Crash does what sonic didn't. Mario isn't able to look to see when its going to lose for the kart racecrrt
Crash does what sonic didn't. Mario isn't able to look to see when its going to lose for the kart racecrrt
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks esl user, im excited too
Why does Tawna look like Dolly Parton?
Cause she's Workin' 9 to 5, What a way to make a livin' Barely gettin' by It's all takin' and no givin' They just use your mind And they never give you credit It's enough to drive you crazy If you let it 9 to 5, for service and devotion You would think that I Would deserve a fat promotion Want to move ahead But the boss won't seem to let me I swear sometimes that man is out to get me
Is the Grand Prix even sustainable? Do you think at some point the "battlepasses" will be sold offering additional costumes, characters etc.?
Surely there can't just be free content forever.
how about you suck my bandicoot futa wee wee
a week ago i'd agree with you, but beenox has gone above and beyond. I believe in them
>no N.Brio
>no Koala Kong
>no Komodo Moe
>no Nina
>no Yaya Panda
It's not fair...
>Gem cup unlocks still not shown
Just getting a kart or something when before you got characters seems too cheap. Don't lose hope until some faggot wins a gem cup.
>Yea Forums gets hyped about CTRNF
>makes edits, memes, and lesbian furry porn
>tumblr gets hyped about CTRNF
>memes, 3d fan animations, and yaoi doctor porn
Then fanbase is alright.
It's really turning out to be everything I've wanted and more. The wait is killing me.
Which CNK tracks are you excited for to play for the first time with proper physics?
Why the fuck do people like Sonic again?
Mario > Crash > Sonic
Crash > Mario > Sonic
>Party games
Mario > Crash > Sonic
The best part is that I get Pizza next friday, and Pizza Hut promoted CTR back in 1999, it's like it was meant to be
Through dick, unity. If only Tumblr wasn't a semi abandoned shithole with abhorrent search and tag systems.
Get this shit out of my sight
90s Sonic was good at being a platformer, not so much later on. I miss when he used to be a name one could take seriously
I was worried about the characters and Trophy Girls not being in I'll admit. The fact they basically took what equates to gacha events(new content, Event Points, rewards system) but then ensure everything is still obtainable post event is true perfection. THIS is the kind of thing I want devs taking from mobile gacha games NOT premium currencies and lootboxes.
Yeah Mania is good too, but Crash NST still outclasses is it every way
All of the platformers offer something that’s pretty unique to them. It’s satisfying for sonic in particular to just get the stages down and just skate through them.
These walk animations are fucking funny. Give me more.
Shitty Nitro Kart characters ruined this game
No buy
OCs. It's much easier for people to create a Sonic OC than a Bandicoot OC. The world is expanded in a way that allows their imagination to run wild.
How so?
legit question. Now that they purged all those porn artists wtf is even left on that website? Always hated the format of the site so I never really checked it out
Source is in the filename. Artists is a gigantic SJW but makes decent crash doctor art.
seriously, i know nothing of sonic so i won't pretend to be able to answer it from sonic's side but for crash all the evolved animals were made by brio. you can't just make up new humanoid animals for no reason LOOKING AT YOU PASADENA
>not buying literally the best game in the last decade
the only one missing out is you lol
How so if you don't mind me asking?
>yuri and yaoi shit
Crash Bandicoot kind of stayed dead/irrelevant during the whole PS3/360 era and it wasn't until the remakes when he was given life again.
Sonic still got games at it's usual pace, all of them shit sure but still got games that would help him stay relevant in the media even if for the wrong reasons.
Is not that people likes Sonic, I only like the classic games about him for example, is just that SEGA will keep pushing him even if it means releasing shit games to maintain him in the spotlight.
Just don't play as them? You have all of the original CTR characters + Tawna and the Trophy Girls to choose from, I don't think you are forced at all to play as any of the CNK characters.
well ofc crash was dead they literally killed it after ps1 with devs leaving and everything.
