>Yea Forums was better befo....
Yea Forums was better befo
shut up meanie
I had never seen this screenshot before, where did you find it user?
Yea Forums was gayer before
This is more or less my first time here. I have no frame of reference.
Yea Forums was definitely more literate back then.
Can confirm, 100% agree. Every MGS thread was full of pictures of butts, I have no idea how or why there were so many gay people on here at the time.
It had its moments
>PS3 is a good conso-
It's always been shit but it's still worse than it used to be, even if only by a little.
t. 2006
And yet even that's better than a catalog filled with frogs in tuxedos and bald bespectacled bearded men with a wide open mouth.
>mods actually having fun and engaging with the community for the lulz
Yeah it was better.
>reddit spacing
Why does Yea Forums have such a problem with finishing sentences?
It was just underage fags doing it to be edgy. Now faggotry is mainstream so everyone shits on them.
no but you do since you're trying to end one with a preposition you dumb bitch
>fad threads
GameFAQs-tier posting. I miss it.
no u
starting your thread off with > and ending it with ... is the hot new meme
honestly current v is funnier than old v, its good entertainment
What is the point you're trying to make here? Thise users were banned and the threads were stickied to show retards what kind of threads to NOT make.
In short, mods actually did their fucking jobs.
best Yea Forums sticky in history pic related
don't ban me because it was approved by a mod and stickied ok
Ah yes, literally every thread having variation of seethe, cope, tranny, have sex, dilate, some form of wojaks or Pepe is truly entertaining.
as if you ever were there to experience it.
faggot redditnigger.
He's 13, go easier on him.
Was this originally censored or was that added to the screenshot so you could post it on nu-Yea Forums?
Imagine thinking this bullshit. Although, I'm probably being hilariously baited. Which still proves the point that modern Yea Forums is irredeemable.
Yea Forums was always great.