
Attached: 1560361267338.png (1210x421, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Nintendo's conference was on a fucking Tuesday, what do you expect?


Attached: asdf.jpg (228x221, 8K)


Attached: 5e3dd7d428cca7f751db48a7683750d6.gif (500x206, 945K)

Of course.


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Microsoft was first. It would be the opposite if Nintendo was first

See the grey part? That is Sony.

it was most viewed because of a PC game, cyberpunk 2077 with keanu reeves
that's the only reason

Congrats XBros

Another great year! I’m happy for you, it looks like you’re really gonna come back.

Grey as in the background because the bar is zero percent filled?


There's not a single game revealed by anyone that looks as good as Astral Chain.

Imagine being older than 7 and still being hyped for Nintendo games. You guys are subhumans

Attached: 57d.png (1018x790, 220K)

Grey as in the background because Sony is the all encompassing master of this industry.

>Astral chain looks good

Attached: ayy.jpg (1000x666, 426K)

Imagine being older than 18 and still being hyped for video games. You guys are subhumans

Attached: illust_71335038_20190210_200454.jpg (1435x992, 266K)

No user, the word you're looking for is 'negative space'.

Xbox would have won if it wasn't for them shilling gamepass so hard
Everything on stage at the Microshaft announcement was great but then they kept reminding me that they want game netflix to be a thing and that ruined them

>potentially video games, didn't really happen though
>drones and smash retards
>normalfag retards who just wanted their capeshit + retards who actually believe FFVIIR won't be shit
>muh starwars

>asscreed studio
>fucking nothing

Looks about right.

>generic anime bullshit button masher
Are you fucking 12?

how much is that in 1st party games sold?

Imagine being older than 18 and still watching anime. You guys are subhumans.

No user, i believe you don't know what I mean because you are too dense and delusional to accept fact.

I mean you gotta compare the times. Microsoft was in the afternoon on a weekend while Nintendo was early in the morning on a Tuesday. not even a nin(t)oddler but come on


Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (400x400, 17K)


But it's literally called negative space.
Look into graphic design terminology some time, buddy.

where is sony?

Attached: phil-spencer-smile.jpg (640x480, 32K)

but xbox was PC show
e3 had to PC shows, MS finally realized they own PC gaming as a whole.

And at 2am in Japan lel

>Sony behind Kinda Funny Games
Pathetic desu

>Kinda Funny
Alright, just how rigged are these numbers?

*carries your E3 to top spot*

Attached: keanus.jpg (590x516, 134K)

Congratulations, you found out why it had the most viewers.



>Snoy viewership so low that it didn't even make the list

Just fuck already you niggers

90% of the xbox views were solely to watch the keanu bit. It works tho since now people associate Xbox with Keanu being wholesome.


Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 46K)

>they were the first to go
wow no shit

Negative space in this case would be the length of an unfilled bar. Since Sony doesn't have an unfilled bar, you wouldn't say negative space. Instead, it is as I meant it, the all encompassing color of grey is what i implied and said I was talking about.

No, the canvas is grey so any area with that colour is negative space.
I would stop talking if I were you.

Yet Xbox can’t sell games or consoles to save their life.

When will people learn that views =/= sales. People watching doesn’t mean they will buy your games.

Nintendo/Square may have less viewers but their viewers will buy every game. Far more engaged audience.


Attached: 63EA4B9D-C3BB-42E2-A687-017933014DCB.png (596x628, 332K)

I just turned my 3 years of membership Into the game pass/gold combo for a dollar I'm pretty happy with the game pass shilling. Playing Exodus while laughing at epic store and outer wilds (which is pretty fucking dope) for only a fucking dollar

So this is the power of the chadbox huh... not bad

No mate, imagine being MALE and watching these weirdo cartoons that look like they were made for little girls.

I'd rather watch a trainwreck than anything else


That doesn't make sense because nobody knew he was going to turn up. I'm assuming that the views in the OP are live though; maybe they're not, and maybe people are rewatching it for Keanu, I don't know.

Attached: xbox gold.jpg (633x874, 164K)

Nintendo won by Virtue of showing actual gameplay and content compared to the scripted boring garbage that could be found in other conferences, prove me wrong. Astral Chain and DAEMON X MACHINA alone topped everything except for Cyberpunk 2077

Attached: cease.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

Repeat with me: More popular =/= better.

>chad otaku attacks the police because they talk shit about his idol waifu
The absolute balls on this man.

>the first show

I wonder why?

>Devolver so low
They are single-handedly giving E3 a reason to exist.

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Attached: 22ABC4D1-8FEB-4DB8-B59E-392D87B999BE.jpg (960x534, 46K)

Yup, PChads won once again.

Attached: Control-E3-2019-2.jpg (1920x1080, 507K)

That’s some serious coping you got there nintenbro

It's funny when Nintendogs bring up the sales argument, did you all completely forgot about the WiiU that sold around 10m in 4 years?

it was 2am in Australia when I watched it. are you sure?

Yes sweaty, Nintendo won. Everyone agrees.


Attached: e3winner.jpg (1535x1080, 379K)

>but their viewers will buy every game
Can't make this shit up.


>Xbox show was watched by 14.5 times as many people as the PC Gaming Show
What did you mean by this?

