TFW only you and games journalists still care about The Outer Worlds

>TFW only you and games journalists still care about The Outer Worlds
Everyone else has moved on to Bloodlines 2 or Cyberpunk 2077.

Attached: traa.jpg (586x742, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bloodlines 2 looks like it has potential, so does this.
Cyberpunk 2077 is open world trash and not on my radar.

People have been wanting another New Vegas and this is pretty much a space version of it. It's going to sell a lot and I will happily buy it on xbone.

Is Outer Worlds even still coming out in 2019?

Outer worlds looks like fucking garbage.

Yes. At the end of October.

I care too. Cain and Boyarsky are /my devs/. I trust them.

Shit. There's like five other games I'm interested in coming out around then.

Not me, I'm still looking forward to this

Rick and Morty the game. No wonder no one cares. Looks like a gay game for gay babies and sjw faggo journalists

Anyone saying Bloodlines 2 is anything other than the absolute turd destruction of what the original game was can fuck off.

"Bloodlines 2" doesn't exist. The game coming out isn't a follow up to it. It's some other shit calling itself that.

They did the same with that l4d clone. You know how it ended.

I know it's gonna be janky shit with worse writing quality and not as much RPG goodness. It has no Cain or Boyarsky, after all. No Troika, in general. The combat is gonna be about as bad or even worse than the original.

But I'm still pretty positive it's gonna be more entertaining than Cyberpunk 2077.

It's an Obsidian game this always happens I'm old enough to remember people dismissing New Vegas as a Fallout 3 rehash now everyone sucks its dick.

Obsidian 10 years ago and Obsidian now barely have anything in common.
Even Sawyer went full retard and he was one of the last few competent people remaining.

Yeah, I'm thinking Outer Worlds has the potential to become another Yea Forums cult classic.

>he doesn't know
latest 3 games from Obsidian are absolute dogshit

This is not just Nu-Obsidian, more importantly than that, it's also Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky.

I moderatelly care about it.
Obsidian just isn't the same anymore.

Both Pillars games were great and you're a faggot

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This smells like one of those games that will become a cult hit once its on sale for $15 on steam/epic

Still has their style written all over it from the gameplay that's been shown. Lots of dialog, everyone killable and at least 2 paths in each quest. It's RPG without flashy AAA graphics and budget.

>No modding support
It's gonna be mediocre at best.

>Still has their style written all over it from the gameplay
Obsidian's main strengths have barely anything to do with the gameplay.
It's the quality of dialogues and world building first and foremost, and this game absolutely fucking sucks in these aspects so far.

I'll probably try it when it comes to Steam but honestly, I'm not hoping for much. The trailer had some upsides but the writing just wasn't there. It seems like they're going for a more comedy/Borderlands route of a care-free world where people kill eachother and it's seen as just a faux pas.

I'm more sad about Dying Light 2 missing spot light, it looks good.
RPG future looks quite good to me. Outer Worlds,DL2,Bloodlines 2, BG3,Greedfall, CP77. I'm pretty happy with this e3.

The world building looks fantastic, though. It's why I want to try the game out.

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I know this is like the 100th time this image gets posted, but:
>NOT Open-World
>NO lockpicking or hacking minigames
>NO romanceable NPCs
These are all unironically good things

What worldbuilding?

>Lots of dialog, everyone killable and at least 2 paths in each quest
none of that actually matters if the game is mediocre shit

>hyped for Obsidian game
they won't make it in time and you know it

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>It seems like they're going for a more comedy/Borderlands route of a care-free world where people kill eachother and it's seen as just a faux pas
Up to a point, sure, but I think a fairer comparison is that this is going after the Fallout 1/2 and Arcanum vibe. You know, since it's the same two lead developers of those games.

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The only thing I'm wondering about is how "non-open world" will work.
Sure, New Vegas looked really empty at times but travelling though the desert and finding some sort of outpost or a camp gave a nice feeling.
I hope we will have "zones" we can visit and then come back using our spaceship to later see the changes our decisions caused.

stopped existing for me after the epic store shit

Combat is always their least priority they added a VATS type system to make it bearable like NV. The RPG aspects don't look any worse than previous work it has skill checks and options in most conversations shown it could be promising.