Mommy voice
Not much. They also removed being able to download the full size versions of images, even ones already uploaded, so anything you didn't already have saved in raw form is now gone for good.
Android Alley. Period.
>you missed season
>characters are locked forever cor you
Great fortnite system 10/10
Never played CNK so all of them. I will say that the Fenomena tracks and Hyper Spaceway were the ones I always wanted to play the most.
Cos old sonic games are the best out of all 3 and Transformed is the best kart racer ever made.
>you missed season
>Characters can be unlocked in the pit stop shop.
Any chance this game will actually suck ass and be a buggy mess?
Seem to be some audio hickups and bugged fall borders
Wasn't it confirmed that seasonal items get sent to the shop?
Meteor Gorge and the ice level from CTR you could see in the demos
Super Mario 64=Crash 2=Sonic 2. I can't pick a number 1 from this list
Beenox said you can buy the grand prix content at the Pit Stop when its over. You wont be missing out user.
does sonic even have party games?
Sonic Shuffle.
Now where have they said that? If anything they've mostly stated that stuff is later released for Woompa coin purchase. The big issue here with that is that it's chances are 10x easier to fill out the nitro for a season then it is to grind out the coins to just buy one character, more less all of them from a missed season. At least this is what I'm going to assume to make the system desirable to play when active.
Imagine thinking Crash is a better platformer than Sonic. Crash only had 2 games that could be considered platformers
and both of them were better than any sonic game
I don't know about Sonic party games, but can they really be worse than Crash Boom Bang?
I need a quick rundown on the Tag Team Racing tracks, I never played that one.
Sonic 3 and knuckles shits on Crash 1 and 2
Why are we ranking games like underage b&
don't bother, cttr didn't have power sliding
>just realized I have never played a sonic platform game
They are giving out sonic mania for free on ps4 so I might as well give it a chance now
Wouldn't hurt to try, yeah
What the fuck happened to checking sources and doing your own research? People just believe whatever they’re fucking told no questions asked these days.
>Emperor Velo the 27th
>26 characters have been revealed for the base game
That's a fun coincidence?
The tracks were ass because they were designed as shooting galleries for the fusion gimmick, and there was no power slide system it was basically like Mario Kart. The tracks would be very bad in CTR, completely clashing design philosophies.
Crash 1 maybe but not Crash 2.
The original trilogy was already solid enough and I think it's more fun because of all the precision required, plus Crash 1 remake fixes all of the problems the original had. Mania has better style though, the music and visuals are absolutely amazing, it's just too lacking in substance. Even with the extra characters there's not much to do and the levels are way too long and rehashed from Sonic 3
Honestly given the autistic amount of fanservice and attention to detail Beenox have put into this game, it wouldn’t surprise me if that was intentional.
Yes, Sonic Shuffle
>watch Facebook Gaming interviews
>Beenox developers say they tried to balance racers so that people don't play as the same characters in the inevitable meta
Uh oh.
>plus Crash 1 remake fixes all of the problems the original had
No it didn't, the changes to the jumping physics and hitboxes made the Crash 1 harder than it was supposed to be
Why do you think so many people were going on about it feeling harder when it first came out
That more or less just lines up with what they said months back about making stats more even.
Why god why did they both have to be turning?
To be fair I want to play coco park so I can freely practice the boosting
i remember my preschool friend said he had a crush on coco bandicoot and warned me not to tell anyone
these models are going to give a whole new generation of kids their first boner
top kek they will take over come july 3rd
Rouge thread is kill
Kek, the ongoing war with jannies continues
>That skine tone
Bitch looks gross.
Coco confirmed superior.
Is it true they covered up the trophy thots?
That have some really unflattering motorsport skins that do, if that's what you mean
Sonic Shuffle is a pretty good game
gets a lot of undeserved hate
no, their jumpsuit is their alt costume
We watched it yesterday. It was the only place to hear about the CTTR additions.
