Is it me or is this the toughest, creepiest, and scariest horror game since Silent Hill?
Actual good sjw games
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What the hell is that?
>Dishonored 2
>SJW game
2 was shit. 1 and the Daud dlc were the best
It wasn't that bad but it was pretty lackluster compared to the previous game. Haven't finished DotO yet, but the story and atmosphere which is the best part of these games is really weak
Story weak part yeah, kinda stupid and groanworthy for 2 yeah but the atmosphere is killer, how you don't like it??
Yeah, the Dishonored games are all really sweet. With that said, I would not consider them horror or scary games.
As for other great SJW games, Into the Breach.
How is it not?
Just because you can play as a woman doesn't men that it's SJW
Gameplay: 2>KOD>DOO>1
Story: KOD>1>2>DOO
Characters 1>KOD>2>DOO
Powers 2>KOD>1>DOO
Leveldesign 2>1>KOD>DOO
Overall Fun/Total Rating KOD>2>1>DOO
Better yet, how is it? I remember the endless screeching just because Emily was playable.
Yea Forums has become as retarded and as paranoid as libtards.
that not how a argumentation works.
First you have to prove your assertion.
Igess you dropped college to play vidya ?
Not enough whales, witches are stupid, not enough plague suffering
>Just because you can play as a woman doesn't men that it's SJW
True but the story has a lot of feminist overtones and the whole framework is fighting oppressing government
It has Corvo and you can kill pretty much everyone
>is fighting oppressing government
lead by a fuckin woman
The whole framework is fighting a corrupt goverment that overspends all the money the workers bring in, which isn't SJW at all. "Shitty Kings fucking up the Kingdom" is a tale as old as time
Also how is the story feminist, it's about the mistreated stepchild coming back after years to get revenge on people who wronged her, there is literally nothing EMPOWERING in there.
Corvo relegated to side character tho, Emily's the main
fuck off, farthuffer
You are a fucking idiot.
dumb klk poster
the level design of 2 was objectively twice as good as the first game, if you don't like 2 you don't like any of the games at all and should stop playing them
The fuck
Deliahs shtick is that she's a witch and she wants world domination. In fact, painting all women as evil controlling witches is something that SJWs commonly critcise about old fairytales, not something they'd force into their games.
I think Dishonored 2 is SJW by Yea Forums (Read: /pol/ standards because Harvey Smith was acting proud that he had a tranny character in the game and put more women representation both as allies and enemies.
Great game, though. The story felt like a lame retread but otherwise it was a straight improvement.
>fuck off, farthuffer
>play as emily
>dark vision shows you patrol routes
>domino lets you kill up to 4 people at once
>summon two dopplegangers to fight for you
>far reach lets you grab unconscious bodies and items from across a room
>shadow walk lets you knock out 3 people
>mesmerize works on up to 4 people at once
the first game was easy enough then they go and do this. what is with arkane's obsession of adding numerous game breaking powers to their games? don't even get me started on prey.
>In fact, painting all women as evil controlling witches is something that SJWs commonly critcise about old fairytales
full circle, take your pills
All of those powers combined are still less broken than timestop, my man.
I like Russel's voicework but he does not even slightly fit Corvo, and his dialogue is so limited and mostlt irrelevant compared to Emily's that it's obvious he wasn't intended and was a late panic throw-in.
They're both the main you can usurp the throne as Corvo and leave Emily a statue in the worst ending
And you play Emily.
You can't get all of that shit unless you're playing on NG+, and using dark vision is for shitters
muh too much possibilities...
I have over 40 hours in Dishonored 2, a savegame which is New Game+++ and I have never, ever finished the game as Emily since you get her powers as corvo anyway once you start a new game
The last one with that black woman was SJW and flopped hard but the first and second title are not SJW at all I think.
How is it?
Dishonored 2 is one of the best stealth action games ever made, and death of the outsider is a great expansion.
Don't @ me :^).
