How are characters from your country usually represented in games?

How are characters from your country usually represented in games?

For Americans, you can discuss characters from your specific state.

I can't think of any Serbs but Niko, and I really liked him.

Attached: 200px-Niko_Bellic.jpg (200x300, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I am German. We are ALL Nazis. Only non Nazi German is a dude in Street Fighter with long black hair who looks like Sylvester Stallone. WTF Capcom?
Guess you didn't get any replies because it's only Anglo Scum on here.

Either we are the most generic protagonists or some random sidekick in covert ops games.

They aren't

In a C&C Generals mod called Rise of the Reds, there is a EU Army with german units. Then again, depending on the individual, one could view that as a good or bad thing.

Spaniards are represented as mexicans

I'm from Ukraine and beside Chernobyl I can't think of anything.

mostly psychopaths in suits.

*v*rw*tch doesnt count.

Jel i tebi smetalo da mu je glas davao Amerikanac, a ne nas covjek?

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Posh bad guy or lower class good guy

Guess my country.

Generally we're either snooty villains or loutish thugs, same as in Hollywood. Yanks are starting to branch out from the usual RP and Cockney accents, though.

I never seen a Persian in any game in the last 9 years.

Doesn’t bother me at all , what bothers me are college liberals think Indian and arab characters represents us.

“Aren’t you glad pharah is so popular?”

Just set assassin creed in Persia or something. Or don’t.

I'm Chinese. We're usually represented as crafty businessmen, wannabe Soviet Russians, martial-arts war-gods, or dime-a-dozen Triads and Tongs. Could be worse, I suppose, though it's irritating how many futuristic settings put Japan in charge instead of China when it's clearly the bigger economy now.

>apart from that aussie marine in the halo theirs fuck all
>that one crazy fuck in farcry three(is the how to US views us?)
> inb4 dead island
terrible impressions don't count

>For Americans, you can discuss characters from your specific state.

I literally cannot think of a video game character from North Carolina.

Only exist in Historical games. Cradle is the game happening in Mongolian dystopian future.

>doc louis
>big smoke
Being black has its ups

Not a big fan of Blanka
Sniper from TF2?

I'd say you've got Mad Max, but half the characters are voiced by americans anyway

t. Spain

Your rep is a cock slut who takes horse cock. I enjoy it

I didn't even know Mongolia had internet. Don't you have a Yurt to set up or something?

we are the bad guys or drunk
where is my good russian guys @

Why do i have to live in Yurt(Ger). I live in apartment. in Soviet times they built lot of apartments.

>Literally every other country gets a Street fighter, Punch out or fucking anything fighter, but not Greece

I'm fine with it though, especially when Kid Icarus exists.

the OP says games in it.
Overwatch isnt one.

I was being facetious. Out of curiosity, how well can I get by in Mongolia if I speak Russian fluently?

But 'Prince of Persia' is one of the biggest gaming franchises of all time. It's not even that bad of a representation of ancient Persia.

I don't think Canadians are distinguished any different in video games from Americans. But I remember the call of duty 3 campaign made us into gay babies. Man that game was awful.

>I didn't even know Mongolia had internet
Wasn't expecting you to have any semblance of intelligence either.

>none exist
Feels good. I don't know why fags and trannies want to be represented when it means more shitposting fuel.

That's because your insect brethren are disgusting, tianamen square protests.

Niko isn't a bad protag i guess, but do you realise your country is only rememebered for horrific civil war and genoicide? Does Serbia have ANY positive conotations to the west? Its always grimm shit.

Chill out, Genghis. Also, remember the 'Mongorians' in The Stick of Truth?

Most boomers can understand little bit Russian. It will be fine but not perfect.
Check out IQ by countries nigga.

>who is Leo Kliesen



>New Zealand
Uhh... well, the natives in Far Cry 3 were voiced by Maori's, so... that was funny for me at least.

Ahh i member, that was most impressive one. Their names are real ethnicities and when attack they said in Mongolian. That was pretty cool one. Shitty beef hahaha

Hey you guys have great Judo at least. World class.

All characters from Florida (my current home state) are depicted as obnoxious morons.

I have no disagreement with this.

Terrorists or dictators and their soldiers.

ooh i also member this one. But no Mongolians involved this game. Their language kinda sounds weird. Maybe that was times dialect.

Dude, you got fucking KRATOS, the biggest-dick badass in vidya. And almost every vidya in history has cribbed from Greek mythology/history in some way or another. Granted, modern Greece has been pretty much ignored.

My understanding based on video games is that half of Canadians are retarded lumberjacks and the other half are genius-level minorities.

Left the public’s mind. 2008 was the last game, friend. Original ass creed counts too. Besides that, haven’t seen anything.

I rather play as white/black/Asian than arab

I know that the only Irish dude in RDR was a drunk and degenerate (pretty accurate all things considered)

In RDR 2 the only Irish guy was just a random party member.

Arabs are Asian, smart guy

Mostly some ancient or mythological stuff

Hey look OP I saved your thread. I bumped it when it was the LAST thread and about to get archived with zero replies. You are welcome.

