Why do jap bros blame us for Tifa reduced breasts?
Why do jap bros blame us for Tifa reduced breasts?
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Please invade us with gundamns jap bros
>Sony's in California now
Well, take a guess?
wow thanks Microsoft
it's snoy's fault
i-im sorry japbro i failed you
I can't wait for Japan to pull a Pearl Harbor 2 over California's faggotry.
Is that what i think that means?
Because America is the scapegoat for the rest of the world. Most countries only know about the existence of their country and America.
please someone do something about California.
Why do we care about the opinions of retarded otaku again? Japanese audiences have notoriously shit taste. They don't even like Metroid. They can fuck off.
I don't know if America is to blame for wars and world economy and whatnot but I definitely blame you for this. You started the whole "violence good, sex bad" thing and I will never forgive.
They're just as retarded as we are, how nice.
>tifa is a trend in US,this can't be avoided
the japs have given up bros
They're just as CORRECT* as we are, how nice.
Sure thing user, we all voted on this and removing sexy women from all forms of media won by a landslide.
>They don't even like Metroid.
That's good taste though.
There's only 1 solution
Because we've got all the SJW cunts who cry objectification whenever they see a boob jiggle
Because the burgerclappers suddenly decided that big tits are sects-cyst.
Right from this thread.
Thin legs
They're too delicate, making her head look big
They gave her stockings cause guys like them?
You guys saying Tifa's too thin prefer muscular legs like Chun Li's?
Something in the middle.
A little smaller than the newest's Atelier protagonist.
You damn extremist.
This one's cuter than Tifa.
(a pic of Cindy from FF15)
Yeah, I like this one.
Honestly FF15 had nice girls.
(Tifa pic)
Comparison between AC Tifa and remake Tifa.
There's something weird about AC Tifa.
Probably her eye color.
This Tifa by a Riot artist is much better
This one's well made, but too unique, so people wouldn't like it in the game.
it's always been like that
Yeah they're correct except all the times where they're clearly not correct, like embracing mobage even harder than the west is.
>Pearl Harbor
So a false flag?
Because as far as they're concerned you're no different from the pink-haired goblins trying to fuck it up for everyone.
Like I'm going to take criticism from the borg hivemind insect people that willingly gave themselves to mobile games.
>the elevens are even posting that fucking awful porn model
Damn they really are as retarded as we are.
>you started the whole "violence good, sex bad" thing and I will never forgive.
No they didn't, that is a Christian thing. Also Japan censors fucking nipples so they did this to themselves.
you have to go back
>completely ignores all the japs that like the new design and have been making a shitload of fanart of it.
sasuga Yea Forums
>censoring nudity is the same as completely removing breasts
>Tifa to young
??? Tifa looked old as shit in Advent Children and before that she was a literal potato.
Olympics :( it's over. Everything changes now
>nu-tifa is so good woooow
>big boobs are porn,we are such retarded Yea Forums anons are we hahaha
That model looks like shit someone threw together in Koikatsu. Now if you only care about Tifa for fapbait thats fine but if you actually like the character beyond that it just makes her look even more like a slut.
I didn't say nuTifa was good you mongoloid. I said that model was terrible.
Classic Tifa is the only good Tifa. Simple design that doesn't make her look like a cosplay thot.
someone go to 2ch find the ff7r thread and read the comments right now
You think the Japanese market alone is enough to sustain a project of this scale? Sorry Japbros but you should just go back to playing your mobile games cause Japanese developers have to now cater to a worldwide audience.
Not have?
not having
none of the fanarts gave her moderate tits though
you lose on this one, even japs want the milkshake just admit you lose faggot
Because feminist is western. we in asia do the right thing and slap women down when they talk back, american pussy man got taken over by his woman and not complains about woman ruling over him, american pussy man deserves because you let you women tell you what you do.
1-Search for images posted by Tifa Lockhart [pixiv]
No matter if it's a matchstick-like formula
Suspender skirt + gloves + knee high is noisy when drawn with an ordinary proportion
There are too many points
2-This character design arranges you to feel human taste
Of course, I also like original clothes, so I want them to be re-implemented and reproduced
>just admit you lose faggot
You fucking wish. Fanart has always made her tits far larger than they have ever been portrayed. The fact that they are using the new design at all is clearly an endorsement of it.
console top 3 games
ps3 has no games
It was an embarrassingly bad attack by the japs tho?
