Yeah, that's a no from me

Yeah, that's a no from me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

have sex

Funny considering this is being helmed by God of War 3's director.

>no character creation
it's fucking trash

Why? Laziness, or because it's not chinese's friendly?

Suits are fucking retarded for trying to keep star wars under T

Both plus Disney

Dismemberment is bloodless when it comes to lightsabers, so, why? Sounds like another lazy studio to me.

Most SW games are rated T this one probably is too

It's shit

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yeah thats hilarious hah ahhaha

Other T rated Star Wars games had dismemberment so that's no excuse.

just use seta g_dismemberment "3"

Why respawn is making that soulless shit instead of FPS games?


>this Jedi Knight series is too good to be made nowadays, we better turn it into Uncharted

Lets be honest, we're all going to buy it anyway

Remind me, could you do this in force unleashed? I remember being able to force choke a poor SOB while making him a pin cushion with your lightsaber, but no dismemberment or bifurcation.


You could in Jedi Knight games.


Mostly Didney


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sure I'll give it a try


No, we'll pirate it, play the first level, say that it's shit and delete it.

Will having sex make the game better?

No, the lightsaber in Force Unleashed worked like a glowing wiffle ball bat. Those games fucking stink.

Just let Star Wars die. Nothing good has come out of it in 7 years since the Mouse owned it. Nothing from movies to games to comics. Let it die with some dignity for christs sake.

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Don't all of the movies except force awakens(?) have dismemberment

Bad try, EA

>EA shit

No I'm not lol, Respawn keeps proving Titanfall was a stroke of luck and they're never going to come close to that again. J:FO looks terrible, a game no one asked set in the dullest period of Star Wars

No, I'm instead going to do my annual tradition of starting up JA multiplayer and finding every server populated only with bots.

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There was dismemberment in the fucking episode 3 move tie-in game

"family friendly" bullshit

Just replay Jedi Outcast like a normal person would do.

just play moviebattles 2

Oh no, user, it won’t die right away. They’ll continue to defile it’s bleeding corpse for decades while you sit by and watch helplessly. Want to know what the future of Star Wars is? Imagine a transvestite Twilek fluent only in Ebonics twerking on the grave of Obi Wan Kenobi for ever and ever.

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I think I'll live just fine without anEA game, thanks; I'll just have some ghetto Star Wars themed DnD sessions with my friends, sure to be much more enjoyable.

That shit isn't my jam.

>no dismemberment
Yup, I'm no longer interested.

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Sounds cool in the amusing kind of way
But the reality is of SW is dull and unimaginative

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I won't even bother pirating it lmao.

too bad, play it

There was dismemberment in the second Force Unleashed

I hated megacorporations but it's still Star Wars

Can't say no to Star Wars.


>It has been 30 years and Jedi Knight is still setting the bar



Nope. I was actually excited for it, but then when I saw how shitty the lightsaber combat was I lost all interest.

You can't make me.

Hey at least this is actual violence being censored and not a harmless anime tiddy.


the color palet of this game looks like vomit
same with vtmb 2

really loving all these modern gaming "trends"

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Fuck off you disgusting shill

>buying video games
buddy I don't even like buying FOOD

Star Wars is for faggots

>Non-violence in a series where a guy gets sliced in half

you shills are really shit at shilling you know that?

It was obvious when the game was rated E a few weeks ago.

SW is now owned by Disney, they want to shy away from that stuff. Despite Anakin literally being delimbed, Dooku having both arms cut off before being beheaded, Jango being beheaded...etc.

that's worse, violence actually enhances gameplay

The god damn series has a track record of a ton of on screen limb removals.

You can't dismember people in any of the Jedi games. The only exception is the Jedi Knight series but only with cheats. So why is this suddenly an issue?

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Why does Americans love gore and blood so much but hates sexy women?

Did mooks got dismembered in nuWars anyway? I can only recall snook getting dismembered and it was fucking tame to boot.

Fuck, OT and PT were better stuff when it comes to dismembering people.

>Jedi Academy is nearly 20 years old at this point

>No star wars game as good

Needs to go back on the quake/id engine again, or let someone like (yes) Platinum or someone to make actual good sabre combat

>The only exception is the Jedi Knight series but only with cheats

Bitch it's on by default.

