Stop putting dumb shit in the OPs you idiots
Launch trailer:
Stop putting dumb shit in the OPs you idiots
Launch trailer:
>SE puts an actual janny in their game
What did they mean by this?
Why does Urangier look so gay?
>he thinks that why it 404'd
How much time has passed from the beginning of ARR to the end of SB?
I need a new Ninja glam. Currently rocking a green rogue style, but would like something new.
Why is Urianger sad about giving 6% extra damage to ranged DPS?
Assuming Kettle to the Mettle is canon, at least two years.
I want to put a baby in Ysayle!
The carborundum set from alphascape is hot, I used it on nin through most of SB. I'm not resubbing until early access starts or I'd take a screenshot.
>No Mercy buffed
>Sonic Break buffed a lot but only available once per minute.
>Continuation combo cooldown reduced to 30s
>Superbolide cooldown reduced to 6 minutes
>Heart of Light nerfed and only covers magical damage now.
Do you have anymore cute icehearts?
Does this game works like WoW in the sense that if I get the game now it gives me base game + all DLC except the last one and once Shadowbringer releases I'll also get Stormblood, or I have to buy each one individually?
Do you get any cool extra dialogue if you play heavensward as a dragoon?
What about as a dork knight?
>inner beast defense buff and heal gone
Damn. My favorite anti tank buster. Cool counter attack like move instead of boring shield like move.
Buying the latest expansion gives you all the previous ones (except the base game)
I believe you can still get the first expansion for free.
If you preorder Shadowbringers you'll have to wait until it's actually released before you also get Stormblood and Heavensward.
Try this
Rainbow Shirt of Scouting
Archaeoskin Boots of Scouting
Eastern Journey Bottoms
Molybdenum Armguards of Scouting
Dye it all soot black.
not many, unfortunately. I should search pixiv for more.
there's some extra lines if you have dragoon leveled to at least 50 i think
we don't know for dark knight, yet
They've been reluctant to give any specifics about that. Back during HW Yoshida said about a few months had passed between 2.0 and 3.0.
It works backwards from WoW.
Buying base game gives you ARR and nothing else.
Buying newest expansion gives you the rest.
>Buying the latest expansion gives you all the previous ones (except the base game)
that's a bit weird but I guess from a functional perspective it ain't that much different. Thanks for the reply.
Also what's special about the starter edition, does it include something or it's jsut 1 month of playtime for the base game? How long can I play for free, till lvl 35?
When is SE gonna show the definitive tooltips?
Worth noting you can get first expansion for free on their store right now, so probably they'll include it with base game soon.
You can play for free til level 35, but only if you do not register an account. So if you want to try it out, stay on trial as long as you can. Once you run out of sub time you do not revert to trial status.
Starter edition is the base game, pretty much, you can grab the first expansion for free, and preorder shadowbrigers to get both it and stormblood on the... 28th? i think
>tfw Koji Fox is still going to insert his succor reddit speak into this game
How has he not been fired yet for his fuck ups?
So when does Squeenix cave in and let us romance NPC's?
Back in ARR, most people thought Minfillia bland and useless. Now a lot of people are pumped for her return.
Because only ESL plebs have trouble understanding it.
Ranged DPS sucks.
Power of cunny
A lot of time has passed so hopefully she'll be interesting with all that has happened.
Try and tell me pirate talk is actually legible no matter what country you come from.
>tfw no loli half-dragon elf slave
When are we getting our own DRKbros?
I just completed the Tsukiyomi questline. How far to the end of SB?
Sans me apparently. People care about this bitch?
>6 trusts so far, 1 tank, 2 healers, 3 dps
>WoL is canon tank
Who's gonna be the last DPS? Either melee or ranged since there's already two casters.
you're pretty close, just take your time
about 14 quests, a couple of dungeons, and a few trials
You're about over halfway through the post-70 questline.
>Superbolide cooldown reduced to 6 minutes
What was it before?
This last stretch to release is killing me.
She's hot
Source on this?
7, like Hallowed.
>some autistic meme sidequest for bonus meme gear at the end of the most autistic grind in the game
>the only solid dating for anything
Honestly I feel like Yea Forumsermin know the contents of this game's lore better than Yoshida at this point. All the fucking people pulling ancient quips from ARR like Ramuh talking about the time before Hydaelyn or one literal nobody in the Shroud mentioning aether thinning never ceases to amaze me.
On the subject of AST changes, are the new seals attributed to each card going to be used for anything beyond the Divination skill?
>in the jap version of the ShB launch trailer you can hear Haurchefant say "A smile better suits a hero."
Yeah, really makes me think too.
Who would have guessed that the non final tooltips subject to change that Yoshida warned everyone about were not final and were subject to extensive changes?
Kill The Balance with fire.
>you will never convince Estinien to put aside his hatred for all things fluffy and kupo to craft a moogle plush for Ysayle
Judging from the flavour text in the new dungeon it doesn't even look like it's the same character, like she got younger mentally too.
still a straight up worse living dead
No and that's #1 problem with new astro cards.
>a pokemon thread, smash thread, or botw thread got deleted for this
What the fuck mods, do something about this.
>Superbolide cooldown reduced to 6 minutes
What is the point really? I don't think it actually changes anything.
no, so i hope it gets buffed cd wise since with redraw you will swim in seals before using it again
I agree.
You don't have to get healed back to full, but LD lasts 10 seconds after it gets procced.
Superbolide should be 5 or even 4.
Ysayle seems to be getting a lot of new art lately. It's hard to track anything when most of it is on Twitter.
Looking forward to the Live Letter, seems like they're actually making a lot of changes, but some of the interview translations didn't quite understand stuff so it'll be good to get actual confirmation about that Savage raid loot change.
About three hours if you aren't a dirty skipfag
It makes it a bit more likely you can use it twice in a single fight, but otherwise it's kinda pointless. They probably changed it just so that it has SOME kind of advantage over Hallowed no matter how insignificant.
He creates all the good lore for the game and helps Soken with most songs with vocals, sometimes even singing himself.
I hate his translations too, but he is a huge net benefit to the game, and super entertaining to boot. Just switch your client language.
They already said there's gonna be a tank before Thancred.
People who can read above a 3rd grade level can easily read different dialects.
They better not wheel her back out of her fucking grave too. I like her but let dead characters stay dead instead of turning it into "EVERYONE IS HERE!"
The loot change is that instead of specific drops, they will drop coffers for accessories, feet, belt, chest, etc. depending on what floor it is. The final floor will drop both a weapon coffer and random weapon as usual
considering they show off the english dub even in JP only events and is considered the canon version, he’ll never be fired
>worse living dead
Unlike Living Dead, Superbolide actually negates damage-based debuffs like HG. While buff from 7 minutes to 6 is mostly just a feelgood thing since it won't really get you more uses, literally not a single cooldown in the game is worse than living shit
I only want her to return in Estinien's LB animation as Lady Shiva instead of midgsrdsormr phantom
SE are absolutely terrible at portraying non-combat characters as useful. The only one they've arguably done right is Tataru and that's for metagame reasons, since she took up Weaving she gifts the player with a new glamour every expansion; running the Scions finances is also something that the average person can recognize would be important without needing to be shown in detail
We are TOLD that minfillia has done a lot of work getting connections together with various groups but we never get to SEE any of it, Alphinaud is the only person we get to see do any real negotiating.
