Ain't that a new vegas thread

fuck smash
fuck cyberpunk
fuck trannies
fuck e3
what's going on with your couriers Yea Forums?

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>Fallout 3: Gay Cowboys Edition
fuck off to /vg/

NV > anything by BGS

Thinking about finally doing a science/energy weapons built. Been hesitant about it since energy weapons seem far less interesting in NV compared to guns.
2 is great but the shitty meme writing permanently taints it. Excellent game but it can't compare to 1.

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>stealth kill the entire NCR outpost by Primm
>while disguised as a member of Caesar's Legion
>proceed to hunt deathclaws near Sloan
>The NCR accepts me as one of their own despite the fact I murdered an entire outpost
>all because I solved their deathclaw problem with copious amounts of .308 AP, Turbo and Stealth Boys
>which is what I used to solve my problem of Cass being a thing that exists

but the wacky writing makes it so good

>but the wacky writing makes it so good

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>Chernobylfag shitting on wacky writing

you're no fun :(

but it does
makes the game far more memorable to me along with its writing. sure we don't get a villain like The Master but we get amazing comedy to replace it.
I don't really see stuff like F2's willingness to take the piss out of everything and meme it up in RPGs at all. or at least good ones that aren't based off of consolefaggotry and exist to pander to otaku fags

Not playing old janky garbage when I can play FO4 as a survival horror.

>get hopped up on copious amounts of Med-X, Turbo, Psycho ant Rebound
>drink 50 bottles of Sunset Sasparilla
>proceed to genocide the entire Brotherhood of Steel presence in the Mohave with a Hunting Shotgun and Pulse Slugs while dressed as an NCR Trooper
>be autodidact
>dress as a BOS Knight
>pop Steady, Turbo, Absinthe and Mentats
>snipe Veronica with an anti-material rifle
>dress as NCR Trooper
>fuck the corpse

kys zoomer

Modern Bethesda games, NV included despite being Obsidian, always need mods for one reason or another.
NV is fine enough as a game. You only really need bugfix mods. I enjoyed it just fine vanilla.
FO4 is a completely different thing, you need way too many mods to make that game worthwhile. The gunplay is significantly better, yes, but it's nothing amazing.
So I'm gonna need your modlist if you're making that game work as a "survival horror."

>when you can't muster up the effort to be the worst dick in the legion because it means having to play the dlcs at a low level

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obviously but New Vegas is great too

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Ah, a fellow heals-with-Sunset-Sarsparilla galaxybrain gigachad. Greetings!

It isn't exactly some state secret that he treated his staff like shit, user. And even if they stretched it a bit it is still good for muh drama.
Fair enough, though I still prefer the more grounded mood in 1.

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seething old men playing literal trash.

Nothing. My PC is fucked and I haven't got the time or money to replace it for months now. Shame since I could do with a few days on it. All memes aside I've never done a light armour, speech and crit build and I'm itching to do so

Dilate reddit zoomer. 1 and 2 were good, NV is trash.
Even /vg/ doesn't want NVfags, they just talk and shill fallout 4 and 76

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He probably just installed FROST

Pic related might be more your speed.
Please, chads spread disease. Why do you think supergonnorhea exists?
You must be 18 or older to post on this site.

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Just about to finish a TTW playthrough with uncapped stats. Feel like a walking god, but 1 shotting everything gets boring after a while. Anyone got any ideas on how to gimp myself for next time?

fallout 4 is literally trash

>posting webm/gif/image from X means younactually watch it
Nigga I post anime reaction images all the time despite the only one I ever properly watched being pokemon as a kid.

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>old men
I hope you aren't referring to NV zoomers.

Smug animu grills are a time-honored Yea Forums tradition/ironic shitposting tradition, that doesn't count and isn't even remotely comparable to posting flavor-of-the-month Yea Forums crossposting garbage.

It does if it's good for shitposting purposes.

>FO4 as a survival horror
I'm listening. You got a mod list? I played F4 with FROST plus a few other mods to make it a little less punishing and more enjoyable and Digital Nightmare and it's unironically the best experience I've had with this shitty game since my first playthrough
I really got a love/hate relationship with FROST. I wish we got an update but it seems like naugrim dropped the mod altogether

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>flavor-of-the-month Yea Forums crossposting garbage.
Is it Yea Forums appropriate now?

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I'd like a mod list as well, would like to play 4 modded to actually be enjoyable.