Why are people so hyped for cyberpunk when witcher 3 was shit? No seriously i dont get it wheres all the hype coming from? Witcher 3 had good writing and characters i give them that (but considering that these were already existing characters cdpr didnt make them) but the gameplay was really repetetive and awful you just do the same shit each quest dont get anything except useless gold and shit enemies were all super annoying to fight it just never felt right when you swung at anything with your sword
And now appearantly cdpr makes the most hyped game in existance because of 1 (one) average game? Are you faggots for real or is it just the usual shilling?
Why are people so hyped for cyberpunk when witcher 3 was shit...
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>W-Why are people so hyped for a new game that shares the same dev as a game that received the goty award?!
>Witcher 3 had good writing and characters
lol no
I just dont get it was witcher 3 really that outstanding? Felt like game of thrones poland edition to me
God of war recieved goty that game was absolute fucking shite
Fuck this i go back to play some killer 7 on ps2
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not defending the Witcher, I haven't even played it. I'm just saying if you're genuinely surprised that people are hype about a game coming from Projekt Red After how well the Witcher did then you're retarded.
It looks good.
It was game of the decade 2010-2020.
i couldnt stand it. its also one of those games that people tell you about and wont shut the fuck up about and get outraged when you say you dont like it. 2077 is gonna be a huge meme game, everyones gonna play it, its gonna be the shiny new toy. thats just the way it goes. and now with the fortnite guy being in the game, its just gonna be popular as fuck. so people feel the need to be hyped so they dont miss out. and the ppl who have actually been waiting for it are going to try to one up the newcomers on the hype train.
Well, people are praising dark souls games here and those games are fucking garbage. Maybe people just have different opinions?
>Why are people so hyped for cyberpunk when witcher 3 was shit?
Sorry faggot, the world doesn't revolve around your contrarianism.
Even if you dislike dark souls you have to admit its more exciting than playing witcher 3
Why do you have to bring console wars into this? I dont care what consoles you retarded fags own its a multiplat game anyways
every suda game is trash
>no one itt could tell me why witcher 3 deserves the hype
>just tell me iam retarded or baiting for not getting it
Is this like the emperors new clothes?
Still better gameplay than witcher 3
Nobody even mentioned consoles, are you mentally ill?
For starters you completely switched topics. You went from asking why cyberpunk was getting so hype to why the witcher deserves the hype.
And like everyone itt said, the world doesn't revolve around your contrarianism and if you genuinely can't understand why cyberpunk is being well received then yes you are a fucking retard. Also, if you actually read your (You)'s then maybe you'd understand.
is that the new buzzword to follow seething and incel, etc
fucking cuck
Okay? No but seriously why is it well recieved just giving me this you are a retard answer aint gonna cut it
they added a futa
>forcing this much hate
CDPR is a shitty company that just makes eurojank shitgames they got lucky with witcher 3 iam gonna be so happy when cyberpunk releases and its gonna be another witcher 3 good story and graphics and characters but mediocre to downright bad gameplay
Now i can see why Yea Forums loves this game so much
How about proofing me wrong? Tell me why witcher 3 is good why does cdpr deserve the hype for a game that looks old? Cyberpunk looks like gta 5 but in the future