It doesn't help that the combat scions frequently solve non combat problems, half of Stormblood was solved by shinobi handwaving; how the fuck were random asians successful at infiltrating all the way to garlemald and then successfully fomenting dissent? Would have been nice to actually see
The fact a younger minfillia is going to be better of a fighter than her old self is a little silly but I guarantee all the Trust characters will be popular because people will get to see them being useful the entire expansion
She's a good girl with an interesting backstory, that got fucked over hard so it's nice to see her back, even if it's likely only being done to kick Thancred in the dick again
>creepy haurchefant is a jp fujo headcanon forced in the game
That's fucked. You'll have to roll on the same shit against 7 other people every week unless you join a poopsocking static.
Really all AST is missing with seals is something to do with them during Divination's downtime. Give AST an ability that lets you eat certain seals for the old Card effects, like Solar gives skill speed, Lunar gives crit, and Celestial gives defense.
I'd put my rising stone in her waking sands if you know what I mean
So who's it gonna be? The only options I can think of are Hoary Boulder, Arenvald or Fordola.
I'm looking for a lance to use as a glamour I'd prefer a thick shaft and tip but most importantly I want a cool glow. Any ideas?
Cure II and Cure III will never be canon.
You're already rolling against the game giving you the 1/7 drop you want.
Who are the trust characters so far?
The change to coffers is stupid imo, xiv raiding is casual enough that it doesn't need to introduce loot council bullshit. Anyone who doesn't just roll for loot even with the change is a fag
Pyros Lance
Here is your catgirls for tonight
Remember GREED ONRY?
I bet they're gonna revert that shit or add normal drops as well
If they go with two coffers and the complaints are high, they'll probably just do one random drop plus one coffer
Tanks: Thancred, ???
Healers: Urianger, Alphinaud
DPS: Alisaie, Y'shtola, Crystal Dude
Yes but it feels much worse to "lose" to someone else rather than the game simply not drop something you can use, it also means people even in PUGs will try some stupid shit like giving priority to certain roles because others don't "need" it as much
In surprised XIV hasn't copied wow's personal loot system already given everything else they've borrowed
What if Fray is a trust tank?
It's not like they're removing pages
It will probably be a new character from the First.
God I fucking wish but I have no faith in them actually doing anything meaningful with the DRK questline characters after they didn't even bother putting the prince from the MNK quests in Stormblood.
Personal loot is shit.
There's basically a 100% chance that they give us Viera and Hrothgar trusts to tempt people into fantasia
the closest other ingame hints we have regarding the passing of time are the time between 2.55 and Hoary Boulder returning from Tavnair, as well as our initial boat trip to Kugane. There are canon statements of how long it takes at the average to sail from Limsa to Tavnair and Doma (3 weeks or 2 months respectively irc)
Fray is a CNJ
I would like to have Yugiri, but ever since going back to doma and the introduction of Hien, her time in the spotlight seems to be over.
Is this applying retroactively? I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some Alexander armor or Genji armor.
That would be sick but Fray is never going to be a MSQ character because his existence doesn't make sense unless you've unlocked DRK. It's not the same thing as Estinien who exists whether you've done the DRG story or not, your Darkside couldn't feasibly take the form of Fray until you actually find his corpse and take his soul crystal.
Of course it's shit, that's all the more reason to expect square enix to steal it considering they've already used all the other shit parts of WoW like dungeon finder, raid finder, "Play the Patch" game design where not only is old expansion gear worthless everything not from the latest update is outdated
Unfortunately there's still no better alternative even with all that said
People have been requesting all kinds of characters as trusts, including nearly impossible ones like Aymeric and straight up impossible ones like Haurchefant. Yoshida seems to be aware and didn't even rule out either of these two explicitly like he usually does. Yugiri is fairly popular and available, plot-wise, for dungeoneering so I'd say she's a likely candidate to be added - eventually.
Probably not on release
You seem to misunderstand what Trusts are in XIV. They're not a roster you accumulate and then for each dungeon you pick and choose from your collection. You select from a small group of characters which varies from dungeon to dungeon and is based on which characters are accompanying you at that point in the story. You cannot add to the characters that are available for any particular dungeon.
Minfilia is available as well, she's melee DPS.
How many times does it have to be said that Fray is dead and the one in our head doesn't exist? He/she is just a stand-in for our darkside (probably because they don't want to have to keep animating all the possible custom character combinations).
t. seething SCH cuck
ASTs and WHMs love living dead and if you're either one of those, I can straight up tell you, you're dog shit grey parser.
I hope the Trust system is expanded later on so it isnt just the Scions. Having your Job trainers eventually join would be neat
Oh yeah, I forgot about her.
got all my jobs at 70 now except PLD (GLD) which is level 6. always hated PLD
This contradicts literally nothing I said.
and? he's still able to physically manifest and act independently, and even in the very first job quests for DRK he pulled out a staff and healed us as a Conjurer
Source: your ass
What graphic options and settings should I have? If I put everything to maximum, is there still stuff I should change?
>This world has had it's fill of heroes...
Only dub line delivery I ever believed
>including nearly impossible ones
>Yoshida seems to be aware and didn't even rule out either of these two explicitly like he usually does
>High meme amor
Why'd they make this step have the better glow than the final one. I just want a dyeable Aettir and Priwen. Fuck.
Okay fair but I see a lot of people thinking that Trusts are going to be like XI trusts where you collect them and can then choose from your collection at will. Yugiri might appear as a trust in a hypothetical future dungeon but it's still a bit weird to say that she would be "added" to the system which to me kind of implies you'd be able to use her wherever you want. It doesn't really matter who appears as a trust because they're only going to be usable in the dungeons they're written for.
Only cute cats are middle, far right and second to the far right
*NTRs the WoL*
It's straight up better than living dead
Nobody loves living dead you stupid sack of shit. You have to immediately dump a ton of resources onto the tank just to keep them from dying.
Thing that makes me most interested in the future is because this system is eventually to proof against bad queues, they'll want to expand it to all the earlier dungeons, too, but they also seem to want to keep it story-related, so I don't even know who they'll pull for the ARR ones. Like, until the fourth dungeon, you haven't even properly met the Scions yet
remember in 4.0 when you couldn't see what cards the AST in your party had because it appeared on their job gauge only? good times
>can't even see his dick with how fat he is
>ntring anyone
>yfw he fucked Namamo's mother right in her royal cunny
Is there any actual reason to farm gil? I have no idea how much stuff usually costs at the start of an expansion
>tons of resources
Yep, you just outted yourself greylet. Don't even respond to me again.
Which minions do you guys use?
This is retarded, it's slightly better for statics but it makes pugs MUCH worse. No matter what drops everyone is rolling against 7 people.