I doubt it'll be worthy of my standards to even be pirated.

If I put a Star Wars logo on a turd would you buy it?


we do share this imageboard with retards who still unironically buy ea and ubishit games

It was just Raven, man. They were completely unable to make a bad game in that engine.

Gore and blood = satisfying gameplay
If I want sexy women I'll watch porn

this, i'd rather just replay JKII or JA

Disney. Lightsabers don't cut anything in nuWars, they're like baseball bats.

You forgot
broadsword "1"

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>who doesn't like star wars?

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Stop lying, faggot. I've played Jedi Academy over 20 times and that's without all the hours I've sunk into the multiplayer. You could rarely chop off a hand but that's it. You needed to enter g_saberrealisticcombat to really dismember people.

>Lets be honest, we're all going to pirate it anyway
ftfy, and yes

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At best I pirate it too see it, I'm never buying an EA game

Jedi Academy is not the only Jedi Knight game.

Sucks but not a dealbreaker for me. Playing weeb games all the time where during some attacks enemies should be completely evaporated and they just faint has me numb to shit like that nowadays.

Now Origin though.

The same goes for Outcast.

nigga just make an asset overhaul of jedi outcast/academy with a new story

>Heavy metal Jizz bands

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You needed to turn on g_saberrealistic combat in order to slice people to ribbons, but you could still take off a hand/arm/head or whatever without it on a saber clash. DF2:JK didn't require any cheats to be enabled. Regardless your point is asinine anyway because you're comparing "slight dismemberment with the option for full" to "none".

>muh disney family friendly star wars

Explain pic related then faggots.

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>buying AAA games
Even if I love it, I'm going to pirate it because I don't have much money and huge companies don't need my money. I only buy indie games to support the devs

>>plus Disney
>buy a super popular brand
>only to handle it in a retarded way

No, I'm saying the Jedi Knight series is the only one that did it in any way. Kotor, Kotor 2, TOR, TFU, none of them did it. I'd prefer dismemberment too but when did it become such a deal breaker?


They had to kill him off somehow. That's the only time we see lightsabers act like fucking lightsabers in these movies, and it's only because there was no other way.

>dismembering androids is okay
I'm gonna laugh 50 years from now when this changes.

yes then resell it for a higher price

New trilogy is in production with the guys behind GoT working on it. Aren't you excited, consumer???

I guess because only one of those you mentioned has you directly controlling the lightsaber like JK
I assume TOR doesn't anyway, I never played it

>metal swords could dismember enemies back in 2013
>plasma swords can't almost 7 years later

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You can dismember people in RPGs, you know. You chop heads off in Dragon Age Origins for example.

if you STILL get exited for any starwarz shit you're either a battered wife or you're suffering from Stockholm syndrome and you enjoy being raped year after year

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TFU has dismemberment.

Yeah I guess all those named games suck then.

Man has there been a single good fucking star wars game after Disney bought the fucking brand? Even the god damn physical toys look like cheap fucking trash.

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That's been a thing since ... what ? 2003?

Not after that boring as fuck demo.

Not advertiser friendly for streaming m8

Jedi Academy is the earliest lightsaber dismemeberment I can remember, 2003. But it's probably more because of "E FOR EVERYONE" rating, than because they can't be bothered.

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Maybe the second one, I didn't play it, but the first one did not. Lightsabers were just bats there.

>Knights of the Old Republic sucks because you can't cut people's heads off

Fucking zoomers.

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Got to keep that T rating

>Pretend X doesn't exist
>get proven wrong with an example showing X
>"no... It... it doesn't count"
Like clockwork. Everytime.

you could turn on dismemberment with console commands in Outcast

I'm not and I'm a huge SW fag that didn't even hate TLJ that much

LOL no. It was kind of poorly shown in the demo because it was being played on easy but it still looked pretty shit beyond that.
The time slow is fucking retarded.

Why the fuck would someone buy some mediocre action game with an 8 hour campaign? And it’s from fucking EA.

Yeah the second one did
TFU2 had dismemberment and a T rating

Are you seriously going to defend a Star Wars movie where nobody's limbs got chopped off when talking about dismemberment in Star Wars?