>who is Leo Kliesen

Some faggot who looks like a chick.


>punch out

yeah we don't have much besides meme characters, that said sean was fairly sound. he also had a decent voice actor, so at least we didn't get a burger doing a retarded diddelly-aye norn iron accent

They're Arabs in Africa, too.

Wow, I'm surprised I didn't notice this when I played through the game. Thanks for pointing it out.

Ha ha ha i like pizza and pasta i'm either a fat chef with a moustache or a pervy ladies's man


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And Europe

Don't forget the sumo wrestlers!


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The sterotypes are all true, this state has a crazy combination of rednecks, hispanics, dirty south blacks, and rich old white people. The main industry here is healthcare for old ppl and raping our environment for tourisim.
At least I can take solace that climate change is going to fuck up this state full of deniers. The parts thay arnt underwater will still be uninhabitable because we are rapidly draining all pur aquifers and rising sea levels will pollute them with salt water.

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well its pretty spot on
now back to siesta you lazy fuck


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Eh, we're improving on that. Still, sci-fi owes a debt to cities like Hong Kong for codifying the Cyberpunk aesthetic. Sleeping Dogs and Deus Ex had pretty good representations of China too.

Italy? I thought Italians loved Mario, and how much love Rome gets in vidya.

Insectoids are above dirtskins.

Yous forgetting the main character from The Saboteur. Probably for the best since he didn’t sound remotely Irish and the real life person he’s based on was British.

Well, at least you don't have it as bad as the Welsh, who're practically non-existent.

Oh yeah, Kratos, nice.

Don't the Irish-American mob get featured in the Mafia series?

Isn't the red latex lady from Persona 5 supposed to be half finnish. Also possibly the time machine organization man from Steins gate zero. Can't think of any others.

Ann is said to have LIVED in Finland, which isn't exactly equivalent. She could very well have come from some other Nordic country like Sweden or Norway.



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At least we got hot anime grills all the time/

There should be a game about their economic collapse and the riots. would make a good gta clone/mod

John Marston and the Grays from rdr2 were of Scottish ancestry but the only other Scots i can remember are love fist from Vice city and some SAS characters in Modern Warfare.

>he doesn't know

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Re papara we got a shit ton of games about ancient Greece

but yeah a street fighter character would be nice

As someone from Massachusetts, Scout is an 100% accurate representation of the people from my state.

Frenchmen are represented either as hilariously high culture or as completely degenerate sybaritic faggots.

Not accurate, but based representation cause she's a hot loli :3

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Wonder-Cellphone from Wonderful 101.

>Pay sucks
>Only joy in life is burning down some backwater village and raping village girls
>can't even do that because some beer slav autist keeps stealing our horses and poisoning our Goulash

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cant really relate since im yet to find a game that Slovenian in it. Balkan on the other hand..

arthur morgan, morgan is a welsh name

We're portrayed slighty shorter and less muscular than we actually are.

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>tfw your chest hair is a tree

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Nah there was this one that nobody remembers in 2010 or something

Pretty based if you ask me.

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I can't think of French characters except for games set during ww2 or ass creed
Broken sword? Haven't played it

I can only think of pic related. Not played her games so I cannot really comment.
I have not seen any woman like her here ever. Though that might just be because I'm a shut-in

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W101 has playable characters from dozens of different countries.
If you can't think of a character from your country or U.S state, you might find one on this list:

I genuinely can't think of any non-joke characters from Ireland apart from William Adams from Nioh

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Honestly, I would like that.


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They confuse us with mexican subhumans


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Either a weaklin or a cocky villain

just like real life, frog

I don't know if any games have Poles aside from Blazkowicz I guess?

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Italian here, and we're still portrayed as criminals and gangsters by Americans. Despite unironically having one of the lowest crime and homicide rates in Europe to the point Italy makes America look like a third world country in terms of bombings, mass shootings, and homicides

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Come at me fatty

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I think of italy as basically third world filled with hairy manlets.

Usually screaming from the napalm

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Then America is manlet as you literally have the same height average. Someone on /int/ posted recent measurements and Italy was a couple centimeters above America KEK, and American military is notorious for looking manlet next to all European ones.

we always come back as zombies and somehow there is a unlimited supply of us until we overrun the survivors

We do not exist

I'm not American.

Every country in Europe is among the tallest in the world, not being the same height as the Dutch =/= manlet. If that were the case the British would be manlet, and every one sub Dutch/Dinaric alps height would be manlet, dumb.

Legit, real manlet countries start at Africa an Asia, populations where the male average drops as low as 5'6" and even lower in some countries.

Hairy = High T in whites only beta chinklets and tyrones don't have body hair.

Serbs did what needed to be done.

Being hairy and bald isn't a good thing dude. T should have a limit.
All the italians I've met were short. Your women are cute when they're not hairy as fuck.