Attached: brainlet4.jpg (550x543, 30K)

Wow I didn’t realize Xbox had so many fans

Dumb mechanic.
All he has to do to avoid being arrested is stand against a wall.

Spamming shit like this on a video game board should be bannable, mods.

All of the games MS showed are on PC and you can play their "exclusives" for $1 on PC too.

Attached: 1559328059764.jpg (446x435, 82K)

>Paying 3 grand every two years to be able to play new games
No thanks

You guys realize that 70% of those xbox views are from people who heard Keanu appeared and who wanted to see that part later on right

>resetera also liked nintendo

Xbox and Sony have been the primary events of E3 since Nintendo gave up and started doing their blues clues tier directs for their droves of manchildren, so it's not surprising.

New big multiplats, new console etc. It's what made the obvious lack of exciting new games from MS this year so plain to notice, and the fact that they're obviously holding stuff for next year.

Microsofts conference was probably watched by more sony fanboys than xbox fanboys.

Nice cope man child

Jesus Christ Microsoft, atleast give the others a chance.

Attached: 1560359602578.png (726x473, 109K)

>astral chain
Ah yes, the game that Yea Forums only "likes" because it's more "cyberpunk" than CP2077, only to get BTFO'd by the new CP2077 trailer

Microsoft actually abandoned the word "exclusive" entirely from their conference this year. Every one of their newer games was listed as Xbox/Windows 10.

OK and how's the Switch doing?

Attached: cover[3].png (489x388, 309K)

It's hilarious how snoy niggers cling on to anything they can, even their other mortal enemy, to somehow try to shit on nintendo

I wish I got paid to advertise Microsoft's garbage on Yea Forums, sounds like a cushy and easy job. Microsoft could just not show up to E3 and I'd still get paid for saying they still won, Microsoft could have a tranny dilate on stage for an hour and I would talk about how progressive and cool it is.

You can buy GamePass for 3 bucks on G2A whenever it's on sale for $1.
Or, you can buy all of their games on Steam for the usual 60€.

Attached: 66ff5db499893bf0f1289c0dbe1ca2a6.jpg (1467x905, 667K)

Now post the "most liked" one where 80% of all top games are Nintendo

Nah, Sony had the most views last year and they came out the night before nintendo

>Only 4 million get to appreciate Frankie's cuteness

not on sale*

>Limited Run Games not even listed

Attached: 1548301672781.png (182x193, 62K)

>EA is only SLIGHTLY lower than SE and Nintendo
Jesus. What did people even expect out of em, more Madden?

>xbox showed pc games
>most streams are viewed on pc
makes sense

Dude brought out charts and everything.... How can we even compete.

>Cyberpunk has 400k likes on YouTube
>BotW sequel has 100k

Attached: 1547820907515.png (710x842, 353K)

Holy shit you’re not even trying anymore. Nintendies broken

Are you paid to shill Nintendo or do you do it for free?

To be fair Microsoft did showcase most of the decent upcoming PC titles as well :P

You can't.
Nintendo won E3. Not only Yea Forums think so, everyone does.


I watched xbox for the multiplats and enjoyed it. Stay mad fanboy

>Sony and Nintendo cant release games on PC without paying Microsoft
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Hah! Yeah, I sure do agree good friend, those Microsoft "shills" sure are obvious. Say, have you seen the latest trailer for Banjo Kazooie in Smash? Sure looks like a heap of fun don't it?

Ah, I'm sure if good, upstanding people like you and I remain vigilant against their "astro-turfing", then they'll eventually just get tired and leave for good!

Attached: Most Embarassing moment in v history.jpg (600x309, 69K)


Attached: nintendrone.png (1070x601, 507K)

Looks like a much better game than DMC5 for starters

>youtube likes

more like youtube yikes

PC includes all of the others.

remember, mouse+keyboard and good graphics are PC exclusive ;^)

>forgetting that gabe and kojima got one too

When Microsoft or Sony does something relevant in the video game industry we'll send them one.

one is an actual game nearing release. the other was literally just a text announcement of pre-pre-production lmao.


ITT: coping nintendies

Is this supposed to be impressive? Looks like a generic 2000s game with bad gameplay and boring aesthetics

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The only one coping here is Snoy who has so little to show they skipped E3 completely and instead had two embarrassing State of Plays with nothing but VR trash no one cares about
How are you enjoying your 2019 exclusives by the way? Days Gone and Dreams. Woah.

>Get btfo by views
>"Views don't matter, likes do!"
>Get btfo by likes

Attached: 1525672254674.png (515x594, 43K)

How do we stop console wars? Can't we all just coexist in peace?

>get btfo by likes
umm snoycel?

Am I shadow banned? Can someone let me know please

>Y A A A A A A A A A

Attached: 1559477325498.gif (320x367, 2.4M)

Yeah dude, you're fucked. Can only switch to a different ISP at this point.

Haha, yeah, of course! Those good folks at Nintendo, and Nintendo Treehouse sure know how to put on a good show for us dedicated fans. Just swell people they are. Deserve all the adoration they get. We should send Nintendo another card for putting up such a spectacle this year, with a big effigy of Banjo right as well.

