>my nigga Eight got into smash
Truly the best timeline. Why haven't you played Dragon Quest VIII yet, aka, the best DQ game?
>my nigga Eight got into smash
Truly the best timeline. Why haven't you played Dragon Quest VIII yet, aka, the best DQ game?
>no Two skin
why bros
I really need to try the PS2 version of VIII because I just can't get into the 3DS version for some reason.
I’m playing now, I just got Angelo I’m my party
>best DQ game
but V only got a color
which version?
>my nigga
Go back to the ghetto you crawled out of.
DQ8 > DQ5 > DQ9 > DQ11 > DQ7
careful there, your newfag is showing
My only exposure to Dragon Quest was 11 and I played for about 7 hours before I quit. It just wasn't very interesting. The plot was incoherent, the characters were pretty boring and the gameplay was incredibly straightforward for a 2018 JRPG. Didn't really feel like my team was growing in power at all either.
nah only played 5 but i doubt anything would top it
I'm not into RPGs that much. I did like Earthbound though, and grinded through Mother 1 which I know is inspired by DQ.
his face looks odd in smash
No now fuck off nigger.
>the best DQ game?
Fug, I can't decide between III, V and VIII.
You sound like a fatherless bastard raised by a single mother. Stop shitposting, nigga.
I know 8 was your first kiddo, but you need to remove the nostalgia glasses.
Is it the music? When I played 3ds i got a modded cia to fix the music
I hope 9 gets a modern port, that game was fun
but when are they going to get released? I can't wait!
>projecting this hard
I guess you cant expect any better from a nigger.
>talks about nostalgia glasses
>puts 3 first
>a game that doesn't even have party dialogue or any sort of character development
>no 9
I'll eat a fygg for it
I hope the Switch gets all the 3/DS ports of the Dragon Quest games.
8 is the worst of the Dragon Quest games I've played, and very nearly the worst PS2 RPG I ever played as well.
If you need party dialogue and character development in a dq game then you really dont see what makes a big part of dq great: the town variety, adventure, exploration and job system. Dq 3 was an achievement that excels in all of those and does not need a party with personality to carry it, in fact it is able to be so good exactly because it ditches that in favor of customization. If you want party interaction, character growth with a more linear you have nothing better than 5 and 8 doesnt offer anything over these two aside from pretty graphics.
Or you can go for a FF game or any other jrpg if party member personalities and character development matter that much to you.
You are incorrect
with a more linear structure*
Which DQ that let me build a harem?
I’m happy for you yet sad at the same time. I haven’t played DQ besides the DQM entries. I’m glad you got a smash rep you wanted but sad that your beloved franchise is bound to become flooded with secondaries and normies. I pray for the series that it’s ultimately unaffected on your behalf.
DQ 2 and 3 told a story entirely through atmosphere.
DQV lets you fuck 10/10 waifus
DQIV has two delicious brown sisters as party members
I prefer Ireburn
DQ should be fine, Smash secondaries are too busy whining about Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem even got 90% of the Xenoblade hate when Shulk got it.
DQ9 my brother, you can customize and gear them up to your liking and also choose their class
"Digging "
I haven't played any DQ games. Which one to start with and which version to emulate
I remember liking 9 a lot, but people online seem to look down on it
DQ9 and DQ3 because they are the only ones that let you build a waifu party. 9 is better in this regard because you can customize their looks too.
Too be fair considering fire emblem went completely too shit because of waifu shit and Sakurai is a lazy ass mofo when it comes too FE , so the hate has a legitimate cause.
DQ9 gets a lot of flack because of how it's not like VII and VIII.
I think I tried on ps2 but never finished. Should I go 3DS, PS2 or Switch?
Too be fair five through 8 were all God tier, 9 got hated cause it came out of a massive wave of great games as a good game.
DQ8 isn't on switch, but I would just play the 3DS version since its the newest and has more content. Tho, if you could, maybe play an upscaled emulated version of DQ8 on PC?
See >I did some digging
I hope you’re right but it seems it’s already begun. Imagine all the poser “I’ve been a Dragon Quest fan since ___” posting even though we all know it’s rarely talked about in the west.
Sjw’s complaining about puff puff
This will unfortunately be DQ’s fate now that it’s in the smash limelight.
Really wished they'd do a collection of the complete versions already. But I guess the series is just one that will get expanded re-releases till the end of time.
>7 hours
>the plot was incoherent
You have a coming of age ritual, you’re told the mark on your hand means you’re the luminary, you go to see the king, he unexpectedly throws you in jail, your cell mate says he was told about you by a seer, he helps you escape. Exactly how much of a brainlet do you have to be to get confused by dragon quest, of all things?
meant for
Who calles their kid "Eight"? lol
I have 300 hours in DQXI and never once heard the name “Ireburn”, the fuck???
Yeah, it is that stupid. Guy runs the smash wiki btw
XI is the game they’re using to appeal to the west and it has more puff-puff than any other game in the series.
5 has a better game and circumstances that prop him up a lot
8 is a cooler more personable character with that slight mystery to him, but he has it pretty easy throughout his story so he's not a legendary, but my protag regardless
yeah but we're talking about who the best DQ protag is and you just pointed out there's basically nothing that isn't just pure gameplay that has nothing to do with the design or character
Yeah I see that too, I guess it's because the MC and the party members pretty dead making none of them likeable or memorable enough, story also is like collecting dragon balls. I like the celestial, fyggs concept though. Love the game still replaying it sometimes
So how come they picked 4's fish-eared dude instead of a more popular character like 5? His design isn't particularly interesting and 5 is way more iconic.