>single player

they know their audience: 12yo

The fucking lego games let you do this, why can't they just make this one rated M?

EPIII has dismembering, although I remember it applying only through specific movesets. Not too sure about it for normal combat.

Respawn is a good studio that made a foolish choice partnering with EA. EA deliberately sabotaged Titanfall 2 do that respawn would be put in a bad position and would accept EA offer to buy them. Now they'll probably be turned into a star wars only studio.

>not wanting dismemberment

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I managed to not buy the first two EA battlefronts, and I resisted the urge to buy battlefield V especially after they tried to say an antifa hero was part of the german army

even the fucking CN show had dismemberment lmfao

Star Wars was so pure and imaginative back then. Truly science fantasy with real heroes and villains and neato spaceships. The new universe feels so dead and empty, like fan fiction someone gave up on after they go bored.

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I bet they would like it for the parts to explode too afterwards.

>that made a foolish choice partnering with EA
Do they get to choose who would make the winning bid when their studio was sold off?

Fair enough, I didn't play that one.

id always assumed light dismemberment is allowed because the wound would be instantly cauterized correct? So one you get rid of the blood, and the saber gets all flashy when a limb is coming off.... i dont understand why that isnt T?

I guarantee you someone will get lanced

Yeah, and the main character would fuck Princess Leia and two twi'lek slave girls between missions.

>acquire one of the most successful and beloved franchises in human history
>run it into the ground in 5 years max
Fucking how, Disney?
You may say whatever you want about George and the prequels, but at least we got some good games out of them and expanded universe.
Disney just fucking killed the franchise. It's actually impressive in a way.

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I thought EA only published Titanfall 2? Respawn weren't owned by them until after Titanfall 2 'flopped'

>Even the god damn physical toys look like cheap fucking trash

That has always been the case.
Melt 'em all.


Don't care, the gameplay is good, and you can customize your lightsaber color and hilt along with Kal's outfit. Star Wars kino is back, baby.

is that from fallout 4?

Not him, but Disney is losing money. Last Jedi underperformed and Solo straight up bombed.

And dual wield light staves.

But they'd make more money if they didn't kill the franchise with unbelievably shitty decisions.

>you can customize your lightsaber color
Except for orange! Pre-order now to get orange lightsaber!

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Disney thinks if they can pander to females, they'll replace the men who spend loads of money on things like this.

>and you can customize your lightsaber color and hilt along with Kal's outfit
wow this is totally new and an extremely difficult thing to do that should be praised and not just expected

TOR is way ahead of you.

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Eh, who cares? All of that will be "free" on torrent sites.

Luckily it all backfired on them.

Then they should invest in Star Wars brand clothes, shoes, handbags ,make-up, jewellery and assorted accessories.

is there a gog torrent for jedi outcast 2?I wanna try it before buying it

>Boring demo
>ANOTHER fucking SW game
>Giving AAA publishers money
>Giving Di$ney money, especially after their butchering of the movies

Nah bruh

How would you even fix star wars at this point?
Declare sequel trilogy non canon, take licence away from EA and start making actually good movies and games?

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You would also need the franchise at least 10 years to cool off. People are just tired of it.

what a stupid question

I think it's time for it to die

Raven is too busy making Cod games.

You can't fix star wars at this point as long they can't get their own peak Feige. The best case is killing it which ep 9 seems gonna do what Rian started.

Maybe we should go further.

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To be fair, all three of the characters in that image are bald, including the Jedi.

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Virgin Jedi Battlemaster

Chad Sith Marauder

corporate propaganda, even if this isn't a shill, it's a defeated pathetic customer with too much money and not enough smarts.

this is your enemy.

Some Slavs are developing a game where you can dismember and slice :

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How can it die, when it never lived?

>it ain't me starts playing

>like fan fiction someone gave up on after they go bored.
If only they had given up.

The Sith are just so much more aesthetic. No wonder they cuck the Jedi every time.

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>TOR was the last good star wars game
Bet you didn't expect that did you?

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I'm honestly shocked. I started playing it last year and I expected a trainwreck, but honestly, some of the stories were quite fun. At least it feels like Star Wars.

You're right, it's great.