Ami wins again in the end
It seems like the developers are willing to give us loads of info, they're just interviewing the wrong people.
I hope todays stream doesn't involve some girl asking stupid shit like what the bombs do.
what happened at the streams yesterday?
Wait, what the fuck happened to their colors?
It's really, really off now...
>Megumi is handling type
what would NPCs who only appear in a 10 second cutscene need alternative costumes for
the first stream was good, we had some fun gameplay of thunder struct and oxide station, and we got confirmation of CTTR content coming. The 2nd stream was a shitshow, it was embarrassing to watch
They're all playable now. As seen in this thread, even.
>Rouge thread posters are also CTRfags
You better be an Ami lover and not one of those Lizcucks.
>confirmation of CTTR content coming that a good thing?
with based beenox I have to say it is, they will make sure that the tracks are ctr-like-enjoyable
I don't know, but it looks like they shaved all of their fur off and it's fucking disgusting.
You're following the news cycle of a game that's already been made 20 years ago. I'm not the idiot here, that's for certain
>I'm not the idiot here, that's for certain
Of course not user
Twitter you mean, tumblr has been dead for like half a year.
Don't bite the bait. On another topic, what would the sterotype for the players that play Tawna and each of the trophy girls?
>I'm not the idiot here
Wouldn't be so sure of that user. I suspect you are the idiot most places.
>Those tracks with better mechanics
I wasn't baiting you faggot, I was genuinely curious to find out if the weird looking trophy cunts got burger'd (censored).
And now I have my answer. Good day
Tough question. I plan on playing Tawna unless obj_motherfucker shows up.
You're telling me that isn't bait? Come on.
Golden Ratio, furfags OC creator and shounenshit for the fujos.
But it helps that Sega had a mainstream rivalry with Nintendo and the Classic games were okay.
>"We had a deal, user. Getting cold feet?"
30 frames
So what?
If terms of content people wanted is down there at the bottom barrel because only Nina and Pasadena are usually requested, no one cares about Von Clutch and Willie Wumpa that much, but for those people that wanted those character it is good I guess, if they gave us CNK content why not CTTR content at this point as long they make the tracks enjoyable.
But let's be honest, when the content eventually comes, Willie Wumpa will be playable, he was an important character in that game since he was the main antagonist and now that we are getting characters that weren't playable in any racing game before like Tawna or Baby T them giving us 4 characters in that season (Nina Cortex, Pasadena, Von Clutch and Willie Wumpa) is what is gonna happen probably.
It'll be Nina, Pasadena and Von clutch, doubt we'd get that pumpkin motherfucker
No, I genuinely think that if you actually follow this game to any real extent, then you're a negative IQ mongoloid. And that's coming from someone who's favorite automobile related vidya is in fact CTR.
I've played CTR, hence I don't feel the need to follow a fucking marketing campaign for a game I've technically already played. By Christ I can't wait for you dumb burgers to go to sleep, because you're genuinely stupid. Just stupid
The reason why people are following the news about this game is because of everything they are adding ON TOP of CTR.
The game is like 15% original CTR at this point. You weren't based for missing this shit, I'm sorry.
Per half second
Does the game have any features that require $8,99/month Playstation Plus subscription?
If so, I'm buying Switch version.
I found it easier personally, Crash was faster and less slippery
online only as you'd expect
user please tell me you arent a stranger to passion or excitement? Especially in a day and age of utter disappointments its a breath of fresh air to see devs put forth effort?
you can play all the battle mods offline too, so everything available to you, although collecting wumpa coins without the need for online needs a confirmation from the developer.
switch version is better anyway
Yes yes, I've seen the catalogues over the last few weeks. You got new driver skins, how quaint.
Not to mention all the CNK tracks, completely new tracks, CNK racers and refinement of the boost system.
Yup. Nothing else.