Well, I don't know about you, but I sure can't wait for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, both in fact. I'd even recommend buying both over one alone, because if you don't, then you're not gonna be able to get all those pokemons you know and love, (within the respect of Gamefreaks preset select choice of returning, immaculately rendered pokemon for the Galar region).

Hoo boy, you know, the best part about playing a switch is that you can play it anywhere, at anytime. It's so wacky and fun, like swimming with your t-shirt on, or putting coke in milk, it's just so unusual yet absurd. The tireless men and woman who work for Nintendo truly are brilliant.

Fuck me. I'll just go to Starbucks thanks

>those 59 million viewers were TOTALLY pc players even though the dedicated pc gaming show only got 4 million views!

Good post.

Attached: brainlet9.jpg (700x692, 39K)

>being this mad Nintendo is the only one who shows more than 10 seconds of gameplay at E3


have sex

Am I wrong? PC needs to be upgraded plus you have to pay to update your drivers. Fuck that

Sorry guys but Nintendo wasn't the one who revealed a new Flight Simulator.

Doesn't refute the fact that Nintendo won E3

No one won e3 this year. This year was atrocious even worse than last year.

Attached: F58051F0-43D8-4661-8092-122250C8A1A0.gif (360x360, 3.37M)

>Less views than Microsoft
>Less likes than Microsoft
Microsoft won, get over it.

This game is a visual clusterfuck.

>Kinda Funny Games last
That's a shame, they probably had the best presentation IMO.
>UploadVR had twice as many views
Now THAT'S horseshit.

It wasn't the best year, but not completely shit either.

Nintendo had lots of great stuff, ahead of MS and Squeenix who both had good conferences too.
Ubisoft started out nice but then it became TOM CLANCY: THE TOM CLANCY SHOW and Bethesda was piss poor.

yep it's be
FF7 and a bunch of Nintendo presentation games.

Seething like hell

>every poll on the internet no matter where had people say "yup, Nintendo won E3"

Well that about settles it. Seems like all of what Nintendo had to offer was better than what the competition brought.
Case closed dear Watson :)

>using graphs to prove something

“Ever year is worse than the last”
Stop trying to fit in

Most viewed doesn't mean best presentation.
By that logic Call of Duty and Justin beiber are great.

400 000 likes on YouTube vs a few 100 on TrannyEra. Get over the fact that Microsoft won and dilate, tranny.

No shit, microsoft are by far the richest and most powerful corporation on earth.. nintendo are just a video games company


Keanu saved E3

>MS advertises PS4 games

Sony, as usual wins


Attached: 1517021410730.gif (413x243, 51K)


It was pretty bad. nintendo kind of saved it tho.

>Nintendo won because they showed Banjo Kazooie in Smash, Breath of the Wild 2: literally the same map, the abomination Pokemon game, Luigi's shovelware and delayed Animal Crossing while Metroid, Bayonetta, and SMT were no shows

Literally the only decent game shown was Astral Chain, and perhaps, maybe, slightly, the new No More Heroes game.

Because Nintendo Switch hasn't formed a religion amongst its fans or anything, right. I'm surprised Doug Bowser doesn't already have his own cult of personality.

Microsoft showed Cyberpunk, a game everyone will play on the PC, for free, because it'll be on GOG and have no DRM.

Meanwhile Nintendo brought us NMH3, Astral Chain, BotW 2, the first western release of SD3 in the Mana Collection, Banjo in Smash, the definitive edition of DQ11 with 500% more content, Link's Awakening has a Zelda Maker in it, a Panzer Dragoon remake and Animal Crossing


Microsoft isn’t even in top 10 of the richest, that’s Walmart lmao retard

Attached: 07311534-8E6D-4D45-B308-AC89877579C6.gif (680x315, 129K)

>the definitive edition of DQ11

How can it be the definitive edition if looks and plays like a mid-cycle 360 game compared to the superior versions?

Except for xbox all the other categories are also pc, they are just not pc exclusives

But what did they win?

Attached: 1414301000123.jpg (172x166, 12K)

I dunno about you, but Cybercops sounds more fun to me than Cybergangsters.

>online polls
>sample size of barely 2000 retards from fringe communities
>this is somehow comparable to and a stronger argument than interest generated from tens of millions of views

Attached: 1535624984922.jpg (762x1568, 52K)

The next gen

Nintendo fucking won.

Attached: 1552689057944.jpg (1200x1186, 137K)

Come on, everyone knows it’s disingenuous to look at who had the most views to know who won.

>Kinda cute kinda funny games
What did they mean by this

Nice try shitposter. They look almost the same.

Besides, the Switch version has all of the following while the PS4/PC don't have these:
>2D mode
>ability to explore past DQ worlds
>expanded storyline, each character will be more fleshed out
>QoL changes
>more monsters you can ride
>orchestra OST instead of synthesized
>can romance and marry girls in the postgame

Attached: asdasdadada.jpg (1691x463, 415K)

Because it's the amount of content that makes a version the definitive version. If all versions have the same amount of content, then it's up for technical performance. If the technical performance is the same, it comes up to utilities, for example mod support or portability. After that it's personal preference.