>Italy makes America look like a third world country in terms of bombings, mass shootings, and homicides
southern italy was a literal warzone during the 80's and 90's

Winnie the pooh

>southern italy was a literal warzone during the 80's and 90's
And what a laugh it is that literally the poorest part of Italy today is still safer than America kek

he's russian

Nek, zvuči ful čudno

Your women don't seem to mind.

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I agree. They need to start making games where Germans are Mongolians. Much more accurate.

what are you smoking?


that's the most retarded shit I've read on here, you niggers all have the lowest grade in biology because you think
>a lot of hair = high test

Obviously they go to impoverished nations. Sex tourism is people who can't get laid going somewhere they can buy it. If they could land a decent man they wouldn't leave.

>sex tourism is people who can't get laid
K, so young people. Why you surprised, women don't like dicklets.
One of the richest in Europe, the entire nation of Italy could buy all of Africa.

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Both Central Asians like anglos/germanics (and other asiatics who remained in their lands) and blacks in Africa have low T and barely have any body hair. They’re basically females in comparison to real men.

unrealistically cute but ill take it

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Nazi girls want italian dick, based.

Either the nicest guy you'll ever meet, or a twisted fucking psychopath

Attached: Trevor.jpg (530x400, 41K)

Holy shit
>be bongs
>complain about all immigrant populations in your country
>your women thirst for alessio

tuesday in tuscon

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I doubt my country (Austria) is represented in any videogames

>be pt
>aparently everyone likes italian chicas
Fucking based, they cute as fuck

you ever seen the bongs in spain
they look like monsters

>Every single tourist I ever see is either
>an old as fuck couple in their 60s that look like they are in their aging 80s
>a pack of slags using cheerleader effect to their best efforts, and failing
>one random non mong looking dude
>the pastiest white girl stereotype I ever could imagine
>some coolio as fuck scotsman

Why did people hate shadlad again?

Look at the other nations you're lumped in with dude. Literal poverty shitholes. I don't even know what these nations are, but that's the right of a G7 god.

I think everyone has, there's been entire blogs worth of bongs on holiday doing stupid shit like fucking in trashcans, grinding on black dudes, shitting in the streets. I remember that one girl from a few years back who sucked all the dicks in a nightclub because she was promised a vacation lmao


the men literally look like the norf fc meme

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Are there any good Chinese vidya?

Niko isn't Serbian or Russian or any specific nationality. His nationality is never specified. He is just from "Eastern Europe" according to Dan Houser.

What about based gaijin William from Nioh? Granted the real Adams was English but it still counts. At least Celtic Irish people are represented, half nigger ones like me don't exist in games at all


Either effeminate flamenco dancers, macho bullfighters, effeminate bullfighters or macho flamenco dancers. Some times both.

That and the Tomato map in Tekken...

Guess it's ok.

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>poverty shitholes
You must be from some blatic, nordic backwater where the greatest examples of architectural excellence looks literally like American barn homes ......kek. Such wealth, and still can't progress beyond basic practices without larping behind French, Italian, Spanish or German practices. Even the fucking Arabs have more complexities in their designs than this primitive shit. No wonder nobody tours there.

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Like this.

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Najgore je kad izgovara svoje prezime "belik"
He still speaks serbo-croatian, and it is heavily implied he fought in yugoslavian war in the 90s.

Actually, also like this.

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>who is trevor

Dynasty Warriors

So 100% accurate.

there was that game called Collapse, it was set in Kiev, 2096.

I'm pretty sure South Park always does some research into the people they're mocking. I know their nips always use correct Japanese.

Not nordic either. You live in a country of habitual traitors as well. Never trust an eye tye. Look at that behaviour during the WWs, absolutely reprehensible.

I think Jersey shore about summed up Italians.

Are you fucking retarded? Assassin's Creed was literally created to be a Prince of Persia without the licensing fees.

It's all WW2 and that half-Chinese dude from Battletech. And racing drivers and hockey players. Pretty accurate for our culture, really

>He still speaks serbo-croatian
Ah, does he? Is it actually intelligible?

>it is heavily implied he fought in yugoslavian war in the 90s
Yeah true I guess, his history of coming from a wartorn country at that time would fit with Yugoslavia, so yes that region is the most plausible. Maybe they didn't want to name a specific country because they thought it might inflame political tensions.

Nigga u dumb

The Pitt dlc is an accurate representation of where I live. Only we have more trogs in real life.

It gave the world Tesla

No. His pronounciation is worse than that one movie in which John Travolta played a serbian war criminal but it is at least funny.

And yeah, he is probably a serb, not a croat.

>as you literally have the same height average
Considering how many manlet spics the yanks have that's pretty much a confirmation that Italians are manlets.


>Bayonetta is Italian, and she's one of the most powerful characters in gaming. Even stronger than Dante.

>Devil May Cry protagonist all have Latin/Italian names. Don't know what to make of that.

>Mario is the biggest japanese video game character pf all time.

>Dante from Dante's Inferno was obviously Italian.

>Ezio is regarded as the best assassin.

>Zatanna from DC comics is Italian, and also one of the most powerful.