>devs put forth effort
it's a remake of a 20 year old game. CTR didn't even age particularly poorly (especially with their artstyle), so excuse me if a remake isn't giving me a pants shattering stiffy. Pleb.
Just abuse the free trials bruh.
Don’t be like that man
No, they have the same outfits as before but they have motocross racing outfits as alt skins.
You live an utterly joyless existence HE'S the pleb?
Just being able to play the game online is reason enough for a remake. Having a shitton of extra content on top is icing on the cake.
The fuck is that? Who are half of these racers even? Fuck is going on
Well, they cause one to be bi-curious
everybody is in mate where have you been all these days
Velo and crunch from CNK, Tawna from Crash 1 and one of the trophy girls from CTR.
Its a remake of an old game, with tracks and characters from a 2002 game and 2005 game along with new content like Spyro being added. So its not just a “20 year old game”. I havent followed any news on it aside from whats posted here but theres no need to be intentionally dense over the subject.
You can unlock characters and tracks from the sequel on PS2 with coins you get from Adventure Mode. They aren’t actually a part of Adventure Mode for purists who only want CTR content.
There will be microtransactions, calling it now. Needing to be online to earn wumpa coins, plus it being Activision in 2019 means there's no reason it won't be monetized. Why would they give us so much stuff just for free? Beenox could easily go on Twitter and announce there won't be microtransactions but they're dodging the question.
There will be microtransactions in this game.
is this pic copied from something? I would really want to see the inspiration for this since the pic gives me boners
That's a good point, user. But even though CTR is my favorite kart racer, the idea of having drift-offs against other players sounds pretty fucking gay if I'm being honest.
There's seasonal content with 1 new track added with new characters and skins for rewards, its kind of like fortnites system but you can actually unlock the shit you missed after. Every DLC is free too and there's no microtransations despite an in-game currency.
>He hasn't seen it
Have fun trying to find out fag.
>remake of CTR and CNK
>not knowing CNK characters
lmao why even buy the game
Its an artist who does some of the best Crash work the past couple years.
I always get a chuckle when celebrities try to relate to the working class.
>got crash remake to relive good old crash
>never finished 1 as a kid
and now I know why. Holy fuck 1 is so hard. I've never seen the game over screen so often before.
Oh i've seen his work around here a few times. Thanks dude!
That's the name of the song/music video, have fun user.And nice job dodging the internet for the last 2 years.
Naughty Dog even admitted they had no fucking clue what they were doing with it, it’s why 2 was a fair bit easier but also a fair bit better. The accuracy required in 2D platformers just doesn’t work in 3D, it becomes way harder and less fun.
should've guessed. No wonder it seemed so familiar
how's the switch version?
do I have to buy hundreds of bucks of dlcs too ?
The cups or whatever, the extra shit coming post launch can be played solo. Just need an web connection and you're good
Why in the fuck would I wanna remember anything about CNK?
CTR had 17 tacks, you know there's 34 confirmed tracks right? and 35+ Characters with more to be announced.
CNK might have been shit, but it was shit because of the garbage mechanics. The track design was fine and so was the character design.
Putting those things in a game with CTR's mechanics is perfect.
>nice job dodging the internet
I know this is Yea Forums, but not everyone cares about weebshit
There’s no paid DLC or microtransactions. They’re adding new stuff for free in seasonal events, and if you miss the new stuff from events you can unlock them afterwards with the coins you get from playing Adventure Mode.
>CNK might have been shit
Glad we're in agreement then, because I'm not reading the rest
>"there will be no micros"
You stupid motherfucker....
yeah, with the coins you earn by playing the game you stupid motherfucker
Do you're research before you call someone a stupid motherfucker
As much as I hate to bring it up, tell that to TSR
If you wanted to stick your fingers in your ears user, all you had to do was say so
really? now that's interesting, unlocking stuff hasn't been a thing since horse armor
>b-but user! you can earn coins for free by playing the game!