>he thinks just because some dude from Yea Forums clicked on the xbox conference to see 2 mins of keanu reeves means that xbox won e3


Attached: 1393801850691.gif (258x225, 2.23M)


Almost everything was about PC tho lol except for the end and scarlet or whatever nextbox is called.

What metric is this using? Twitch viewers, or platforms?

The lighting is wrong in the right, the picture quality as a whole is far more blurry, the colours are less crisp, and generally, and I mean generally as a whole, it just lacks "soul". That je ne sais quoi, if you will.

It probably only plays at around 20-24 fps average as well, considering the Switch is still running on gamecube-tier hardware. Oh well, I think it's honestly hardly worth arguing with someone who'd walk up to three pools of cum and gargle the pool that's clearly of a lesser quality, if it meant they could pocket some of the cum and take it around with them.

>game gets criticism for looking like total shit
>y-You're just mad...



>snoys trying to pit Microsoftbros and Nintenbros against each others because they're still assblasted about Sony not showing up at E3

That's the biggest coping I've ever seen holy fuck

Don't worry.
Microbro here. Nintenbros are friends and we're just having fun with good video games. Sonyroaches will never divide us.

Attached: ..jpg (368x362, 39K)

Why are there suddenly so many people who only play on switch?

It's actually really embarrassing, that so many would play objectively inferior games on objectively inferior hardware if it meant they were supporting their red cape wearing corporate overlords.

>b-bbb-bb-but I play on da PC too!

Bullshit. If you were a true pc player, quite like myself, then you'd understand perhaps stronger than anyone else that the only way to game is to game at the best performance, for the best price you can get. With no compromises.

Attached: Perhaps the greatest filmmaker of all time.jpg (969x1045, 141K)

>Xbox aka "Also on Windows 10"
>Not PC

Attached: 1559669268822.png (456x465, 444K)

>Greatest filmmaker
Where is Mel Gibson.

I was agreeing with you that PC gaming is expensive.

>you have to pay to update your drivers
Really? Surely they're free from AMD and Nvidia?


You're a fucking retard. As someone who guaranteed owns a more capable gaming rig than your wannabe ass, the Switch isn't appealing because of its hardware but because of its exclusives. Exclusives are the only reason to buy any console in the first place. And the Switch does that better than the competition. This year alone has easily 5 more games coming out that I really want to play which are only releasing on the Switch.

Go pretend to be a big boy elsewhere, poorfag.

Attached: 1326230767781.png (890x890, 180K)

He isn't sure about anything he's just coping badly

>rehash upon rehash
>delay and no show
>*in development*

geez i wonder why

>Xbox show

The Nintendo Direct had a shit schedule for most countries

rofl what

drivers are free

Gather around my pc bretheren, doesn't matter if you've got a 750ti or a 2080 Ti you've won just by playing on the best platform. Long live autism and comfy games with good mechanics

Attached: b31c4ced285e73f40c884d009c5a7da6.png (1280x720, 116K)


>pay for your drivers
You fucking literal retard.
You brainless, drooling mongoloid
jesus fucking christ
my IQ dropped by 3 from reading your post


>our commercials were the best!
Gross, imagine being this huge of a cocksucking nigger. Hey here's a hint for you suits: consumers are morbidly obese cattle and nobody gives a shit what they think.

Attached: 1315954052788.jpg (325x325, 13K)

go outside

I'd rather play videogames

Ah yes, I can imagine how efective that is against an armed policeman with a fucking stand


>Epic is spending billions of dollars on an irrelevant market



Attached: 1559888035392.png (785x731, 197K)

And for me, Microsoft won.

everything microsoft shows is on pc or the other conoles as well, so they continue to give 0 reason to buy an xbone

nobody cares about gears of war or forza, and gaylo stopped being fun after 2


forgot your wojak, bro

Attached: 1548891609464.png (640x528, 116K)

>pay for your drivers

jesus christ kid

And americans were working, it was only a good time for euros.

I know right

>wojakposter hates game
This is always a sign that the game is good

You're god damn right

Attached: 1524934058285.png (500x276, 270K)

Same with any console....every 2 to 4 years, you get a new one.

More people watched Microsoft’s show cause it’s longer and covers more companies by including third parties. They also had a good year last E3 in terms of reveals so most people thought this year would be as good
But in terms of what was actually shown, Nintendo won

>24 fps

Nigga this isn't Bloodborne.

COPE harder

back to r/pcmr retard

Don't think it's even up for debate. No matter where you go, every poll out there has people agree that Nintendo had the overall best E3

Maybe not the single most hype game as that would go to 2077 or FF7R, but combined.

>no GTA
>no RDR 2
>no Cyberpunk 2077
>no Halo
>a much worse quality port of Doom
>no Project Cars 2 or other sim (or even simcade) racing games
Switch is probably the best console for under 12 year olds because that's who its games (Zelda, Mario, etc.) are made for. But for adults it is the worst choice.

I'll give it a year until EGS is dead and Epic decides to abandon PC gaming again just like they did in the early 2000s.

>every poll I cherry pick are the ones that count

Where are these figures taken from? Live views? Is it including restreams via IGN and other sites?

Post some polls that show someone other than Nintendo winning.
I'll wait.