>Ironman is part Italian, and one of Marvel's biggest characters

>Little Mac is Italian

>Tommy Vercetti, granted he's a criminal, but just like all GTA prrotags, and he's regarded as one of the best in the franchise.

So not always the case, especially not with Japanese developers, they're obsessed with Italy. Italy is actually one of the top nations visited by the Japanese. So it's not surprising how they include Italians or Italian themes so much in their games.

Is it still actual Serbo-Croatian words though? Rather than just Slavic-sounding gibberish? I know he's voiced by an American so it makes sense his accent wouldn't be great.

Also why do you think he's a Serb instead of a Croat? Is there an indication in the game?

Actually no, considering Ireland, Scotland and Brits themselves are on average 5'9". You're overestimating their height because of being in the North. They aren't the Dutch, not even close LOL.

Tekken has Lili, a whole AC was set in France, random characters in various games. You're alright.
Haven't seen a single Romanian in any video games


gruff, cockney accent military hard man, dainty white woman right out of a romance novel, or milquetoast eccentric scientist who speaks the queen's english.

Literal Hitler

Israeli here
is there any rep for israel in vidya? if so which game?

Any game with ash in it

Yeah, you can clearly understand what he's saying, only his accent is weird.
>Also why do you think he's a Serb instead of a Croat?
The language and accent he's speaking is closer to Serbian, and his, Roman's, and the guys' names they fought with in the war are Serbian.

>who is Shepard

Obsessed with money, having pretty big egos or a wicked sense of humor.

Pretty accurate for America honestly.

He's the only vidya character from the state of Washington I can think of off the top of my head right now

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Shepard is American, Kaidan was the Canadian one.

Who the fuck didn't bother to mention Atlas? That is THE quintessential Irishman of the 2000's.

To be white is to be hairy dumb dumb. Caucasians are all the most hairy people on Earth regardless of the specific ethnicity. You all hairiest.

Some of the words, yeah. Like when you go across the road and some car honks at you or something, Niko tells them literally to suck dick in serb-croat.

And I am guessing he is serbian due to the fact he emigrated-ran away from his past and hus country did lose the war and became one of the worst shitholez of eastern europe which says a lot (good looking women and great food though)

Legit, it's just that swedes are girly men who manscape their balls kek

There's a huge difference between looking like someone stapled a rug to you and having a bit of chest hair.

Seattle, WA
Apparently the new Vampire game will be in Seattle.
Infamous, Second Son was also set in Seattle.
Alan Wake was set somewhere in WA I think.

Hey man, they're taking notable aspects from your country and representing them with effort and skill, you should be proud you have that much of a culture worth doing that to.

probably no rep for israel
but a lot of jew rep

Nordics are literally hairier than both Germans and Anglos you retard lol.

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Pacific islanders = Hairlets

i'm from a literally who-tier country so idk

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Finns are asians confirmed.

>he doesn't keep his body hair trimmed
I bet you don't even brush your teeth everyday.

All these fags crying about bad representation.
Africans have it the worst, either bad or non existent representation but it shouldn't stop anyone from being proud of their origins anons

What's your point?

Wtf happened to Greenland and Iceland?

I think it's heavily implied that Shepard is Canadian (at least if you choose him/her to be earthborn). Also Mark Meer is Canadian.

There's trimming and then there's wanting to look like a prepubescent boy. But I suppose that is fitting for how Swedes act.

Im from Brazil. Usually, a sexy brown men who do crimes. Or something like this;

Attached: images - 2019-06-13T113114.274.jpg (679x452, 71K)

You get way more and better blowjobs the less hair is on your junk.

Well Greenland/Iceland as far as I know have inuit sort of people and some even mixed with the Icelanders in the past, and as you know Amerindians are majority hairless.

Don't forget this qtpie (well, not exactly from Seattle but lived there).

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I only recall seeing Portuguese in Assassin's Creed. Pretty accurate I guess?

Or total babes like Laura.

Fellow Washingtonian here. Why does it seem like lately every vampire related piece of media is set in our state?

>only African representations are bandits or zombies

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If America gets too bad in the future, i'm gonna move to italy, get a nice home next to a beach, and find me of these.

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You have Sheva from RE5

>puerto rican spic
I don't know of any in a video game and I don't give a shit. I just want girls with cute tummies in my video games

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I had no fucking idea

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>half white
>representing Africa
Anons, she was just a excuse to not make RE5 appear as a racist game toward the "woke" community (white man killings black zombies) but sheva is just a way to say "full negroes are ugly", she doesn't even appear in other RE

Since when was Sheva half white?

Look at her, she has caucasian features

Give 'em the one two punch! There's nothing like a fistful of lightning


Sheva is literally a white woman with nigger skin.
Japs hate niggers but they fetishize whites

Germans deserved to be betrayed. And Italy was wrong for following the cunts in the first place. Anyone is dumb for following Germans, they literally have tried to destroy Europe every single time they got into power.

