Getting a bit worried guys. Are we getting dlc or not?
Getting a bit worried guys. Are we getting dlc or not?
Actually starting to get worried as well, this is too good to let go already. The combat feels like dancing.
Sale when?
Stuck on corrupt monk. The fucker doesnt cheese or let me surprise jump him.
Nah. B-team, A-team shit aside, this was more of an in-between until Elden Ring. It's tightly knit, smooth, no multiplayer; no fluff. A one and doner.
just pirate
true monk? just skip the first two phases
or do them all because it's one of the best fights in the game
I just want a Tomoe DLC
>Nah, B-team, A-team shit aside
what the fuck are you babbling about?
They patched out all the boss cheeses in the last few patches.
Not that user but you can still cheese true corrupted monk a bit because I just did it a few days ago. Just bully her in the first phase and after doing the death blow, zip up to a branch. When she appears in the middle of the bridge you just jump on her and can do an air deathblow to completely skip the second phase
Have you been living under a rock since 2014?
Do you seriously believe in the A and B team meme? Are you that dense?
Began playing Sekiro recently. Finally beaten the Guardian Ape. What a magnificent boss fight. I never got bored throughout the many hours I attempted defeating that glorious beast. This game keeps getting better and better, the Guardian Ape was Old Hunter's-tier quality. In fact Guardian Ape was possibly the greatest boss battle I've ever had in my entire life. I'm so glad you can only level after beating bosses and minibosses instead of before, because defeating bosses in this game is extremely satisfying, because you know you have achieved it honestly.
cant they patched it.
You misunderstood. I was preempting it so nobody would bring it up in response to my post.
bully her how? she keeps getting away from me or does swipes at the legs too much.
So.. that wasnt mean to be like that?
On 2n phase to avoid getting hit by her just though you had to go jumping from branch to branch, and at some moment noticed the red dot of deathblow... so i used it
oh I see, sorry
Of course you're meant to cheese true monk otherwise it wouldn't be in there it's 2019 Jesus Christ something like that wouldn't just slip through
yeah I have been trying that but the red dot doesnt show up.
Genichiro was a stellar fight as well. Sekiro is easily my second favourite From game after Bloodborne + Old Hunters. Even though Guardian Ape is my favourite boss fight ever, complete edition of Bloodborne does have many stellar fights, including Ludwig, Maria, Orphan of Kos and Gehrman.
they have multiple teams you retard
the people working on sekiro arent working on elden ring
elden ring has been in development since DS3
as for the DLC, the game came out less than 3 months ago, in march
bloodborne was released in march, the DLC was shown at TGS in september and released in november
Her true form 1st phase is identical to her ghost form but she takes a ton of more posture damage. You don’t even have to attack her (though you should if possible since it speeds up the process), just deflect her attacks and you’ll be able to deathblow her in no time. After fighting the ghost form you should have all of her 1st phase moves memorized
it was so long ago. I dont play as much as I used too so my gaming sessions are less.
I would rather they make a sequel. Sick of griding and summoning fags acting hard on the internet because they beat SOUUUULS. Sekiro BVLLS want to be forced into a challenge.
>Sekiro DLC: Shadows Die Thrice
I hope Miyazaki is just working on multiple projects at once, but I am worried.
An Artorias/Hunters-tier expansion would be fucking perfect. Considering how good a lot of the base game bosses are already, just imagine how good the DLC bosses could be.
Ah okay, then just take a few fights to really learn her moves and their tells so that you know which to dodge and which you can deflect. She probably takes the most posture damage out of any boss in the game so once you get the hang of her attacks you’ll breeze through the fight
>SHATTERED; by someone, or something.
That was easily the best trailer I've ever seen for a video game, ever.
>just pirate
I could only find links for 1.02.
why the fuck is this even called shadows die twice? the theme is infinite resurrection and you unlock more resurrections as the game goes on
it makes zero fucking sense
>I hope Miyazaki is just working on multiple projects at once
we knew they were working on 3.5 games before
sekiro is one, elden ring is one, deracine is the 0.5 and there's one more unannounced title
i wouldnt get worried about the dlc until tgs
the game only just came out
On the second run you dont get beads anymore from bosses? I just killed the chained ogre and im just getting bags of coins from any boss i find
activision came up with that sub title and miyazaki like it and decided to stick with it
>for a finished game
Oh they fucking better be working on DLC, or i'm gonna seriously flip out. This game actually needs DLC more than any previous from game, due to the weak NG+ cycle.
Mark my words, DLC is getting a trailer at TGS and releases around christmas, this is the pattern started with bloodborne and then Souls 3. Those games both released March 24th in 2015 and 2016 with DLC hitting in like November.
I sure hope so. Probably my favourite From game, even with its shortcomings
I just want to fight another bosses that made me stuck for 3 days again like my first playthrough
Nope, there's a set amount of beads in the game, period. Otherwise your HP bar would push off the screen or some such nonsense, you understand.
What do you want in the DLC? I would love, at least another ninjutsu and a couple of new skill trees and prosthetics. And no more headless.
I know, but at least they could give while you need them. now i have to find those i dindt find on first run
>at least they could give while you need them
lol what
Boats. Grappling from boat to boat during an aquatic battle sounds rad.
They want you to explore the game
Sounds pretty fucking nice, yeah
Whats hard to understand? you need 80 beads in total to maximize hp, and you can miss some. So they could drop them till you reach the amount needed to max hp.