I'm gonna go to work now, but enjoy your day on Yea Forums, hope you don't pop an anyeurism at perceived SJWs
yeah and time stop is nothing compared to foresight
>ghost form, mark targets and items (that stay marked outside of the power), displace marker, can go through ducts, limited flying, all in one power. you also regen mana at will.
what the fuck were they thinking
you are definitively retarded, Emily is the main character.
And she fight a what ? A woman.
Yes people are demonising women for millenia , we all know that. What is the relation whith this game ?
I didn't expect it be horror either. I played first one and that was more action. This one is a heavy stealth game and there's something really surreal how they designed the world. It has an uncanny ultra-real, ultra-vivid look but still the exaggerated painterly look from first 1. When you're playing on the harder difficulties, the enemies are like a constant pressure and the heart you can equip to detect them makes it really tense.
Plus this Has enormous freaking bugs and dead whales, blood all throughout the streets. It's weird how the cities you go to are functioning but like barely and everybody walks around zombie-like, half-dead, speaking in tongue to themselves
The reason it's in the games is because it's fun.
If you want stealth challenge you can refuse the gift.
>I'm gonna go to work now
my sides
>You can't get all of that shit
as if you need to. any two of them is bad enough, especially with bone charm crafting which breaks the game even more, its just absurd.
Just beat death of the outsider and even though she has limited powers there some of the most fun in the games.
Nothing beats teleporting inside of people and making them explode, all the while shooting knife waves at people also making them explode and cutting their limbs off.
People like you disgust me. Being able to break the game and becoming overpowered is a good thing. The game allows you to play how you want, literally. It can be a very challenging stealth game or it can be an extremely empowering game where you slaughter everyone stylishly.
Tell the outsider to piss off then and play with none
>best part of Dishonored
fucking yikes
Anyone who thinks the first game is "better" is a fraudulent fan. You can prefer it for minor story reasons or something but 2 is an objective improvement in every conceivable aspect, and that's that.
I have trypophobia and this shit gave me goosebumps.
I'm (You)ing you to agree with your opinion.
There's nothing wrong with gameplay or level designs they're great but completely derailed the story and characters to just conclude this franchise. fuckin why
What is this? It's so sad...
No, it's the blandest Deus Ex clone with the most story contrivances, shameless rehashing of elements from the first game and broken stealth mechanics since Invisible War.
I like 2 better (and Death of the Outsider about as much!), but I can see why someone would like the first one better.
>More novelty
>Better setting
>Much better story
>Better hub between missions (not in concept but in execution)
>Better execution of the chaos system with a completely different last level depending on high or low
Dishonored 2 is great and improves the gameplay and level design, but it does have its fair share of flaws. And this is without even getting into the fact it has better graphics but worse performance. I also feel like it didn't execute that well on the double character thing,
>to just conclude this franchise. fuckin why
to conclude the Kaldwin and Daud arcs***
They left a ton open for future games and they already confirmed the third game whenever it is made will be starring a new cast of characters with a new story, which is the correct way to take it. They took the story as it was as far as they could have. The world of Dishonored is huge and staying in Serknos/Dunwall is a waste.
I seriously don't understand why people think the story is superior in the first game, it's on exactly the same par as 2. I would even fucking argue two has more substance than 1 which is a pure revenge tale (starring a silent protagonist at that).
Also I found Serkonos to be a lot more exotic and interesting than Dunwall. I don't know man, I just think 2 improves literally everything. Also I love the occult and witchcraft shit and 2 even doubles down on that.
>no game about young daud
>no game about marked overseer
>no game about vera's journey to the super duper magic islands
It hurts so bad
What settings are you guys playing at on PC? What performance?
I have 970 oc'ed to 1500mhz on core and 4790k. Playing at 1080p ultra with shadows on medium and I still get dips to 40s in some areas where I pan camera but 100's in others
980 on 144hz monitor, everything at ultra 1080p.
Almost always constant 60FPS but rarely dips into the mid-high 50's. Definitely isn't the best optimzed game ever but it's more than stable enough to not annoy me.
game should have been an anthology series from the start. the second game was entirely unnecessary, what a waste of resources.
