Teammate starts posting Yea Forums memes in the chat

>Teammate starts posting Yea Forums memes in the chat

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Other urls found in this thread:

>team mate speaks to you at all

>teammate is called SadFrog and starts calling everyone trannies when he dies

>teammate avatar is a pepe/wojak variant

Attached: 1555652558778.png (662x478, 22K)

>teammates start dropping redpills
>join in the fun

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>Yea Forums memes
make that "reddit memes", because thats what they are.

>Confront him about it
>What no you creep its from Facebook

Yea Forums is diet reddit.

Good way of knowing at a glance that someone is terrible at the game

>team mate
why do they keep fucking in the middle of the game? at least do it offline or something

>says "oof" every time he fucks up
>says "yikes" every time someone else fucks up

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and you should go back to full reddit then.

Hey friends, don't forget to take a get up every once in awhile and take a break to get a snack or get a nice glass of water! It's not healthy to be on the internet all day long!

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>Teammate tries to talk about Yea Forums memes to you
>Act weirded out and ask if he's an extremist

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I want to tongue your bellybutton user.

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stop mass replying. i was asking a genuine question and i wanted a genuine answer, not an unnecessary reminder

>greentexting outside of 4chin

Why do so many people do this?

Using an inequality to quote is older than you are

Like a boss.

>has a facebook frog avatar
>says 'cringe', 'dank' and 'redpilled'

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cute amph.
i already went outside 10 minutes ago, nice weather today.
fuck off you made a shitty meme thread that is bad even for Yea Forumseddit quality.

>Yea Forums memes
No such thing anymore. All memes are shared now and very few memes that we use these days actually originate here.

i am not the person who made the thread, but i did ask a genuine question. please understand

>Avatar is a kekistan flag

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>its an obvious /pol/tard

edit that image to contain epic feels guy and sad dat boi in the back-
eat shit

It's "bigger then" retard

How do you have the energy to care anymore

>brother's friend starts saying Yea Forums memes out loud in the bar
This actually happened by the way.

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>uses the words "faggot" and "retard" in conversation
>once brought up "the holocaust never happened" in a conversation
Have you ever encountered one out in the wild?

You're not wrong, but that doesn't stop normalfags from posting the frog and wojaks all the time

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Cute fagposter!

unfortunately I have judging by their voice they couldn't have been older than 14

>person befriended on steam from Yea Forums turns out to be a clingy dork that takes things too far and types with a f-fake s-stutter

I know most of you people are just normal people, but goddamn some of you.

Stop pretending like web culture exists anymore

>calls feelsguy "wojak"

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i really don't care for more recent memes. But i'll never understand why folks to try to greentext outside of Yea Forums. I bet half of them don't even realize what they're doing.

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thanks for showing me another trip to filter, faggot

>says 'cringe'

>friend's brother uses kek out loud and calls everyone cucks when he gets upset

the fucking cringe is unbearable

it's to let you know they're posting very whitty sarcasm

So, is it "woe-jack" or "voy-yuck"?

Oob is shit
Get some real kemoshota

>Yea Forums chat starts memeing teammates in the post

I would, but my sinuses are currently trying to expand outside of my head so I'm not walking anywhere
I mean I'd normally be at work right now, but I just wanted to validate myself to a stranger on the internet

its neither newfag

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It's polish for warrior i think so vo-yak

Its quite ironic that /pol/ tards use redpill as a meme. Considering it comes from a hollywood movie with and made by jews.

no its not
my man
my nigger

I read once that the redpill is actually a metaphor for estrogen

Nothing ironic about that.

Holy shit, are people actually such faggots these days that "faggot" or "retard" is an unacceptable word in a conversation?

You can be my snack.

Yes, at least in this reddit-tier thread.

its even more ironic when you think about the red pill and blue pill both binding you to the system

>pepega! poggers dude!

Yes he was about 325lbs, had video game tattoos and unironically listen to Alex Jones.

I don't really care what words people say but this guy said them every other sentence. He also brought up the "Anime makes you a tranny" meme one time

remember when teenagehood was a transition phase in life from childhood to adulthood?
It got removed from people's education long ago. You only have children, and old children now.

you want a reddit tier thread?
search any of these:
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>Smacks lips
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>What are some games that X
>Buy my game
>E-celeb thread
>Eastern design vs. western design
>woah... deep...

runescape is so much fun

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Obviously. I mean, look at this thread. Just a bunch of triggered leftarded crybabies bitching about cartoon frogs.