Your ESL ass is what's hard to understand
>I want them for free
too bad lmao
I know, but there is at least one you could loose even if you were there. Like that one arm ninja next to the castle, if you go too late to meet him, you find him dead next to a pack of white monkeys.
>can't make complex boss mechanics because the entire gameplay is two buttons
what's your point? that's your fault for not exploring around the castle when it's been obviously changed
>Prosthetic attack
That's not two buttons
That's your fault, search for beads location on Google first before starting another NG+ since you're so problematic
stop replying to shitposters
Honestly I hope they don't do a dlc for this game feels wasted. The game showed where From Software strengths are rpg stuff, online and pvp. Sekiro had none and it was really boring.
spoken like a true shitter
The other way around, user.
Might be true but I wish they keep Sekiro combat system somehow in ER, going back to roll, hit and dodge just don't feel the same anymore
dunno for me it's the other way around I like Souls combat so much more. I mean look at Hob the guy who did no hit Sekiro he has not played Sekiro once after his no hit run.
i'll only forgive you if you'll become my sissy slut bf
who gives a shit about some rando with autism?
does that mean I'm no longer an incel and people can't tell me to have sex?
Second phase is meant to be cheesed from the branch
How is Souls combat better than Sekiro? I honestly can't think of anything it does better.
yes, but you have to wear cute outfits and act cute. then after we have sex, we can call everyone else incels and tell them to have sex
sounds cool as long as it's no homo
yeah well our balls wont touch each other so it's totally cool
Bruh that's because Sekiro have zero replaybility not the combat system. You trippin'
Hob couldn’t beat Sekiro without getting hit
Man, how did you get as far as you are being stuck on one of the easiest bosses in the game.
Every Fountianhead boss is fucking cake. Just do nothing but parry monks attacks, and hop around trees when he goes misty. This is one of the few bosses I cleared first try.
lol but he did
why do they up the cost to your emblems? Does it go up the more you use them?
it's because you start earning more sen. it's to make the price relative
because I sucks? I dunno, Gaurdian Ape had big tells and ai kept away till I made attacks. This one relies on your deflect timing .
Haven’t played since before any patches. Can you still skip flaming bull? That fight is garbage and makes me want to an hero
huh all it does is make me poor as fuck.
I don't get why they didn't just make it refill for free when you rest at idols. It's completely irrelevant for people that barely use them and just a minor annoyance for people that spend them all the time
You might as well work on defect timings now, because you'll need it for phase 3 and 4 of last boss. Also, look up a non-spoiler guide to purification ending if you don't want to miss the best bossfight in the game.
who cares about the b team shit?
how many posts are you going to make? jesus christ your life must be miserable if this is how you get attention
to make the game harder. ran out? go buy some more? hope you got some heavy coin purses left over!? Better gerlt farming then!
>his no hit run
I looked this up right now. He his parrying like a little bitch constantly though. What a fake. I was expecting a legitimate no hit run.
Do a real no hit run.
Non-spoiler guide for that ending: don’t do the obviously dick thing to do when given the choice to do the obviously dick thing.
Hmm sounds like I passed that already. I already made a choice against the old owl.
but farming is easy and mundane, it doesn't make anything harder
but he wasn't hit, his sword was
yeah its a chore. They are hoping you get so annoyed you make small mistakes to keep farming longer. A lot of punishment to put on the player.
this but unironically
You have to do Hirata V2 for this ending, which isn't clear on how to unlock.
No, you haven't missed it. I also think I was wrong, it's not the purification ending, but the one I don't know the name of. I think it starts by you needing to eavesdrop on Kuro and Emma. there's a wall divider in the room, just get behind it and wall hug it, and it should start for you.
That's a hit though.
it was fucking cringe. and im looking forward to the game
oh neat
Yeah. It was really cool for a CGI cinematic. Gameplay would be nice, but I trust FROM to deliver so I don’t really mind just getting something saying “hey we’re working on this thing here’s some cool voice acting.”
>From the top of the castle, rest and then exhaust dialogue of characters in the room in Ashina Castle. Now, eavesdrop on their conversation behind a wall. It should say something about "doing what must be done". If you don't get that one, rest and try again.
>Now rest.
>A character has walked upstairs, exhaust dialogue and agree.
>Talk again.
>Warp to old grave idol. (if not warping, rest first).
>Talk to person at two graves.
>Warp to Dilapidated Temple.
>Creep around back and eavesdrop on the two people talking. (there's a hole in the wall.)
>Talk to the person who isn't the sculptor.
>Get item, use item.
>How to proceed should now be obvious. Complete and the finish game as normal afterwards and use the flowers you received.
no, it isn't
Oh I was mixing up purification with severance. I thought by best boss you meant Sword Saint
this is after the fountain head?
At any point after killing Geni and prior to finishing Fountainhead.
You can do it anytime after you beat Owl. I did it before going to fountian head. Some people think it's the hardest boss and the game and want to do fountianhead first to get the extra atk power, which doesn't make the boss any easier other than speeding it up a little bit.
It is fun with the fire and all but it's easier than the one in Ashina castle. He actually do thrust attack that you can mikiri counter and easier to flinch him when he's about to do his perilous attack. While the one in Ashina is really hard to break his posture because you can't mikiri or jump on him and he have posture recovery move on 2nd phase, have to spam double ichimonji and mortal slash to finish him
I didn't skill cheese any boss in the game. Getting through his phase one but intimately learning his entire skillset was really enjoyable. But I'd agree, being able to miriki in phase 2 makes it a lot easier.