>destroyed rome, caused the dark ages
>went throughout europe slaughtering fellow europeans and destroying economies some of which are still recovering from
>caused the migrant situation and continued to add fuel to the fire by inviting even more in and pressuring other nations to help take them in


Sheva is literally based off of a black person dummy. You have a weird view of what Black people look like.

Yeah, there's that. Honestly the only thing that deeply irritates me is how absurd the portuguese language is portrated in vidya (usually any midia as well imo). Besides that i really enjoy how my country is portraited desu

>Sexy fighting girls
>Heroic criminal-like figures (think sam of Rising)

This is fine

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Based on a half black?
Color me surprised, why would japs even portray full niggers lmao.
Japs love us and they hate niggers

Germany is great, HRE > rome. Rome was a bunch of skirt wearing homos. I'm no eurodog, but if germany or italy had to be erased I'm choosing eye tyes every time.

Atleast your language is portrayed whenever there's a scandinavian character they just speak perfect english except Brigitte from Overwatch

Sheva was never planned from the start, Capcom created a scandal with their first trailer of RE5 which only has Chris killing black zombies.
Then they added Sheva to not make the game facist, she's literally irrelevant story wise.
Japaneses developers doesn't care about niggers user unless the west force them to.

Portugeuse just sounds like ugly spanish to me which sounds like ugly french to begin with. No offense. BR women are babes though so it evens out.

There literally are none. The generic portrait from Hearts of Iron 4 is as close as it gets.

Oh, yeah that is bad user. Didnt think of that

Not taken desu and honestly where did you hear? Because if you Heard portuguese on foreign midia you didnt get a realistic and honest portrait. And yeah sexy fighting babes até always cool

I've played video games with tons of BRs. Mostly dota but some other games too. Maybe it's because I heard french first and know quite a bit but the other romantic languages just sound like uglier versions of it to me.

>HRE who appropriated everything from Italians and Greeks
And of course you would, amerimutts are always cultureless assblasted larping germanics.

Gerrmany is ran by jews.

They took your good ideas, ironed out the problem areas like the pedoshit and involving italians and then they had cool armour instead of skirts and gladiuses.

Oh i see. Are you an anglo, user? I honestly think that all latin languages are beautiful but im biased off course. I dont think english is a beautiful language unfortunaley, it sounds so barbaric (which honestly is actually something cool? I guess)

A german jew >>> any roman

Prince of Persia does ag ood job.

I'm a mutt. French is beautiful the rest are uglier versions of it to my ear. Yeah our language is harsh but I like that. I think german sounds good too.

>literally non-existent

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>gay shit
He doesn't know, of the various Germanic tribes the Romans attested to raping and buttfucking each other..

>ironed out
Is that why all the greatest artistic achievements are still from the mediterranean and none from Germany outside of the classical music they stole from Italy. Infact the nazis tried to create a "germanic" approved art gallery and it failed, kek.
>better armor
Is that why no one even remembers what they look like.

danish cookies are delicious user thanks based denmark

Man I miss the PoP trilogy, those games were fucking kino.

Not surprised you come from there, it's always just faggots looking to fling shit.

>my state
Maybe there are some Hoosiers in racing games, but other than that, I have no idea.
Americans in general are, obviously, extremely diverse, and for the Motherland, the British are usually posh villains or dirty cockneys.

As greeks we get plenty of waifus, though.

Pretty much this. The average Anglo or even northern European descended American is pretty much somewhere in the same batting average height wise as in Europe but we have so many Hispanics/Latinos here who skew the average hard.

>t. guy whose barely 5'9

The name is Andrei Ulmedya

Sand of Time >= The Two Thrones > The Warrior Within >>>> the "reboot"

As far as I know a large chunk of American whites have Irish ancestry...and user....I-

Attached: irish.jpg (1635x69, 26K)

>half finnish
So Ann is 3/4 asian?

You're oppressive commies, it will only take one or two huge incidents for the degenerate lower class to start beheading and fuck you in to the third world. The point system could do it.

I can take it one step further as far cry 5 takes place in a fictional area of Montana that is based literally on where I live. They were even down here for research.

And yes we are all crazy lunatics with guns.

When did this gay representation shit start? Who fucking cares?
I see it all the time and one of the big arguements is "how important it is for kids to see themselves represented", when I was a kid 90% of the games I was playing either featured anthromorphic animals/mythical animals like Crash, Croc, Spyro, weird shit that doesn't exist in any form in the real world like Gubble, and a good portion of that other 10% is a hairy short fat italian plumber. I never once thought "wow I don't feel represented at ALL here".

What's causing people to care about this nonsense?

That's a meme. The US only ever got like 3-5 million Irish immigrating from the Emerald Isle to the states and most are Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Scottish then Germans and Dutch. Too many English descendant Americans just put "American" on census surveys or self-reporting polls when they are English.

A bunch of paintings and statues. Who gives a fuck lmao.

It's a money making scheme ignore it any attention is good attention for populists.

English are also 5'9" though. Where does the meme come from that bongs are giants? they aren't bro, many continental nations have taller averages than them. For example Bongs are shorter on average than Balkanites.

Sniper isnt an aussie. Just raised there.