I don't think I've spoken the word faggot in almost ten years when I wad going out of my way to use it. Doesn't really roll off the tongue.

>someone doesn't like impeached president incel have sex cope seething facebook reddit frog? They must be a libtard

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Whose the retard now?

>have sex

sure, bud


>not saying these things ironically to make people like you annoyed enough to post about it on Yea Forums

>mfw someone makes a humorous remark and tries to have a good time and include me in it

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>Yea Forums discords
>adding autists from Yea Forums

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It's best used to punctuate sentences
This one for example, faggot

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That's not Discord.
That's Steam chat.

>haha its just ironi guize XDDDD look i was just pretending xdd

>no u
Go fuck yourself, triptard.

>woke kid spends the whole round redpilling everyone about the glory of whites and how whites must unite to save the race and civilization
>screams at his mom to fuck off and die when she asks him to stop playing and come spend time with her

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>no u

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>Angsty normalfag starts getting pissy because of something political
>Multiple people join in and eternally BTFO him until he logs off

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Who do you think you are?

Whats worse, Yea Forums memes or twitch memes?

Is there diference?

Has Yea Forums always been about find new ways to get a rise out of each other?

>woke kid spends the whole round redpilling everyone about the glory of blacks and how blacks created civilization
>screams at his mom to get him some gefilte fish when she asks him to stop playing and come spend time with her

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You could just fucking filter them, or you could be equally obnoxious "ironically". I don't think you chose right. You don't fight faggotry with faggotry, even if you're only faking your enjoyment at having someone's glans try to dislocate your esophagus.

In regex, please.


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>enemy tries to banter you with Yea Forums memes
>kill them a few times, let slip that you're black even if you're not actually black
>chat explodes in them talking about BBC, cuckolding, dropping hard R nigger bombs over and over while an actual name is attached to their persona that people will remember
>they end up losing anyways

Literally happened to me in Mordhau. Absolutely absurd. If you two retards are here, the two who did it, I hope you're still ashamed of yourselves, because to talk all that shit AND lose AND look that faggish (everyone can tell you're projecting when you start talking about cuck shit) is a moment that probably sticks to you for life.

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there's a difference between being dumb and saying a blatantly stupid thing to get a rise out of someone
Unfamiliar with bait I see

filter list v2.0.5

aight, I got some for you
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

Yeah, my 60-years-old boss keeps using > in emails for some reason??

You tell me, tranny

this post is one big yikes.

That's 90% of Yea Forums threads, pretending to be a butthurt /pol/tard, leftist, or whatever the fuck.

tell him to defer to rules 1 and 2

That's pretty fucking funny. Similar shit kept happening when I decided to play Team Fortress 2 again for the first time in years recently. Just in normal servers, dumb shit kept escalating out of nothing with obvious butthurt involved. Some games just attract certain types of retards.

>playing Mordhau
>duel server inbetween frontlines games
>get a call on my phone
>someone approaches me and flourishes, I do the "no" emote with the hand because I'm busy on the phone
>he starts killing me even though I obviously don't wanna duel him right now
>pepe avatar and says "running away OMEGALUL forsencd" or some other gay twitch emote in game afterwards
>after I'm done on the phone, proceed to duel and kill him 4 times, teabag him+laugh each time
>he ragequits
>bonus points : he was using shield+spear loadout

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and call him a fag


>team mate tries to get you banned for using a custom gesture to grab the guild moms ass

>uses twitch emotes over voice chat

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i do anything for (you)
1 (you) = 1 feed
plz i hungry

>gg this game was PogChamp

poggers bro

>team mate starts posting pewdiepie memes

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Everyone in my Runescape clan does that and it's so fucking annoying. So much for being the number one skilling clan

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>a person on Yea Forums starts fully typing out twitch emotes in his post
>in a thread full of other people fully typing out twitch emotes in their posts
>absolutely no one calls them out on it except me

I realized, then, that the new wave of posters is here. I've been here long enough to witness the changing of a generation. It was incredible.