Which is why the new Atelier is catering so hard exclusively towards Western tastes right??
without even using sharia law women in my country already know their place and behave morally acceptable.
t.filthy seafag living free-er than freedomnistan
Because in the average burgertard's mind, SEX BAD VIOLENCE GOOD
fucking obtuse mutt you're all brainwashed like that
>we in asia do the right thing and slap women down when they talk back
Not in Japan they don't. Your men are so cucked that they would rather jerk off on their figma than actually talk to a real woman
I accept your concession and please ask you to evict America from your head, because it isn't paying rent.
Why doesn't trump just sell california to the japanese
It's almost like 2D>3D or something.
Because his Jewish masters won't let him. He wouldn't dare cross the true rulers of America, he's a good goy who knows his place.
>DLC Tifa Original Costume $ 46.11
Well, he has a realistic opinion. Then again Calisnoy could certainly (not) surprise us here.
Nobody wants California, literally fucking nobody.
>milk shake and underwear are impossible until the switch version
based japs
You could sell it for one.... TRILLION dollars
Japan and South Korea are american colonies user, treating them as if they're actual nations when they suck american cock the deepest out of all the asian countries is disingenuous at best when those are puppet governments.
>one schizo's opinion represent the entire country
Because the alternative is retarded trannies and blogger journos.
someone translate this panel from twitter
>Because feminist is western.
Feminism is extremely strong in Japan though, they just aren't retarded.
You know when Japan blew the UN the fuck out? Multiple times even. That was by Japanese feminists.
hahaha fuck them, based.
fucking mutt you live like a slave
i don't think commiefornia even worth more than three fiddy
Fucking degenerate neet otaku imbeciles overdosed on fapping to doujins.
Looks at this
Balloon fucking tits, huge bobblehead. That's not good design, that's a 1997 cgi cartoon mascot.
Why would the japs want that hellhole? The only way California is going to become a part of another nation is when the U.S. becomes a part of Mexico.
Fuck america
that land not worth anything
because they get all the humans for their satanic rituals included
keep your homosexuality to yourself
>too tired to laugh
Same brah
I love how Dissidia Tifa's tits are struggling to burst out from her shirt and suspenders.
You'd think otherwise if you pay attention more to JP Twitter. Shit is infested with faggots just as much as the west.
3- I don't really want erotic but I'm sad because Tifa's black cloth seems to be a symbol of regulation
4-Tifa's poor body or something
The sensibility of the man who made it is over
5- What Chinese taste overflowing from this Tifa is ...
6-Both the cloud and the tiff are too thin
Because it looks like a character like Nayonayo like FF15, please make it a little bit thicker
7-Tifa's face is generally good for foreigners
Maybe breasts and butts don't fix
8- I was able to imagine the regulation of my chest but I did not think it would go into the regulation of my legs
Have you considered suicide? I think it would suit you.
based japs keep drawing Tifa like how it is
Well feminism doesnt benefit them
>Men are poorer
>They have to work too
>Barely can afford a baby
Some women even confessed to me feminism ruined their lives
>Their mothers had their own house and were married at the age of 25
>Feminism: women over 35 years old still living with their parents
>They have to compete against younger women
>5- What Chinese taste overflowing from this Tifa is ...
Is this japanese version of O B S E S S E D ?
How big are/were Tifa's tits canonically?
How many alphabets you got?
huge it created memes. 92cm G cup
from ff7 artwork, pretty massive based on pencil lineart and cg grid renders
tifa never had big breasts u retards,fanarts blinded you
she had D-DD cup which she still has and its big enough
what is the difference between you and the other round eyes
you ruined tifa milkers
Why are the eyes so small? I want them to be big like in the original! Fucking SJWs ruining my true animu aesthetic...
gays out
Keep having to tell you fags, Japan has been posting the exact same shit as we have, everywhere from praising it to hating it and all the inbetween.
Aside from all the mad, the only other guarantee from Tifa's reveal was going to be the exaggerated fanart, LIKE SHE HAS ALWAYS GOTTEN
China lives rent free in a lot of their heads.