I can only see them retroactively adding trusts to earlier dungeons when the game stops updating and goes into maintenance like XI. In that case they'll probably just give you some generic "adventurers" for earlier dungeons.
I bet this is his only cutscene and we don't see him again until 6.0
Benediction or ED + literally needing to cast benefic 2 is a fuck ton of resources
Stay blue
Fair enough. Poor wording on my part, I'll admit.
Damn right.
>Trial DR
>Get Thordan
>See the WAR has Deviance on, don't really notice their HP
>Happily put Sword Oath on
>They drop their Deviance and I notice they only have 26k HP while I have 35k
>Put Shield oath on
>Do my double Rage of Halone aggro opener and switch to Sword oath
>Suddenly the WAR feels like tanking and provoke the boss off me
>Think "whatever" and just do my dps rotation
>Steal aggro from them constantly
>When Thordan reappear after Ultimate end they use provoke and ultimatum to keep being on top even if its fucking useless
>use /slap on them at the end and leave
What are my chances on being reported and banned for that?
All the relics and their effects are all starting to become hideous 2bh
>all buffs aside from HoL
>pretty much all raidwide damage is magic anyways
Yeah, that's kind of lousy. I should really look more into the changes- they're also getting rid of Royal Road and Spread, right? Wonder what they're replacing those with in the job quest, if anything.
bros.. is there a better feeling?
Why do retards somehow still not understand the trust sytem despite everything the devs have said about it so far
The Pagos/Pyros step was great. Hydatos was where they fucked up.
Yes, that of not playing Eureka.
Probably near zero.
>Heart of Light is literally dark missionary
>Green Rouge Style
Good taste
I was like you for a time. Then I cleared it and got all the shit in a week because I had nothing else to do. It's garbage content but it's piss easy, and because it's somewhat detested it's pretty much free gil for battle jobs.
Everything leading up to Hydatos was fine
Hydatos itself was a mistake
I believe you are referring to sexual intercourse
>try NIN finally
>it's pretty fucking fun
>No Mercy buffed
By how much?
20 instead of 10?
Pagos was a mistake, Hydatos was an afterthought compared to BA.
I was more talking about the weapons
>DRK goes to 1 with living dead
>have to use your 3min CD that could have been planned for anywhere else had you brought a different tank
>have to use ED and then literal actual gcd heals
>WAR goes to 1 with Holmgang
>tetra or ED or excog, fairy heals and aoe heals keep him alive for a long time after
>GUB goes to 1 with Superbowl
>tetra or ED or excog, fairy heals and aoe heals keep him alive for a long time after
>PLD goes to the same hp with HG
>he can't use it again for the rest of the fight lol
Everytime I see ninja player I imagine pimple faced white kid in HS on the other side.
user please, think of the children
Fuck off you cunt
I have opened over a hundred of those damn gold coffer and still haven't got those damn mount
>>he can't use it again for the rest of the fight lol
Omegababies don't remember when there were boss fights that last more than 9 minutes
I have played since ARR and I have never seen a fight last over ten minutes. Maybe you're just shit?
and then I'd cover her in my falling snows
Most DPS jobs are fun desu, except MCH and DRG.
The tank I will be maining in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. What else could GUB possibly mean?
>I have played since ARR and I have never seen a fight last over ten minutes.
>play BLM from time to time in Alliance Raids
>pretty fun
>friend needs help through 4-man dungeons
>do them on BLM for the first time
>keep ripping aggro from newbie tanks
He's talking about GUK
Slightly based
Fuck post-HW DRG
>the perfect woman doesnt exi-
God don't remind me that the PLD Eureka relic that I grinded for looks like an abortion. Actually, all the Eureka relics are. You can tell they put way more effort into the Ultimate raid weapons and their glows and chose to half-ass the relics instead.
Brute Justice's enrage was like 13 minutes as a fucking start.
So how do you think they're going to asspull anything being a threat to us when we've reached the point we can solo gods?
>SE consider Hallowed Ground "Overpowered"
>Meanwhile Holmgang with its 3min CD is totally fine
Mai succfu.
>SAM and RDM can't say the eureka weapons are the worst finished relics because they're the only ones they have
Elemental blade is absolutely legendary tho
So that's what chicks see in Haurchefant.
I saw WAR mains saying the same fucking thing when Stormblood dropped and they were screeching that Paladin was better than Warrior.
I'm actually orange on all three, try again, sweetie. The fact that you even mention needing to cast a benefic already tells me you're dogshit.
I'd hate Zephirin even more
Patch 6.5 part 2 will end in us powering down
Why are people talking about Gunbreaker tweaks? Do we have a leak? What's the source?
When you see a new player do something wrong or is having trouble keeping up, do you offer advice? Or do you not care and ignore them, even if they die?
Faggot cat knocks you unconscious during important fights.
I just got a second one from the very next coffer, holy fuck
Why don't WoL just hold two weapons at once?
>GNB is also likely to have Brutal Shell up constantly and have aurora to fall back on
I tell them to uninstall.
Depends on how bad it is, if they fail to run out of the orange circle I see no reason to.
I usually give them some advice if i think it'll help, but some people are just lost causes.
Based on the trailer, our main "enemy" will be the people we are trying to save (people are "sick" of heroes, fat fuck and his fat cats just want to sacrifice poorfags to obtain light succubi, soldiers capturing Minfilia, etc), and Alphinauld stopping us from murdering everything standing in our way.
>Holy Spirit nerfed twice because god forbid something comes close to dealing the same damage as Fell Cleave
I like the green chicken.
And war can freely use equilibrium now too
The absolute state of LD
I didn't even know there was a bat minion in the game. That's pretty awesome. Here's my buddy.
Don't forget that Brutal Shell heals too.
Being able to 1, 2 spam for heals and shields will make solo content a breeze as well I am sure.
MCH's time is coming.
And when, pray tell, did Yea Forums last have a good XIV thread?
Over a hundred bleedin' years ago, that's when!
I played WAR all through Heavensward and I couldn't believe how retarded they were acting just because they weren't indisputably meta anymore. WAR definitely needed a couple tweaks, which they got in 3.05 but it still didn't stop them screaming until PLD got nerfed.
Paladin should be guaranteed to have the least damage of all four tanks with how much utility it has. If you think otherwise, you're actually a retard.
Fucking hell...
user, if you're on Primal would you mind giving it to me?
I want off the hydatos ride still need to continue the pyros one tho...
Depends if their character is cute. I also dont help Auras
>Brutal Shell
Oh yeah I'm sure that 5k heal will be really useful.
It shields and heals you fucking retard. It's 300 potency worth of HP.
Au Ra's don't need help. They're always try hards doing the most damage in any given group.
that nigga's one of the most op minions in the game too
I don't talk to randoms in general anymore. Giving advice in the wrong tone gets you banned these days.
It's more than the heal from path, which are both used constantly
They did have the least damage.
Gigi for life.
Except for Little Ladies' Day, I always bring out Edvya during that time.