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people are going to pretend to be retarded if it makes you this mad. Get a grip.

Those are phone posters due to the retarded emote abilities from kuroba like :you:

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>audibly saying twitch emotes
Fucking hell

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>IRL friends try to greentext in DMs

Want to know a nice trick against phoneposters?

>Haven't updated Chrome in forever
>Keep seeing posts in various places with several 'unknown symbol' indicators because people keep using emoticons
Also I refuse to call them emojis fuck you

Mordhau seems to have an over-representation of people with pepe avatars acting like retards

you know the brothers that made the matrix are also trannies now?

>revealing your powerlevel IRL
hope you guys don't do this

It's because they want to feel like crusaders

This is why I spend all of my time ingame team killing them all with balistas

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It's those same fags who believe they are ye olde Christians and spam threads with 'Deus Vult' despite having 3 gig folders of Brazilian fart porn.

>Not griefing them
Teach them to keep their power level under control.

Wait until you've beaten them a couple of times then start pasting random phrases in Arabic into the chat

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Should you respond back with Aladdin songs?

wait, this is a thing? what the fuck is happening to this website?

you sound like a jew

>teammate roleplays as a loli

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No he's a dirty Chew.

Doesn't work in kuroba lul

>tfw i saw some weird faggot named BLACKED.COM in a game last night

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allright, take off your pants then

he's an ugly tranny senpai

twitch bans people for posting Yea Forums memes

>rager whispers you after the game
>ignores you first

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you got btfo

If they're TOTALLY FUCKING EPIC memes like frogretards or something then yea, they can kill themselves. If it's just kek or something then who cares?
Also anyone that baneposts at all is cool in my book. That shit will never get old.

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Actually they both played themselves by actually spending time on a shit game.

This place haven't a been a secret club since like 2012

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>shit at the game
>lol ded game who cares
You are 10x more cancerous, even I would rage.

Just because this place is overly popular doesn't mean you use ANY memes IRL.

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The hell is your point
People are gonna stop using memes because you said so?

I wouldn't consider gamechat IRL


that's the beauty of team killing

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>Teammate speaks in nothing but memes

>Team Mini
Thank god I was put to Team Creme instead of these spergs

discord i was recently forced into had a shit load of drama in it like pedophiles grooming underaged roblox kids and rape

You reported them to the FBI... right?

still working on it all we've made a private discord of people against all of it and getting as much info as we can

you forgot

Are you retarded? The FBI will instantly get their entire posting histories directly from discord and now the pedos know about it since you made a ruckus.

no ruckus has been made they no nothing my dude but good point on the FBI thing

Reddit ruins everything it touches

>Arab teammate leaves for 10 minutes to pray

You said you are gathering people so yes obviously the guys who live in a discord will know about it, are you literally retarded?

only people who know about it are personal friends so no my dude no one on that discord know shit

>rolling a 7
>not a 5

And most of the time they browse reddit and never post here because we're still some kind of boogeyman

>brb coke break

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>Get introduced into a friend group
>Having a good time
>Something remotely amusing happens
>Fucking everyone says "kek"
>Ditch it immediately
Why do you have to ruin everything Yea Forums?

try some of these

Based and banepilled

fuck off pepsifag

>join discord that my friend wanted me in
>decent enough people just having fun
>realise everytime i wake up the entire chatlogs are wiped
>stay up one night and set myself to offline to see what the heckaroo is going on
>turns out they're all into heavy ERPing shit with orgies and furry related shit

>mfw all my closest mates browse at least one Yea Forums board

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Wow you lot should learn to have fun, it's just jokes and memes. There's nothing wrong with using memes irl


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nice double dubs + quads combo

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Big black chocolate

What you don't seem to understand, reddit, is that your idea of what constitutes jokes is batshit insane. They're not tools to show you belong, references to show you're in the know, or expressions of (dis)approval. Those are shibboleths, and votes. Not jokes. Jokes are meant to be funny. If it's not funny, it's a failure of a joke, and if you still use it it's not one at all.