Bloodlines 2 looks like something the cat dragged home, something smelly

>don't look any worse than previous work
thats not something to be hyped about

This game has literally 0 hype
I fear Obsidian will die after the terrible sales it will surely have

>Also buy this game from a corporation

i don't like the setting or the quirky humour

>implying corporations AREN'T bad
Good bootlicker.

MS bought them
They are already dead

It's fortunately not open world at all, but they seem to be hyping up Monarch as a pretty big zone, for example. I think they said that that zone in particular is gonna be about as big as a Mass Effect Andromeda planet. I didn't play that game, but my impression was that the planets were big.

Outside of the Rick character, the other references are just that, references. I'm sure Cyberpunk 2077 is also going to be filled with small references to other cyberpunk properties as are just about any large-enough game.
Sure, I'm not going to make judgement calls just yet, and I'm hoping the trailer was more on the comedy side just for the sake of keeping it light, but the fact that even that comedy side didn't make me even grin, I just don't see it as a good sign. There just wasn't any more serious aspect to the world, everything seemed like it was trying to set up a joke.
It works for Borderlands since the whole world and design is taken to the extreme of its absurdity, for better and for worse fucking Burch, but in Outer Worlds I'm failing to see what's the hook, other than " it's not Fallout by the original Fallout devs"

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Even the worst Obsidian games are still superior RPGs to Bethesda and Bioware it can't be any worse than 76 or Andromeda

>I fear Obsidian will die after the terrible sales it will surely have
didnt happen after their last 3 flops

you're setting a very low bar

The first Pillars of Eternity was very successful, my man.

Corporations are bad though

whos doing marketing for this game should be fired.
from 1st trailer with 10+ million views
to 2nd one barely reaching 1m

So far, I like the surface-level humor and have laughed a few times. But of course, I'm hoping the Boyarsky influence is there and there's a good deep substance beneath the surface.

I liked the GameInformer interview where Tim Cain said he wanted to have Fallout 1 end with a big party full of balloons and it was Boyarsky that had to convince him to have the depressing ending where you get cast off instead.

The point is that corporative dick suckers can't make a real anti-corporate game Deus Ex style.

Yeah, they can. The vast majority of this game was already in a playable state from start to finish before they either got bought by Microsoft or made into an Epic exclusive for the first year.

If anything, this is just some meta-narrative irony. Pure kino.

well at least console players and epic store fags will beta test the game for me.
you shouldnt play obsidian games at launch anyway

There's not too many RPGs this gen I'll gladly take a decent Obsidian 8/10 if it offers most of what new vegas and kotor 2 do

This. The RPG genre is inundated with open world faggotry from Bethesda's and CDPR's side of the equation. Asking for a proper decent first person RPG released nowadays is not asking for too much, and Outer Worlds looks like it delivers.

You are aware that these "best of E3" yournalists giving literally pretty much every game?

Nice. I know 2020 is gonna packed with stuff I'm interested in, glad something I'm kinda looking forward to is coming out this year.
All in all I hope working with the corps won't just equal a blatantly evil playthrough

No? Generally, each journalist website only gives out one "Best game" award at each conference.

I cared up until they took chink money

The original game was a massive fucking turd. Yes I unfortunately played it, and recently unlike all the people who mistakenly praise it.
Don't tell me you're one of the tranny spammers in all the VTMB2 threads.
The game is going to realease. It is going to sell well. It is going to out do your janky piece of source shit in every imaginable way and all you will be left to do is play your same fucking lame game over and over again on loop like the autistic worm you are. Go hide in your poop-hole, filthy nos.

actually they confirmed you can join a corporation.

but the original is straight garbage but set in an interesting universe which gave it a bit of a cult status. The gameplay was terrible, the missions were terrible, the characters were hit and miss, its got old graphics and sound. I'm not sure what you think was so good about it

literally yes, different yournalist from the same outlet can watch different games and give different games the same "best of E3".

t. Sane, un-obsessed user.
The og was carried by it's premise and voice acting, which was still very cheesy. I'm honestly starting to believe vtmb might be the most overhyped game of all time. It at least ties with Half-Life2, but overall HL2 will give you less headaches and make you cringe less.