>gameplay segments being shown and discussed compared to bland empty advertising trailers
Based Nintendo

Attached: Astral Chain - Aerial Combo.webm (800x450, 2.93M)

No, you can fuck right back off to NeoGAF. It shows that you haven't been here longer than since 2015.

What company is it that just recently went on a commie-filled outrage about "muh kids" and "muh womynz"? Soinyfags get out.

>Yea Forums only "likes" because it's more "cyberpunk" than CP2077
I like it because it's a toku police character action game.

Cyberpunk also has unskippable ads that go on for over a minute.

>hey here's like 30 hours of unedited gameplay for all these cool games, enjoy

>everyone else
>We here at Company are totally relatable YEET gamers just like you, now let us welcome Hollywood celebrity, also look at this car on stage, isn't it cool? Here's a 3 minute completely CGI trailer for a game. What did you think? Innotivative dynamic 4k next gen. Gamers.

Attached: 1366179344829.jpg (396x594, 28K)

Why did so many people watch EA?

Even if the gameplay is good, I really do hate how it looks. Its a real eye sore after a while.

>i mention Halo and he thinks i'm a snoy player
Although even Snoy's console is better for adults than the Switch - GTA, RDR 2, COD, Battlefield, Project Cars 2 and other simcade racers like Gran Turismo Sport, also Cyberpunk 2077, and also Death Stranding looks pretty cool.

I'm not saying Nintendo is bad, in fact the complete opposite. Nintendo make amazingly well-made games. I loved Ocarina of Time when I was a kid, I grew up on Nintendo (N64 and Game Boy). And Mario games are consistently great even today. But those games are targeted at kids. So is their platform. That's fine, and they're the best at doing it, but it's just not a demographic I belong to.

It would be cool if Nintendo ever made a more grown up Zelda, but they obviously won't. I was thinking that if there ever was an adult Zelda, it could draw influence from games like Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and Sekiro, and The Witcher a little bit too. Obviously I'd still want it to absolutely be Zelda with the same universe, characters, items, etc. But a Zelda game with a more adult presentation would be pretty cool. But obviously it will never happen.

Attached: xbox groyper 2.png (417x491, 45K)

There was nothing else to do on Saturday I guess
Also I bet 99.9% of those views are solely for and from Star Wars because people were curious


Fuck off back to plebbit you falseflagging imbecile.

Jedi Fallen Order and FIFA 20 are big games.

Which part of my post are you seething at? And what, you think I'm lying about being an Xbox player even though I mentioned Halo in my first post?

Attached: confused black guy.png (700x597, 333K)

Sony 0 views

This is truly ebin

It seems like your metric of what is "mature" is how realistic the graphics are, which in on itself is a huge fallacy when it comes to media consumption in general.

Why not? There's always some interesting innovation in how the nintendo developers handle their game series. No game feels the same, and while we can discuss and compare different games, we can't unironically call them the same. I approve when studios change things up a bit. There was a reason why Black Flag was such a breath of fresh air.

>pepe is "reddit" now

Attached: reddit.png (680x823, 915K)

Did you just download a reaction image starter pack on knowyourmeme?

It was better than PC

It's only natural because sony users would also watch it considering a shitton of those games are multiplat and relevant to them


Attached: games.jpg (2704x2028, 865K)

t. 2012 maggot

>kinda funny games
wow... and this whole time I thought it was only me who didn't give a shit.

Also ubisoft is getting more views than you, bethesda. How does it feel, Todd? Feel like putting numbers back in your game, yet?

Attached: toddler howard.png (410x600, 423K)

Who ~ /Astral/ ~ here

Attached: astral.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

>most embarrassing moment
What's embarrassing there? Explain.

What the fuck are those Destructoid numbers?

Then why aren't switch users watching E3's from 2006-2013?

Those would be more appropriate for them right?

>Shitvolver bombed hard


Thanks for confirming your newfaggotry. Only newfags who think P"Cuck" is the funniest term ever concieved give a shit about r/PCMR.

They are too busy playing amazing exclusives every single month from hereon out to waste any time watching things

% of answers that were 'loved it' or 'liked it' for each conference I'd imagine


crying newfaggotry is the most obvious sight of newfaggotry

go back already

>FF7R and Death Stranding

Xbros are used to watching YouTube since there's no games to play. Owned lmao.

No it isn't. It's to do with setting and presentation, which does NOT mean realistic graphics (at least in this context it doesn't). It means narrative style perhaps most importantly. Stories can be cartoony, designed for kids, or they can be much more mature in their subjects, themes, and general presentation (e.g. guns, more gore, whatever, just anything that is more mature and is not usually shown in kids' games for good reasons). Art style as well can play a role.

So basically you're triggered by what I'm saying but you don't have an argument?

Attached: Graham's_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement.svg.png (1280x960, 213K)

Nintencentenarians sending a card on behalf of Yea Forums to a company for making their fisher price tablet seem that little less dismal that year, as if they are the ambassadors of Yea Forums.

As a self respecting adult and accomplished PC gamer, I honestly shake my head every time I think back on it. Although I suppose Ninuntenables have never quite been able to constrain themselves as is appropriate for any other functioning human being. After all, do they not they vomit endless Smash threads here day in day out, when there is a perfectly designed general board for everyone to enjoy and use, should they feel the need for discussion on a healthy long term basis? One that is indeed, enjoyed and used by well adjusted and often very successful Sony, PC and Xbox gamers?