Because Japan doesn't care about politics in their video games, but Europeans and Americans are forcing it on the world. It's gotten so bad that Japan is finally aware of what's going on, as it's being pushed into their games as well with censorship.
No because China has similar rules about covering up. Their mobage are especially affected and some have uncensor methods for their overseas versions.
36DD is what Nomura decided. They inflate or deflate depending on what game she's in though.
cope u retard,she'll never have hentai 500000FFF titts
bros... barret has been ruined...
Do the gooks give a fuck about our opinions or is this just a one way street
we failed them yet again bros. how are even supposed to apologize?
Yeah, but in Tifa's case she is covered up just big. I doubt a commie party member will say "hol up, those are too big".
The curious ones were trying to find our opinions too.
he looks a bit japan-ish, like black-faced Masahiro Chono
faggots out
keep your homosexuality away
It's also the case that westerne/global releases get saddled with the chinese censorship sometimes for inexplicable reasons probably chinese imperialism.
keep seething
keep chasing those bugs
Tbh, I don't think it has anything to do with "muh feminism". They are trying to make it more realistic and probably thought it would be goofy to give Tifa huge cowtits in a skimpy tank-top, hence the slight reduction and sports bra
cant wait to drop hiroshima 2 on tokyo.
>How big are/were Tifa's tits canonically?
behind every realism post a roast
Religion you mean
have sex
>muh realism
they shoulda mocapped mr t
>Off model cutscene
New Tifa is literally her fucking Dissidia model in a new outfit, tit size and all. Anyone shocked by this is a retard.
>No matter if it's a matchstick-like formula. Suspender skirt + gloves + knee high is noisy when drawn with an ordinary proportion
>There are too many points
Could not have said it better. The new design looks like a mess to my eyes. Too much stuff going on. The original is very clean in comparison.
>forcing it on the world
They are, but this isn't really related. It's about Sony's move to the US. It's not that Japan caved, or Japan's getting forced into anything. They never gave a shit about the world market, and now, "finally", they do. And Japan is feeling the effects of games being designed with an American market in mind.
have sex
It's 96 percent amerimutt phenomenon.
My redesign of Tifa, intended for feminist Western audiences.
Not saying it makes sense, but I think it's more plausible than a bunch of jap character designers trying to be woke
In Japan women control the man's money (that he earned) and only gives him a bit for an allowance, you aren't much better
Will somebody help Tifa? She will die soon if she keeps skipping meals.
brave and leftpilled
vote democrat have sex
>christianity bad
>judaism good
Its because you fuckers gave up and let the media win. All these companies run on the same agenda and want us to be miserable.
I will with Tifa
>>judaism good
where was this said
all abrahamic religions deserve the rope
I take censoring vidya over censoring porn
Also they dont just remove nudity they also remove violence too
All these ppl sucking the japs dick lol
>woman doesn't have football-sized unnaturally floating honkers
>must be gay and feminist pandering
Good thing we here ain't forcing politics into games, amirite?
>muh realism
If I wanted realism I wouldn't play a fucking video game, I'd go outside.
Tifa's most accurate 3d model from ff7 was in Ergheiz released in 1998
Because the remake totally isn't going for realism in overall? Because nonsensic lolrandumb designs are so good?
Everything is based on reality. If you want perversions of nature, go get your dick cut off and enjoy your american entertainment, retard.
kek Jap salarymen are intimidated by teen and adult women.
>perversions of nature
Go back to Facebook and complain about MUH DEGENERACY there
Whatever happened to that fetish thread? I was expecting to see Tifa get bound and gagged by drawanon there
Japan invading California in ww2 would have been better for all involved
burgerlards deserve nothing but a length of rope
The USA and Israel are the 2 worst countries on the face of the earth
I've written a letter to SE every day for years telling them to change tifa
I fucking hate americans so much
you are a cancer to this whole industry and should be banned from commenting, writing articles about and developing videogames
based US makes incels upset
>a twink using big ass sword twice his size
>a nignog captain hook but with gun instead of a hook
yeah sure mate
Anyone else hate how the fanart is already using her censored version?