>someone using Yotsuba as their profile pic
>and their profile name is Yea Forums

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>Teammate starts picking up every loot
>sells them to vendor without asking if its an upgrade to everyone else
and thats why nobody likes you

>teammate caps Iceblood/snowfall graveyard

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Comfy is alright, the rest can burn

>teammate has a tranny flag as an avatar
>spams the chat non-stop with "trans rights" or other LGBT bullshit
It's all fun and /pol/posting until you personally encounter those "people" and realize that they really *are* fucking obsessed and have no personality whatsoever aside from their sexuality.

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god speedonvhs and adamantium and the rest of those cucks are pathetic

2015 was 4 years ago

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I've used Yotsuba as my pic for years, no mention of Yea Forums anywhere though
I'm still waiting for someone to ask if it's the 'Yea Forums girl' so I can block them

no thanks, going out in this weather kills me and my alergies decided to move to my eyes and I can't stop rubbing them after going out for even a minute or two

>somewhat edgy name
>non-meme avatar
>never type in game
feels neutral man

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it is though

pretty much only oldfags use yotsuba pics if they do for some reason

newfags dont even know her name

That is the most ridiculous I'm above everyone else style farthuffing I think I've ever seen. You're using the literal fucking symbol of Yea Forums as your profile pic, and pretending you think talking about it is a taboo. Should block yourself. Ride a rope down from a stool.

yotsuba is old and busted
sachiko is the new hotness

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Sachiko needs to kys herself asap

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>symbol of Yea Forums
99% of people that know of her do not associate her with Yea Forums.

>people in youtube's comments are jerking off to Yea Forums(nel) again

That's precisely it, if anyone knows who she is then only the scum will only connect her with this place.
It's an emergency red flag, basically.

Is literally is

>that one fag with the zero two avatar who always talks about depression and his social life

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Quoting with > is older than Yea Forums you zoomie

Why does Krautchan have so many shit memes associated with it

seething snoflake, not understanding 4channer culture

I keep hearing retard/faggot/nigger and so on because I dont live in a country plagued by americ*n morals

>that one anime girl pic dude who you befriended
>become bros with for months, playing vidya and chatting, having a good time
>quit playing communal game, go to his and join his own friend group to try and keep in touch and have fun with him
>game fucking sucks, hard
>his voice chat is the most cancerous shit ever
>crack one offensive joke in their metaclub and get banned forever
>metaclub eternaly seethes over my existance because I shittalked a few of em and every time they see me, they try their best to shittalk me
>call them subhuman and dab on em
Learn a lesson user. Never trust a anime avatar.

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>Polandball was created by a British user making fun of a Polish user on a German imageboard that became first popular with Russians, then made widespread by an Italian animator
Truly, the most /int/ meme to exist

Imagine filtering someone just because he said something that made you do a big upset

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Lighten up dude, just because you are a sad cynic, doesn't mean everyone else has to be. Have you forgotten how to have fun?

>the basedshitters that unironically report and suck at games post on this board

No. How about you fuck off.

>Call bronies retarded faggots in youtube comments 6 or 7 years ago
>Weeaboo gets really mad at me
>Spends literally half a decade taunting me, making videos about me and trying to annoy me
>Literally shares my YT name to all his buddies and have them try to gang up on me and leave random weird comments on my dead ass videos
>Had him blocked so I never noticed whatever petty shit he was doing
>tfw I sent someone into a large self-destructive spiral that hurt himself and everyone else around him but me
That a cool thing that happened I guess

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maria or mariya rather is an obnoxious tranny freak anyway so not like anyone loses anything blocking him

>hOw DaRe sOmEoNe MaKeS Yea Forums mEmEs OuTSiDe Yea Forums?!!!!
Have sex

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how does have sex beat anything
Ive yet to see someone get offended by it
Virgin and incel did it much better

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I guess virgin and incel are outdated
To "have sex" you can't really comment anything except something like "bend over" or "with me" etc
Why do I even bother thinking about this

it sounds like something someone who has never had sex themselves would say
I dont like X
"have sex"
like thats the reason for their problems
you could even take it as a compliment, that post was so good I want you to have sex

with virgin or incel you get the implication across more directly

Great post! Have sex, my friend.


>everyone starts going off about the jews ruining western civilization.
The Australian servers in Rising storm 2 is filled with /pol/tards. But it is hilarious.

Incel always just entertained me since it was invented by people who were afraid to offend asexuals by calling others virgins