Meanwhile, at user Londo...
Meanwhile, at user Londo
gee, sure is boring around here
who plugged this water pipe?!
tried playing dark souls and dropped it after a few hours. combat feels sluggish and unresponsive and its clear that most of the "challenge" comes from having to repeat the same boring sections just for another try at the boss. there is nothing fun about dying and having to go through the same area with the same shitty enemies over and over just to get to the part with actual difficulty, it's pure tedium. maybe i'm just getting too old for this kind of thing, i really don't see much of the joy of having to repeat sections if i've already proven i can get past them.
Anyone else think it's kind of messed up how big Lord Gwendolin made his sisters tits look?
Just me?
Also why are Ornstein and Smough always hanging out up there with the illusion of her? They rubbing one off or something?
Guys I found this little race of insects, they're so cute. It's like they're living out the same troubles as we are but on an insect scale. Look closer, can't you see them?
Protip: you're not supposed to keep dying.
Ornstein is trying to make sure Smough doesn't do just that.
it's weird how a lot of new players see running past enemies you've already encountered to reach a boss as not an option. It's commendable I guess
>keeps dying to mobs
>"but that's not REAL difficulty!"
I wonder if those "few hours" were just him banging his head against Hovel over and over.