It's quite honestly repugnant.

You say that when you reddit space as if you came straight outta reddit yesterday. Really showing the high ground there, newfag.


>58 million views
>not even 58 million consoles sold

Every post you make confirms two things: 1) that you're butthurt, and 2) that you don't have an argument. Are you deliberately trying to embarrass yourself?

Attached: laugh.jpg (1000x667, 81K)

Shame about the Kinda Funny showcase getting so few views, that was the 2nd best conference after Nintendo in my mind. I caught at least 5-6 games good enough to wishlist

Attached: fgerqgrtg.png (875x407, 710K)

impressive understanding of reddit there zoomer

you just have to go back

PC gamers are this desperate to deny the hard numbers that show they are completely irrelevant

Look at 999 on DS or danganronpa. They are in no way targeted at kids yet the visuals don't give that impression. You don't know what you're talking about

That's right, keep reddit spacing even after being called out retard, like that's gonna help your case any. You're not fooling anybody, so go back.

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>Not knowing that the US made Japan big with vidya
Friends go a long way

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I am as "hardcore PC gamer" as they come but the PC gamer show is a complete waste of time.


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>No game feels the same

Attached: redditfaggot.jpg (1170x712, 61K)

Not the guy you're talking to but daily reminder that paragraphing has used from the beginning of Yea Forums's existence and all you're doing is showing that 1) you're butthurt, 2) you have no argument, and 3) you're new. The erroneous ad hominem that you're attempting to throw someone's way confirms that you are too butthurt and too stupid to actually make an argument.

>paedophilic cartoons
Get a load of this weirdo. Yikes.

Post specs then

>not pedo

Attached: trover.jpg (884x735, 50K)

So is the entire platform

Holy hell don't you know a literal baiter when you see one? If anything you should be telling the other guy to stop responding to this idiot. Seriously, why do you even take people using "reddit spacing" as an argument this seriously?

Attached: 1531285690744.jpg (222x235, 15K)

Meanwhile in another thread:
>let's all write letters to Square pEnix

>its some faggot /ck/ and /pol/ tourist
>a fucking leaf
>lol old fag

have you been too cool and edgy for reddit since the election ?

just fuck off back retard

Attached: tourt.png (1997x543, 130K)

Where's Snoy?

This is being taken out of context. This is just viewer numbers for trailers of games they showed. With Nintendo everyone just watches the direct so their trailer videos dont get that many viewers. Not as many people are watching the Xbox or EA conferences so their trailers get more viewers after the show.

Cyberpunk is on 3 different consoles. Nice exclusive you got there.

PC has less players but they actually buy more.

I have 15 games for switch, 10 for ps4, but my steam library is at 250 non indie shit games

Who even said that? Delusional nint0ddlers?

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Why didn't you redditspace this post if it doesn't matter?


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>PC gamers are this desperate to deny the hard numbers that show they are completely irrelevant

PC gamers buy more games

I'm shocked they were able to make the Witcher 3 look that good on a switch

>So is the entire platform

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>irrelevant market

Attached: Global_Games_Market_2018.png (4000x2250, 180K)

have you actually watched PC gaming show?
tons of shovelware
even epic exclusive looks garbage

Nintendo hasn't won any E3s ever, I don't get this meme.

Well, sir, there is a difference. In that thread, the mature adults of Yea Forums have come to something of a quibble with the prudishness rife within modern day game development culture. They see it as an affront to sexuality in and of itself, and that the fine, good men at Square Enix hard at work on developing the Final Fantasy Seven remake could use some advice from them, declaring concisely and firmly that they are okay, and open to embracing adult sexuality and all that comes with it in their preferred medium. They see a fundamentally artistic industry being squeezed in a soul-destroying corporate stranglehold, where mass appeal through child-friendly content is desecrating the visions of great men and woman.

They worry that were the industry to truly have it's way, that the end result would be a landscape of videogames that resembles something closer to a Michael Bay film, rather than what it could be, something tasteful and profound, like a Bela Tarr, or even a Christopher Nolan masterpiece.

Whereas, with the nintendo cards case, it was just a bunch of sweaty, smelly, and downright dirty manchildren posting funnyjunk-tier 2009 memes on a shoddy bit of cardboard, whilst arrogantly proclaiming themselves the divine emissaries of Yea Forums. I'm pretty sure if Nintendo offered to buy Yea Forums as a response, then they'd all simultaneous cream their adult diapers.

Really, it just disgusts me.

>Am I wrong? PC needs to be upgraded plus you have to pay to update your drivers. Fuck that

Only hackers with 5 IT degrees can update the drivers.

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r_picmip 5

That's still midnight in Japan.

>nintendo bad
>SE good
Come on, man. You know why you really hate it. It's okay to tell the truth here. Nobody gives a shit who you are.

I think everyone was expecting Xbox to actually show, you know, good games

Average watch time length is probably more indicative of who did the best job

You could almost say that their limited.

How is that coping. It's true
Wasn't there a study shown that the people who buy a switch buy more games on avg than either PS4 or Xbox combined?
It was like each switch owner on average owns 6.5 games compared to PlayStation owners who buy 2.5

>he can't spell the English language properly
Poor show.

