Borderlands 3

So now that Cyberpunk has been pushed to 2020, we can all agree this is gonna be GOTY, right?

I mean, first half of the year was meh and the second half is full of trash, so I feel like they got it in the bag.

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It'll probably be my GOTY, but the 'actual' GOTY will go to something like Death Stranding or TLOU2

Borderlands, like every original IP Gearbox has ever produced, is utter trash and the cringiest shit imaginable fit only for people who'd be otherwise playing slot machines.

just like battleborn was the goty right?

cringe no fun attitude

Attached: community_image_1404367386.jpg (700x739, 320K)

*Blocks your path*

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Maybe if you're mentally 10 years old and quite possibly a tranny.

no underrage allowed on this board

>muh meme plot
>muh no atmosphere
>muh reddit humor
>muh diablo loot in an fps
borderlands is pure cringe

Is based Randy the savior of vidya?

Attached: 34A22E21-F60A-419D-ACA6-08A09E58EC56.png (441x445, 245K)

It will be either DMC5 or RE2.
Still, BL3 looks okay

i can't wait for more annoying robots! it's so funny when characters in-game acknowledge how annoying claptrap is but the game still has him talk a lot lol xD
i hope they don't add any sort of evasion or dodge mechanic too


Why don't they do this with Islamic imagery? Hmm.....

Friendly reminder more underaged people play borderlands than luigis mansion. LM3 is a mans game.

It isn’t artsy or “culturally important” to win GOTY from some wanky prestigious award. But I think it probably has a very high chance of being the most successful and popular game this year.

Despite absolutely fucked progression/scaling system, and miserable loot, Bl2 is one of most successful games of all time. It had longer lasting appeal (in terms of active players) than most MMO’s.

The looter-shooter genre is litterally Borderlands and it’s sad copies. The Skinner box brain fuckery from these games makes them immensely popular. And I think Bl2’s retarded humour works in conjunction with that. It’s like being a bit drunk, your brain is coping with chemical imbalances so HURR TOP GUN REFERENCE VOLLEY BALL, is much more enjoyable than any try-hard grandiose Destiny lore.

I can't play it until 2020 so it can't be my 2019 game of the year

Not buying, not gonna support, they've got the Epic Money. Hide thread.

This actually
All the young ones in my family are way more excited about the game than any man in his 20s. Lots of women too. Kinda cute, honestly.

i actually found destiny 2 a lot more cringy than borderlands exactly because it first pretends to be serious but then every single character acts as if they were ripped straight from borderlands anyway

But this doesn't come out until next year, OP

Won't know until its proper PC release in 2020

Anthony Burch is gone, 3 of your points are invalid.
Also loot shooters aren't bad. Division is just fine.

>bing bing wahoo

>Disappointing sequel or remake of an old game


Step aside faggots

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Crawl back in your attic, anime creature

That's the runner up GOTY to LM3.

This, unfortunately. I liked the somber and reserved tone of Destiny 1. Which went out the fucking window with Taken King and only got worse and worse and worse until it culminated in Cayde-Chiken hijinks and that annoying ship AI that goes from being just an AI to a bratty teenager.
So much potential in these characters and they were all genuinely shitted up. I'm not usually a bitter v-creature that hates everything but Destiny 2 really upset me
Forsaken was an improvement but not enough. Maybe Shadowkeep will be a return to form.
it certainly is in the fact that we're fighting re-used assets on a lack luster map we left behind in D1!

>Yea Forums shits on the writing
>main villain is one of the better written characters of the decade
Really makes you think...

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Borderlands 3 is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + Epic Store exclusivity!

all shit

why do you dummies act like there is some official game of the year award?

The one that gets more GOTY awards is the GOTY.

t. Butt Stallion
In all seriousness, is the telltale game worth playing if I genuinely liked the setting and story of all three games?
Yes even TPS, for what it was.


>haha Claptrap called me his minion xDDD

>bing bing wahoo
Imagine being so mentally underdeveloped that you still type this unironically.

short n sweet. thanks user

yes, it use the setting better than 2 and tps ever did. I'd say it's one of the only Telltale game worth playing along with Wolf Among Us and Walking Dead Season1, choices don't matter in the very long run as usual but it has a nice replayability thanks to the fact that there are a lot of alternative scenes

Still less mentally challenged that people over 3 who still play Mario trash.

Do you think they made the shooting feel better? I recently replayed a large portionnof BL2 and the actual shooting felt pretty weak, didn't feel impactful and the way the game handles accuracy as a stat is weird as fuck.

Calling a game like borderlands GOTY is like calling league of legends or some other "inifinitely" replayable shit GOTY, it's the chips of games, people eat them every day but they're not cuisine


Borderlands is that type of "i wear tshirts that reference pop culture" type of fun.

>food analogy

It's one of things people that played the game say they got a lot better. More sounds for the guns and gore is back to BL1 levels too.

Luigis mansion is not Mario trash. It's a different game with different gameplay mechanics.

Whatever you say, sweetie.

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I never said I don't like them, I've got over 400 hours between 1, 2 and TPS, it's just not a quality experience

I've got to keep it simple for fuckwits like you don't I

I'm currently playing 2 again. I forgot how much I like this game. It fun

who you playing user? what platform

>Division is just fine.
Imagine thinking this

I'm running as Gaige this time on the PS4.

were hoping you're an xbro. Need people to actually play this with.
Anyway enjoy your anarchy stacks, and I hope you downloaded the new free dlc. It ties in to the third game apparentl

>Borderlands is that type of "i wear tshirts that reference pop culture" type of fun.

Tfw regularly worn a Hyperion t-shirt since 2010, and people constantly comment on it saying how cool it is and how much they love Borderlands. I like it because it’s (litterally) comfy and a nice neutral colour. Plus Hyperion logo might as well be a regular clothing brand so I don’t look like a sperg.

But people still notice it all the time.

Ah, sorry fellow Borderbro. I've been a PSfag for so long, I don't know when I'll make a jump back into xbox. I did download the DLC, as well. Love me some Lilith.

RPGs with guns do not work and never will.

How is it any different from RPGs with magical walking sticks, swords, and bows

Because guns kill things fast and things die slowly in RPGs

>first half was meh
LOL, RE2 and DMC5 will be my GOTY and no amount of denialfagging from (You) can change that.

>and things die slowly in RPGs
Only true for JRPG shit and MMO, i.e. crap games that heavily pad out play time with grind.

so why can't fast paced RPGs work?

Those are called ARPGs or diablo clones

>shit remake and Kingdom Hearts: Vergil edition