Obviously they're gonna allow you to earn a pittance of whatever bullshit currency they can manifest, it's only in literal F2P games where all premium currency has to be purchased.
You gullible cunts. You fucking Americans...
>tfw you will never prepare the female bandicoot
So literally who is missing at this point?
>like 4 characters from TTR (Nina + etc)
>N. Brio, Koala Kong and Komodo Moe because neglected
Brio is a canon furry and hates Cortex's lackeys
N. Gin is emotionally dead inside
they're horrible match
Even in Mk* I was finding myself coming first most races for quite a while until I started pairing up with better players and RNG took over. It will be interesting to play against casuals with the drift boost mechanic.
Had a taste of this already at the con and it was fun being half a lap in front.
I want Brio so bad!
>You fucking Americans...
its confirmed there's no physical way you can buy the wumpa coins, are you bored mate you want to start shit on here to rile us up with stupidity?
Kart racers have non-existent skill ceilings. You're an idiot for getting excited
Rilla Roo just as a meme and that should be it, I personally think adding shit like Yaya and other characters from Spyro is too much
how do i pre order this game on nintendo e shop, i can't even find it, and it's supposed to come out in 8 days
>trusting devs at face value
honestly, burger I'm not gonna get mad or start sperging out again. You can't help yourself, it's in your very nature to be an ignorant blob of fat.
oh the bait
Yeah it’s actually a real surprise. I’m surprised Activision allowed it.
I'm from England mate, its 11:40 here
What the hell is even going on tonight? I thought these threads were supposed to be chill as hell
>Coco Bandicoot is HOT! I have nothing else to say, she is hot! She is the hottest female character of the Crash series, she looks so innocent but inside she is a hottie, she is hotter than Tawna! She is the best, I always loved her, she is my favourite character of the series! She is the demostration that a nerd, cute and smart girl can be attractive and hot! Anyway, I remember these dialogue lines, they were "weird" but exciting at the same time! With these strange screams it looks she had an orgasm during the race! Hahahaha! The funny think is that in the italian version of this game (I'm italian) there are not these "orgasmic screams", but she looks simply "happy" just like an innocent little girl, infact in the italian version of Crash Tag Team Racing, we don't have "Yes! Yes!!! Yeeeeees!!!!!", but we had "Si! Si!!! Evvivaaa!" but she screams just like she was a cute, tender and innocent little girl, the perfect opposite of the english version! That's strange but it's true!
One of the comments lmao
>playing the game
Online only. Fork over your subscription goy.
>30fps unless you have a pro/X
PC fucking when?
are you buying the game?
I'm sure its there, apparently you can pre-download it.
It's not bait. Mario Kart for example is just about giving you better RNG the worse your position is. Very simple.
CTR players however can be divided into two groups: Those who know about drift boosting and those who don't know drift boosting. And if you didn't know about drift boosting then you're in luck, because it takes 5 seconds to learn and 10 seconds to master.
Congratulations, you're now in the top 1% of CTR players.
Is it even confirmed that pro/x will run it at 60?
not even reading your brainlet bait
Funnily enough, you're still an ignorant blob of fat. Hope you got your shitposting license, cunt
I'm actually a lanky git, I can sit in my ass all day and eat fast food and I hardly gain any weight.
I unironically was, but learning about fucking "wumpa coins" has put that shit to a halt. I don't buy games premium games with microtransactions, period. Same reason I didn't buy DMC5
it's a remake, they don't have to hire anyone on the creative department and it's an easy cash in since the engine and models already exists with the trilogy.
I haven't played CTR but what's so bad about handling focused characters?
>Its an artist who does some of the best Crash work the past couple years.
Only if you're a furfag. His art is not that appealing.
just wanted you to know, i laughed
are equally disgusting as morbidly obese people and almost equally unhealthy. You're impressing no one
>no fast in a straight line
>not quick fast
>handling on a game focused on drifting to get speed boosts
you'll be able to turn like every character of the game but without the speed
>Congratulations, you're now in the top 1% of CTR players.
