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Other urls found in this thread:


>Triggers /pol/niggers
>Triggers SJWs

The mark of quality nowadays

How does it trigger /pol/ other than living rent free in your head?

Here you go

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>trans literature
Nigga wat

kek /pol/tards are such bitches

Imagine living in a retarded fucking fantasy world where you believe a Corporate hellhole with almost no human rights would respect trannies more than anybody else.

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>aren't familiar with trans cyberpunk literature in the late capitalist future
Also, how do they know there are no trans people working on it? Are they demanding the company out their employees?

That's at least 4 blatant seetheposts by /pol/niggers

Don't see what that has to do with /pol/ - Yea Forums posters generally agree trannies are disgusting, no matter the context

Unless you're a subversive from Resetera (which you probably are)

>...aren't familiar with trans cyberpunk literature on gender experiences in the late capitalist future.
Name one. Name one person who is fucking qualified.

but there is trans representation, didnt they see the dickgirl?

trannies are the worst people on earth by a wide margin

It's more that in Cyberpunk transexuals are nnot really seen as being out of place, this is even the case with 2020 PnP game, with some prominent NPCs being trans.
I'm not saying it is a bad thing, and it's obvious that when some group becomes established part of society, corporations will market to them, and also use them to market things. The advert that is causing all this brouhaha in real world is just like any other hyper-sexualized poster in the world of the game.

>both sides are so obsessed about modern political social bickering that they completely miss the point about transhumanism and the human identity that the majority of futurist materials try to explore
Gender shouldn't even be important in a cyberpunk story. It isn't complicated. They're a society where that shit doesn't matter thanks to the advent of technologies that make traditional norms no longer a standard. You actually limit what they could thematically explore by getting so bothered by male, female, cock slash, silicon tits by anchoring your philosophical angle in something contemporary which would be irrelevant in the setting itself.

>here you go
>posts a Yea Forums thread
Good one faggot.

>trans cyberpunk literature
I dun gedd id. blz exblain :DDD

This right here is why everyone shits on you. For someone who supposedly belongs to an enlightened group, it's astounding how you legitimately believe that anyone who disagrees with you must either be a tranny or from resetera.

exactly this, fucking christ

>It's more that in Cyberpunk transexuals are nnot really seen as being out of place
Which makes their incessant whining almost illogical when an ad that would be seen as common place WITHIN THAT WORLD is causing them to freak out.

>Dystopian future where Capitalism is king, the worst parts of humanity run rampant and people can radically modify themselves with a host of different augmentations and join a host of different cliques to represent how they choose to live in a daunting, cybernetics-ruled world
>"wtf why does this girl have a dick that offends my modern sensibilities"

These people need to shut the fuck up. If all media had to tiptoe around everyone's feelings, not attempt to be radically different, and try to make itself readily available to all, we'd still be stuck in the Dark Ages. The world doesn't cater to anybody, and any belief otherwise is simply the illusion that it does.

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God why do they think anyone cares about that shit? Their tone is one of entitlement or something, like their way is the only conceivable method.


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>Dude I'm not a tranny
>But I'm gonna defend my right to see tranny dicks in my games


>Who writes about trans issues for publications including Daily Dot.
Translation: Unpaid intern nobody making clickbait blog headlines.

Okay - can someone tell me why trannies are mad about a game in which transsexuality is seen as something normal and many trans characters will be featured?

>must either be a tranny or from resetera

true lol, fucking lol /pol/niggers are so cringe
i said the n-word so i fit in now right?
So uh, when do i get my shekels for the falseflag posts again? I'm getting real tired of pretending to be a racist.

just a shakedown to get their people into top roles.

I'm glad many places on the internet genuinely hate trans people now, many people have seen the light, and understand.

>sensitivity readings
>trans cyberpunk literature
Collapse of the west fucking when?

it's hard because trans cyberpunk literature doesn't exist

They aren't, the problem is a huge amount of very vocal people without even gender dysphoria have latched onto the term as if it should be some catch all for constant attention and special pandering.

Yea Forums larps as /pol/acks all the time for free (you)s
you got any tweets or forum posts from right wingers who actually complain?

Because trannies are mentally ill.

