What's your dream game Yea Forums?

What's your dream game Yea Forums?
For me it's the dark grim Diablo universe(I and II) in an MMORPG like WoW.

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state of decay but with a LOT more basebuilding, micromanaging, and looting

stargate open world game with bethesda modding support thats not paid moods.

God Hand but you play as a robot traveling the world to learn new fighting styles

I just want to re-live the first 10 years of Ragnarok Online, with the community of said period.

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What cube world could have been, I'm holding out for hytale.

An FPS like Killing Floor but instead of fighting ~30 enemies at a time you're slaying Dead Rising size mobs of them. Add in shit tons of weapon variety and coop and you got your golden goose.

Tbh it was more akin to cartoonish than dark grim.

for me its the mcchicken

That sounds pretty cool

Sounds like World War Z? I'm not interested in it myself and it probably doesn't have the shit ton of weapon variety you seek, but I think it got coop and loads of enemies down.

>you're fighting dead rising sized mobs of them
looks like you need to put KF on a higher difficulty


comparing it to today's diablo..

gitaroo man 2

FFV with ancient civilizations. Jobs are according to the different military units that those civilizations had.

thats out of left field. care to explain more user?

even with the fakedplayers mod the enemy spawn cap is still like 40. I want to be burning through hundreds of enemies at a time. I want clear through crowds of dudes just to turn around and see twice as many charging at me.

>care to explain more user?
Yeah, for example if we're playing with the roman empire, the jobs we can choose will be every military unit of the roman empire like the centurion, legionary, praetorians, velites, etc. And the antagonists will be the germanic tribes of europe. Needless to say when we choose the germanic tribes we'll have others jobs depending of the faction. Also every faction will come with different endings.

To cover our history we'll need many games tho.

a diablo MMO is stupid, the entire theme of the game relies on isolation

would this be in 8 bit or the latest graphics?

16bit, so it looks more like FFV. Also 3D turn-based rpgs looks kinda clunky for me.

That just sounds like Path of Exile

PoE was only made for Sorc playing autists who just like seeing colours all over their screen

ARMA 3 wasteland mod but with non clunky controls and an actual playerbase beyond 50 people.

You live in a city with hundreds of thousands of people, yet you sit alone in your room, seeing and talking to no one. You can have isolation in an MMO.

If you think D2 was cartoonish then go play D3.
D2 was grim, not as grim as D1, but much more than any recent blizzard game.

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then there's no point in making it an mmo

World of Warcraft with much much more immersive and realistic roleplaying elements.
>Ghosts cant take physical damage
>you need to eat and drink
>you need to sleep in an inn or /camp by a fire
>weather is a big deal and either buffs or debuffs you
>stats have more purpose than just damage/health increases
>strength increase your carry limit
>you cant carry that much
>intelligence is needed to learn profession
could write for hours but you get the idea.

wow with reactive NPCs would be very cool
wildlife that acts like wildlife, npc factions (the defias for example) that organizes on a zone-wide level and takes over towns, elementals and demons with their specific objectives and desires, etc

then quests like "kill 10 assholes and 20 cunts" would actually have a tangible purpose, since it would bolster your factions by retaking towns and such, which maybe contain specific vendors or produce more npc soldiers for faction PVP

An RPG game like Skyrim, but we have the chance to be some peasant to some lord work on farms build your own or be a miner hunter sell your stuff
>inb4 Skyrim has mods to be farmer etc
I tried the farmer mod and ended up casually being ganked by some mammoths and still is not what I am looking for

Andariel used to scare me as a kid

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>You get to slap juice on metal to slap ghosts, so its mechanically the same
>You need to eat to heal, so its like Outward: Its a non issue so long you need the buffs/healinng
>Its not like they added a bonus for logging off at inns, so its just a extend of that mechanic
>Won't amount to anything but +/-10% buffs at something, all the time, so its not relevant
>WoW doesn't have acrobatics/platforming as a core mechanic, so stats = platforming ability won't be a thing
>Buffing strength classes
>Rebalancing midgame onwards due never having enough slots as non STR classes
>"Wow, i need to level to acquire proffesions"
Shit taste user. None of those would amount to anything.
Meanwhile BOTW goes further than most games because Rain practically disables climing or forces you to whip out a campfire to sleep past the rain. And lightning forces you to swap weapons or do lightning strike tricks.

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