>killing black people
>sexualizing transsexuals
Anyone expecting better clearly doesn't understand how racist, homophobic and right-wing of a shithole Poland is. Fucking hate all them slavs.
Hol up
im from poland and im gay
im from poland and youre faggot
another reason to pre-purchase two copies
sounds great
ta kurwa dziwne, jakbys był polakiem to byś odpisał po polsku skurwysynu jebany
Sure you are, white cis nazi.
why would someone from poland write in polish?
are you retarded?
a dupa cie nie boli?
No i kurwa zajebiście. Jebać globalizm.
America has become such a country for special snowflakes that now whenever they see one black guy killed they instantly think it's all about /pol/ or some dumb shit like that. What a fucking trainwreck.
głosowałem na konfederację, spytaj mnie cokolwiek
Jak to jest być ponad czarną masą, która tylko głosuje na PiS i PO?
czuje dobrze
What if I'm a black gaymer fag, playing as a black transsexual killing other black transsexuals in the game ? Is it still racist and homophobic ?
>sexualizing transsexuals
Isn't this what those fucking faggots want?
They don't know what they want just read resetera they're all divided about the dickgirl especially after a fat bald tumblr woman designed it
B a s e d
>Left thinks it's right-wing
>Right thinks it's left-wing
>Keanu dabbing on both
CDPR are based
I dobrze. Jebane transiki
what does this mean?
it's ridiculous. I'm black and would love more black villains but that's "problematic because it plays into anti-black stereotypes"
I don't know why my fellow transwomen are making a big deal out of it, I'm looking forward to killing plenty of cis white males in this game myself.
>expecting better
>Fucking hate all them slavs.
fucking hypocrite
I don't know how, but you guys really need to have some sort of organised and very public way of telling these faggots to stop speaking for you.
Never really noticed any in your face racism in poland. Part Asian and was always treated with kindness and respect. Poland is alright with me.
It's the American South West once again trying to police the world and deeming anybody who doesn't tow their progressive line as racists, sexists and bigots.
This negress looks kinda cute. Will fugg.
pierdolona warszafka
>libertarian central
>laughed and made fun of stormfront, Alex Jones, ANTIFA, LGBT rights, pride the right and left
>made fun of conspiracy faggots who actually believe and who allow their views to be shaped by anonymous posts online
>civic nationalism everywhere
>/pol/ after the election
>President Trump general constantly on the frontpage
I want to go back.
>autists think it sucks because sun and not enough purple neon rainy weather
>normies think it sucks because cyberpunk is niche genre for autists and they only care about fantasy (check how BR2049 flopped hard in cinemas)
>gamers think it sucks because it lacks RPG elements and shooting bullet sponges looks like zero fun
They are pretty much alienating all their potential customers.
Nobody should be excluded from ridicule.
Ovdje na 4ćenu je sve puno Poljaka. But when you come here on vacation you pretend you don't speak English, jebem vam mrtvog Isusa.
You should make a twitter post about it
Hello fellow polish people
asdzxkjz asjajxck zkxcaiem sdjasdijjjzxcj to you too
Wait blade runner flopped? Fucking normies have no fucking taste. Fuck capeshit
same desu ne
Polish is more like ęąśćószńńóśżczczźźźźżąąąęęó łłłóóóóóóźszszzsźźź ńęęęczczęęćź ąąąączzcóóóźżżół
Italian chad here, can confirm, black people are just prostitutes here in Italy. Cumdumpsters for Italian sperm.
Why did you post picture of yourself?
>putting your dick in gorillas
strong yikes
>>sexualizing transsexuals
Whats wrong with that? r/traps is full of hot shit. Stop being so insecure about your masturbation habits
t. not gay but I love sucking dicks
not gay tho
A pussy is a pussy. We don't discriminate the pussy
Traps arent gay if they look like women you retard
This is Cyberpunk so nobody will be spared. Once the game comes out in full, there will be many hurt feeling.
this, w*rsaw is not Poland
If you like fucking men that look like women, you still like fucking men you degenerate. You gay.
Yeah it's much better.
No because the man is now a woman so you're not fucking a man you're fucking a woman, checkmate you absolute retard
If you kiss a girl then you're basically kissing all the guys she's been with. If you kiss a guy then you're basically kissing all the girls he's been with.
Well, I mean black chicks give it up easily. Black women are as obsessed with mediterraneans as much as asians are obsessed with not dating Asian men kek
>falseflagging right wing stuff
interesting marketing, OP
i was in poland once and all the dudes had big ass ears and the girls would look down and smile like total betas when i said hello to them in english. kind of a goofy country to be honest
fuck off and die
Poland being right wing is a myth, fake news spread by retards on pol
Che frocetto
/pol/ (originally /new/ and /n/) was deleted twice because it was too full of storm and conspiracy fags. Please don't make things up. It's always been how it is now. In fact, Yea Forums is way more different over the years.
used to have a large libertarian and anarchist population too though. they debated immigration and it fractured the whole community and now you can't really find any of them there.
Martina, you hear what this little bitch said.