I don't understand why they would pick 8 instead of 11 or 5, or you know, any of the still incredibly popular characters from 4
he's not a bad choice, I just feel if I were the square guy, I would promote the new 11 character
8 was a popular entry, but not 'the one smash character' popular
that should go to Alena or 'generic female soldier in the red armor'
what are you even saying
Holy shit I cant believe he is that retarded.
but 11 is in so is 4 and 3
>instead of a more popular character like 5?
I can only assume its because 5's color scheme transfers very easily to Erdrick's outfit.
Both V and XI has VIII beat.
The chain of comments I replied to was discussing best DQ, not best protag. Best protag is naturally V.
That's the impression I got after looking at it. Still would've preferred the other way around honestly.
oh I see
I don't play childrens games, and dont read news about them, so I didn't realize they were putting many DQ characters in until I checked just now
like fire emblem, they are putting multiple absolutely identical 'average build guy with sword' characters and pretending they are something different
like I said, Alena or Female Soldier would have been much better choices to represent the series
>tfw you'll never love DQ boys as much as this girl does
I just started yesterday actually, the 3DS version. I've only just beaten the first cave to get the crystal ball, it's nice enough so far, i just hope the fighting doesn't get too dull. The music is amazing tho
They're alternate costumes for the same character. Like Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings.
A glimmer of hope
But there are one character just with different skins stop being retarded
why does everyone ignore VII? I think it's on par with or even better than VIII
are you retarded?
only 8 different NPC models in a 70 hour game really kills it
>I don't play childrens games
then why are you in a smash thread, you dumb nigger?
>a stream to watch a little girl react to things
That's cute as fuck. Also was she talking about Yoshihiko at the end? This girl is wife material.
I was playing the 3DS version but I haven't played it in a while. Still remember exactly where I am though, at the town where everyone's wearing black.
Keep whining bitch ass nigga lmao
Maybe that's what they call the DQ5 Hero? That's what the guy from the live action show was modeled after so that's what they call him now I guess?
It warmed my heart is that so wrong
No but I'm glad i can't read moonrunes
The DQ5 hero's official name is Madason.
11 on PC/PS4 or wait for Switch version or 8 on 3DS
Is anybody else really indifferent to the majority of DQ protagonist designs? The biggest reason why I'm glad my boy Eight got in is because he's probably the only design I really like besides 5.
All DQ heroes are basically nameless emotionless player inserts, yea. DQ8 hero does have a rat in his pocket tho, so thats why hes best.
yeah, I guess 11 too feels a little more personal too since he's semi voiced, most DQ protags it's just whatever though
reminder that dragon quest characters are white
8 are slavs
After the majority reaction to XI they deserve nothing but the worst in my opinion.
Who wore it better?
Name a JRPG protagonist that isn't canonically white
>called them "The Hero"
>not "The Dragon Warrior"
Yo. And if you want to go earlier, Megami Tensei.
There are games better than 11? That’s one of my favorite games of all time.
DQVII is a good game overall (save for the long-ass intro) but some of the game's sections are way too long-winded (the Alltrades Abbey arc immediately comes to mind) and the game has a bit too many padding/filler "episodes" that don't have any significant impact or relevance towards the game's plot whatsoever.
>that one part as she breaks her squeaker voice amidst the hype
Honestly I think some of those larger sections are great, specially alltrades abbey. And the episodes that you might think are filler is just how DQ is. DQ is more about the plot of each area/town more than the overall plot, even for games that have a more focused main plot like VIII or XI. Some of those episodes are also very heartwarming.
I'm not that guy but I do think VII stands alongside VIII in terms of quality, its just that they have different focuses. The main problem with VII for me is honestly that it is a bit too long, but even then it never drags as much as something like Persona 5.
Ah, but I have and I loved it.
>first Erdrick rumors mentioned him getting a Luminary skin
>pray to god that it's true because I can't stand Erdrick but love Luminary
>the trailer plays
>DQ8 hero appears
Feels good being a VIIIchad
>Ganbare Irebun!
That's cute.
Literally for what reason would you like the Luminary and hate Erdrick who is as much a character as Luminary and has a cool design too? I hope you werent just hating on him because of the bandwagon idiots.
This was literally my reaction.
Not everything is about fucking, you virgin.
You can watch kids be cute in videos, and not be a weirdo.
Anyone got the whole thing?
i've never played DQ, but i really like this song.
It's subjective but I don't think Erdrick has a cool design. Vanilla, a rip-off of some Dragon Ball heroes without the character, personality, and legacy. Fuck Erdrick (though he looked cool in DQXI I'll give him that)
Luminary ain't much either but he's less safe design-wise, as are most of the DQ heroes I suppose
retard zoomer who only played 9 when he was a kid here.
any good dragon quests I should get into?
probably getting 11 on switch because rpgs on switch are always good.
11 is great. 8 on 3DS might be another good pick
3, 5, or 8
3, 5 and 8 are the usual entry points. 5's more enjoyable if you've played a more traditional DQ game before it though imo.
Red and Gold
ty Yea Forums
by the way any reason why people have preferences for "best protag" what I can remember from 9 the protag didn't have much of a personality, but again I was a super young retard who just grinded slimes for like a year so.
Nostalgia and design.
this, every Hero is basically a blank state for the player to self insert into, so it comes down to design and how much they liked that game
>Nine didn’t get in
I’m not gonna pretend I’m a super fan since I played IX and nothing else
God did I enjoy it, though
I'm happy he's in since that's the only DQ game I've played but fuck did they give him an ugly sword.
>better than fucking anything
He's only vanilla because many designs later on just copied him as he popularized the design, specially in japanese media. His only similarity to DB characters is also the hair and the 6 hero is a much worse culprit in this aspect.
But I guess I can understand and respect your opinion.
I'm with you
Not sure if it's the best game, but it certainly has the best soundtrack in the series.