers from split personality disorder) sired Therese, while had his tulpa personality sire her tulpa personality (Jeanette). Therese is the real one as such.

>It looks like Underworld Ascendant. Literally the gameplay and structure of the game are identical. It even has similar interfaces and animations. And we know how that turned out.


Why is no one talking about this? The 2 games look exactly the same! Including both being buggy to the point of unplayable! What the fuck does that tell you?

As I've heard. But I preferred simply not having a concrete answer.

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Why is your character an acrobat in VTMB2?

Therese was the real one. She was sleeping with her father and killer her own mother, which triggered whole split personality disorder. Her father isn't even dead, by the way.

because they're fucking vampires

Tranny vampires*

I'm just saying it how it goes according to "canon" aka lore they put behind Therese after the game, since she didn't even exist in the original WOD lore prior it. Also, this .


Have testosterone

I'll have it straight down my throat faggot

Well, these games don't follow actual lore much. So, you can always pretend that there... isn't an answer to it. Then, again... even the game itself implied that Therese was the only real personality.

Imagine being a vampire now, it'd be so fucking easy now that leftists have degenerated society so far that shit like exists. All you have to do to not violate the Masquerade is summon blood demons

Yeah but the tabletop lore wasn't written by the people behind the game was it? So why mess with their character backstories? Unless they consulted Brian Mitsoda or some-such.

very choice

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>Why yes I am a Tremere player. How did you guess?

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soooooo can I kill trannies aswell or nah

Don't mind me, just posting best boy

Attached: Hah.jpg (711x711, 148K)


Yeah but you’ll break the masquerade

I know what i typed

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>proud of being in Napoléon ranks
>doesn't even have a boss fight
What a fucking pathetic ass bitch.

based and cutiepilled

Killing NPCs didn't break the masquerade in Bloodlines unless you used masquerade-breaking powers or fed on them. It just makes you lose humanity and gets the cops on your tail if you're spotted or too loud.

Best in being the worst you mean?


>tfw no playable Lasombra

Attached: D8AD27E9-3C82-45C2-91BD-B4BCCF21A7EB.jpg (1000x1117, 286K)

REMOVE BRUJAH remove brujah
you are worst clan. you are the clan idiot you are the anarch smell. return to enoch. Brujah genocide best day of my life.

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He was robbed of it

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Having this sheer amount shit taste is almost medically fascinating.

It really wasn't.

Looks like absolute ass.

fucking hell

>why yes the game does indeed look like a bowl of diarrhea soup if I dare say so myself. I will still pirate it and mod in some big ol titties

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paradox games have been super moddable though?

Having watched the gameplay demos, I can safely say that I'm glad this game doesn't feature Lasombra or Tzimisce or Gangrel. The devs don't look to be competent enough to do any of them justice.

Can we imitate a chokehold with mentalism


I can’t even imagine how cringy Malkavian will be

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In V5 Thinbloods have Bane Severity aka clan curse at 0, meaning they don't suffer from any of their parent clan by default. However there's a character flaw they can choose where they show their sire's bane severity at one.
But again, the game isn't really based on V5 save for few metaplot elements of it.


>that filename
yikes my dude

>pulls off rusty french musket out of a case
>starts reloading
>"your motherfucking unlife ends in 5 minutes"

>why yes I do post from my phone while I’m taking a huge shit

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>Here's the thing. I'm a fucking vampire.
oh no NO NO NO

Do you think he still has his cute uniform?

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Attached: ISOLATED.webm (720x1276, 2.83M)

I was expecting Gesaffelstein and got this in-house music instead.

Attached: ISOLATED3.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

That music was pure fucking cancer.

Attached: 1544426053352.jpg (520x600, 97K)

>hate the UI
>hate the new music
>hate the combat
>hate the powers
>hate how you navigate
>hate how it looks like dishonored 3
>hate ellison
>hate seattle
>love world of darkness
simple as

Love the pronouns though they got my pre-order for supporting the trans community.

In vtmb1, it as just random separate face animations playing randomly over time, mixed with some set poses at cetain points in the conversation. All seamlessly smoothin out into each other.
It was so good that it looked like mocaped faces, but it wasn't.
It was real tremere magic

Go dilate and try having sex

But I get a lot of sex when my daddy chan fucks me in my boi pucy

seems ok to me

Attached: SPOILER Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines VTMB.webm (480x320, 2.61M)

Source had a kit called Faceposer which is still head and shoulders above any non-mocap tool out there.
basically no one bothered to rival/outdo it because facial animations aren't really that marketable. if you have the budget you mocap, if you don't, well your priorities lie elsewhere anyway.
Valve used to be special kind of autists.

there better not be a haunted hotel in bloodlines 2 but its pretty much guaranteed

should i still hold hope for something like the hotel to be in the new sequel?

a haunted nightclub

can anyone provide the "so you want to play vtmb" pic?


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For the Menu Theme he was directly ordered to rip off Angel. The devs had grown attached to it as placeholder music but couldn't get the rights.

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They have said it before, they want a "John Wick" action movie experience, the moment the gun is empty its discarded.