Why making a decent living off streaming on Twitch or uploading videos to Youtube has to be so fucking hard?!
Why making a decent living off streaming on Twitch or uploading videos to Youtube has to be so fucking hard?!
because everyone fucking does it
including me
because you aren't providing value to other human beings therefore nobody is willing to give you money
shut the fuck up brazil
The amount of you faggots who think anyone gives a shit gets me every time.
Twitch is about as gay as it gets
its time to stop, nigga. All the Twitch-bucks shall be mine
Because I watch the same handful established youtubers and streamers (if I even watch streams) for over a decade now. I wouldn't touch you random no-names with a ten foot pole even if YOU paid me to.
Its not stable. Even the biggest twitch thots will become DSP one day. It always happens.
good point, i guess the real question here is, how did you start watching them? was it because they went viral doing something vidya related or not?
Are summerfags already here?
You need to be an adult to use this site, user.
youtube nigger
because it’s an economy of scale and you have to pander to the lowest common denominator
it’s also an over saturated market and the platforms basically forces you to standardise and be like all the other uninteresting faggots through their terms
you’re also not as interesting as you think
If you’re not doing something that makes you stand out in this sea of streamers we have, you’re doing it wrong. Just don’t make it obnoxious.
Grow a pair of tits then
Just have a cute voice.
just loop some random footage 24/7
get a real job fucking bozo
they did cover games that I was interested in in an informed, mature, professional and entertaining manner. My discovering them was due to me actively searching for said coverage. Some of them turned out to be variety channels which helps with keeping me interested.
maybe you should try getting a job
Maybe you pussy ass nigga bitches are okay with spending your entires lives in front of a boring desk or getting back pains in a factory, but some niggas, niggas like me are actually capable of something bigger, something like what PewDiePie does, make a living doing what you like and donate a ton of money to charity to make the world a better place. Thats the dream. Thats the dream that you incel pussies gave up on when you signed up to McDonalds last month or so lol
It'd probably help if you knew English, you dumb fucking spic.
Just what we need another screaming retard
Nice bait, we wouldn't have this thread if this was true
>Maybe you pussy ass nigga bitches are okay with spending your entires lives in front of a boring desk
isn't that what streamers do though?
>but some niggas, niggas like me are actually capable of something bigger, something like what PewDiePie does, make a living doing what you like and donate a ton of money to charity to make the world a better place. Thats the dream. Thats the dream that you incel pussies gave up on when you signed up to McDonalds last month or so lol
lmao you e-prostitutes are fucking delusional
based and neetpilled
If you're not doing reviews or tech analysis, you're useless shit. Enterainment videos are vapid shit and are infinitely dispensable. They will be worthless in a year's time and you're shitting up the internet with nothingness.
If you aren't any of these:
>extremely good at competitive games
>extremely funny
>or playing something out of the ordinary that's fun to watch
Then you aren't special enough. The streaming "community" is far too oversaturated for literally anyone to be able to do it anymore. Just cope and get a job and become a wageslave you neet
Twitch has abysmal discovery options, Go to any random game and look at the list of streamers the top left always has at least 3x as many viewers. Meaning twitch users are fucking lazy and literally click the first streamer they see.
Would like to drop in and say after running a small but successful youtube channel for awhile (Only made around 13k but still something) it is absolutely fucking terrible.
>usually playing with a group of friends
>over half of the group is streaming
>only viewers are the same friends that have the stream open in the background
Oversaturated as fuck, i feel kinda sorry for them, some of them even stream seriously with the intend of growing.
just target the toddle audience,like that fgteev shit.
Something like 1% of all Twitch streamers are partnered, which doesn't even mean they make the equivalent of minimum wage. It's a saturated, low-skill market.
The last thing anyone should want is a fanbase full of kids.
It's literally luck-based. Ninja and Pewdiepie aren't rich because they have skills or talent.
Life is not easy dumb weeaboo.
Because none of us look around for smaller gems
We all just take in what other people find or stick with what's popular
That leaves those who are trying with no way to get recognized
>make a living doing what you like and donate a ton of money to charity to make the world a better place.
Jesus Christ, people still buy into giving money to jewish charities that steal all the money for themselves? Unreal.
Is there any reason to use Youtube over Twitch if you're a literal who that wants to try to earn some shekels? I'm a NEET who has all the equipment and setup to do streaming and enjoys it, but hasn't done it in several years and looking to try it seriously this time around with no clue what I'm doing.
Get a fucking job
Because you provide almost no worth to anyone, and that’s what money represents.
Please question yourself before you waste your time. Other than quality of the stream, what can you yourself bring to the table?
refer to
Stream on twitch, upload highlights to YouTube.
If you don't have highlight-material you might want to question your stream
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions, since I rather anons kill things instead of family. People crack up all the time since I'm super deep voice and deadpan, so I might have a chance if I play it right from what's been stated in the thread.
What about stuff like cam vs non-cam and crazy things out of the gate like 24 hour streams?
In terms of cams, might be vague but you gotta know your audience and who you're appealing to. In general most people are shallow and if you're an ugly fuck then you're better off without it, tough to hear, but it's the truth. Though like I said you have to know your audience. There are successful streamers out there that are pretty ugly/unattractive that still use cams.
The internet stopped being about OC in 2010.
Its just about controlling speech, datamining, deplatforming. and complaining about there not being OC while fucking crying that people share their OC on my secret video game board.
basically stream daily and expect nobody
Because the Pareto principle, bucko.
>finally making a decent living off streaming
>call someone a nigger
>lose Everything
makes me laugh everytime.
It's actually easy. Like any way of living you need talent (in this case having good personality and/or be gud) and put at least some effort into it.
Now it's a little bit harder since you have to declare your earnings. But back in the day was the life, specially if you could complement it with neetbux.
beacuse thats what the World needs another PewDiePie (maybe if your an alt-right nazi PewDiePie but you would not get far).