2019, we are forgotten

2019, we are forgotten.

Attached: Lil' Buddy.png (300x331, 97K)

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Maybe in 20 years you can be in a Smash Bros game and have a small spike of relevancy again.

Good riddance

3D killed that game.

the humor was too intelligent for gamers

Good. I don't want any current devs fucking them up.

I wanna fuck Max

If they were remade, who could do them justice?


the telltale games were fine moron, they were made when telltale was still a very small team, not greedy and passionte
Purcell giving them a Pixar animated short.

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Post lewds


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fuck pixar you fucking shit-headed idiot! You are one dumb motherfucker advocating pixar, you ugly braindead rotten shimpanzee. Man you are a waste of space

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get in line

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Don't we all user, don't we all

Steve Purcell, the creator of the series, works for Pixar now.

>Pixar animated short
Who'd be their voices?

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The idea behind them is very great.
Lets have a duo of close friends that always works together.
Except lets make them the meanest and most rude guys instead of nice ones.
Really wished for zootopia to take that road with the mean fox at the beginning
instead he suddenly turned into the nicest most polite bootlicker.

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Forgotten piece of art.

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What is this? A Laika movie?

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Why not get the same VA's from the old cartoon they had back in the day? Or at worse the ones from the two poker night games?

A- user... the voice of Sam from the cartoon is dead...

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they're actually getting a couple of figures this year. look pretty nice, too.

He faked his own death, its been counted as the truth. He left the business due the cartoon tanking.

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user, we must accept death as a part of life.
One day I will die.
One day you will die.
Sam and Max are dead and one day we shall join them.

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ACTUALLY... Bill Farmer is still alive the original VA for Sam. So this may still work