To all those that hacked your switch, good job. To everyone else, what are you waiting for?

To all those that hacked your switch, good job. To everyone else, what are you waiting for?

Attached: DD1CD071-06C7-4E3E-AC05-0EB051CCF50A.jpg (4032x3024, 2.32M)

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>no mmbn announcement
I don't know why I got my hopes up

Same reason I waited to hack my PS3: I want online play

Literally going to do it this weekend, waiting for my 400gb SD card to arrive.

Is there any risk in hacking this?

The usual you can't play online anymore.

I like playing online. Plus the only interesting thing about Switch hacking so far is emulators and I already have a fuck ton of other devices that can use those.

I have the psp and xbox classic hacked with tons of roms and old consoles so no need to mod the switch. Also, the switch has the cheapest online on the market. Fuck Sony and their shitty ps+

mine is on the latest firmware, can i still hax0r it ?

Your Xbox and psp can play N64 and Dreamcast?

>good console/handheld Saturn emulation never ever
It depends on the model, not the firmware

oh cool i'll check

>y N64 and Dr
N64 yes, and I own a Dreamcast :)

Can the switch, reliably?

I'm waiting for a way to hack my Switch without using a jig/paperclip/whatever.

No thanks. I don't hack my systems.

For anyone not sure if they're able to hack their Switch check this link.

As long as your serial are safe you can hack your system no matter the firmware version

My PC parts to come in. Switch has no fucking games I give a shit about. Otherwise Ill play Luigis Mansion, Animal Crossing and Links Awakening on an emulator

>"Stability" patches can't stop you from hacking an old Switch
What was Nintendo thinking?

Don't see the point when I already own a hacked Wii U. Switch doesn't really have any native games.

imagine being this retarded

I wanna get a switch, how do I hack it

>can hack mine
Oh, cool. If the switch pro or whatever ends up being real then I'll totally hack my current one

it's a HARDWARE bug NOT SOFTWARE. So even if they wanted to fix it (and they did by fixing the HARDWARE bug with a new revision of the Switch) they can't fix this for earlier models.

>what are you waiting for?
To enjoy the Switch games I have already bought with online features until hacking a Switch becomes inevitably easier and I don't need to play online anymore.

>To everyone else, what are you waiting for?
The Switch Pro. I am not hacking my Switch until I've got another one, and I Am not buying another one until there is a better one.

They have actually blocked it by changing master keys. That usually blocks hacking for newer firmwares on hackable units for a couple of weeks until it's cracked again

Why does the Saturn have to be such a damn complicated console? Makes it so difficult to have a good emulator of it.

>what are you waiting for?
EmuNAND this weekend

Yeah, no shit.

>"Waiting for switch hacking to become easier"
>Easier than putting a single file on the Microsd, sliding a jig into the right joycon rail, plugging in a usb dongle and pressing the power button

How much easier do you need it, brainlet?

>not just owning two switches
must suck to be poor

Why would I own not one, but TWO useless consoles?

Is there a way to do it without fucking around with contact points yet?

I strongly recommend waiting to hack your switch. Real, free emunand is being worked on right now and will allow you to safely pirate games with less risk of ban while allowing you to play online on the clean side.

You can get emunand if you pay for sx os, too, but that's up to you.

hack one and play online with the other

literal tenyearolds from gbatemp can do this.
What are you afraid of.

No, but if you enable autorcm you only have to use a jig/paperclip once.

>Real, free emunand is being worked on right now
ScriesM is busy hacking old pokemon into SwSh

Can you switch between emuNAND and sysNAND like in the 3ds? I want to buy one and hack it but I also want online

Attached: 1554913403213.png (600x450, 222K)

mines hacked, but i prefer to play gba games on my hacked 3ds

have sex


Yes, but you gotta pay $25 for it. There is no free emunand alternative right now (it's being worked on, but who knows when that will release).

Didn't exactly answer the useless part.