User you're really good but how come you never come talk in voice chat

>user you're really good but how come you never come talk in voice chat

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Because I actually focus on playing instead of fucking around in the voice chat. Now shut the fuck up and focus.

>playing well enough for the enemy to call you a hacker

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But I do?
There isn't anything scary about it.

Is there a better feeling lads?

I do though, most of the time I'm yelling at other people saying racist things and swearing a lot.

Beating an actual hacker feels better. The moment they snap and turn on their spinbot, you have officilaly won.

because if i wanted to be social i wouldn't be sitting at a computer playing fucking video games

>user you're really good
No one has ever told you that, lmao.

H-haha I don't have a mic...

>i dont have one

Uh..confessioning sins?

>oh my goyim user yore so edgy!

Because I'm a girl and don't want to call attention to it?

post dick

chopping your cock off don’t make you a girl tranny




"I'm deaf."

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>Because, besides the basic callouts, what's there to talk about?
Seriously. There's literally no point other than your callouts, and unless you're playing something super serious they don't really even matter.

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Just say:
Sometimes i stutter so i dont feel like it, sorry.

you're a tranny and you keep calling attention to it constantly

I'm too much of a bitch to use mic even though I really want to.

>Ahahaha, yes

Are you guys unironically scared to talk? I assumed this was a meme.

>play good
>get told i play good
>continue this for months
>"user how come you dont get on voice"
>tell em because my voice is too quiet and to be audible id have to yell
>"lol what no if youre hard to hear we'll turn you up"
>hop in
>literally everyone put that shit to max
>my mic's lowest detected sound barely picks up my voice anyway
>get off voice
>continue to play and they all understand now
just show them you're serious. talking for an hour blows out my throat too so it gets painful and rhaspy

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Probably are scared to being bullied for his voice from people who are meeting.

redpill me on the london meme bros

Hahahaha I'm actually neither a girl nor a tranny thanks for the (you)s fagnuts lmao.

I got banned from a CS:S server for cheating in the middle of a mix match, (like competitive for CS:GO but far more basic) I quit for around 1 week, returned to the same server and I was unbanned. I asked a mod if I was unbanned after they reviewed my demo and they actually pretended I was never banned in the first place. Clown world, fellas.

getting upvotes because im making such quirky 4channer post XD lel OOF.!!!!

>me and 2 friends playing verm
>random is really good
>invite said random to team speak
>ask user if theyre tranny because of there voice
>they say yes and then instantly leave ts lol
Wonder how big their hands where.

>I’m shy

So are they underage or just weenies?

I barely talk to people offline but at least I can manage from body language and with text I can write down all my thoughts, there's nothing like that with voice. Even ordering pizza shakes me up.

>no mic

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you can still post your dick though

I have a really thick finnlike accent and it's terrible.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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Did he leave or did you and your friend leave?

Why would it be a meme?

Shit I forgot to chop the repeat

Dunno, it just seems too pathetic to be true.

>we'll just turn you up
>why are you so quiet
>stop being quiet

There could be multiple reasons.
>Live in a loud area
>18-19 year olds that still live with family
>Parents with obnoxious kids
>Self conscious of any speech impediments
>They have a fag voice
Most of the time they're just shy though.

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talking alone in front of a computer is weird

>mutes vc
>turns on music
>continues to play games

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make that
>20 year old living with family in huge house

There was a girl(female) on /fit/ at one point and every time she posted there was some autistic bong that would say "are you from London"

what the fuck conversation are you supposed to have if you cant tell what the other person DOESNT want to talk about

Almost always a lie. If you can afford a PC/the game you're playing, then you can definitely afford a mic. Unless you're some f2p shitter of course.

>most headsets noise cancel
>I was on the mic when I lived at home
>fair but that would be like .001% of Yea Forums
>don't be a pussy
>don't be a pussy

Being able to afford something is not the same as actually owning it.

I only do callouts and occasionally tell a nigger to shut the fuck up

I don't play any games where anyone at all speaks.
Even if they have voice chat all you ever hear is foreigner families yelling in the background, keyboard clacking, heavy breathing into the mic and repetitive raging about a specific weapon/strat that's supposedly OP.