I enjoyed Bloodlines a lot but I'm not particularly looking forward to the second one. I want games to move out of licensed shit at this point. That's why I'm looking forward to Outer Worlds much more.

You do see that the IGN thing is 4 "awards" which are just 2019 Nominee. Plus they always have multiple categories.
They all say BEST OF E3
and then in very small letters "best art" or "best bullshit"

Disregarding a good looking game for a game that has potential. Is this what gaming is to you?

It's gonna be alright for 10 bucks on game pass.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a mere facade. It's open world garbage which guarantees it will not be minimally fun.


Obsidian games are 4/10 on a non-bloated scale, 5 being average

am i retarded? i don't remember seeing outer worlds at this E3 and i watched every main show

It was at the start of the Microsoft press conference.

You’re allowed to like shitty on-rails “exploration” and hilariously bad leftypol themes to go along with your janky facial animations, no one here will stop you.

OW looks fucking terrible

Hub world exploration is infinitely superior and more rewarding than open world "exploration". If you want to "explore" whole fields of nothing, go "play" Google Maps.

>I want my exploration to be small and jam-packed
Sounds like you don’t actually like exploring in your games, my based retard.

Prove it

>I want to explore the same copy-pasted uneventful caverns/bandit camps/apartment complexes with the same copy-pasted enemies for the next 10 hours with maybe one actual place worth visiting in the middle
Again, why not go explore on Google Maps for the rest of your life?

Honestly ive got no hype for Bloodlines 2, its been too long and its clearly a weak cash-in with little passion
Outer Worlds seems like an old boys club passion project to me and Tim Cain is my boy

>Borderlands New Vegas Infinite Theft Auto the game

Different user here.
You joke but I'm pretty sure one of the Stadia games is going to be just that.

Why not be hype for all three? They're all choice-focused RPGs with their own little niche, I'll probably play 'em all next year on the slim miracle that they'll actually release by then.

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TOW is janky as fuck and doesn't have any charm to compensate.
Quips and pseudo-nerdy ramblings are not charm.

Epic exclusive shit, so I'll wait to sail the seven seas.

It's on the Microsoft Store too. And on Gamepass (PC or Console).


Yikes, a straw man! I was going to replay but it looks like you used a logical fallacy not related to our argument. Please try again :)

Open world apologist spotted

Haha, you wrote the wrong thing!

>Microsoft store
Yes user I'd love to install Windows 10 spyware onto my computer, that would be a wonderful idea.

It's on gamepass. Or is that a Windows 10 exclusive too? I dunno.

$.02 has been deposited into your MS Associate account.

Anything related to Microcock in the last few years has been 10 exclusive.

It's also on PS4. Where's my Sony bucks?

Imagine being such a faggy fucking zoomer that you don't know the wacky scientist character has been a trope for over a hundred years. You're actually so retarded you think he's a Rick reference? The only ways that Rick does something different with the trope is being godlike powerful and being a homo nihilist.

>"r-remember New Vegas!"
fuck off Obsidian
after what they did to Chris Avellone they can go suck my big fat dick, those cunts deserve bankruptcy

>same garbage animations as New Vegas
>same garbage gameplay as New Vegas
>same garbage gunplay as New Vegas
>worse writing than New Vegas, filled with wacky and random xD humor straight out of Borderlands
>uninspired setting and aesthetics
>looks barely better than New Vegas graphically
Can anyone please explain what's so special about this game exactly? It just looks like complete shit from what I'm seeing.

The only thing I was interested in was Contra Rogue Corps but that was only for about 5 seconds before they revealed that it was total trash. Fuck Konami.

>single player game?
wow thanks EAshills

What? Did you mean to post this in another thread?

single player games aren't allowed to be discussed on Yea Forums retard

Never watched the show, I'm just going by the visual comparison.

Obsidian is a company that has quite a bit of prestige in the western RPG crowd. I can see why people would be interested in the game for the developer alone.