Conditional Virtue.
no luck sorry, EU player
300 potency of tank healing, which doesn't not necessarily translate to healer potency.
ah yes that 3k heal is godly when you’re at 100k+ hp
The mitigation/healing provided by GNB's brutal shell is roughly equivalent to the passive mitigation PLD gets from having a chance to block. It's effectiveness is overblown.
So I just started Heavensward quests. How long will it take me to at least get to Stormblood shit?
We'll get magically nerfed at the end of SH or 6.x Because both Hydaelyn and Zodiark are dead so we can't receive their blessings
Remind me on the source for this fuck?
What did you get banned for, user?
Succu is the only one I need.
I should com more porn of her
You can use Hallowed Ground on O12S twice.
Never claimed to be a PLD player? I play DRK of the three, but dropping it for GNB.
Yoshida used it was an example of a bigger issue mentioned in the same interview: Balance is inevitable tied with how loud the playerbase of that ability/job is. He wants to avoid getting OF flooded with crybabies, that is why he doesn't like to mess too much with certain jobs (like WARs).
>all this talk of trusts
>new game plus incoming
>people always said its not time travel
>but what if it is
>trusts for sastasha: that adventurer group whom you can now decide to join
>then tamtara: old players can opt to join edda's ill-fated dungeon, and actually make it succeed
>literally change fate, players flagged with that have a different tamtara hard boss and a different potd boss
>and yet players can also go back again, and change fate back to whichever they want
I’d say least a week if you’re not a NEET. Take your time.
You are missing that you can spam 1 and 2 and force active mitigation. Yeah it'll cost a lot of damage but if shit is hitting the fan? It's nice that it's there. It'll probably similar in practice to PLD spamming Clemency, though this can be done indefinitely.
even after the class got fixed people like xeno were shrieking that old inner release relied too much on rng crits (which only mattered to people treating fflogs as a leaderboard, the difference was negligible to most people) and because warbabies follow whatever xeno says, they got their wish by means of warrior getting turned into a braindead requiescat spam class
fflogs obsession and crybaby war mains are directly responsible for the hyper-simplification of the job
>Free stats thanks to a shield
You don't even play the game you dumb nigger jesus christ
Sword + Shield stats total the same as any 2H weapon
Stop posting any time
Thanks anyway mate, and grats on your easy 15M
This is at level 80. You also receive a shield of this health. Your health pool is 110k. The heal barely covers from the auto you get from a level 71 mob. It's pathetic.
If they ask, sure. If they make some understandable beginner mistakes, I ask them if they want pointers after the run (or a wipe).
If the fuck up at every turn, I just grin and bear it. There's a 70% chance I'll be ignored and a 30% chance I'll get insulted for trying to help.
Yoshi literally said that Trusts will not be available in old content and that NG+ will not be adjusting the difficulty of any old content.
It's going to go up as we get more strength, determination, and crit at least.
50 less dps than DRK while drk is 50 less than war is not a big enough disparity for how much utility they have.
It's a really cool mount, I honestly see it less often than Ozma.
you literally don't know how paladin stats work and probably have never tanked anything more advanced than ghimlit dark
Just don't sperg out and start calling them 1k dps retard nigger bitches. I give passive aggressive unsolicited advice all the time. For best results fantasia to lalafell.
Based, fuck SB's DRG
Way back when I still played, I did 45 runs of WoD before I finally got the minion from it, and used her from then on.
WAR faggots deserve the shed. Obnoxious mhiggers.
All this american you will get banned bogeyman while on EU people get kicked from nn for "snowflakery"
Wind-up Tsukuyomi and this tiny god
Holy shit...
>It's going to go up as we get more strength, determination, and crit at least.
So will boss damage and our HP pool.
warrior's raid shield is already better than divine veil and you were given it because of how much you cried about not being the best tank. fuck yourself.
If we're talking about tankbusters, you're going to start getting health back the second you use bolide and you're mostly invincible for 8 seconds. The health drop is a dumb decision that's ultimately just an inconvenience at worst.
Never have been. Just hearing all these stories like how having swear words in character info or saying "fuck" in say gets you banned now.
Unrelated to what I was complaining about but I got a warning after 5 years of playing but I'm not 100% sure for what, it might have been "I hate french people so goddamn much" after we wiped on Thundergod for the 8th time before abandoning. I'm not even going to participate in the community if they're going to go full hitler.
Are stats subject to diminishing returns?
For example, let's say I have 800 Crit or Direct Hit and my buddy has 2k. Will I get more mileage out of a +40 materia than he will? Or will both our actual % numbers go up the same amount?
you can in practically every savage encounter provided you use the first one before the 2-3 minute mark. people talk out of their ass because they don't raid
>warrior's raid shield is already better than divine veil
If shit is hitting the fan a 2% cure and 2% HP shield isn't going to save you no matter how much you spam it.
I hate this dumb shit people do where they directly compare tank abilities against each other in a vacuum and then cry about balance. omg Gunbreaker has a constant 300 potency heal/shield on every 3rd GCD. But they also have by far the weakest Sheltron equivalent of any tank. omg Heart of Light is so good. But Camouflage is the worst tank CD in the game.
These were about 7 mil on Primal last I checked. I'm still at work for another three hours but if you're still online when I get home I'll buy you one. Post your lodestone or character.
My server's NN is pretty based, people dropping bants all the time and offering actual good advice to sprouts.
Some greylets didn't like it and we bullied them out into a linkshell where they now talk how healers shouldn't DPS.
There's no diminishing returns.
>20% of HP is worse than 10%
Holy fuck WARs deserve to be shot
I've been enjoying just doing all of the quests in the zone, but something about the dialogue in the quests is just hard to read. I don't know if it's the translation or what but after a while it starts to give me a headache.
>significantly lower cooldown
>doesn't require a gcd heal to be triggered
>can be fed minor cooldowns like thrill of battle to make it even stronger
just admit you don't raid lol
It gives the same percentage for both of you.
Furthermore, crit increases both crit chance AND crit damage, so it has increasing results and why it's the best stat.
>and Alphinauld stopping us from murdering everything standing in our way.
Why is he so no fun allowed
No diminishing returns. On the contrary, Crit and Spellspeed/Skillspeed actually scale slightly exponentially, so you're rewarded for stacking one over the other. Det is linear, though, and I forgot how Direct Hit scales.
It was an exaggeration joyless retard
dhit is also linear
Eat shit, faggot. You had six fucking years of being the by and far best tank. I hope yoshi nerfs your job to below 2.0 levels.
DH/Det are linear
Crit/Haste are exponential
Are there any non-katana samurai weapons the same way Lancers get halberds and polearms of all kinds and Warriors get shit like bill hooks and glaives or are they all 100% glorious folded nippon steel
this cutie
Also sometimes: Dust Bunny, Cactuar Cutting, Enkidu, Wind-up Estinien, Gestahl, Wind-up Cursor
Out of ones I got recently I've also used the preorder bonus Baby Gremlin, and the Magic Bucket I got with the Moogle tomestones
Thank you, follow up question then.