Hahahaa no. You still need to take the proper lines through corners or else it won't fucking matter.
You also need to learn USF which is a completely hidden mechanic that disappears if you jump off certain turbo pads
You also need to learn cresting and speedghosting, which is when you jump and land on a downward slope and cTntinue hopping to maintain the sudden boost in speed
Then there's double bounce which has the opposite effect of cresting and you hop just before going over a bump, then hop right before hitting it to bounce much higher.
Brio's mask leaked.
Who says I do that? I mean I could and wouldn't gain any weight, I do at least 15,000 steps a day and have a pretty balanced diet.
It's in the coming soon section
Yeah they're characters designed to start off when you haven't figured out the full mechanics yet, it should really be a class the starter characters only, disappointed one of the trophy girls is locked here.
Pretty sure the CNK and CTTR models didn't exist
Why is Coco the only remakes female bandicoot that doesn't look hideous?
>but user, you still need to steer your car while you're drift-boosting!
You sure got me there, user. CTR is clearly a game of skill and you have shown me the error of my ways
the base models already existed and the engine they used to create the characters did.
the work was halfway done
Is this just all we're gonna deal with till next friday? I didn't ask for this much shitposting
is this game still 30fps? if so switch seems like the best console to play it on.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. Tawna even looked fucking gimp in the Nsane trilogy
>thinking any of the trophy girls are ugly now
they were awful before with their melting anime eyes
I completely disagree, they've done a good job with the trophy girls I think, especially Ami.
Would you like to beat Oxide's ghosts, user?
You're so smart user holy shit!
You can master the game and not know about USF or speedghosting, I certainly didn't when I beat everything as a kid.
This would matter more for speedrunners.
You know there's something that I'm wondering if we've been shown or not. Have we seen how many coins you get per race and any prices in the pitstop yet? I could've sworn I saw a video with it shown but I can't for the life of me remember where.
Also in case it wasn't obvious, not the guy you were talking to.
I don't even get why this game would attract shitposters like this. Honestly it's one of the first games I've seen in quite some time that doesn't seem to have any real negatives to it and it only seems to get better with every new piece of info. Is it really just Sonicfags butthurt that their new kart racer was mediocre? Where is this nonsense coming from?
>Can't beat Oxide
Based Retard. Though you should probably keep that to yourself
Why does she look so much better here than she does here ?
While elements of the old game are present in the remake, its made in a way that's more accessible and there's no real hidden secrets to get faster besides utilizing your drift boosting and taking advantage of added speed on corners and shortcuts.
Censored game.
Proper lighting
That's quite literally what the argument was. That drift-boosting was not enough to win the game, because you also have to steer.
It's so stupid it doesn't warrant a serious response. It's like claiming that breathing while doing anything is multi-tasking
>disappointed one of the trophy girls is locked here
Two you mean. Both Liz and Megumi are turning.
It seems you unlock them for doing anything, battles and races offline and online as well as adventure mode. Perhaps there's in game challenges for getting more like the grand Prix meter gauge.
weak bait
>That's quite literally what the argument was. That drift-boosting was not enough to win the game, because you also have to steer.
>You also need to learn USF which is a completely hidden mechanic that disappears if you jump off certain turbo pads
Yeah, it's quite literally not.
You know what doesn't warrant a serious response? Your low effort "no u" responses that all consist of convenient strawmen to avoid real discussion. Fuck off.
oh Liz is turn as well, that sucks.
Bad games get shitposting
Good games get even more shitposting as it gets more (you)s
Can we just get to next friday so we can put this debate to rest already
>Believing developers
Go to sleep, burger. Just go to sleep. Catch some Zs
Of all things, why would anyone want to shit up a crash thread?
No, let me have this. All I need is a reason to lap fuckers like these and wait at the finish line to pelt them with missiles as they try to start the next lap.