Haven't even played this game yet, and this is the most "accurate" one that I can think of (Guacamelee characters aside)

He is almost certainly serbian if going by the story. The things he did in the war and the fact that he was on the losing side makes it pretty clear that he is Serbian.

When you think about it, literally every Irish character in RDR2 dies. Even one of the main antagonist factions is made up of Irishmen/Irish-Americans. It’s almost like Sam and Dan Houser are English or something.

But since you're from, where he's from, does that mean you're fuckin dead?

Music as well, almost every instrument as well as modern musical notation itself and most genres in Europe were invented down there. Hell the modern concept of Comedy, Drama etc were as well.

But (YOU) do care, when you feel threatened by Blacks, Arabs or Mei pings and feel you have to larp behind mediterraneans to have some sort of sense of culture.

I have roots in both Guatemala and Greece, Guatemala doesn't exist and Greece is reserved for mythology stuff

>shorter than Balkanites
Well I know Greeks are pretty short. But my point was that in the grand scheme, Americans and Bongs aren't particularly short when it averages 5'9 to 5'11 range. Look at Southern Americans, their average is hilariously way lower then Europe and Western Asia.

Greece is literally taller than both Ireland and Scotland/England. As is Serbia, Croatia etc etc.

Don't even bother, amerimutts largely subscribe to hitler-esque scientific racism of the past.

And? Again this is all art shit. Who cares. German knights look cool roman soldiers look and act gay.

ta qiva nanen

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>Greece is literally taller
Google says their average height is 5'9 for men as well.

guess my ethnicity

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>Puerto Rico
Aside from GTA IV, nonexistent. Even in GTA IV all the Puerto Rican characters are either criminals who get killed or Mallorie, who is annoying as hell. Pretty accurate desu

Bosnian serb quite likely.

Nobody gives a fuck about German knights, how many games, tv shows and movies to German knights have compared to Romans or Spartans? exactly nigga. Where is the German Kratos? exactly nigga. I bet it's gonna trigger tf outta you when he beat Thor ass, innit

Attached: Kratos-A.jpg (550x382, 42K)

Irish? Arab? Irish-Arab mix?

Do you think Americans would be more annoyed if they knew that GTA is made by Brits taking the piss out of America?

I mean obviously it isn't meant in a nasty way, it's just a bit of fun, and GTA has made fun of British characters too (Kent Paul), but it's just interesting isn't it. Most Americans don't even know that GTA is British so maybe that's why they never think about it.

Attached: gta v.jpg (575x703, 111K)

Guts from Berserk did get his name and the iron hand schtick from a German dude though.

Interesting, didn't know that, thanks.


I was going to guess Saudi or something but this guy's guess is better: Also can I just take a moment to say fuck Saudi Arabia. I don't mind worshipping their own religion, but I do mind it if a country is so fucking hypocritical that they literally ban other religions from being practised in their own country, and yet they fund mosques in other countries (like they did in Gibraltar). So it would literally be illegal in Saudi Arabia if someone funded a church to be built there, and yet they do the exact same fucking thing to someone else's country.

Fuck Saudi Arabia forever.

Norse is like the most common setting. Thor is in the fucking MCU. They don't have pederast man or painter lad in that shit.

I've had an impression that out of Eastern Europe countries Bosnia and Albania are the most shithole-ish, Serbia, not so much.

I thought she and her father were Dutch?

Mostly it was just a meme

Except for Mila from DoA, all spanish characters have some sort of assholiness to them, even when they are supposed to be good guys. Which I'll admit, is kind of earned on our part since we are generally quite brash.

Also, the whole suave flamenco-dancing, rose-chewing gentleman character is only a thing on the southern half of the country, but mostly Andalucia, and I wish devs used some other spanish thing for character ideas.

I mean in the Basque Country they have competitions where they literally just lift/drag/throw heavy shit around like anvils and boulders (just look up basque rural sports on wikipedia, some of that shit is what you would expect in rural Scotland more than Spain). They could make a Zangief-type fighter out of that, but spanish good dudes are suave womanizers like 90% of the time because of Don Juan and its kinda tiring.

>norse is the most common setting
Umm there's...Vikings, compared to how many Roman tv shows over the years?

Wonder Woman is also bigger than Thor, before the MCU Thor was a nobody who jobbed to everyone (even Black Panther outsmarted him) and his first two films were the least grossing of the 3 big trilogies. It wasn't until they turned him into a complete joke of a character and a cuck did his film start selling kek. By Endgame his entire character became a meme. Fuckin' kek you're a supposed god and a super soldier is outperforming you with your own mjolnir. And now a Black Queen runs your kingdom. Thor is a joke.

Or South Carolina, in my case. I’m sure we can both assume it’d just be some city-slicker’s stereotype

Vega from SF comes across more as stoic than an asshole to me personally.
But yeah he suave af

You’ve got the Jew in red dead redemption 2

I know you said places you're from but african americans are different from the whites they live with so, Lee is probably the most likable one I can think of lots of them are kind of nigish

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That was never the question, retard.