Yeah, they totally should've made her sword smaller.
It's not Americans it's degenerate Twitter users
They blame the West for any problem, yet their own developers still caters to the worst aspect of the West itself? It's as if they are admitting they have no agency.
I won’t buy unless she has equal or larger jiggling boobs to the original
They have no choice but to cater to them if they want sales because otherwise all the westcuck """journalism""" will tear them apart and westsheep will be none the wiser.
we are sorry japbros...
who are always american, you infected us with your nigger culture now its the extreme left wing politics
FUCK the world would actually have peace if the USA was just gone
>no titsmosh
eh, it's fine
Count me in
man, seeing people go on about racism and boo fucking those poor poor niggers here when we don't even have them was some of the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen and I pray to God stays that way
have fun alone in the world with russia and china hahaha. I hope to god you're trolling. Not even amerifat, but its the only thing holding back the fucking madness that is industrialized communism.
West = California
Thanks snoyggers
I miss when Japan would do whatever they wanted not giving 2 shits about westcucks. Somehow all we have left are weeb games on Switch of all things.
>America is the scapegoat for the rest of the world
Because they don't know about Israel pulling the strings
SE should just give her Original costume back i'm sure that will calm a lot of the autism in the community .
>inb4 : you remove the thigh highs what are you gay ?
I like thigh highs but i rather have her as i remember her from the original game plus her costume is the only one that looks vastly different compared to the other charactrers .
Ironic since the left is literally pushing communism right now.
Sony has no relation to SE you dumbo.
Everybody in the world blames US for SJW shit and they are right to do so
>censored from top to bottom
Going by the logic of you utter mentally devoid retards, increasing her breast size would also be censorship
I don’t hate, I feel cold indifference. Let me explain: Tifa will most certainly have large, enormous, embarrassing tits as in the original, or I will not buy. End of story.
Based nips
>Amerifats actually believe this
It wouldn't be an increase because the original was bigger than this.
>DLC Tifa original costume 5000 yen
That's the smart guy right there.
>but its the only thing holding back the fucking madness that is industrialized communism.
Typical American conservacuck argument. "w-what about muh hamburgers!?". Disgusting. The world would be a better place if China nuked America to ashes. If i have to chose, i would unironically rather live in a Russia/China post commie/ capitalist hybrid happa centric, eastern Orthodox world.
Fuck America. There's literally nothing good left in it.
kill yourself
Tifa was a C cup in the original
in ur tranny brain yes
So in a way, they are cucks. They catering to an alien a residence that dictates on how games should be designed and portrayed.
That's like saying everyone is a cuck to the government/law.
>eastern orthodox
Everything burgers have done badly, the slavshits have done worse. The only people who glorify russians are either russians or amerimutts that have never been anywhere near a legit everyday russian citizen and/or their garbage nation.
No, you're mixing things up, nobody is going to be jailed for giving Tifa huge breasts
you didn't even try
no oppai no buy
What the hell is that thin abomination?Where's fit Tifa?
>this fucking riot artist that wont stop shilling her shit
>my thicc waifus
Fuck off niggers its not even funny anymore
I don’t care, she’s a jiggly E cup now or I don’t buy. I have options now, and Sony can meet my expectations or suck my balls
Just as embarrassing as you ending your statement with a question mark and sounding like a whiny teenager in the process.
Through dick, unity
Because it's completely our fault, specifically Trannies and SJWs. There's absolutely no other explanation for why they nerfed Tifa's tits. They did it to appeal to westerners and avoid a potential shitshow from a bunch of seething Trannies. Honestly, Trump REALLY needs to fucking win in 2020 so we can be done with this type of faggotry.
His victory will mean all that Tranny screeching for the past 4 years didn't really matter at all whatsoever. We've gotta make these Tranny faggots suffer and secure a future for gaming.
You mean fatman?
kimoota should kill themselves.
they are cancer in japan.
no shit someone's going to whine about liberation
the point of liberty is that you get to choose freely to have a shit or a good experience
Looks like Lara Croft's half asian daughter, fuck that noise
the final solution?
>people are blaming teh west when it is most likely the chinese
Sjw are just the lapdogs of the chicom
What you don't like boobs? Are you gay?
would still be left in a better state than most american cities
Not much difference to losing your job and becoming homeless.