More importantly than Obsidian, it has Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky together, which have a really good track record when combined
>Fallout 1
>Fallout 2

It's absurd that people think there is anything particularly original about Rick and Morty's characters. Fucking mongoloids, Dan Harmon didn't invent mad scientists that are going bald and old.

no one cares because the only reason why they were into in the first place was because YEAH FUCK BETHESDA FOR MAKING A MULTIPLAYER GAME
but as it turns out they only play multiplayer games anyways

Go fuck yourself, moron. I've been excited since day one. I just want a decent first person RPG from developers I trust. Enjoy your Call of Duty, I guess, but stop projecting.

It had hype upon release, all of which was killed after they sold themselves to the ebin games store

congrats on being in the minority

I'm buying TOW and VtM: Bloodlines 2 on release, both are gonna be pretty good and Yea Forums can suck it.

>get one hundred awards
>no one buys your game
industry is a joke.

I'm sorry, do you need three Kotaku articles and a Game Grumps episode to enjoy media for you? Fucking faggots.


Shame that Cain and Boyarsky couldn't work on Bloodlines as well.


I love Obsidian but Outer Worlds is ANOTHER shitty LE SO RANDUM reddit marvel humour

We have Borderlands
We have RAGE 2
We have Fallout 4/76


>corporations bad
>presented at the press conference of one of the largest corporations to ever exist
Nah, this shit is just gay

>Bloodlines 2

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I don't know how your tiny brain can watch the trailers for Outer Worlds and somehow come to this conclusion. It's sad.

Obsidian are fucking cucks

They clearly didn't like the Rick and Morty jokes, they made the Rick guy younger and more serious

>murder is great, kill ten thousand people with your big guns to win
>presented by non-murderers who have never fired an automatic rifle

seemore like Reddit Worlds

Aye, but they're working on TON so that's good. Bloodlines 2 also seems to be going for the same feel the original was in a sense that you're just a small fish in the puddle, so I'm eager to play it and see if its gonna do the original justice.

I honestly think it's more Fallout 2 style than Borderlands style. You're getting the wrong impression.

Checkmate, Atheists

it's Yea Forums drones spouting retarded shit because they have no opinion of their own, just ignore these morons.

Outer Worlds looks like a bland as fuck rehash of New Vegas, a game that is dramatically overrated.

Wow, you sure convinced me with your retarded collage of childish garbage. Still gonna buy and enjoy a great game from trusted and beloved devs, though. Have fun "cringing" at me. Epic XD

>Obsidian will never make another great Fallout game
Still griefing over here.

Attached: ohgodpls.png (600x730, 102K)

t. cuck shill

>Everyone else has moved on to Bloodlines 2 or Cyberpunk 2077.
Yeah, everyone's moved on from Obsidian, including all their good writers.
>this is pretty much a space version of it.
Not without the new vegas writers it aint

And That's A Good Thing™
The Fallout series was already stretching thin by Fallout 2 and it's been irredeemably raped by Bethesda. It's used goods. The series is dead. Bury it.

Why does this game looks so bad? I wanted to give it a chance, but it looks so lazy, specially when put side to side with Final Fantasy VII and Cyberpunk 2077.

Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are the lead developers of this game.

Cuck cuck cuckaw! KEK, KEK, KEKAW! I think the real question is, what are you going to do besides seethe and miss out?
Oops, here come the mentally ill tranny posters.

Why are y'all so fucking jaded, just shut the fuck up and wait until you've played the game, then shit on it if it's going to be bad. Stop jerking yourself off to the thought of it being garbage just because you want to stroke your own Johnson so bad.

reminder people shitting on these games are the same ones that have shit on dark souls 3

The parrot just repeats me again. I'll take that as a concession of defeat, don't expect another response.

wtf I want to shit on Outer Worlds now

this is who calls you an NPC

I think Fallout still has a lot to offer but all Bethesda is offering is wacky 50's americana and "aren't nukes great?" Kinda misses the whole point really.

I'm just naturally more excited in a new setting. I've had enough of Fallout even if it's because of Bethesda.

>""Outer Worlds""
>no outer worlds females (xeno)
>not even sexy fembots

I already (will) have racing banditits and cyber bioexotic futas, why I should buy their shit?
They are not even trying...