Attached: average sith warrior.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

>i spent a lot of time playing a shitty mmo and it grew on me therefore it's a good game



>looks dated as fuck graphically
>boring locations
>hurrr muh oh so important story MUST keep in line with the garbage anthology films and the nu-trilogy lore
>gameplay lifted from nu-tomb rider, uncharted and nu-god of war

another flop in the making, fuck EA

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Japs are the ones who have a problem with dismemberment, but even they usually add it in the international versions of their games.

This isn't a movie, and pretty much every Star Wars game is rated T.

Good thing the real star wars game was announced around the same time, Lego Star Wars:The Skywalker Saga.

now it's basically a lightsaber simulator without real visible differences in damage utility. a lightsaber should be able to sever people into a dozen pieces, what is this bullshit family friendly neutered crap?

Disney in charge of star wars was a huge mistake.

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You came to the wrong place, motherfucker.

its gonna be great, seethe Yea Forums

This wrapped all the way around to being funny to me because I wasn't expecting it

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Yarr matey ya best be jokin.

You could use cheat codes to Wield Staff+Sword in Jedi Academy.
Or maybe that was a dream

fuck that

Or maybe a mod.

What was genuinely the last good Star Wars game?
Empire at War while not perfect did get a solid modding community going

are you fucking kidding, 12 year olds love mutilation and gore in their games, they feel so badass

Imagine a game that lets you instagib game journalists

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2005 had Battlefront 2, Revenge of the Sith tie-in game, KOTOR 2, and Republic Commando. All great games. Empire at War was pretty derivative and unsubstantial as far as RTS games go. And since then it's been nothing but mediocrity at best.

You need to move on. Star Wars is finished and ain't ever coming back. The worst possible entity bought the franchise. It isn't even happening. It is over.

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It's not even graphic compared to the non-Disney shit.

>Disney in charge of star wars was a huge mistake.
Yeah, no shit Sherlock.
Anyone who was happy about Mouse stepping in should be fucking whipped into little pieces with lightwhip.

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Real 12 year olds might find it awesome, but Disney doesn't want them to find it awesome.

I watched the first minute of the trailer and already it was clear it has been fully disneyfied.
Star Wars doesn't mean anything to me anymore.

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>You need to move on
Where to? Nothing else is safe these days.

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Member when Star Wars used to show actual violence? I member especially on a kids channel like Cartoon Network.

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I would still count EaW with the good games rather than the bad ones.
even so, nothing good since at least 2006.
Painful, really

Move on! Stop questioning. Do it.

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The Mouse would never greenlight a product like Republic Commando again.

Didney would probably censor this whole show if they were reminded enough.

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>ywn be impaled by a hot Dathomirian psycho force grill

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Make me.

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I firmly believe that one Star Wars comic that had Dathomirian witches doing evil things gave prepubescent me an evil mommy fetish.

It literally looks like the most boring fucking Star Wars game ever conceived.
>generic as fuck main character
>cutesy robot sidekick that definitely wasn't added so toys of it could be sold, please believe us
>saber combat looks tame and uninteresting
>tie-in to the dogshit movie that was Rogue One
It's like Disney and EA executives sat down at a round table meeting and discussed how to make the most generic, marketable and mass appealing Star Wars game ever conceived. I have absolutely no doubt it'll sell well, but I also have no doubt that the game will be a boring pile of nothing.

Goood.... ahahhaahhahahahhaaaaa... gooood!

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>jedi outcast 2

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heck no

The Chinese are insects so they will never do anything like this again.

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Because it's Star Wars. The franchise has always kept its gore to a minimum. You can have a cleanly chopped off hand here and a pigman fed to a space monster there, but a mechanic to lop off limbs and heads willy nilly would be out of place at best.

Also, EA and Disney want parents to buy this game for their kids and that's not going to happen if it looks like God of War set on Endor.

What about femoids

that's why there's a gorilla beheading itself in Sekiro right ? among others

Really? This trash is being directed by Stig Asmussen? Holy fuck, they really managed to put a leash on him. I'm sure if he had his way the gore would be immense.

i never used cheats in Academy and i dismembered niggas

it's in the background, out of focus and you can't see shit, it's a way of censorship

Based Cyrus

It's because of Disney, not that it's SW.