They don't blame us, they blame the baizuo, the white feminists.
those weird angles in the trailer are unfortunate
I mean hes a criminal but whatever.
Also video games
Because it's truth
Death to America
>Trump REALLY needs to fucking win in 2020 so we can be done with this type of faggotry.
Trump is also a kike faggot, you guys are democratically fucked
Eat some ironized yeast, you envious stick.
sometimes they do. the Azur Lane fans found out that /alg/ is obsessed with the word cunny and started using it in their threads, too
Mossad plz go
The question is why do it? It is not as if FF is overflowing with big tits. The only other main character I can think of with big tits is Lulu.
Little Boy was on Hiroshima. We actually destroyed more of Tokyo and killed more Japs in one night by firebombing the hell out of their 100% wooden city. Created a firestorm which burned em all up.
Metroid is a shitty backtracking simulator. They have great taste.
>Mossad plz go
WHAT you're implying the opposite? How much jew cock zion don need to suck for you to realise he's also their puppet?
>I'll gladly give up all my rights for the state to dictate how and where I should live my life
Then you should immigrate and shut the fuck up
Because it’s accurate to the series and big tits are entertaining as they bounce to and fro
As a Russian, I can say that this is correct.
>California did a thing, whole America takes the fall
Sometimes. They once had a site that showed all the most popular images and fads on Yea Forums back in 2011. Bateman and Ainsley topped the list.
Bibi is going straight to gitmo
This without a shred of irony. I like the genre but metroid is one of the most bland and tedious metroidvanias ever.
I mean why censor Tifa
420D chess amirite? Keep believing that
>no tricount shown
>no texture memory used shown
fucking zoomers
So you're buying the game then.
Because America is actively making the world a worse place for the rest of us
>in b4 muh commiefornia
So what are you seppo cunts actually doing about it?
Ah. To try and avoid bad reviews from the motley crew small-tit trannies and bluehair cat ladies that make up 90% of the vidya reviewing conglomerate
>7D backgammon
enough with this shit
Cry more faggot
יהוה thinks you dipshits should glow a little less in this videogame titty thread
Isaac Clarke?
Can nips nuke california already
Because Sony California that's why.
unironically based, forgot China tho
Thanks U.S, everything you guys have a word in gets ruined. Just like your presidental elections.
i cant wait for all of the western world to nuke that degeneracy hub.
No problem. Doing my part to make your life worse.
Ok goldbergstein
>8D chess
Electionfaggot phoneposters have to go back.
>cowmilk boing boing
They reposted /haniho/ favorite character poll from Rance X in their thread on futaba
Start by kys
Talk fot your self faghot i got myself tested
Tifa's tits changed size depending on which part of the game you were talking about.
Her concept art, battle model, and FMV model all have different sizes, each one bigger than the last.
You can argue the concept art is canon, as that was Nomura's vision of the character. But Nomura is also the one who redesigned her for AC, and has done her design in every subsequent appearance. Which would mean that Remake's Tifa is the canon bust.
You can argue the battle model is canon, because it appears most frequently. Fair enough.
Or you can argue the FMV model is canon, because it has the biggest tits.
But this angle is for brainlets who only think with their dick.
Why are retards ITT butthurt about California when FF7 remake is made completely by Japanese?
Back to plebbit kike
>after all 15 who has not able to use a cute character woman was feces
My thoughts exactly, squeenix is fucking braindead
Because of (((influencers)))
Because Americans touchy little cunts who can't stand the idea that their fart smells, and will always try blaming their dog for them if it causes anyone to vomit.
>none of the fanarts gave her moderate tits though
Fanart/porn almost never does, for any character
Even flat-chested characters like Pokégirls get massive honkers in fanart
Sony is now an american company.
kill meriken
Where's the drawthread so I can request someone having Chono-Barret smacking Hosei-Cloud
Dissidia's model was nerfed as well, are you the retard?
>big tits stuffed into a sports bra
>pleated skirt
>her gloves have plating on them so she can actually punch things without atomizing her fists
Objectively better than the original in every way, fite me
Because it's true.