As a tank, our armor has no direct hit on it. If I am stacking another stat such as SKS, what Materia should I use in the gear that is already SKS capped? Should I focus on capitalizing on what crit my armor naturally gave me, or slap in direct hit to try and get SOME of it?
Trying to figure out how to best do a SKS GNB. Given that as you said, that Crit awards increasing returns I would assume I should capitalize on that, correct? A few DH materia likely aren't going to make enough difference in my DH chance for it to be the optimal choice, yeah?
Well, if it ain't the oldest joke in the book. And when, pray tell, did we last have warrior mains not seething? Over a hundred bleedin' years ago, that's when!
Huh, I wonder if I should brace myself for a ban because I’m sure I’ve said “fuck” at least once in say.
Based user.
You sound like the kind user who helped me finishing my ARR relic heh.
I'll try give it my all today and if I can't get it I'll take you on on that offer.
My only point was superbowl's downside is piss easy to recover from with a baked in regen and an extra one on top of that. That drop to 1HP shouldn't scare anybody.
your baseline direct hit chance is 0%, so melding a bunch of direct hit is actually good if you're playing paladin, for example, since you can get it from 0 to around 10%. i think the one tank that doesn't want direct hit at all is warrior because of how inner release works
Wind-up Nanamo. She's cute
So those fat cats in the fanfest trailer. Are they new races or are they Hrothgar who became gluttons in the doom cult?
And will we be killing these fat cats?
Shaggy Shoat.
Sometimes Poogie, Faustlet, Hunting Hawk or Black Couerl
This has nothing to do with what he was asking.
They're miqote
Not him, but once in a leveling roulette I explained to a low-level PLD that "Flash's range isn't infinite" (he spammed it all the way to a enemy group as soon as he spotted one, running out of MP because of it), and he just dropped the usual "don't tell me how to play my character" in chat while the mobs were biting the healer's HP bar.
I didn't get a ban or anything like that, but that wasn't the first time got this sort of reply so eventually I just gave up. I don't say shit in chat unless people directly beg for help, and most of the time I just hope that someone else will explain it instead of me.
I think until you're able to hit a certain amount of Crit, DH actually scales a little better, but I don't know if that's true or what the breaking points are.
Fat, Gluttonous FirstMiqotes
Right, but I am asking about a scenario where I am focusing on SKS as my primary, not DH. Some of my gear will already be SKS capped. In those pieces, should I add Crit to synergize the crit already on my gear? Or DH to try and get some because my gear will have none?
dodo, susano, ravana and bunny
I rock fire sword and water shield. That's what it looks like to me.
They are obese miqo'te.
YFW there are dungeons that will have Estinien, Gaius and even Solus as Trust options.
>Fire sword and water shield
>Not Blue sword (Sword oath) and Orange shield (Shield oath)
This guy doesn't even aesthetics
Wind up Gosetsu and Attendee #777
Eorzea is like Final Fantasy Africa so nobody is fat there.
The first is a different world so you got fat people there.
I've seen people do this and it always looks tacky as fuck.
Blue shield looks better with Passage, tho, you unaesthetic plebian
It's usually easy to rally the party against retards like that
NIN, SAM, or SMN? I already have leveled SCH so SMN would be easier, but i want to know what is most fun!
CH is frequency and potency, right? I'd say that sounds better in the long run.
direct hit is probably better at the start of the expansion when ilevel creep hasn't settled in. at the end of the expansion crit becomes a lot stronger simply because its easier to accumulate enormous amounts of it, but at the start (first raid tier or so) direct hit is probably better, specially because crit synergy buffs got nerfed.
Even if I can only get a tiny amount of DH?
Could it be that you’re not too accustomed to the dialect? Tbf, some of the dialogue just takes time to get through.
>that guy with the ucob sword and the uwu shield
I want to say something but I just know he's going to attack me and tell me to post my logs even though I have no clears
At the moment, if you really want to optimize, the consensus is to aim for a target SkS value for a given job (aids in squeezing an extra hit in during burst windows, for example), then pump crit as much as you can, then have the rest go into Direct Hit or Det since getting both SkS and Crit to the point where the exponential scaling starts paying off is usually not possible.
All of this might change for ShB, but assuming the general idea of
Crit/SkS - exponential
Det/DH - linear
doesn't change, it's likely the best option will continue to be to pump either Crit or SkS and fill the rest up with Det or DH.
Shit, I wrote all that and still somehow forgot Goobbue Sproutling
Do you want to be the TA bitch, have BIG NUMBER and loud skills, or have summons and lasers?
>your baseline direct hit chance is 0%
No? Don't we start at roughly an 8% chance to DH by default? I don't think it's 0 user.
Obese miqote living in the upper levels of notlimsalominsa who decided that the world's fucked anyway, might as well eat, drink and be merry and wait for the end to come. We'll probably end up killing them all because they're feeding the plebs to the Sin Eaters to appease them.
Tooltips from the E3 build.
How long until 5.05? I'm just going to wait until they fix the jobs, expansions are always awful at launch.
Will it be in Shadowniggas?
o7s had a 12 minute enrage, though it's significantly easier than a8s.
I really dunno. I typically just go Crit > DH for every job. But I would guess that even a small amount of DH is useful because you start at 0% (crit rate starts at 5%). DH also scales fairly quickly, at level 70 I think it's something like 40 DH = 1% DH chance.
Unequip all your DH gear and smack a dummy for 2 hours, check the amount of DHs you get over the duration in ACT
It's 0% base
Sorry user, sounds like a dumbass to deal with. Did you get to kick him?
If you go meme build full SkS, go with dhit.
>even with Diversion still stole away enmity from tank while dealing with mobs in Dzemael Darkhold and spamming Death Blossom with Doton
Was I mashing too hard or something, or did the tank just suck?
If you have no direct hit in your gear (which is how gear for tanks and healers works past level 61) and have not melded any, your direct hit rate is literally 0%, unlike critical hit, which has a base rate of 5%.
You can see how stats affect rates here:
Do you have a link? I've seen the SMN tooltips, but nothing about GNB
About 6 weeks
Tank sucked. It's possible he was massively undergeared but more likely he wasn't in tank stance or was not using his AoE aggro move enough.
Could be that the tank sucked or he could have just been undergeared, or a combination of the two.
For one hit, PLD's divine veil mitigates more damage in actual content like ultimate. You'd know if you actually did them, oh wait, you don't.
Admit you don't do anything harder than ex primals lol
Might be shit gear, him turning off tank stance, being bad at tanking, or any combination of the 3
There was a time while doing O12 that I straight up told a guy to go fuck himself after he failed to realize you don't stack both male and female omegas for the third time in a row. Nothing ever came of it.
You won't get banned unless you flat out incriminate yourself for using a parsers or you use IRL offensive words like calling someone a retard, tranny, nigger, spic, etc. But you can call someone a mhigger, idiot, or use wrong he/she pronouns and not get in trouble.