Since all there is to it is 'powersliding'
Aside from actually steering, what you mentioned is not even a game mechanic. You dipshit
I more wanted to compare numbers, for example
>get 100 coins per race
>character costs 500
To see how fair the coin dealing is based on each type of purchase-able item in the shop because as is while it sounds amazing so far and I have faith in Beenox I want to know hard numbers to know if they're going to make it too much of a grind or not. It'll also tell us if it's ok to miss out on an event or two since life can get in the way so playing catch up isn't an issue.
Popular thing = more potential for (You)s. They don't call this place the contrarian board for nothing.
I doubt it'll be that easy, you're probably looking at 20 races to unlock a character at least but it could be more if you look at games like battlefront 2, that requires playing all day just to buy an epic skin.
You fucking idiots are even discussing coins as if they're some F2P currency. "There will be no micros" my fucking arse
all in all I hope its a little grind to get any major rewards but gives you a reason to go for the challenges to unlock things much faster.
Piss off B-Mask, holy fuck
They have no reason to make it too grindy, no money is involved.
pls don't reply to this idiot guys
>You fucking idiots are even discussing coins as if they're some F2P currency
Probably because they were confirmed to be race rewards already.
Jesus, one disappointing stream and this entire general descends into shitposting hell
It's ok guys, game's still gon be gud
what ruin a character by turning her into a woman power fantasy and taking her chest away
imagine being born after the advent of microtransactions, and being unable to comprehend any other business practice
truly a horrific existence
....You just did
it was confirmed it will run 30fps across all systems including ps pro and xbox x
that is true, but I don't want CNK bosses unlocked after just a few races unless major challenges are completed, I'd rather be some sort of grind for them.
I wasn't using those as my expected numbers that was merely a simple example of what I meant.
Mainly this. This is why I want to know the numbers. Say you travel overseas or some shit and miss two events how much does that pull you back from being up to speed?
I know but I still would like to know what the rates are. Helps with autistic planning.
You know Yea Forums. Over-analysis is their middle name. As bad as TSR was, it at least proved you can have coins without mtx. How convenient that everybody here doesn't acknowledge that
Please don't take my example numbers as what I expect they were merely an example of what I meant.
>ruining furbait
>remake 20 year old game
>3 console generations later
>30 FPS
my god, it just keeps getting worse
I disagree, Sonic & Sega Transformed was better than CTR for me, why they decided to go with TSR instead of Transformed 2 I'll never know.
>Tawna is completely flat
>Ami has huge tits and jiggle physics
Not an argument. The original plays at 30 fps and is still the best handling kart racer ever released.
Beenox needs to give us an in depth analysis of the pit stop system, I'd rather have that then some nobody trying to play the game and falling off the edge every corner asking questions like what the rockets do.
The unfortunate reality of gaming and why I'm becoming more detached from this hobby as the years go on
They've done such a good job on the Nitro Kart tracks. Not just in modifying the antigrav segments, but generally changing the themes. So many of them were obvious ripoffs of CTR tracks in their original state.
I was using that example of something unrealistic, i don't care if that's something people expect or not.
Does the pit stop have static unlocks or do they rotate in and out like some other games?
It's literally all I want. Why do fucking youtubers who are "such big fans" ask braindead fucking questions when there're new mechanics that aren't explained yet. At least a screen shot with prices would suffice.
I have to agree, it will be the constant black mark against this game until they release a 60fps patch, or the pc release.
The issue stands out because everything else seems to be done so well e.g. the characters, tracks, inclusion of nitro kart stuff, the way they're handling dlc etc etc
I'll still play and enjoy the heck out of it but in the back of my mind I'll be disappointed.
You're still paying for online fucktard.
I swear if they ask for the games release date again jesus christ.
it's literally free for a whole year on switch retard
Seriously, they need to btfo sonicfags once and for all instead of showing off a literal drooling retard attempting to play papu's pyramid for the hundredth time.
