Meanwhile, at user Londo...
Meanwhile, at user Londo
gee, sure is boring around here
who plugged this water pipe?!
tried playing dark souls and dropped it after a few hours. combat feels sluggish and unresponsive and its clear that most of the "challenge" comes from having to repeat the same boring sections just for another try at the boss. there is nothing fun about dying and having to go through the same area with the same shitty enemies over and over just to get to the part with actual difficulty, it's pure tedium. maybe i'm just getting too old for this kind of thing, i really don't see much of the joy of having to repeat sections if i've already proven i can get past them.
Anyone else think it's kind of messed up how big Lord Gwendolin made his sisters tits look?
Just me?
Also why are Ornstein and Smough always hanging out up there with the illusion of her? They rubbing one off or something?
Guys I found this little race of insects, they're so cute. It's like they're living out the same troubles as we are but on an insect scale. Look closer, can't you see them?
Protip: you're not supposed to keep dying.
Ornstein is trying to make sure Smough doesn't do just that.
it's weird how a lot of new players see running past enemies you've already encountered to reach a boss as not an option. It's commendable I guess
>keeps dying to mobs
>"but that's not REAL difficulty!"
I wonder if those "few hours" were just him banging his head against Hovel over and over.
Gwendolin is probably the most sexually frustrated being in the dark souls universe. He's been told to behave as a girl his entire life, then the lower portion of his body (including genitalia) gets consumed by a tentacle monster.
There's that sound again...
I'm gonna go sit on a elevated ledge facing a narrow bridge and fire trees at unsuspecting casuals, so who wants to come with me?
I fucking hate this asshole Ornstein, always parading around like he owns the place, fuck that guy and his fatass partner
Why do the "angels" willingly fly us to Anor Londo but then when you run into them a few minutes later they all try to kill you?
sounds fun
hey let me grab my hugeass shield so i cant see shit whats infront of me real quick
Mah gay Luigi, this pingas is what all true spaghetti strive fof
They're not a hivemind. Also they're chaos demons, not angels. Gwyn tamed them.
Why take me there if you're just going to kill me for it
without really knowing why...
Bro you're undead, death means nothing. It was just a prank.
I think they're testing to see if you're worthy? IDK I always thought that was bullshit as well
I just got a job doing janitorial work in the castle, and every fucking morning I have to get a hernia turning a giant crank to move a massive fucking bridge into place just to commute into work. Please tell me who the city planner is so I can kick his ass.
Umm the city was built by giants sweetie
So why did giants build the lever?
In all my years of living here ive never wondered what my lords tax policy is?
To keep the riff raff out
Lord what now? I thought we was an anarchist commune.
Well... then where can I lodge a formal complaint?
So they could reuse the animation from Demon's Souls.
I don't have an answer for why the gargoyles pick you up in in Demon's Souls though.
Piss off, tranny
nigga after you've done one proper 'kill everthing and explore everywhere, pick up every item run' through an area and then die to the boss, just do what everyone else does and run past all the enemies to the boss gate
His point is valid though. They most fun part of any DS game is the boss fights, and running for 3-4 minutes from the last bonfire everytime you die is just pointless downtime
Better question
>Why do the "angels" willingly fly us to Anor Londo but then when you run into them a few minutes later they fall to their deaths?
Hey who wants to draw dicks on the sentinels with me?
Why does Gwyndolin have snek legs when everyone else from the Gwyn senpai looks normal
I never actually completed dark souls. I really enjoyed it and felt I was quite good, I beat all the bosses I fought anyway
but I couldn't find where to go and got bored of wandering around looking in different places because I kept having to fight the same mobs
Dark Souls 1 is not good
Dark Souls 2 is not good
Dark Souls 3 is ok
>tfw 2011-2012 era dark souls will never come back
It hurts to live
Well, look at you..
I thought you were wiser, but I thought wrong!
1 and 2 are the only good DkS, retard.
Darkmoon Knightess is cute. CUTE.
lmao nice zweihander faggot
There is only one weapon in Dark Souls that's worth using, and that's the Lucerne
go to bed ENB
>He missed out on the good times from 2016-2019
Remember when his baby died and he quit bloodborne because the depictions of blood made him think of his stillborn child?
man this painting is really pretty-
God fucking damnit stop killing the giant titty lady i'm trying to read here
I bet y'all zoomers weren't even part of the Vicars