Tank was shit
Overpower, Flash, and Unleash all generate shittons of aggro in tank stance, it usually only takes 3 casts to have enough aggro to afk for the rest of the mob's HP
Speaking of Sword Oath and Shield Oath, why is Shield Oath being renamed to Iron Will (shit name) while Gunbreaker gets Royal Guard when Paladins in FFXIV are LITERALLY Royal Guards?
Should I post my coil and ultima weapons user? I just want to make sure I don't want to BTFO you too hard
Gunbreakers are also literally royal guards.
If you want HUGE numbers, the best weeb aesthetics, and having the honor of being the same job as /ourguy/ Zenos, then SAM it is.
Also it's just the most fun of the three for me desu
gunbreakers are royal guards too
even more so than paladins because they guard a queen rathen than a sultan
Gunbreakers are also royal guards.
Not impossible. We're still missing out an actual theme song ala Answers/Dragonsong/Revolution. I've seen people saying Soken wanted to save it for a major moment in game instead of spoiling it in a trailer but I've not seen that substantiated.
Because they had to come up with some retarded lore making Gunbreakers also literally be Royal Guards of somewhere we've never heard of instead of just having Nero or someone be like HEY WoL CHECK THIS SHIT OUT and throw a gunblade at you.
How do we save MNK?
Gunbreakers are also Royal Guards. Lorewise, they're the elite guards of the queen of the fedoracore Hrothgar tribe.
Congrats, you're either a retarded PLD nigger that doesn't even know how your own CD works, or a stupid DPS/Healslut. So stay mad lol
Because he's playing Estrologian
imagine pretending you do ultimate and then failing the most basic understanding of tank cooldowns which is that frequency beats raw mitigation power almost every time, specially when the difference is as tiny as 8% of a war's hp vs. 10% of a paladin's hp (thats a difference of roughly 1500 hp shielding at max ilevel, which is nothing), and war still can sacrifice minor cooldowns to make it an even stronger 12% while having a shorter cooldown and no awkward activation requirement
hanging out in the warrior channel of the balance and watching xeno videos doesn't make you an ultimate raider and it shows in how much you underestimate shake it off, roulette hero
>Lyse looks like Midlander bodytype and even has the same animations as every other Midlander in the game
>But she's born a Highlander according to lore
It's a funny kojifox meme
Same thing with Minfilla
t. seething war still mad their class wasn't in ucob world first
Too much trouble, still worth a ban. Silence is the safest option.
Maybe it's because I'm a tank main, but I can't stand shitty tanks and I'm just glad that I will be able to level my non-tabk jobs with Thancred.
Sounds like you just described divine veil family. Don't forget all the other utility that paladin literally has for free too ;).
It has to do with where hyurs grow up.
Merlywb and Nero are Elezens with different faces
She's a womanlet
There are a lot of Highlanders with middy body types like Wilred.
That's really fuckin gay and kinda makes me angry
Why couldn't they just keep it named Shield Oath then. Iron Will sounds so fucking shitty and lame. Iron is literally garbage.
Yda and Minfilia both have midlander models because highlander females didn't exist in 1.0.
Fat cat. I just enjoy that they put boob physics in the game, but didn't put in any boobs.
>Iron Will
>not Divine Right like the PLDs in Thordan EX
Koji is a fucking failure
It's a 1.0 thing, Minfilia's also guilty of it
Speaking of Gunbreakers...
What will their achievement mount bet? honestly thought lion would be perfect but PLD called dibs
The one thing they have over other tanks is Cover.
Literally every other CD they have, other tanks do better.
and cid is a garlean despite having the body of a highlander
being born a certain race doesn't mean you have to look exactly like every other member of the race
>Remove slowdown on RoF
>Make Tornado Kick into a useful part of the rotation that doesn't consume GL
>Change fists stance so they're all situationally useful instead of one just being the best 99% of the time
>Remove crit dependence for chakra procs
I have my own ideas on how to accomplish all that but those are the minimum changes MNK needs
Why is GNB the only tank with a dot and more than 1 combo
>1500 extra hp on the entire raid with an unwieldy activation requirement and a 30 second longer cooldown makes paladin broken please give warrior 2000 potency fell cleaves and passage of arms and pre-nerf cover to compensate yoshi p
im sorry you don't know how to use shake it off lol
Racism has always been an instant ban so of course I was never retarded enough to do it, along with talking about parsing outside of in-groups. It has gotten visibly worse since the TOS change though, hearing about people getting banned every other day now. I doubt they suddenly decided they were going to spam nigger either.
>Merlwyb is an elezen
This is a dead meme, she's used the roe bodytype since 2.0
All garleans use the elezen bodytype but with hyur-like faces
Mecha Lion.
because yoshi said it's aimed at experienced players
It's supposed to be the complex tank for veterans.
branching combos effectively count as two combos or more unless you also think samurai, ninja and shb dragoon also have only one combo
the only tank with one combo is dark knight
>lorelets making the wildest theories on hydaelyn being a primal just to make her look evil
The amount of gullible people who believe ascian word without thinking is hilarious.
I guess it's pretty much confirmed then.
That's "experienced" for ffxiv players.
That sounds fucking retarded. Why didn't they just make it a turn-coat Garlean or some shit.
Iron Will is a Paladin trait in XI.
>he's still too retarded to even understand what was said earlier
Ascians have never lied to us user. At worst they've told half-truths. Why would we believe the ascian who literally has the title "Angel of Truth" would break that pattern?
Damn that would've been lit
the only thing hydaelin being a primal would tell us is that all deities in the setting are artificially created from belief. hydaelin has never acted in an evil manner or shown to be draining the planet of aether at all. lorelets just want their edgelord fantasy of every good character being evil for no reason.
I've never heard of anyone getting banned in-game for the 4 years I've been playing this game except for:
>Sexually harassing players
>Abusing the Ungarmax exploit
>let's rename the spells to numbered so it'll be easier for the players
>meanwhile sprouts spamming Fire II on single target
>Nero as the Gunbreaker job npc
Fuck that would have been funny, make the AF gear bright red armor with NERO plastered all over it like a stock car just because he knows it'll piss Cid off.
Because they had to cram Hrothgar lore in the game somewhere, seeing as they weren't foreshadowed at all.
Go jump off a bridge, the fall won't kill you right away
To give Hrothgar's a smidgen of lore relevance.
Because we aren't allowed to like the good guys
probably because they don't want to give players more reasons to like the garleans despite their constant failed attempts at making them unlikeable assholes
No, I just gave up and very slowly cleared the dungeon. Thankfully Thancred will carry my non-tank jobs in my future leveling adventures (plus the usual alliance/squadron/deepdungeon spam).
>middy face and body
>but highlander titties
Best of both worlds, getting turned back into a teenager almost feels like a waste
It's also confirmed Eden raid is firmly connected to the MSQ.
you said divine veil is a better cooldown than shake it off, which is an opinion literally zero raiders have due to divine veil being extremely awkward to use, having a two minute cooldown, and being only marginally stronger than baseline shake it off
in other words everything you said is wrong and you just proceeded to have an angry fit because you're so deep in your warrior larp you think having unmanaged anger issues and seething constantly makes you stronger irl
Hrothgar were a mistake.