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Truly the darkest days for Star Wars fans.

Who cares? It's a minor detail. You dismember a couple of dudes and then you forget about it. It's not like it's metal gear rising, where dismember is key part of gameplay.

I'm no shill though, I don't trust a game from EA not to be shit.

Did you play the German version? the Jedi Knight games are censored in Germany and don't allow dismemberment. Everywhere else it's on by default,

Such a minor detail, it's a staple of the original movies and nearly each installation had some iconic scene of dismemberment.

I don't like it because it's so dumb and power fantasy-ish.

Hear me out. This nobody padawan can solo an entire imperial base. He's stronger than Kylo Ren and Rey for some reason. I was expecting something more intelligent with subterfuge and stealth because he's a Jedi on the run but nope he just waltzes in and kills everyone with his mary sue ForceUnleashed(tm) overpowered abilities brought to you by redbull and mtndew.

Not if it has Denuvo, pirate cuck. Day of piracy is over.

Actually regular Imperials are fucking trash. And even back in the Jedi Temple during Operation Nightfall Knights and Padawans were cutting down Clones, the 501st Legion until they were killed by Anakin.

homie, you drunk?

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>Also, EA and Disney want parents to buy this game for their kids and that's not going to happen if it looks like God of War set on Endor.

The irony with this argument user is that will this Star Wars have lootboxes in because that's basically gambling in a Star Wars game which are designed to be addictive. Not exactly kid friendly.

>ywn be a drunken,carefree, chilled hobo
Existence is torment.

Snoke is having an orgasm and a heart attack simultaneous. It isn't very family friendly in context, but it is subtle to most viewers. This scene is one of the more better methods of subverting the viewers' expectations, and it shows that Rian Johnson knows how to make a kino film. There, it is explained.

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Yea Forums told me BattleFront 2 is shit. Actually it's super fun and after two years it's still improving.
Yea Forums told me BattleField V is shit. Actually it's super fun and it's still improving.
Fuck Yea Forums. You faggots hate fun, games and most of all yourselves with your shitty failed lifes.

BattleField V? You mean ess-jay-dubya V?

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Maybe you just have shit taste?

it's a Disney franchise. What did you expect?

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it's nice when a game you were never gonna buy becomes shitter the more info is revealed

Despite all the modern technology and budget, they're never going to ever top this shit, are they?

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>Pre-order now to get behind the scenes footage
Remember when Republic Commando just gave you a bunch of shit like that as a reward for, you know, completing the game?

Good ol' peace-loving Jedi.


And when Jedi Academy gave you different hilts and saber colors from the start.

To be fair Kaidi Mundi is suppose to be cold as Mace Dindu, even suppose to have a purple lightsaber too but rejected it for I forget what reason.

Games stopped being about fun and more about making the most money possible. So no. Those days are long gone.

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Metal Gear Rising was full of dismemberment, though. Shit, their chambara films are engorged with it.

>Death Stranding comes out the week prior



It's such an important aspect of feedback, the games that feature dismemberment always stand out. Jedi Knight and Academy will never be topped as far as light sabers go it seems.

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Thats fucking nothing, Luke losing his hand was more graphic than that

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Gods... those were the days...

Tell me, how many factions and maps did BFV ship with?
Not got patched in later, Day 1 playable. How is the modding scene? You are playing on PC, right?
The mindset of "Ship it now, we will finish the game later" is a cancer on this industry.

Game published by EA. Stopped caring right there. RIP all those great developers.

>Metal Gear Rising was full of dismemberment, though
of cyborgs lol, japs are pussies

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I think it's age rating thing. If it's absolutely banned from underage players it means it won't be sold in regular stores at all or something.

KotOR 2 had Kreia's hand get chopped off

I miss NG

>Chinese friendly
Star Wars doesn't do well in China because there's no pop culture history there related to SW because they only recently started allowing Hollywood blockbusters.

I had this attitude regarding Star Wars up until Solo.
I was cautiously optimistic and willing to let Disney have a go but everything post buyout really is shit.

Rated E for Everyone :)

Go play it, the games didn't disintegrate with time.

Having said that this thread made me miss Jedi Academy. I used to play the muliplayer on that game constantly, so much fun. I had a pirated copy of the game though.