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Obsidian made their choice. Snubbed grognards for Tumblr and later realized why the game tanked. Hope they learn their lesson for the next game.

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what they did to ydwin was fucking shit

what did they post?

I don't feel snubbed. Deadfire was good.

I get it and if it's made by Bethesda I won't even bother anymore. But if another RPG dev did the New Vegas thing of just using the Fallout universe to actually make an RPG, I'd be back in.

No it looks like it's sometimes serious and sometimes funny like a Fallout from the creators of it.

Based Bethesda dabing on cybercucked2077

you've been here long enough to understand when someone is falseflaging and been a contrarian for the sake of shitposting.

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The artstyle looks bad but the game is probably gonna be good.

The lack of hype is felt everywhere, though. Not just Yea Forums.

>Bloodlines 2 looks like it has potential
Lol, did you not see the gameplay demo or something?

I did. Bloodlines was never good because of its combat.

>>Both Pillars games were great and you're a faggot
>devs actively balancing the game so people couldn't have fun with it


Eh, I don't mind games patching out broken builds that rape through the game. It's not what I'd prefer, mind you, but I don't have a huge problem with it either.

>vampy game
>cyber punk
>two new smash characters
>new zelda announced
>and a metric ton of other cool and unique looking stuff
How did this garbage get so many best of when they clearly weren't the best of shit?

Attached: 1543495400886.jpg (605x553, 31K)

>vampy game
Looks jankier than this
>cyber punk
Open world trash
>two new smash characters
Are you a child?
>new zelda announced
Open world trash

I disagree. Only games with multiplayer should have that excuse. As long as that build isn't too easy to get, games should allow players to have stupidly good builds to just mess around. It's better to balance around what's fun then balance around what's not fun.

I don't disagree with you. If I were a developer, that's the guideline I'd follow. At the same time, as I said, I don't have a huge issue with single player games being patched for balance. It certainly didn't ruin my enjoyment of the Pillars games.

even if you are a contrarian and hate all the things I mentioned you have to admit there was cooler looking stuff then outerworlds. It wasn't the best of e3. That game with the nip broad this board fell in love with looks way cooler then outerworlds for example.

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I kinda misread, sorry, although I do try to make a stand against this kind of stuff. Too many games try to nerf fun weapons/build to the ground, as if they don't actually want players to have fun.

I agree with the journalists. Outer Worlds is the thing I'm most excited by from this E3 (it certainly helps that it's the one that's coming out sooner!). I'm also interested in Deathloop, Ghostwire, 12 Minutes, RPG Time: Legend of Wright and Spiritfarer. And I'm cautiously curious of Eldenring.

Elden Ring might end up being open world trash too.

I dunno. Dark Souls was considered an "open world" game by many a retard but it's far from it. I swear people would call Metroid open world if it came out today.

1. Wait for release.
2. Watch walkthrough.
3. Read critics
4. Wait a year until appears on Steam or GOG.
5. Eventually buy it.

Liked the old Fallouts, Wasteland and New Vegas, but Epic Games publisher? Nah. Killed the hype for me.

Boyarsky was able to do real good fucking art direction with Fallout 1 and 2 and even I think he worked on Tactics? How is the art direction looking for this? Is he still as skilled as 20+ years ago?

Insufferable faggot who only thinks 1 is good, please fuck off back to different websites.

Because everyone knows Obsidian original IPs suck

It looks too messy for my taste. It also depends wildly from area to area. I really like the way Byzantium looks at night, for example. And I like a lot of the interior areas. But the outdoors feel like I'm looking at No Man's Sky to an extent.

I think the best comparison from an earlier Boyarsrky work is definitely Arcanum.

>Bloodlines has more potential than Cyberpunk


I think 1 is the best, but I like 2 too. I'm just saying the series' premise started stretching itself too thin even by then.

Yeah I saw the trailer and I lost all interest when they went with this lolsorandom, quirky an d anti-capitalist sjw crap
Seriously how did the whole company get so fucking cringe?

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Might be cool.

