Would people be more accepting of lewd Japanese games if instead of anime girls they were real life women?
Would people be more accepting of lewd Japanese games if instead of anime girls they were real life women?
Americans are not "people"
Yeah, well, Americans control which games are banned, censored or allowed to release uncut, so you should be respecting the opinion of Americans more, especially the ones from Cali
Probably, anime loli is viewed worse then western girls.
You post in Yea Forums, you aren’t the one to call which is a person or not
It'd be worse.
Ah, it's ok to be jealous, maybe one day you'll be top of the world too.
Hit a nerve, uh-huh
The difference is western girls arent over the top sexualised like anime loli. It's nearly borderline pedo when it comes to most loli stuff.
Imagine being so disgusted by asians that you have to cover your eyes at the sight of one. How has this man not been vilified yet?
>The difference is western girls arent over the top sexualised like anime loli.
Meanwhile I look at today's headlines
>shitty roastie show will break records by showing 30 different penises
Yeah, every show is about western women getting fucked, raped or whored out, but it's not sexualization
>implying Sony fanboys are people
Boobies, my one weakness
you're the obsessed one, you foreign trash
This is what Christianity/Islam/Judaism does to people.
Gook woman: *exists*
White niggas:
oh god, the difference in style between the face and the breasts is so jarring, it's like the artist can't even draw consistently, thanks for the warning
>top of the world
Why do Asian women look so dumb and spineless. It's almost hard to not to laugh at their faces
>top of the world
Are you jewish or chinese?
no, liberalism
Fist post based post. Fuck Americans.
please tell me thats a shoop
i really want to break rule#7 now
It's okay for women to look dumb, their job is to be cute, housekeeping and raising kids.
Looking smart and having a spine is the man's job
>top of the world
3dpd is disgusting
What the fuck was his problem?
Legit question
Whatever country you’re from has people like that too in your media
if you ever get the chance, smell a real womans dirty underwear. It'll blow your mind
>What the fuck was his problem?
He's a sjw. They are always outraged at something. If there aren't any problems, he'll invent a problem just so he can be outraged over it.
Asian starter kit: That mouth cover thing. Don't know the word. I am not English.
I guarantee it's entirely for good boy points.
and that's a good thing
I'd be less accepting of them
Usually referred to as a surgical mask.
Typically they are worn if you are sick or hanging out around sick people. Sometimes it's a fashion thing.
I wear them if I have to deal with several disgusting children at work, those fuckers are gonna be carriers for some virus.
Hey, don't forget to get a glass of water or a quick bite to eat, anons! It's not healthy to sit around in front of a computer all day and not take care of yourself!
Face mask. Asians are polite and don't like to make other people sick if they're sick.
Cute fagposter!
Is this loss?
I hate race-mixing women
Unless they want to fuck white men. Then it's okay
He doesn't have sex
Since he's a male sjw, I guarantee he's a creepy faggot behind the scenes.
lolis are the best
He is White
Amen, tsuushinbobro.
fpbp .The thread could have ended here.
thank you user
t. Eliott Rodger's dad
sure if you're a pedophile.
t. nonce
Why do wh*toids hate their own women while going for ugly gooks?
Meanwhile you let minorities just take them
I bet the kids were like "We deserved it for being white, better donate to BLM"
niggers gonna nig
Wow, those black gentlemen are really helping break stereotypes!
>nignogs terrorize your kids and steal your women
>L-let the police handle it, h-haha, don't wanna be called racist
Absolutely pathetic
If this happened in Poland they'd be all put in a landfill
Thanks clappers, for being the inspiration for why all niggers must fucking hang.
Nice format, newfag.
i think he's trying to be funny. trying being the key word. it obviously failed
It's dangerous for them to assault people on the docks. They could get thrown into the water and drown.
The 2 time 2 TIME!!! World champs living in your 3rd world piece of shit country rent free.
there's nothing wrong with being a pedophile
You know literally torture people to death just for being white, right? Like cut off their fingers, force them to drink bleach, light them on fire, rape their kids in front of them, etc. then laugh about it in court.
I don't think they'd give a shit if that happened. Hell, they know they are black and can get away with it easily
you have a mental illness, and should seek help before you harm others
I meant the blacks could get thrown off and drown
Atleast you own it, ill give you that pedo.
As long as it's done legally
love isn't illegal
pretty sure that was a joke about blacks not being able to swim
Jesus I can hear your lisp
first post best post
I want a black or asian gf
>nearly borderline
so, not at all then?
more like japanese, i doubt chinksects care if they insect others considering they are indian like streetshitters
Hey Pretty Japanese girl, take that fucking mask off so I can feast my eyes on your Mileena teeth
Im referring to nsfw loli, not just sfw loli. So its full pedo if it's nsfw loli. Lol=depiction of a child, so sexualising this means you're a pedo.
so, not at all then?
this isnt a rebuttal pedo.
so basically not at all then?
why are americans so fucking gross?