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Yuri in modern warfare 3, metro series

Basques aren’t Spanish you dumbhead they’re fucking aliens


Like most mythologies and folktales they are made PG for the children audience. In the mythology Thor crossdressed as a woman to fool another god, and Loki literally got bred by a horse and birthed a eight legged horse. Norse mythology was just as fucked.

I dunno how many roman tv shows? I never heard of one. Last roman shit I watched was gladiator. Rome is a garbage setting. Rome is a shit total war.

Hes Austrian

I'm Persian too and Prince of Persia is pretty good but it's made by a bunch of Frenchies who pretend to be multicultural. I'm sure they have one or two guys with Persian heritage but they're all just hon hon baguettes.
The Prince's hairstyle is pretty popular for young Iranian/Persian men.

A third of white Americans are British. English, Scottish, Welsh.
Krauts are somewhere between 20% and 25%.
Micks are 10% to 15%.
Self-reporting skews these results because people want to imagine they're exotic, and since English culture just became American culture, they're the least-exotic you can be.

Yeah, and Colombians are from America. Doesn't mean you think of them when people say a character is American, ya doofus

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Dead rising makes fun of Americans and they don't seem to care much about it.

Americans are literal mutt tier lol. In the 80s over half of the so called German Americans check marked that they had multiple ancestries on census. And most of your entertainers have a laundry list worth of ancesties, you mutt af cuz.

What's your point?

>rome is a shit setting
>the most primitive part of europe historically is not a shit setting though
Might as well set a show in Somalia if you're gonna go Norse LOL, they didn't do shit but be pirates. Scandinavia is the most boring setting of any Euro country in that time period, or even now come to think of it.

You mutt. Stop coping with these hypothetical breakdowns and percentages, you mutt.

I'm not the guy that was posting. I'm a mutt, Idgaf. Mutts are the best dogs. Purebreeds are fucked.

Zelenin in Strange Journey is good. Lawful good.

Germany is sick though. Based barbars burned shithole rome to the ground. Last time I played stainless steel I was HRE and I shit all over rome.

from the big lone star state (Texas). We always get represented as the stereotypical cowboy or a stupid redneck. i dont mind really, at least we got some good characters like the engineer from tf2 and John marston

As opposed to Turks and Arabs and Somalians all over Europe mixing in? Europeans are getting muttified as well.

no because i hate this country and have no reason to like it
fuck the USA and fuck israel


Only shit we have on Vikings/Norsemen have been Vikings and The Last Kingdom.

>based barbarians burned shithole to the ground
>gothic barbarians were literally today's syrians , dying on rafts just to get into Rome
Infact the only reason they revolted was because how Romans treated them like peasants and wouldn't even feed some of them, kek. Basically, barbarians chimped out.

Good for them, I wouldn't take orders from a soft pedo either.

>implying most of Europeans aren't mutt rape babies

alcoholics 100% of the time
not even inaccurate tbqh


we do. that guy's a fucking retard

Any case of video games about Arkansas or a protagonist or character that is from Arkansas?

Or just make a game where it takes place in Arkansas where you must find and carch a skinwalker to rape, murder and eat the skinwalker before it escapes the ozark forest at least...

But taking orders from furry weeb jews and shit eaters is better. Germany is the most degenerate country in Europe today. Furries, highest LGBT population in Europe. Literally invented shit porn, kek.

Well as an Austrian there is really only one guy.

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> sometimes they will say a random word in french (with not even the accurate accents)

Its been known for years who the developers of GTA are and we don't care.


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Fucking nigger.
I'm glad to be pure Anglo-Brythonic master-race.

Attached: B5D3E83E-A850-41DE-8608-F31B1E001DC2.jpg (403x381, 62K)

Anglo-Brythonic, eh? you look like you fuck meds.

hello serbbro
im american but i liked niko too
they were gonna have a russian guy voice him before but they ended up having an american guy fake a serb accent
then they underpaid him so now hes not gonna voice niko ever again

Well, it'd be betraying Britannia, but I do like Med girls.


Either a rich villain or special forces, usually.

Or the odd cute anime girl

Attached: 1560373426494.jpg (766x750, 163K)

There's nothing to fear Becky, once you go med, nothing else is suitable in bed.

Attached: 20905314_128656207682587_7987904606598332416_n.jpg (844x1024, 113K)

its either Dutch from RDR2 or Dutch from Alien VS Predator Arcade
they really get original with those names

Attached: Dutch_van_der_Linde_-_Redemption_2.png (572x572, 328K)

R6Siege has 2 Aussie operators now :^)

>but Niko
He ain't a serb, he's a fucking gypsy.

>ex british colony
>we the bugmen create Hong Kong
retard dog eater

that shitfuck isnt Serbian
its some botched polish/slovenian whatever the fuck voice actor they got
if you wanna hear some proper serbian play re6

What is this meme? Why do I see people call people this all the time now? Is it just more twitter faggotry?