Dishonored 2's story is much worse because it's a complete retread of the first game's story that brings back shit that shouldn't have been brought back. Namely Delilah. She was perfectly handled and taken care off in the DLC, why the fuck would you bring her back as the main villain? It makes no sense whatsoever and cheapens the whole thing by a huge degree.
Also 6600k i5.
Nani? What is happening in this picture?
The fact that you think a games worth is solely based on its story shows that you shouldn't be playing games in the first place.
It's just you. How the fuck is this a horror game? I liked D2 but if this isn't bait you're retarded.
It's not a horror game but it absolutely has horror elements.
That what happens when you fap too much
>Playing at 1080p ultra
stop right there, ultra does literally nothing, except for water which has its own slider in custom settings anyway. go down to high and watch as you gain 40fps.
Is your argument for why it's an SJW game "you play as a black woman"?
Yes, on Yea Forums if the main character isn't a bald white dude with stubble it's SJW agenda.
>inb4 go back to resetera or reddit or whatever shit site I've never visited in my life
>game have a shitty story so its a sjw game
A few horror elements here and there get it nowhere near the level of "creepiest, and scariest horror game since Silent Hill"
This game is definitely SJW by Yea Forums (Read: /pol/) standards.
Harvey Smith talked about how they wanted to have diverse characters in the games, including a tranny. To be fair, they were also proud of how subtle they were about it, but still, there was plenty of /pol/ shitposting over this.
I'm not OP and I agree.
>game have a shitty story
it was more recycled and disappointing to go through a bunch of trouble to lock delilah in a painting again.
>said tranny is also a vile bitch who's questline is to bring her corpses for unsubstantiated reasons.
dude, I also have [NORMAL HUMAN REACTION]phobia haha
does dis2 still run like shit on PC? I was thinking of buying a while ago but remembered a load of people saying it was terribly optimized
"SJW" is a meaningless term at this point, but if you're denying that this game got a ton of heat from /pol/tards because Harvey Smith and a lot of the developers are unabashed leftists, I don't know what to tell you.
What's the point of trying to protect the "SJW" label? Every game is SJW according to those niggers.
I'm not arguing that at all, I'm saying this site is retarded and having any left themes at all dooms a game to shitposting and will never have real discussion. This is the first thread I've seen in probably a year that isn't immediately shitposted to death a bout "SJW" boogieman and even then we're still talking bout it now.
Yea Forums is a bunch of limp wristed faggots who can't stomach to see anything that challenges their viewpoints in anything. To even say this game has left themes is a stretch to begin with, almost everything "left" in the game is tangentially related to the plot and not directly.
The villain is a strong independent self-made lesbian woman who overthrows a monarchy and you do things like kill her lover while she watches and all of her opressed woman followers
How is this an SJW game again?
It’s not a horror game or tough either, OP is retarded.
what resolution you plan on playing and what's your setup?
Wish there was at least one more stage where you have all the shit and fight regular enemies. All we got was the stupid museum, after that it’s cthulhu tank fuckers.
My point is that the game is "SJW" and there's nothing wrong with that. You're trying to defend the game on the wrong terms.
Next time you see a /pol/tard crying about how the game is SJW, instead of trying to appease to him with "Oh, but it's not SJW at all, the lesbian is bad and the tranny is a bitch", just go "It doesn't matter, it's good".
>all of her opressed woman followers
Who are filthy degenerates that literally cannibalize human beings and do unspeakable rituals with their corpses.
>or tough
People that haven't played on hard and up
I'm not actually arguing against that at all, I agree with you. I just think in the case of this game specifically the "SJW boogieman" is wildly out of proportion to what's actually in the game.
A game can be gone-home tier in its themes for all I care, if a game is good it's good.
2’s story is a shitty convoluted rehash of 1’s and 1’s DLC’s combined
1’s was simple but effective
Gameplay in 2 is far superior though
The billie lurk reveal confused the shit out of me because she looked brown at best, more like meditteranean tanned in the 1 DLC
I thought it was pretty obvious she was straight up black in the DLC, but she did have a much different looking face.