/pol/niggers don't give a single shit

whats next?
>you have to be a killer to make a video game about protag using guns

>everyone I don't like is /pol/
>"ok, everyone I don't like is resetera"

>Cyberpunk tech means that trannies are so normalized that sexualized ads featuring them are everywhere because swapping your genitals is easy and relatively cheap in this world
>this is somehow "anti-trans"
Here's how it works trannies, when you are accepted as a normal part of the world, you get treated like everyone else, now I know you don't want this, you want everyone to act like you're all special and shit but once you're like everyone else you will get sexualized, marketed and advertised to just like everyone else.

Basically in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 you got what you said you wanted, you are now considered normal as the gender you identify with and your subculture has ceased to exist, subsumed into mainstream normalcy. I know that's not what you really want despite what you say but well, fuck you, people aren't going to treat you like you're more special and unique than everyone else, go fuck yourselves you dumb, egotistical faggots.

>not all /pol/tards

that's not a /pol/ cap, retard.
They don't give a shit about video games.

>trans cyberpunk literature

It exist outside Deviantart? Now you made me curious just to see how would that even work.

except thats the reality your living in

>implying anyone wants to play a game in order to learn about trans experiences and be lectured as opposed to having fun

/pol/tard SEETHE

Why does such a small minority of genderbender weirdos have such a loud voice?

Pretend Yea Forums centrists that supposedly hate both /pol/ and SJWs are the worst, as they don't realise they're as intellectually dishonest as the people they hate

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That is short sighted. Sexuality and gender definitely does matter in Cyberpunk. The thing is, it's not as happy and rainbows as some people would want it to be.
People have mentioned Humanity score hits from getting cyber-augments in the series, and yes, that also applies to getting a new sexual appendages. But what everybody seems to ignore that it is specified that changing sex naturally with actual biological modifications and/or with lab-grown parts does not incur humanity penalty. It's all in the rulebooks. But that process takes time, and is very expensive.
There are also rules for turning people into multi-purpose sex-dolls, which is much easier, cheaper and faster. This incurs humanity loss.
It's not a stretch to say that Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk is pro-trans, but it is also taking a stance against easy hedonism.

because we've fostered an environment that encourages it

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These are the kind of people that consider the Major from Ghost in the Shell to be transgender even though every entry has made it a point that she uses being female as her only remaining link to the humanity she had before getting a full prosthetic body when she was a child.

I guess you could say the details were lost in trans-lation

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Because tech conglomerates give them that voice. A reminder that trannies don't even make up 1% of the human population, yet based on tech news you'd think every third person you meet was a tranny.

Do they know that Cyberpunk is supposed to be dystopian? You don't get a dick installed to represent your true inner gender, you get TWO MASSIVE CYBERDICKS because you live your life in a haze of hedonistic pleasure and you left your humanity behind long ago.

>Trans cyberpunk literature
That's a thing?

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So if they're not doing it for marketing purposes, as alienating 99% of the base to accommodate 1% is clearly ridiculous, then why are they doing it?

>We... I mean, THEY, don't give a shit about vidya, my dude, the memes you're seeing being exported over from there are just a coincidence, I promise

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these people cannot see beyond their own ego

>sensitivity readings
Are these retards even self-aware at all

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Everyone on Yea Forums made fun of that trailer

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.


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Sounds to be like trannies are confusing transhumanism with transgenderism.

Transhumanism is the act of becoming something beyond human. Removing our ogranic flaws and turning ourselves into what basically amounts to digital/synthetic gods. One true unified race where differences are all personal aesthetic choices.

Except you're proving my point. All of those things are exploring the human identity, not sexuality and gender. Every action they take is to either retain their natural human biological state or become more and more cybernetic blurring the concept of what being human even means.
Focusing solely on the idea of gender and sexual identity completely undermines the larger questions these technologies pose for humans as a species. Even then, it completely misses out on another potential fallout.
Sexuality, in many ways, is tied to the biological need to reproduce. What happens when you move into a fully cybernetic body incapable of reproduction? Do you have to program sexuality into the body because of the lack of chemical reactions that cause arousal in the first place?