Attached: Shadows-of-the-damned-10.jpg (1914x1076, 288K)

only generic Mafioso enemies and fucking Enzo from Bayonetta
atleast we have Tommy Vercetti

Attached: tommy_vercetti__remember_the_name__by_brandonarseneault_dcyt99k-pre.jpg (793x1008, 101K)

What about Mario?



The only video game that I can think of that includes Virginia is MW2 and Fallout 3 but that's because of DC.

Becky is sort of a mock of how Anglos typically name their children with uninteresting or basic generic names, Becky, Bob, Tim etc lol. So when people say Becky it's basically a basic white bitch.

>uninteresting or basic generic names
What's an interesting name? My name is pretty common and boring in my country, but after I moved to the US I started getting compliments on it all the time. Do you mean that retarded shit where yuppies and niggers just make up names? Are you a burger and if so are you a nigger?

Attached: fuhrer.jpg (540x688, 75K)

His anatomy is absolute garbage. He's obviously self taught and he isn't a very good teacher.

Swarthy Mediterraneans are the hairiest

what are some Dominican Video game characters
hard mode: no Luiz from GTA IV

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>New York
Most media is about us, so a little bit of everything?

> Romanian
have literally no idea

you mean Manhattan
nobody cares about NY state

Dark and cloudy

Double nationality.

I think we only get to shine in FIFA, which is sad.

Dust and Dust II are in Maghreb(Morocco)
Well glad that I'm not an arab, because known for being Terrorist is kinda shitty.

I hate that when Niko finally rencounters with the guy who backstabbed his squad (Darko, i think) they were talking in english, just because dumb Americunts can't read.

Dracula from Castlevania?

There's literally like... 2 actual characters from Belgium.

- Phillipe Loren, Saints Row The Third
- Anna, Valiant Hearts: The Great War

kanker mocro

Hong Kong isn't Chinese it's British

That's cool I guess, haven't played the games they we're in. Should have done some research before posting

>travel to countries where circumcision is more common
Damn, you guys told me girls like uncut better that explains why my jap gf never pulls it up and always keeps it retracted

>it's British

God I love Balrog, he's my boy in Super Street Fighter II

That's the most obvious representation,thanks. I'm just wondering if there are any other characters as well

ga jij maar terug naar je land op die fiets die je gestolen hebt

He's probably a wop.
Stuff like Robert is respectable and good, though I have a Welsh name nobody pronounces properly after reading it.

>I'm not an arab

Wel toevallig zijn mijn ouders allebei blanke Belgen, maar ze kregen mij. Toen ze een paar jaar in Marokko leefden voor mijn vader zijn project. Hij is namelijk architect. Vandaar mijn dubbele nationaliteit.

Dus waarom ben je zo racistisch tegenover "mocro's". Slechte ervaringen?

Scandinavians are as hairy, most bears are anglo anyway.

Some of the slaves in AC Freedom Cry? I guess that's the other side of the island tho

Argentinian. All whites

Says the anglo, the number one people who become wiggers and appropriate black cultures because they feel their own isn't interesting enough kek

Oh well if you want to get that specific, I'm from the Bronx. So criminals and thugs, housing projects and warehouses. Vidya never show the peaceful waterfront neighborhoods

I already explained to the /pol/tard that my parents Both white Belgians, but my mother gave birth to me when they lived in Morocco for a few years.

>hating on wop names
You do realize the majority of the best English names are either Jewish, Greek, Italian, French, Spanish or Gaelic/Irish in origin right?

Dynasty Warriors is indeed one of them, as that user stated. Others off the top of my head include Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Suikoden II (VERY loose Jap adaptation of Water Margin), Sleeping Dogs, Total War: Three Kingdoms, Mortal Kombat, DOTA (massive Chinese player-base and several Chinese mythical heroes), For Honor.

You may have noticed that all of these games are made by foreign studios, though heavily inspired by Chinese culture. The reason for this is because frankly, China's own domestic vidya industry is dog-crap despite being the biggest in the world. Think gacha and pay-to-win bullshit in Japanese RPGs, except a billion times worse, and millions of Chinese people only play them for lack of an alternative. The only noteworthy game they've recently made is Arena of Valor, just because it's a fairly decent MOBA that's found some success overseas.

When you go to a job interview you wear a suit, that's Anglo national dress
When you ride the train to work you're on an Anglo invention
When you fly on a plane to vacation you're on an Anglo invention
When you go on the internet to shitpost about Anglos you're on an Anglo invention
Do you watch hockey, curling, basketball, baseball, football or soccer? Those are Anglo sports
Your phone? Your video games? The jeans you wear, all Anglo inventions
The world belongs to Anglos

Besides Zlatan and Brigitte, Sweden is pretty much non-exist.


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>When you go to a job interview you wear a suit, that's Anglo national dress
Literally Italian, infact the whole attire of the 40s from the suits to the fedora was italian design
Literally a Jew, WWW isn't the internet retard. A Jew invented TC/IP protocol lol
All majority adopted from earlier sports in the mediterranean
>video games
Literally a Jew made the first video game console
Why do Anglos larp behind Jew inventions? kek