I don’t even remember this character
pic related, 1080 ideally and would prefer that over better textures etc
That's because she's a random NPC you can meet in the background of a mission that gives you a quest and you literally never see her again.
After the first game, I thought for sure that they had the setting established in a way that they could do the series anthology style.
Corvo and Emily wouldn't show up in the game as big meaningful characters, just have their actions referenced in papers and maybe show up as a cameo.
Delilah should have never been brought back
The Outsider would be the one still giving you powers in the later games, as well as the villains of the game (because he's chaotic neutral), and he'd be a character too powerful for you to even consider killing
Maybe you'd still get Daud or Billie Lurk, but that's it
Gameplay and world building wise, the Dishonored games have delivered, but strictly story-wise, from the second game onwards, I feel like they blew it.
That's a pretty high idle temp on the CPU, user. Might wanna keep an eye on that.
yeah, these fuckers need to off themselves
Wrong. She's also a part of the dust district mission. She's part of the gangsters.
Yeah you're right I remember, still that's a very minor role.
The authors would have done well to read more fairy tales.
I fapped to this. it was pretty good tbqh
Fucking braindead mongoloid.
subnautica and borderlands come to mind
mk9 if were talking just the devs behind it
apex legends
overwatch if you look at just base gameplay and controls rather than the shit tier objective based gamemodes they force on the players
You're gonna want medium settings with that setup
Yea Forums seems to be of he opinion NV is a great game. There's a lot of SJW stuff in that. Certainly more than is in Dishonored 2.
NV sucks, though. It's just popular by virtue of being the least shit Nu-Fallout. Obsidian unironically makes better games than that now.
It's not exactly a sjw game, but it has sjw-friendly elements, or changes. The whole franchise got a little sjw-ier since after the first game, but not in an overly annoying way. You just have
>switch from white man mc to white man, white woman, black woman
>the villain is a woman who tries to get power after being abused all her life
>the witches behave like a lesbian sorority of an art college, sidecuts and all
>the woman you sold to sex slavery in the first game, totally escaped and is the only target of the first game who has a good life
It's not exactly that the game is "sjw". But there has been a shift to aesthetics/narrarive.
>>the woman you sold to sex slavery in the first game, totally escaped and is the only target of the first game who has a good life
lmao really?
pretty much yes, it's pretty pathetic
This "ess jay doubliou" boogeyman hysteria is getting pretty old
Yes. Pathetic, I know.
kill yourself
weebs really do have low standards for story telling
>game has female and or non-white therefore its sjw
It was written by a literal communist tho, and Billy is a fucking garbage character, but muh disabled nigger lesbian character... Diversity at it's finest
It is just you, the game is a huge step down from 1 both in gameplay and in aesthetics. And 1 already was kind of wonky. I'm glad this franchise is dead.
Not really, no. She was never sold into sex slavery, she was handed over to a guy who is obsessed with her and wanted her as his wife. She played the part of being a doting wife until she had the opportunity to kill him and seize his estate. She's still in exile as a wanted criminal.
Don't know about scariest, but I was surprised about how good it was. The levels are just as big and open as in the original game, and it's much, much harder if set up correctly. The art design is great too.
Can’t wait till they go to based Tyvia. I want my Russian gulags and snow.
>The levels are just as big and open as in the original game
They're bigger and more open than the first game.
>art design is great
No it's not. It felt like an inferior artist attempted to copy the art direction of the first game and ended up with something that isn't as coherent and it just generally all over the place visually. No style to this at all. Also I don't know if it's actually a different artist, don't give a fuck.
Another example of how shit Dishonered 2 was
>the woman you sold to sex slavery in the first game
wait wat?
was this the DLC?
i didnt play the DLC...
Also all of that happened literally because Anita Sarkeesian (or whatever) demanded it. It was going to be a Corvo sequel but lil miss gamergate demanded they change it to a woman
That doesn't come from Dishonored 2. It comes from a book. None of it contradicts anything that was ever in Dishonored 1. The guy WAS just someone hopelessly in love with the women. The idea she was originally going into sex slavery is just made up.