>trans cyberpunk literature on gender experiences in the late capitalist future

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>want more trans people and trans representation in media
>trans people correctly portrayed as regular people that have sex and live lives like anyone else in Cyberpunk, a world that explores transhumanism and the idea of what would happen if people had the ability to use technology to expand beyond the limits of what was once humanly possible and thus create new cultural and societal standards of beauty and normality
>"actually this is bad and transphobic because they aren't represented as cute anime girls that do nothing wrong and are loved by everyone like I think I am"

There is no winning with these people. No matter what you give, they demand more.

>Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

Shut the fuck up shill. More dead trannies to come in the future, in shootings, random beatdowns etc. You might not even get to kill yourself at 30.

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would be great if this is true
hopefully talking about the OP too will finally cease

Why is Resetera trying to subvert Yea Forums and doing a poor job of it?

>No flags

Why does anyone need representation in fiction?
Why would anyone need to fulfil that for others?

Female hormones tend to make you emotional and less rational/logical.

They have a baby's mentality of memes. All they are doing is getting people to hate them more and realize that you truly can't give them even one inch.

Really gets the ol' noggin' joggin'

>Redesiukäs comments prove she - and her colleagues - aren't familiar with trans cyberpunk literature on gender experiences in the late capitalist future
Cyberpunk 2020 has always had transgender stuff in it, but it was never about transgender stuff let alone their gender experiences in the late capitalist future.
So why should they be familiar with that stuff? Neither Cyberpunk 2020 or 2077 ever aimed to be a "good commentary about trans experiences with gender".

Trannies and Transhumans have more in common than you. Transhumans inevitably shed their mortal coils, and the same can be said for transgenders.

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i don't care about trans experiences

Wow, this comment is just so... ugh. Let me guess, a white male between 20 and 30? Homophobic and racist in one fell swoop, wow. This is so creepy and gross, you must be an incel poster who's never touched a woman and doesn't go outside. I can't believe you're taking the time to shit on other people just for being happy, why do you care what happy people do in their sex lives? Get laid or something, holy shit you suck.

KYS tranny, please leave.

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>you must be an incel poster who's never touched a woman and doesn't go outside
LMAO Tranny who never goes outside telling other to go outside

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Oh fuck I lol'd hard at age 300


This is the quoted 'journalist'

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And here is a white (male) between the ages of 20 and 30

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You know, you are not supposed to out yourself as a shill and become emotionally involved. There is a guide book out there to carry out proper online subversion.

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I highly disagree.

She has a point, but when we speak about society (Cyberpunk represents a dystopian one), you cannot expect to write about it properly without an expertise in the political field in general.

My opinion is that all game writers who wish to write about politics but are not political experts should be fired.

>try to appeal cancer
>cancer complains regardless

>The World Health Organization no longer classifies being trans as a 'mental illness.'

despite being only

Closest that comes to mind to me is the depiction of Betan hermaphrodites in Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga books. One very memorable recurring character in particular.

But I'm pretty sure the current extremist wave of SJW's will find a bajillion flaws with that depiction as well.

Based slav boys strike again.

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well, to be fair, it's a bigger theme in When Gravity Fails by Effinger and Gibson has some trans side characters as well
but I doubt most of these trannies read things like that

>Trannies and Transhumans have more in common than you.
No, they don't. Like all trannies, you confuse purely aesthetic changes to ones that would alter your state of conscience and being, where you could connect in a hivemind with other humans, see beyond the realms of what humans know today, understand problems that aren't even realised in our current world.

You take all of this and mash it into "I want a vagina."

No, pretty sure it's 90%, with jews and chinese behind the last 10% :^)


Remove them completely. Fuck these people I hope they die painfully.

>all game writers who wish to write about politics but are not political experts should be fired.
LMAO it faction writing, why would you need to be political expert to write it!?
This is not even an opinion anymore, this is just plain stupid

If we had these threads a few years back these fucks would complain that there isn't any transniggers in Metro 2033, even though chopping your dick off and finding pills for your sex change on the surface would be the last fucking thing a metro citizen would think of doing, ever.
There's no pleasing these retards, so stop giving them a spotlight

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Said 99% doesn't give a fuck barring a part as marginal as the trannies, while lobbyists squeeze money out of transgenders who need the meds.

Quoting yourself, tranny? People with glasses are closer to transhumanism than you are, because their modifications exist to fix and enhance against the limitations of their body. Your changes are purely damaging and seek to affirm a mental illness.