Attached: british man.jpg (1024x681, 95K)

>Pepe is commonly used on Facebook, Twitch, Youtube, and even Twitter
>nah nah nah, Pepe is sacred and based, not reddit rageface 2.0

Nintendo won by a wide margin thanks to Pic related, DQ, NMH3 and DAEMON X MACHINA

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>Nintendo is commonly enjoyed by soibois, cucks, manchildren and autists
>nah nah nah, Nintendo is sacred and based, not reddit narwal bacon 2.0

It literally is

I don't think he's a baiter, he seems pretty serious to me. And people do legitimately try and use "reddit spacing" as an argument even though it isn't one, and even though people on Yea Forums have spaced out their paragraphs for the entire duration of this website.

Attached: 4chan spacing.jpg (1280x998, 223K)

Imagine having to genuinely cope about your dumb frog boyfriend by comparing it to a console lol.

This thread was always about ridiculing Nintendo and Nintendo fanboys like you.

>no no, I was being on topic than being angry about insulting my favorite frog.
Imagine having to genuinely cope about your dumb frog boyfriend by comparing it to a console lol.

lol relax Ahmed

FEWER players.

"Less" is used for uncountable / mass nouns. Like water, money, air, etc. "Less water" is fine.

But "fewer" is for when a noun is countable. Players, cars, turnips, whatever. "Fewer turnips" is correct, but "less turnips" is incorrect.

If you can count it, it's "fewer". If it's a mass noun, referring to a mass rather than particular objects, then it's "less".

Attached: less vs fewer.jpg (500x371, 42K)

people that use
>reddit spacing
as some form of insult are the ones from reddit, it's a strange paradox

Xbox show is all multiplats, everyone watches it you dingus even hardcore snoys. I don't know what you think you're proving.

If you care about this on a Laotian skin transplanting forum then you should probably kill yourself.


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>smartphone and tablet games generate nearly twice as much money as consoles
How is that even possible? I don't know a single person who pays for smartphone games apart from things like Tetris. Although according to the App Store, Tetris is now free, so there you go.

Console games cost like £60 for a brand new one, and I certainly know a few people who have a couple of console games, even as adults.

And even kids, can they really be spending more on like £2 mobile games than £60 console games? Sure there's microtransactions but I would have thought the people spending large amounts of money on those are a tiny minority?

Are people really far more stupid than I thought? Who the fuck would play shitty mobile games where you have to literally pay to win? Who the fuck would be interested in that besides a minority of gambling addicts?

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>Halo Infinite that high
I'm never trusting Yea Forums again.

nintendo never won something only nintendogaf Yea Forums think this

OP is mentallly ill. Keanu Reeves was trending on twitter. Non-gamers were checking out the memes to see what the fuss was. They don't give a fuck about vidya.

Nintendo won. Its no secret. OP just can't handle it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-13-09-18-07-1.png (1080x1694, 669K)

I cannot believe that mobile games generate more revenue than PC and console games. This makes zero sense. Mobile games cost like £2 usually, and surely most people don't pay for microtransactions because they are the most MORONIC thing in the world ("hey you want this entirely pointless skin?" or "hey you want to pay to win?" - neither of these is a good value proposition at all).

Plus, mobile games have shitty touchscreen controls. It isn't a good experience.

Is it really just a case of kids buying microtransactions with their parents' credit cards? But I still just don't believe that - surely most parents would not give their kids unlimited access to their bank accounts like that. I can understand a parent buying a console and a couple of console games for a kid because it's a fixed cost. Giving them access to your bank account is of course absurd - and how else are kids going to be paying for those microtransactions?

This makes no sense unless gamers are far more stupid than I ever thought and really ARE spending crazy amounts of money on microtransactions. But I don't know a single person who pays for microtransactions, while I know many people who have consoles and console games. So I'm fucking baffled.

Yeah they most likely are.

>i-i-i-it's just multiplats!
>t-t-t-the people watching were obviously sony fans!
Picture related.

>getting salty because you're too thick to use the english language properly
Genuinely what's wrong with you? Were you dropped on the head as children? I can't understand how someone could be this fucking dumb?

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phone games are for children and rich parents want to make their children happy

I didn't know Keanu was such an industry sweetheart

If OP's figures mean those who watched live, then the Keanu effect would be non-existent, because nobody knew Keanu was coming, and he was only there for like a minute.

As for Nintendo, I'm sure their audience of children are excited about Breath of the Wild 2, but adult gamers won't be.


>Mobile games cost like £2 usually, and surely most people don't pay for microtransactions because they are the most MORONIC thing in the world
You have no fucking idea.

Mobile games have audiences that are like 95% free players, 4% people who occasionally buy something premium, and 1% ridiculously spendthrift cashcows

It's the 1% that generates the absurdly high revenues

>How is that even possible? I don't know a single person who pays for smartphone games apart from things like Tetris. Although according to the App Store, Tetris is now free, so there you go.
That's how.