Hmm, I figured as much. A shame too, since his old stuff is seriously fucking great. I guess it just doesn't translate 100% well to an FPS.

Technically it is, it's just not a flat piece of terrain like GTA and has actual level design. What would you call it? Simply a metroidvania?

Alright, my judgement was wrong. Sorry for going off there, it's just I've seen the pattern too many times not to lose my shit a bit. I disagree as much as possible though, it expanded upon it's setting perfectly.

A metroid-like (Metroidvania is only for Metroid-like Castlevanias).
But really, I'd just call it a metroid game. Or a non-linear platformer shooter, if I have to go scientific.

This kinda looks like the type of art direction you sometimes see in productions that went on for a long time without any real focus, just throwing ideas for a long time before finally realizing what they want to do. Some areas seem to have a bit better focus though.

>literal tranny SJW vampire reddit game
>BASED Slavs dunking on the mentally ill

>He still falls for the "open world trash" meme
This is only excusable if you have a mental deficiency or if you only started playing games in the past decade.

Also these awards are restricted to games that can actually be played. CP is all closed door demos.

I think eventually there has to be a better name to replace the metroidvania/metroid-like label. Unlike Roguelikes that managed to keep the name despite a lot of people not even knowing about the original Rogue game, too many metroidvanias end up being unfairly compared to Metroid just because of the name of the genre. It's like souls-like/soulsborne, all it does it force games with similar gameplay into a competition.

I think that's the difference, open world games don't have level design. That's why they feel empty.

I don't see the problem in calling them "Metroid-likes" purely in the sense that they are non-linear and divided in hubs. I guess you could see a conflict if it's a Metroid-like with no guns whatsoever or no power-ups, but that's what I think the term conveys above all else.

If you come up with a better term, I'd be happy to start using it, but all I can think of is way too clunky in comparison.

How come I'm just now hearing about it then smart guy?

I care. It has the dudes the created Fallout, is very similar to New Vegas in its design and the latest game-play demo looked better.

Attached: the outer worlds e3 2019 (5).jpg (1920x1080, 1.37M)

I imagine you're a console gamer that isn't that big into RPGs. That's the only way this is the first time you heard of Pillars of Eternity.

>but all I can think of is way too clunky in comparison.
That seems to be the big problem. Some of the names I've heard thrown around have been ungodly retarded, like whoever it was that tried to coin Devil May Cry as a character-driven action game. The fuck does that even mean?
My only issue is that every time a metroidvania game comes out, it seems like it's being devalued, as if it has to prove itself better than Metroid and Castlevania, like Doom-likes or GTA clones from back in the day, before the terms FPS and open world started being used.

>made with unreal engine
>still has all the fucking bugs and jankiness of gamebryo
>sold out to EPIC
Literal hot garbage.

I'm not like that. If your game manages to be even half as good as the classics, then it's already great and worth playing in my opinion.

Maybe not as being better but at the very least as an equal to be worthy of the metroidvania label. It's just that it's a high-bar that realistically most games can't achieve but then again, most devs aren't in a competition. It's just that labels like this can make it seem like there is a competition.
But this is all a very minor thing I guess. Kinda deviated from the point of the thread.

both this and VTMB are open world. Are you retarded?

Nope. This game, much like Bloodlines, is an hub world game. You're travelling between different big hubs, not in one enormous open world like Skyrim or GTA.

this game looks really ugly

I bet this guy thinks Dark Souls is open world

It looks uneven

More like Kotor 2 you land on a planet and explore a smaller area with quests all over

>The game is going to realease

>The original game was a massive fucking turd.
Stopped reading, kys tranny

Bloodlines is still great.

It looks like shit I don't know how anyone could be hyped for it. It also has a very progressive 'sjw' aesthetic I don't like. Just look at how brutal the comments are, they killed their own hype.

go back to /pol/ you edgy teenager

hang yourself faggot

Showing off you killing civilians is kinda weird, but the actual quest they showed was pretty good, I thought. Amusing and seemed like plenty of C&C.

You don't need any modding support if the game is feature complete,vanilla is the best way to play a videogame as the developer intended you,the player, to play it and since Bethesda isn't involved in the project it's already showing signs of greatness.