It is a different artist. I don't think there are many bigger fanboys of Viktor Antonov and his style than I am. Fuck, he even inspired me to start drawing altogether (picrelated), but I think it's good that they decided to make something new and not re-use the hl2 dishonored aesthetics. Besides, Viktor doesn't even work there anymore. I don't think there's anything wrong with the new design. Antonov's was a brutalist combine sharp angles and shit, and this is like round and smooth watchmaker type stuff. I prefer the original, but this is very nice, too.
Corvo only works as a silent protag, it made zero sense for him to be in 2 at all.
Yeah, all the other baddies got their karmic comeuppance you planned for them, but she escapes, come on. We get it, the writers don't think it's acceptable to have a woman pushed into a sexuality-related situation she doesn't want.
>Also all of that happened literally because Anita Sarkeesian (or whatever) demanded it.
Utter crap. What actually happened was he said her criticism that all the female characters in Dishonored are pretty boring and useless was right, and it is, and so he decided to change that for subsequent games. She never made any demands. She's not in a position to make any demands.
Daud should have been the playable protagonist of DotO. Billie's story was done by the end of 2-- hell, it was done by the end of KoD. But whatever. Daud getting revenge on the Outsider using the exact same tools that made Daud what he was would have been cathartic and wholly in-character for him. A significant missed opportunity.
Is 2 actually good? Considering getting it since I had a lot of fun with 1 but on the fence.
>all the other baddies got their karmic comeuppance you planned for them
They actually got a lot of legitimate criticism for their "good" outcomes arguably being fates worse than death.
>We get it, the writers don't think it's acceptable to have a woman pushed into a sexuality-related situation she doesn't want.
You don't get it. She WAS put into that situation. She just managed to escape it after a period of time. I'm sorry if it upsets that the rest of her entire life is not spent being a cumrag but it's not like she got away clean. She did have to suck some obsessive nut's dick for years before she got her chance and she's still in exile from her own home and fortune.
best game this gen
2's gameplay is better in every way but they're kind of lazy with the lore and just use what's already established over, there's not really any additional exploration of the characters or the world.
If you like 1 you'll like 2. It has some of the most imaginative level design I've seen in quite a while. But, if you are the type of person who is triggered by seeing females portrayed as anything either than fapbait and non-white characters being something other than criminals you'll probably dislike it.
Everyone's a weeb here dumbass
We are on an anime website
Thanks, I'll give it a shot. I also remembered there are keys you can buy for stupid cheap instead so that helps.
The point is, if out of all the worse than death fates you impose, the writers decree
>the others will stick, but cumrag has to be fixed
it shows something about their sensitivities.
You are just looking to be angered, aren't you? Nobody went out of their way to "fix it". Someone wrote a book that included all the Boyles in it. It's mentioned the one who was kidnapped, who is known to be a calculating and manipulative bitch, eventually managed to calculate and manipulate her captor. She hasn't got away with her crimes. She didn't get away with not having to fuck someone she hated. I'm sorry your sensibilities are upset that her misery didn't last until the end of time like you hoped. This is not "SJW" shit. It's just you looking for things to get upset over.
>It's all good this white dude gets his face branded horribly, all status revoked and thrown into a plague-ridden district where he becomes a Weeper and eventually dies
>It's fine that these two white dudes get their tongues cut out, heads shave and thrown in their own mines to work to death
>Nah, that "life of rape thing" is too problematic. Instead, the woman managed to wrap her captor around her finger ez pz
>But this white dude gets ousted to the whole city that he was directly responsible for introducing the plague and killing tens/hundreds of thousands and is thrown in prison and either beaten or raped or both daily until he dies.
Lady Boyle dindu nuffin
have sex
I think you're just grasping at straws here
They listened to that harpy? What a bunch of faggots
How is it possible that every single thing in your sentence is wrong?