>that noctis
>america responsible when the designer of lightning chickenlegs is helming the project
I haven't seen that mentioned a lot maybe you guys should check some facts.
Fanart is irrelevant because they'll put tits even on things that don't have tits and some times even swap genders entirely.
No and i'm trying to use my head to think over this not my dick . well is not like i expect somebody that have no play the original game back in the 90's to understand tho .
SJW/tranny and censorship are hot topics now. Don't try to be reasonable. You're in minority.
>im too tried to laugh at tifa
they are as retarded as we are.
As long as the Japanese aren't happy I'm happy, good to see them actually express themselves for once, too often do they just stay quite and let this shit go on.
I mean, nothings going to ever fucking happen, Square and Sony have the "moral" high ground, any any bitching will be passed of as childish perversion, but it's nice to see Japan actually speak up for a change.
I haven't seen a jap insist they're the same size yet, so no.
Nomura is the one who designed Tifa, too.
Wouldn't surprise me if Lightning's stick-like figure was some weird fetish of Toriyama's.
Nomura constantly draws semen demons.
>not my dick
>in a thread predicated on bitching about her tits not being big enough
The Remake design is not only better fetish fuel but it's also more visually interesting and sensible compared to the original.
>As long as the Japanese aren't happy I'm happy,
But you can know if they're happy or not. Screencaps are irrelevant. You can cherry pick screencaps from Yea Forums too. Just to support your opinion/ideology.
fucking hate calishit right now,they should be fucking nuked
Why don't you go first then? You scared Kiddo? :^)
Her original costume is perfect as it is if they wanna add the fetish costume make it DLC and give the original one as default or at the very least they should hide the black sports bra under her tank top .
Square is under some weird delusion that lefties can actually do anything aside from making twitter posts so yeah they are giving in to their demands.
Would be good if she actually had fucking thighs.
I for one welcome our new japanese overlords
Our transit system is gonna be lit!
We've let things get out of hand. People are right to blame us. I'm sorry, bros.
>Feminism is extremely strong in Japan though, they just aren't retarded.
Then they aren't feminists.
Name a single thing America hasn't ruined
Niggers even ruined the concept of Freedom
Imagine ruining an entire concept
feminism by itself is not bad in fact i support feminism in countries like iran , india or turky the thing is feminism in first world countries is no longer necesary both sexes are already equal but for some reason they keept going and now feminism is look at as a bad thing .
This unironically.
Are they really right to blame us, though? It was Playstation's decision to move to California as it has the greatest potential for future growth. What this means is that in Japan people weren't caring about home consoles and would rather play their gacha waifu games. All of this could have been prevented if Japanese people actually had time to play video games.
because it's true
is this pic real?
Who else is the average Starvin Marvin supposed to blame besides he gold old USA
shut up hole
> I read something online once and now spout it out my ass as facts
True, they are banning shit left and right because of this. Hiding anything americans would complain about.
>Tifa will most certainly have large, enormous, embarrassing tits as in the original, or I will not buy.
Agreed. We need to convey this to square
anywhere u complain other then Yea Forums you'll get downvoted/critcized to hell
theres not a chance with those western cucks
they hate shitty anglos and they fetish of being gay
because you deserve it, "buh it's California fault!" and who enable them? the rest of the fucking country.
retard we can't do shit
You could enact the final solution of the Californian question.
attacking the us wasn’t a great idea but the japs overwhelmingly won that fight
>Cant do anything about the border
>Cant do anything about controlling the government
>Cant do anything about Army been used as a mercenary force
>Cant do anything about Constitution been run over left and right
>Cant do anything about losing your rights or how big the government has become
>but "FREEDOM"
Why don't just call yourselves Canadians?
will Kain ever feel the touch of a woman
>"japanese aren't happy"
>1 guy posting on twitter
This image aesthetic is S good compares to the cheap plastic feel and sound of Remake. Tifa here feels more life lile, as if she had grit. This person needs to model Cloud asap. I'd even pay for that. Just t give the middle finger to modern game design and artists.
>i want my pornie tiddies
have sex
Because developers are afraid of angry western backlash from non-consumers.
>we in asia do the right thing and slap women down when they talk back
tell that to megalia while riding a wahmen only train car.