Attached: 1554863595345.jpg (720x1225, 103K)

Most parents aren't rich parents. So I'm still baffled. Maybe phone games have replaced Game Boy games in school playgrounds, I guess I wouldn't know but that would make sense. But still, are they all paying for microtransactions on these games? Maybe their parents give them like £10 or £20 at a time to spend on microtransactions, but still, I'm fucking baffled.

Like I said, the two types of microtransactions - either pointless skins that have no gameplay effect at all, or a pay-to-win model - are both terrible value propositions. Buying a game for a fixed price makes sense, especially if you're a parent. You buy them the game and they shut up. But if your kid is constantly pestering you to pour more money into a pointless video game, surely most parents will think "No. I will buy you a single game if you want but I am not going to give you money to throw down the drain on literally nothing."

>can't count water
>what are fluid ounces
>what are cups
>what are cc's

>i-i-i-it's just multiplats!
Just because you add s-s-stuttering doesn't make it suddenly not true
>t-t-t-the people watching were obviously sony fans!
Did you read my post fegget? I said everyone watches it. Xboxfags watch it, Pcfags watch it and snoyfags watch it. The Microsoft conference has always been worthwhile to watch even if you don't have an xbox.

Better delete this before I kick your fucking head in cunt.

>Post 8 transactions
>But I whaled $100K+
Yeah no. I'd rather see his bank statement and more importantly his source of income.

It isn't people who watched live hard. You think 50 million watched Xbox conference? Some moron salty about Nintendo (probably on resetera) just added up all the trailer views for all games shown at each conference. Xbox got big numbers because "their" games are multiplatform. So views for ps4 owners and pc gamers are added into the Xbox numbers.

>How is that even possible?
Microtransactions and whales.

Why do you think console and PC games are pushing microtransactions so heavily now too? Because they make assloads of money, its how games are going to make money moving forward, by being vehicles for micrpotransactions like mobile games.

Intuitively that makes sense. But then that 1% must be spending huge amounts of money in order to generate more revenue than kids who are buying console games for £20 - £60 each. Also I guess it shows just how cancerous the mobile gaming industry is, if it is really supported by addicts who are spending irresponsible and incredibly damaging amounts of money on games. If a game industry is supported by most players paying £20 each, then nobody's life is ruined. If it's supported by just a minority of people spending hundreds or thousands each, then those people's lives are getting ruined.

Is that really genuine? How can a shut-in weirdo with a cartoon profile picture even have $130,000 USD in the first place? Unless they got into huge debt, which is possible.

Based and adultpilled

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This time Phil will come through


I was legitimately happy with their livestream

what metric is this based off of? Where did xbox stream that the rest didn't. Numerically based off of console ownership, and the other shows, this doesnt make sense. you would kind of expect it to be at least near the other ones, and not tripled.

You could count waters, but not in the way you're saying. E.g. in a restaurant you might say "two waters, please". So in that case it would be grammatically okay to say "actually can we have fewer waters brought to the table please".

But fluid ounces, cups, and cubic centimetres are all different nouns from water. Water is usually used as a mass, uncountable noun. Just like money, wealth, freedom, air, etc. You don't say "two wealths", and therefore you don't say "fewer wealths" - you say "less wealth". If it's something that is countable or plural, then you say "fewer". E.g. "fewer cups", "fewer computers", etc.

>i-i-i-it's obviously sony fans watching the microsoft conference!

Attached: laugh5.jpg (506x337, 32K)

Nice thumbnail you retard.

Nintendo conference was in the AM on a weekday.

This isn't conference views dipshit. It's views for game trailers. A lot of ps4 owners are obviously watching the trailers for the major games releasing on the ps4.

>Visual impairment
As expected of a Nincel

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>mfw i always win because ive got pc switch and xboner

sony not even bothering to show up made it even better

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>That doesn't make sense because nobody knew he was going to turn up
you know those views aren't exclusively people who watched it live. anybody who heard about it and checked it out later also count.

>Boy, I really want to check out that new Cyberpunk game, let's see some trailers!
>Oh...It was uploaded by Xbox, I don't have an Xbox, I guess I can't watch this trailer :(((((

The only game that got any kind of attention that MS actually made was Halo, and it still paled in comparison to other multiplats

It's not just they're spending huge amounts of money, it's that they're doing it regularly, and are incentivized to do so through the tantalisation of the games premium features. Every one of these games is a "service", a drip feed of eventual content all encouraged by microtransactions. They want you to be flicking your eyes down to your phone every 30 seconds to see some progress bar or objective that you could do easier, or some gold and flashy piece of armour. These people are actually sweating as they decide, teeth on lips and tongue dancing in mouth, whether or not they're going to click the conveniently big red microtransaction currency button and get that feeling of rush as they see their stupid avatar look slightly different.

There are indeed probably a good amount of people, be they parents of dumb children or otherwise hopeless addicts whose lives are getting fucked in minor and major ways by their exorbitant expenditure.

But if no one obeys or cares about the "less/fewer" rule and constantly disregards it, then what's the point of obeying it? It's not like it sounds at all clumsy to say, less balls, less dogs, less guitars.

Really, it's a formality at best.

As it stands, "less" is also a far more ubiquitous word than "fewer", and is quicker to say, which justifies the apparent misuse. It's the evolution of language. So unless you're severely autistic, who gives a single fuck?