I thought that guy was a sony employee?


I would rather kill my mom in her sleep

Jedi Academy still best game, baby

TFU was the last serviceable Star Wars game

gow3 was so mediocre. what little hype I had left is now doused.

>thought it was NMH3 because of the blue light
>open the thumbnail and it's just Star wars
Thank God, also is anybody surprised with Disney owning the IP and EA having the rights to it?

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I think I recall it being a case of
>Instead of JK3 we get this trash?
kind of deal, and the powerlevel force bullshit did not help either.
I guess you are right, it was serviceable, but far from good

>Eh, who cares? All of that will be "free" on torrent sites.
You need to be login to access this "free" content.

>that jump

Holy fuck my sides. Literally SFM/Machinima tier

that izuna drop at the end
using it sparingly felt so great

Why would I when I already have the Dark Forces series?

The sad thing is, that's how normalfags operate, I can't tell you how many people I've heard this from about dice's battlefront.

3 years from now when it's 2 bucks

which old star wars games should i play? should i play all of the jedi knight games?

Outcast and Academy for sure. Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 as well, though i remember basically nothing from 2. Those are just great games in general, not even a star ears fan but i thoroughly enjoyed the first 3

You cut off arms legs and hands on humanoids and behead droids in Academy

Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight is pretty good too, Dark Forces is above mediocre Doom clone and can be skipped in my opinion.

Sad thing is we all know Disney bought star wars because they thought they could pump out cheap Chinese plastic dolls by the boatload and have them fly off the shelves. Turns out they were wrong as fuck.

>tfw we're getting two Star Wars games and the actually good one won't even be a Star Wars game
really makes you think

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thanks for the suggestions.
can force unleashed run a on a toaster, and is it worth playing?

It literally focuses on him as his torso falls off. If Disney had a problem with dismemberment I think we would know

If they put dismemberment it was going to be rated M, they want to keep it T

they managed to fix the horror that was launch
also it was bad because it's, even today, nothing more than a wow-clone, but since wow has fallen this far, it's a quality now

In base Jedi Knight 2/3, dismembering hands and arms comes stock.

Force unleashed 2 had dismemberment and was rated T

Ftfy Shitloni

I wasn't going to buy it even if it had dismemberment

No one but us will remember soon.

It's shit

>Lets be honest, we're all going to buy it anyway
>EA game

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Why is Disney SW so...plastic, in a sense? AM I the only one who gets that plastic, rounded up, fake feeling?

Don't get me wrong, I like SOME things Disney has done to the franchise but the general feel in movies and games is that everything is plastic.
I know I won't. It looks bland and have a few old SW games to play

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i find it hilarious no one responded to the actual gameplay vids because they cant shitpost about dismemberment which honestly had very little effect on gameplay in previous games

The possibility to circumvent shitty business practices doesn't mean they aren't shitty.

>EA game
>remotely even considered buying it at one point

What's there to say? "Oh cool, some gameplay that doesn't look like anything new beyond nicer graphics"

>Why is Disney SW so...plastic
Because it exists for one and one reason only, to siphon endless money from gullible parents through their children.
Disney isn't there to make a product thats good, but a product that mom and dad think is safe for their children to consume.
Thought this Star Wars venture might have been a complete failure on this front, as it seems only ones who care about it are nostalgiacs.

>A New Hope - random bar thug loses an arm
>Empire Strikes Back - Luke loses a hand
>Return of the Jedi - Vader loses a hand
>The Phantom Menace - Darth Maul gets cut in half
>Attack of the Clones - Anakin loses an arm, Jango Fett loses his head
>Revenge of the Sith - Dooku loses both hands and then his head, Grievous loses a couple of hands, Anakin loses his remaining limbs and gets his skin burned off
Holy shit, that last one...

But yes, all the movies have something.

Did George sell the IP to Disney as a last "Fuck you" to the SW fanbase after years of being mocked for the prequels?

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If he did then he played himself as well.
He doesn't look happy in those pictures with the Mouse

Don't ever expect it to happen again either, in the games or in the movies. This is a Disney franchise for kids now, move on. It's deader than dead.

No because he realized after he sold it to Disney that they're black slavers.