>causes World of Warcraft to lose millions of subscribers
>gets promoted
Why is the gaming industry such retards?
Causes World of Warcraft to lose millions of subscribers
The game was getting better, more challenging, and complex. People left because they'd played for a decade. Classic is only better, because nostalgia is more enjoyable than rehash expansions.
>more challenging
this is how i know you’ve never played WoW at any point.
Wrong. The game became a treadmill without any challenge and handed you epics like candy. On top of it, casuals were turned off further because you had to log in every day to do shit.
I always got the impression J.Allen Brack is this kind of peacounter guys, very good at managing complex, boring things but really bad with PR. Not Bobby Kotick levels of bad, but still bad. That led to shit like "you think you do, but you don't". He probably should competent people with PR do PR and keep his fucking mouth shut.
PvP is WAY better(well, at least until BfA) in the sense that it takes brains now. But carebears LIKE dumb pvp with big crits for the same reason casuals like to hit Q in overwatch and to get kills.
Raids and dungeons have WAY more mechanics, and they're a lot more involved too. People give WoW and previous expansion way too much credit, because they and every other nostalgic will happily go with that not questioning whether it's bullshit or not.
People didn’t like WoW because of fucking boss mechanics brainlet. I assume this is what you’re talking about because everything besides that got dumbed down
>Wrong. The game became a treadmill without any challenge and handed you epics like candy
It was never hard to get epics, it just took time. The ilvl ladder now is the same as it used to be, anyone can get onyxia/zg epics, but only those willing to get on the treadmill will get higher ilvl epics from BWL/AQ40.
Not sure what you're saying. And i doubt you did much PvP before Cata. And yeah, people left because they played the game for a decade, not because stat system was changed, or because they added battle pets. PvE is better, PvP is LEAGUES better, and getting high end gear is harder than any previous expansion, except maybe when compared to the time spent(treadmill yay)
How could anyone be excited by new gear knowing its going to be completely obsolete shortly after getting it.
Because gear isn't the point of it, it's the challenge of getting it. Progressive raiding/mythic+ and rated PvP is the game, not your stats. If all you want is adequate questing gear, then you have it by the time you reach max level.
GEAR IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE GAME. You have to be a cata fag or worse, I can’t even imagine a wrath baby saying something this retarded. People didnt raid to enjoy a “”””challenge””””” they want fucking epics. This is exactly why nu-wow is dogshit
>It was never hard to get epics
Once you were 60? Nah, but getting to 60 was already something that not many people achieved.
I raided up to Huhuran/full spider wing in classic before everyone in my raid guild said: fuck this, bc is coming out, not worth my time.
Yet even before BC came out, we had multiple players in the guild that enver reached 60, let alone 50 because they only played a few hours a week/ a burst of many hours per month with big breaks inbetween. Looking back I think we had many more people in the guild that didn't raid/got to 60 than raiders.
If you extrapolate that on the general wow vanilla population, I think getting epics was never the problem. The problem was that the journey to max level was never worth it starting with late wrath/ early cata because you'd be showered with rewards or just level so quick with heirlooms. I still remember fondly doing the WW quest feeling good about getting the axe, despite replacing it quite soon with the Axe from the Scarlet Monastery main quest.
I dont know man.The grind and RNG got a little out of hand in later expansions.Im not saying grind isnt good,but when it becomes less fun than a soul sucking cubicle job,then it may be good to dial down.
I played the leaked alpha, the closed beta, and the open beta, then release and every expac since. People DID want a challenge, and they DID want to spend LESS time in raids just for a small chance to get an upgrade. It sucked dick, and saying that average joes liked the grind is just wrong. They like it now, in hindsight, because they're nostalgic. Back then people BITCHED and MOANED about it. And the second they add welfare epics in LK people bitch and moan about that, despite it only being blues with a painjob.
Nobody liked spamming frostbolt for hours on end, no one liked going oom, no one liked not being able to use their fucking dots. That shit is all nostalgia.
People wanted epics so they could shit on people in PvP and show them off, i'll admit the PvP part is mostly gone which is a shame, but it's not like anyone actually wants to wpvp, that shit died after TBC because people just didn't want it. Again, that's fucking nostalgia talking in classic.