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You're just embarrassing yourself even harder at this point. Read the fucking post you dirty second-language English speaker.

Stop assuming people's genders!!!

I'm reading it and not seeing anything I've missed. Is this some retard attempt at a joke that makes the whole room go silent?

It’s a butthurt tranny deflecting don’t mind xir

>casually explain that the ad is about how companies dehumanise transpeople and how that's terrible

No no, fiction needs to be done properly. It is not acceptable when amateurs write about whatever they wish without deeper thought and follow my own ideals.

If the game wishes to say anything about politics, political experts must write it. And if any RPG wishes to have philosophical themes, academic philosophers must be hired.

It is not acceptable that non-political experts represent political experts.

Okay, but what are the trannies tax policy?

Yeah I figured it was. Carry on.

Nobody likes an obsessed manchildren shouting about the Jews when they have discredited themselves plenty of times, but nobody likes trannies either.

you wish /pol/tard here i love it

>>Triggers /pol/niggers
I think /pol/ is busy traying to make the white race great again via shitpostiong they dont care about vidya shit .
Thats from Yea Forums .

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Right, I'm the tranny for calling you faggots mentally ill. Unironically neck yourselves.

I post on /pol/, and think this is great. It’s a good depiction of a decadent hyper consumerist society. I wish people could read between the lines on both sides.

So much rage from trannies for a stupid poster, including the shills and flaseflaggers, pathetic has hell

Solution is actually simple. Next E3, show some transgender quest (the main quest) with a 'celebrity' tranny.

Doing trans people the right way in fiction can go a long way towards the mental health of people who are isolated and without proper support system in their lives. You're honestly kind of doing a disservice to a lot of people by having some cis writer make up what they think trans is like

They will never be satisfied. They want a world in which
- the hero is a stunning and brave transperson
- there is no white character in their main allies
- the villains are all evil white men
- but they're not allowed to say bad words or display transphobia or racism in the story

That's assuming a cis person lacks empathy and has a lack of humanity that trans people have more of.

Anyways, catering to the subset of transexuals who are mentally ill and hypersensitive is a terrible way to create art and or games.

Mario did it the right way and I don't see anybody praising them

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Your mistake is thinking a schizo that lops his dick off and calls himself a broad wants an "accurate real world representation" as if he's ever perceived reality.


I agree, they should be portrayed as the degenerates that they are so that they either fix themselves or remove themselves from the planet and make all the "normal" people's lives better. less than 1% of the population should not be this overarchingly annoying to the other 99%, they are literally worse than the "rich 1%" that they hate.

Unironically this. Their whole ideology is based on creating problems that don't exist. They will just come up with new things to whine about, no matter what is done.

Counterpoint: relying on video games for validation of your lifestyle choices is extremely unhealthy.

I agree, white males should not be allowed to write. If they do, they will write about white people... and that's a big no.

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it's a product meant for a mass market. of course it's not going to be convoluted in a "trans experience" sort of way that only a small fraction of players would understand or care about.

But trans people have no idea what life is like for ordinary "cis" people. Should all trans writers be fired and disallowed to write about anything else but trans issues of which they have personal experience?

And since when has the purpose of games been to provide mental therapy?

The whole "boohoo I am trans, represent me, society bad" is an exclusively American issue and thanks God for that.

Just hire trans writers, and make everything revolve around that.

>when bioexotic modifications are fucking everywhere and people are turning themselves into goddamned snakes and tigers and dragons and shit
Why are you fags so utterly obsessed with transsexuals

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> Trannies inevitably shed their mortal coils.
yeah, about 40% of them

This shot really just put into perspective for me. Pop culture is their equivalent of religious canon, isn't it?

Dude half you homogays are into traps or play as women and would absolutely be a chick if you could snap your fingers and do so.

I'm the only actual straight man on this board and if it doesn't bother me it shouldn't bother any of you.

the real question is, does cyberpunk 2077 allow us to place our cyberbrain into the body of a little girl? if not, this is not indicative of the future at all, as this is secretly the goal of a large portion of society. That or catgirls, I guess. Either way, no loli no buy for me.

As a straight man do you agree that male V is pretty cute
He's really digging the twink aesthetic

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>giving a serious reply to obvious bait

So you don't create a character for this game? There is just a preset male and present female?