Study for your exams instead of shitposting child

Cyberpunk isn't an RPG anymore, why are people comparing it to Outer Worlds and Bloodlines?


>The gameplay was terrible, the missions were terrible, the characters were hit and miss, its got old graphics and sound.

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Bad opinions besides gameplay.

It's on Epic games store, I don't care. When it is on something else, I will care.

It's about as much of an RPG as Elder Scrolls. It's trash, but RPGs don't have to be good by definition.

The games industry set the bar, having unrealistic expectations is how resentments are made

What? How many times did they delay it this year?

>open world map bad
>linear map good

Attached: ce8.png (621x702, 56K)

All 3 are basically fps action adventure games with light rpg stat systems. Same vein as Fallout 3/NewVegas,. And because of the light stat thing, it is considered rpg in the west.

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I actually dont understand why people parrot this shit on Yea Forums either


Wasn't it supposed to come out in may?

I care about it too. Give me all character customization rpgs

It's on the Microsoft store and also on game pass (PC or Console)

>outer worlds
>ghost wire
>12 minutes
>I agree with the journalists
And people say shills don’t post here

>constantly uses “open world trash” yet never backs it up with any evidence of it being “trash”
You’re allowed to have an opinion, but just because you don’t like a type of game doesn’t make it trash, brainlet. I don’t prefer racing games but that doesn’t mean every one is irredeemable shit.

The gameplay looks like a direct rip off of Bethesda's gameplay style, down to the jank. Almost nothing about it is distinctly Obsidian, at least nothing that matters to the actual gameplay.

>Muh "linear corridors or open world trash" false dichotomy
Like clockwork

The happy middle is called Hub world. Excellent hub world games include:
-Baldur's Gate 1 and 2
-Dark Souls
-Fallout 1 and 2
-Final Fantasy VI and VII
-Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer
-Planescape Torment
-Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Also, even when you think of more linear level-based levels, like Deus Ex 1, for example, which is a masterpiece, that's not a linear hallway either. And it's much preferable to open world trash.

Nope. It never had a release date until E3.

>hub world
>let’s take our linear game and split it up so they have to go through 8 portals from a central location. Idiots won’t be able to tell it’s still linear anyway

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Hub world games are just open world games with loading screens

Bloodlines 2 looks like shit lol

They're not open world games because they are much better scoped out and don't waste your time in enormous maps that don't have any density to them.

i watched all of E3 and i don't even remember what the trailer for this was. those awards make no sense to me, i did not see a single person talking about this game. the journo articles are repeatedly calling it "New Vegas in space" like "please, please treat this like the second coming of New Vegas, PLEASE"

Nobody cares in any of the discords or forums i browse. dead in the water. more people are excited about Destroy All Humans for fucks sake

>People have been wanting another New Vegas and this is pretty much a space version of it.
Based on what

the fact it's a first person gun game, in space?

It looks like the best game coming out of E3. The circles you browse are pleb-centrals. This will be a cult classic on Yea Forums for many years to come.

>The original game was a massive fucking turd.
I want to go back to Pre-2014 Yea Forums so fucking bad, jesus christ.

Remember when we had threads like "if you are reminded you have to reinstall it again" threads, where everyone just talked about how great their favorite classic games were, and how talking about them got others interested?

Fuck all that let's just turn every thread into "old games fucking suck, fuck off tranny, go back to resetera, dilate, have sex, sneed"

That’s the worst coping mechanism I’ve seen yet, how embarrassing.

>It looks like the best game coming out of E3.
Do you have a reason for thinking this or

A bunch of linear maps connected by loading screens. Truly superior

>games journalists

I'd rather literal furries liked my game more.

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Sure, if shit like Arcanum and Dark Souls is linear corridors for you, then yes, games are only good when they're "linear corridors". Give me "linear corridors" or your game is trash.

Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.

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Bet you these are the faggots saying Bloodlines sucks

are you the nabokov autist

why are you quoting me for fucking asking why you think outer worlds looks good? i didn't even criticize i just fucking asked a question fag

These awards are a joke and everybody knows it. Using them in your marketing is a poor decision.