You didn't actually say anything contrary to my point, you just told a cool story and said that people never got far enough on the treadmill to even qualify for epics. The people that remember leveling fondly are either deluded, or they're the type of people that just aren't cut out for content beyond runescape clicker gameplay. Leveling wasn't good, just because you enjoyed it. If Classic came out today, under a different name, from a different studio, you'd hate it. It's nostalgia my dude, which you're allowed to enjoy, but it's not an argument to say that the game is good.
>Nostalgia bad.
Wow Classic can comfortably stand on it's own feet even in current year. Your bitter sperging is just that: bitter sperging because people like things you don't like.
On the topic of epics:
They were never hard to get, just as more expansions came out, you got too much gear in a short amount of time. You never had time to appreciate your items because you'd replace them next week/next level anyway.
In classic you may use a weapon for up to 10 levels if it is a godly weapon or dropluck is not on your side.
*Block your path*
Grinding is leagues better now. You can get geared for whatever activity you want to do in a week or two, and if that's not enough you can simply raise the difficulty.
People that say that grinding/timegating is bad now, just don't remember grinding rep or resist gear back in the day. In both Vanilla and TBC it was garbage. They don't remember the horror of getting zero drops week after week. And for a casual that is devastating, casuals don't have the gold to respec as often, they don't have gold for consumables, and they probably hate and suck at farming gold.
The grind today is so much easier, and being timegated for two weeks, is effectively the same as having to grind for two weeks.
I never said that nostalgia was bad, on the contrary it's great if you're not a sappy bitch. What i am saying is that just because your rose tinted goggles remember graveyard runs in Hinterlands fondly doesn't mean that you enjoyed it then, or that anyone else did. That's nostalgia talking, not good game design.
The entire point that i'm arguing is that the game is better, and all people have to offer is "dude we all agree that our rose tinted goggle version of something tedious and shitty from 15 years ago is better than a far more complex and rewarding retail experience". I say that unironically. Better rotations, better PvP balance(ignore recent BfA patches pls), raids keep getting more and more complex and challenging. And if you really don't give a shit about the high end, you can play it on whatever level you want.
Retail is objectively better than Classic, unless you're going on 100% nostalgia. Classic is runescape tier, retail, soulless as it is, has WAY better gameplay in all regards except questing and world pvp(which people already hated in LK)
imagine being this much of a brainlet shill
Imagine not being able to come up with a single good reason why i'm wrong.
if you need someone to explain why you're wrong then you're a certified brainlet
It's all about who you know and which asses to kiss. The video game industry is now a mix of big business and basedboys without artistic vision while still being managed by talent that burned out 20 years ago.
>hurr durr convenient reason why i'm smart for just hurling insults
You really don't have a reason, you're just bandwagoning. I bet you'll quit one week in because you realize that your memory of the game was based more on your favorite eFriend than your own recollection.
how is BFA story so far? not kept up for a few months.
shut the fuck up already you dumb faggot. I won't play classic or ever give blizzard money again
Because he was right
Ugh what a terrible looking race.
Legion PvP (patch 7.3.5 iirc) was insanely skewed for orc arms warriors and had very little to do with the RPG side of things because of stat templates.
I suppose it's better than MoP hunters and whatnot, but it's far below wrath and vanilla.
ITT idiots
Try playing BFA and see how much better WOW is now more than ever.
They know their fanbase is full of dummies. You cater to your consumer-base knowing full well their capacity for rational thought is long gone as they continue to play WoW. Oh, and buy the next flying pixel from the store of course.
>I-I won't p-play it a-after all
nice backpedalling, fagnut
You're probably too dumb to learn a rotation past Classic anyway. Paladins were created with you in mind, should you reconsider.
The amount of butthurt emanating from you is delicious.
There is always a few classes that are busted one way or another, despite it's problems, i unironically loved MoP pvp though, as both Rogue and Lock(timeless isle chaos bolt one shots hnnnng)
seething blizzdrones are at full force. Go back sucking jew cock you retards