Most soulful moment of E3

Most soulful moment of E3

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god imagine eating bowsers ass

Remembering Panzer Dragoon exists.

Which Bowser?

This thread is starting off well.

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And they didn’t have to turn Bowser into an uncanny valley turtle to pull it off.

Not really. It's the moment that everyone called from the very moment that Bowser was announced to succeed Fils-Aime. It's as cookie-cutter of a moment as it could be.

I want the next Mario game to have an evil corporate Bowser in a business suit

I want to have gay sex with Bowser (King Koopa)

I misspoke, it's the most soulful moment of e3 but that's not saying much since the entire thing is just press releases and adverts. Nintendo has done much better.

I kind of wish he put on a hat and became human Bowser and that would be a thing in all directs. Whenever the hat falls off he transforms back into Bowser and it can be some "lore" for him.

>I have 2 sides: Nicest guy you'll ever meet and twisted fucking psychopath

haha what do you think it would smell like?im just. asking what becausre im interested haha just curious

is bowser cute?

which one?

Do you need other people to tell you what things you should be attracted to?

left of course you silly willy ;)


o w o

Why barafags like a fat turtle?

The modest action and best way to address memes as a company.
Nintendo is based.
The only company i know that is that well in pr is Wendys and Riot.

Barafags like big fat things.

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I'm not a barafag and I love Bowser

No, that was pic related

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*blocks your path*

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These games would be a lot easier to remember if they showed some gameplay instead of trailers that blend in with each other

*passes through*

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This was the mosr soulless moment

How does he do it?

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it's been so long

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Your game will fail just like you, user.

Imagine how big Bowser cocks must be


Why not?

Retarded joke for 13 year olds? Soulful as fuck.

How did he so much SOUL?


same energy

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How did this work for Japs since they still call him King Koopa over there

They straight up explained the joke.
>Bowser (Koopa's English name)
>Doug Bowser (President of Nintendo of America)

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He is the most soulful Smash character.

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