I know one person for sure who got banned for a week for calling someone "a fucking oyster"
If an Ascian lies it's usually by omission. Solus may very well be telling the truth about Hydaelyn and Zodiark being primals but we already have cases where primals aren't inherently evil or destructive beings.
Hydaelyn being a primal changes absolutely nothing.
It doesn't mean she's evil.
That's a piss poor reason when you have turncoat Garleans all over the place with Cid, Nero, and the Populares.
To give Hrothgar relevance and because Yoshida actively despises everything and anything 1.0.
that's fucking hilarious, I'm stealing that
Shut up retard, garlean gunblades are just a gun attached to a sword. They're completely different from what we're getting from the hrothgar since those don't shoot at all, they just use cartridges to power up.
>Garleans have realistic, functional weaponry
>We have masturbatory weeaboo garbage
Fuck japs.
After seeing how hard he kept pushing Alphinaud and how excited he is for Zenos coming into Dissidia, I find it hard to not believe you user...
God I hope there'll be a dungeon where Nero and Cid will be available as Trusts so bad.
>Nero and GNB tank
>Cid as MCH DPS
>Bringing both of them will make Nero go full autist and try to out-DPS Cid even though he's tanking
>Cid will also raise his DPS to make sure Nero doesn't get killed due to his recklessness
>Net result is a massive DPS gain
That's because people asked for FFVIII gunblade, nobody asked for MCH 2.0
But we actually see GNB shooting protection bullets on the healer in the job trailer.
>reading through official 1.0 lore
>the events between 1.0 and 1.2 are a literal flashback via the echo to five years ago just so they could have Ascilla and Minfillia be the same person
What a pointless retcon
The game operates on a streak system when it comes to bans. First offense is 3 days, second offense is 1 week, 3rd offense is longer than that, 4th offense is perma ban. So if they got banned for 1 week then they got banned before for something else, we don't know the full story they could have done (spammed emotes) or said something else (more offensive shit slipped off the finger).
I hate this. I really, really want to like playing DRG, but NIN and SAM are just so much more fun. Hope ShB changes this
Go play ESO if you don't like unrealistic weeb shit.
>WoL will save the First, sparing the lives of everyone living on it without them needing to die and be merged into the Source's lifestream
>but as the Ascians said, the current situation of fragmented reflections of the planet is the problem, leading to ultimate ruin for all the worlds (Source world thinning in aether is a symptom of it, Hydaelyn is leaking aether somewhere or consuming it more and more for some reason)
>in the raid series, harness the power of Eden and use a planet-sized summoning circle to create a new mothercrystal for the First, making it a fully-fledged, independent world
>tanks are literally just DPS except they arbitrarily generate more enmity by pushing a button
>healers aren't allowed to have any damage abilities whatsoever besides the absolute bare minimum they'd need to slog through the main story as one
>but look at the fuck-huge massive nukes we gave WAR and PLD lmfao
>that image
why don't tanks want to tank?
Also please add more 8 man dungeons. I can only hope Eden is more like Coil.
Buying the latest expansion gives you the base game.
t. Guy who just got the game buying Stormblood on the PS.
I want my dumb final fantasy gunblade in my final fantasy game.
>why don't tanks want to tank?
>I can only hope Eden is more like Coil.
They said it's going to be more connected to the main story this time.
user, you do realize that magic circle is used to punt the enemy into the nearmost dark hole right?
Because this game is full of bitches.
>he doesn't like masturbatory weeaboo garbage
You're playing the wrong game
No, not really. Until you provide actual arguments you're still a seething greylet. It being 30s longer is practically irrelevant i n most fights, that'd net you one extra use on raid wide damage that it isn't needed on.
>opinion literally zero raiders have due to divine veil being extremely awkward to use
factually wrong, divine veil will always go off when it is needed unless you play with literal shitters. Not to mention most people know that divine's veil continuous mitigation providal is better than shake unless its for a single hit. You've still literally haven't even countered that initial argument other than screeching and reeing at warrior LOL.
They don't actually "shoot" bullets. Pulling the trigger expends aether cartridges that imbue the blade, emanating shockwaves either harmful or benevolent.
that book says otherwise bitch
Tanks are always a bit of a difficulty to make interesting when it comes to game design. If you take off the DPS and put in more active-mitigation whack-a-mole it can become absolutely mind-numbing literally-made-me-quit-wow-forever protection warriors and ignore pain.
I quit at 4.0 and have only just resubbed. I am interested in Eureka, but I have no idea on any good strats to progress through. I tried it for about 30 minutes and it seems really grindy.
Are there any good guides to help me progress through this a bit faster? Any tips or tricks from anyone here?
Thanks bros
Yes, but I'm just trying to come up with a cool new original story for it
I at least hope we get some gunblades that share a similar aesthetic if not function.
My tip is don't bother unless you REALLY want the relic or the Ozma mount.
Oh it's that guy that thinks Living Dead is good
Fuck off idiot
My Queen
i want to fuck lizards
Coming from MNK to DRG, I think its fun.
Players want to be a DPS but also want to wear heavy plate and wield huge swords.
I atleast want to give it a shot and I am kinda interested in the relic/mounts
Oh look it's that guy incapable of healing and calls LD a bad CD.
Fuck off idiot.
You won't finish a weapon before ShB if you're only just starting now. Once the expansion drops eureka will be truly dead.
>JP dub
even the devs know that English is the proper way to play this game. They even lip sync the CGI trailers for English speakers.
I have the same problem with MNK. I love the aesthetic, but my only options are either the braindead 2.0 rotation with even less fun thanks to RoF and doing shit damage or the autistic TK rotation which I don't care to learn for something I want to play only as an off-job. Meanwhile, I could just come as SAM and actually have fun while doing god-tier DPS with little effort.
Try and get a group of the same level people to grind mobs +5 levels to level up. Solo is honestly not worth it at all, even with fate trains until like level 9.
I don't know what the state of Eureka is right now but if there are still people doing it you should ask to get in a party to farm FATEs (commonly known as the "fate train"). Just follow the group and reap the XP.
1. Enter
2. Find people to do your challenge logs with, you can do them solo but it will take eons
3. Join the NM train and bum rides in people's cars
4. Repeat until you're done
DON'T wait till you're 25 or some shit to enter Pagos to unlock aetherytes, you get way more exp doing next zone NMs even if it's more dangerous. Go as soon as your weapon is done in that zone.
Do the quests sooner than later so you don't lack a magicite or gerolt's light cauldron in Pagos.
You don't need to get Anemos armor to get Pyros/Hydatos armor, but the weapon continues across all of them.
me too, dude
Other languages are synced too dumbo. Dub is garbage and you can suck my wang.
You definitely can but you'll have to slightly nolife it, like playing the entire time you're not at work.
Yeah but GNB has the ability to go full SKS to lower the CD on Gnashing Fang and Sonic Break.
