Dynasty Warriors Series

What went wrong with everyone's favourite button-mashing, peasant-culling simulator?

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They need to combine the best elements of ROTTK and DW Empires

Probably the part where you can easily kill six thousands enemies without losing single hitpoint

Isn't that what really happened back in the day though? This is obviously based on real events.

It wasnt just more dynasty warriors 8

>muh reelisum
Nah thats not it.

They fell for the open world meme, DW8 was peak gameplay and storytelling.

Yellow turban peasants are so fucking weak

>*Activates Musou*
>*cymbals clash*

The rock paper scissors EX attack in DW8 is when the franchise really started fucking up.

They cut Liu bei's beard and turn him into a soiboi

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DO NOT Pursue Lu Bu

Be honest Yea Forums do you pronounce it COW COW or SAO SAO?

>open world meme
>open world is barren and empty
>the 80+ unique movesets are gone and everyone is cloned now with the only fix being rebuying old movesets as fucking paid dlc
>designs toned down to be china friendly because the country is a bunch of prudes offended by everything
>not challenge to getting ultimate weapons it can be done just by farming items easily
huge downgrade in visuals because of open world meme
>battles are all extremely samey with the grappling hook making all objectives worthless since you can speed run to the enemy commander
>battle of chi bi is literally like 3 rowboats now holy shit what the fuck were they thinking with this one?
>offer three voice tracks which is great but too cheap to rehire the old dub cast that has been going strong since DW4-DW8 and instead hire no talent no-names from off the street for the dub inb4 hur dur dubs replies from weebfaggots

Devs are idiots and don't understand how to get out of the stagnated state. Their idea to make it fresh was to borrow the most overused and poorly fitting concept of open world. Meanwhile games like Sengoku Basara and Pirate Warriors put emphasis and attention to improving the signature elements of the genre, like variability and over-the-top spectacle and emerged on top of DW. DW is the progenitor of the genre, and that contribution sure cements it at as one of the cornerstones, but trying to carry the series out only make it worse. DW8 has already done all it could, that is polish every aspect of the series to the absolute perfection. They should let it die and try to come up with something drastically different.

I don't understand how the battles are getting LESS unique every iteration.

They're the same fucking battles, yet the stage design peaked around fucking 5 or something.

You can remake the same game one billion times, but one billion and one times and people will have had enough

>What went wrong
became too anime like and only the Empire's "spin-off" is good
Dynasty Warriors 5: Empire's was the LAST GOOD Dynasty Warriors before the atrocity that is 6 plagued the series, every Dyanasty Warriors since 6 has been a complete rehash of it, also fuck adding another fictional faction, Wei Wu and Shu only
Seriously Empires is better than the main series, it has greater replayability and no two games go down the same, in the main series when you run a mission it's always the same shit, you know exactly where to go to trigger traps and events on the battlefield while in Empires the game will try different ways with different characters to win on the map

Empires has always been ROTK for retards it's a bad DW and an even worse ROTK game.
>every dw since 6 has been a rehash
confirmed for not even once touching 7 and 8 where are both agreed to be the best in the franchise
>jin is fictional
your retard if off the charts with this one.

I am Cow Pee.

Sao Sao obviously

An absolute shame because I loved a lot of the character designs in 9.

Tsao Tsao.

Moo Moo


Cows With Guns

What if Dynasty Warriors had Sengoku Basara combat?

They started to design every character as some korean boyband faglord and gave the characters the ability to use any weapon.

Guy was suppose to be old
Why turn him into a bishonen?
We have Zhao Yun for that shit.


Retards are still stuck in the past and dont understand people want online coop. It should be a no brainer but I swear they're mentally retarded

Ciao Ciao

>Retards are still stuck in the past and dont understand people want online coop
Why not online versus?

There's no reason you can't play each stage 2 directions.

Realism got nothing to do with games being as exciting as making a sandwich while requiring less brainpower

I don't really feel a need to play it more than a couple hours with the new systems they have now.
Everyone is just lumped into the same couple campaigns and you switch characters and movesets on the fly instead of developing characters individually and going through each personal story.

It doesn't have a sexy milf crushing enemies with giant copies of her feet.

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It still good back before they wiped out half of the unique movesets and made everyone generic shit.

Back when Ling Tong had his awesome nun chucks... back when Sun Ce had cool tonfas... back when Sun Shang Xiang had those ring things. Back when Gan Ning had that running musou.

I don't know why but the following games made them generic weapons with shitty boring movesets that everyone copypasted. Then it got worse and worse. And the newest dynasty warriors game was just a disaster with open world and pretty much nothing good to do in it...

Dynasty Warrriors should just die off for good at this point.

Fucking open-world.
DW7 is pure kino though and dw8 on par.

Originally COW COW but then my intellect rose sharply and I changed to SAO SAO

kao kao

What did HW get right? Why can't they do it again?

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This really.

There's very few battles that actually feel bigger or better in the new games, Chi Bi actually feels like a major battle now, but i can't help but feel like the large battles against Dong Zhuo and Yellow Turban feel small, same some of the more memorable ones like Wuzhang plains

I miss you /eagg/

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I really miss the dw4's xtreme legend where they have a specific scenario for every character.

It is just a reuse of map, but it really gives this game a unique feel to it.

Just let Capcom make Sangoku Basara already

I just realized I never really cared that much about it beyond playing Based Zhao Zilong.