Understood, thanks user.
a motorgun
I just wish they would stop changing VAs
do challenge log, join the trains, play a tank job so you don't get one shot so easily because a dead person gets no exp.
Because GNB is literally a ROYAL GUARD and the job is literally fucking FF8 meets DMC so they wanted to toss in some Dante tier shit like Royal Guard, Demon Slice, and Demon Slaughter.
>They even lip sync the CGI trailers for English speakers.
Weak bait. Here is pity (You) in dead thread
>everyone speaks ye olde englisth, how c00l
demon slice is literally a move from ff8
PLD gets two DoTs you fucking retard
One more tip
DON'T say "/sh lfg low level noob idiot please carry me :)" all cutsie
DO say "/sh lfg nm" and "/sh lfg clogs lvl 1-3"
People won't kick low level players but they won't be climbing over themselves to invite you if you announce it. Almost always people know the struggle and won't mind literally carrying you. People also won't invite you if you don't say exactly what you want.
That's not how vocabulary works.
Well, currently GNB doesn't exist so that's moot, and after 5.0 everyone will be able to go SkS because TP isn't an issue any more. Whether it'll be better than Crit in 5.0 remains to be seen. Currently, it's worse even if you could stack it (although not to a degree that would matter), but that could change in ShB.
Dead people do get exp from NMs
>bang bang bang, pull my devil trigger
Demon Slice is from ff8 too, calm down.
I'd expect a seal to prevent both Zodiark and Hyda to feed off the world's aether more than what you're saying but it's possible too. The only times we see gigantic symbols in a circle in FFXIV is to seal things like what happened with Baha.
Cooldown dots like that and shadow flare aren't true dots, which are primarily characterized by having to manage them.
but they lose exp upon accepting death. which sucks if you're in a dead instance or in a far away place away from others.
In that case GNB has 0 DoTs and PLD has 1.
>this post
Everyone is going to wear a red gnb coat aren't they?
>the only tank with one combo is dark knight
I miss old Delirium
Fuck off retard.
When you pull the trigger the hammer strikes the cartridge releasing aether. We then use this aether to perform offensive or defensive actions.
If they are wearing the iconic class gear you get at 50 in ARR for the original classes while playing through HW shit, I call them a bot and see if they respond. Not one has denied being a bot yet. Though one did kept simply repeating LOL when I called him a bot.
He was using crafter jewelery.
>Get an extra mount
>delete it
honestly, between trannies narutards and SAMweebs, having DMCchads trying to roleplay as Dante and Nero is a fucking blessing
ye olde english >>> ching chong ara mhiggas
Only if we wipe due to messing up mechanics
Then sonic break doesn't count either, and PLD still has goring blade
Gonna go blue. Now I just need to find a good buster/breaker look-alike gauntlet
>wanting realistic weaponry when you're effectively magic superman batman double-jesus by this point
I liketh thy opinion mine own cousin, haply we can sucketh each oth'r dicks?
I'm going to be making a Yuri Lowell glamour, preferably the Dark Enforcer outfit because it's Shadowbringers so gotta be edgy.
Can the auto-equip make DoM/DoW wear crafter gear, or was he just utterly retarded?
My b forgot that bit, but my point stands.
Yes sir.
Then GNBs don't count either you fucking oyster.
Yes. You are gonna see a lot of DMC RPers.
Mines will be lavender color like most of my outfits.
I'd certainly hope not, but I have no idea.
Dumb akko
Does he do it for free too?
>Dante and Nero
>not weebs
Some classes are getting weapon skills with longer cooldowns that are still effected by skill speed, GNB and MCH in particular with 30+ second CDs that can be lowered
MNK has Six Sided Star which puts every weaponskill on CD for 5 seconds base, so probably ~3.8 seconds with minimal skill speed and GL4.
you knew what I meant brother, it's a different type of japanese game
There's nothing that really has a "guilty gear" feel, is there?
I know the fireseal isn't a gunblade, but they're both using some kind of ammo to hit harder and make shit explode
I'll be wearing BLACK. All BLACK.
Yes, at least if you don't have ANYTHING else.
Alright lads, I haven't touched FFXIV since HW. Is there an incentive to come back with shadowbringers? Anything fun or new to keep a casual entertained? I originally left because I was kind of sick of playing the gear treadmill.
>wow trailers get millions
Same, but I'll miss Steel Cyclone more, and i feel like the only one. I loved how it allowed you to carry bad healers through retard huge dungeon pulls.
They said you get crystals that you can use to make copies of past trusts
gear, your trip...
If there's nothing else of an appropriate level, yeah
t. leveling new classes
I know
I'm just saying that because back when people were still pressed on SCH they we're spouting bullshit about them losing their 5 dots.
What exactly counts as a "high-level duty?" I need to get my panthers before Shadowbringers comes out
but he's right?
>Game going up in subs
>WoW is hemorrhaging them and has been for awhile now
lol, no (You)s from me sir.
Bullpup to flex on all the shitters.
uh... all the story and new content I guess
*unzipiths scrotum*
Good for WoW?
>more people eat Big Macs than Prime Rib
>Big Mac good
>Prime Rib bad
I think there's still a free login campaign going on?
Nascent Flash should still allow you this. Just use it before Inner Release to become an immortal killing machine.
Who's been GG shitposting in these threads?
Steel Cyclone is fun as fuck to hear the sound effect and watch all the heals on a big pull.
Level 70
Source? That sound interesting.
savage/ultimate raids, the latest extreme primal that doesn't have echo.
That is only to justify why you can still do dungeons with trusts even after completing the story.
for the tank achievement, most level 70 shit. they tell you in the description.
>my tranny game isn't popular
we know user, we know
I cannot wait to drop DRK for GNB forever. Good riddance.
If anything Vergil is the weeb
its still going until monday
Sounds good. I hope SkS ends up being the preferred stat for some jobs. Itemization will never be terribly exciting in this game but there should at least be some minimal variety instead of "stack crit".
>counting bots
get back to me when there's even 1 million actually active players lmao
It's worse than that, the last Elder scrolls online expansion trailer got nearly 8 million views too.
>"mmh? yes I will keep playing DRK, it's the canon job after all and I get to hang out with my bro Fray"
>GNB? you mean those kids with little guns? no thanks, I prefer big fooking swords
The last stretch always feels the longest. Just 2 more weeks for early access players.
Dante is chuu2. Chuu2 is weeb.
>Swords and Guns? Kid's stuff. I only need a Rod and some Bait.
>We're literally superhuman and could cut through anything with a fucking stick
>Obviously we need to compensate with a dollar store vibroblade to make the cuts deeper (And shatter the blade in the process) instead of having a weapon that allows us to accentuate our anime-protag powers
Fucking dumb niggers get the fuck off this board
user, I GOT IT!
Time to go back in Pyros
Enjoy your single combo and watered down IR. I am bailing out while I still can.
shadowniggers has the nicest af sets i've seen in this game
>Fishing? A woman could do that. Me, all I need is a pickaxe.