The CNK tracks are going to be so much better than actually playing CNK by the end of this.
A beenox employee said that after the grand prixs end the stuff goes into the normal pit stop.
>Probably because they were confirmed to be race rewards already
The fuck does this even mean. Is it supposed to disprove what I said?
Oh, well that's fine then, I do want the rewards to be a bit of a grind but I don't want it to be say full on SSR Limited gacha tier grinding or something equally stupid. Something that's a bit of a grind for vets but not so bad the kids will be pushed to the limits and suffering to get their favorite character. I want a happy medium but we can't determine any of that until we get numbers.
right now it doesn't feel like there's enough customisations for characters to warrent an entire system involving in game currency, so I expect there to be way more skins ect not shown off yet (I hope).
Especially that you unlock a lot of this just by playing the adventure mode.
It means whatever the fuck you want it to mean user, could just have been an explanation.
Remember when we were panicking that the original driving physics would be ruined and we thought were only gonna get the original 18 tracks?
Now we have twice as much content out of the box with reassurance from autistic speedrunners that the mechanics are virtually the same, as well as more free content being promised on the horizon, and we're arguing about... what exactly?
>Especially that you unlock a lot of this just by playing the adventure mode.
This fucking thread I swear to god. How in the fuck are you faggots supposed to convince me wumpa coins are not gonna be purchasable when you keep talking about them like this.
>Transformed 2
It's just one faggot shitposting. The rest of us are asking a simple question about something they haven't confirmed or really shown yet.
>Prices in the pitstop vs coins you get from races
Basically just how much of a grind it'll be vs what we think will be acceptable. It's not arguing, it's proper discussion.
nobody is really complaining, just some user trying to troll and a depth discussion about how the pit stop and wumpa coin system will work.
Clockwork Wumpa
I think he meant instead of making a second Transformed title not they were actually making one. That would hurt too much
She was based on Pamela Anderson if I'm remembering things right.
....Just call it a fucking shop, you consumerist piece of shit
Hyper Spaceway
start with sewer speedway for that. You can do a 3-lap without breaking turbo pretty easily on it.
Heres your baby Coco.
>that hairpin turn in Electron Avenue
Do we know if brake turning works yet? Any examples of it? Basically in the original if you pressed brake, reverse and hopped all at once you could do incredibly fast sharp turns. It was necessary for Turbo Track and it looks like it might be for the new Electron Avenue too. It also gave you a lot of height and helped with the big Oxide Station shortcut
I've played sewer speedway, I admit my first run on the lap I kept on getting hit by environmental hazards and hit a well, but by the 3rd lap I was taking the shortcut and boosting all over. It takes a little practice to get the hand of everything again.
Tawna isn't really flat, but her alt skin makes her look that way.
why the game bandicoots don't have proper tails?
>Same guy bitching about 30FPS
>And that was throwing sass because the trophy girls could have been excluded
>and now is throwing sass at the last thing he can try to find fault of
have sex
Because Brio is a pervert and wanted fluffy bunny tails
the trophy girls have little bunny tails and its cute as fuck
looks better without
This guy brings up a good point. Do the trophy girls still have fluffy tails?
Reminder to use acceleration and speed characters. The others are for noobs.
What I mean is, Transformed IS the 2.
I could never make that shortcut consistently enough for PVP races. Like 2/3 times it'd be fine, but if you fluff it you lose so much time.
That's called a bilby, user. This is a Bandicoot
I took it my first attempt when the one dude took a good lead on me on the 3rd lap, it feels easier, you just need to drift up the ramp.
>30 FPS
damn that sucks. I hope it releases on pc or there's 60 fps patch for pro and x. this game not being 60fps is the the only thing stopping it from being a 10/10.
Literally saving gaming
>Wumpa Coins only awarded if you are online
>"throw sass"
Even resetera would tell you to tone down the faggotry
It's such an obvious improvement though. I'd care much more about that than running at 1440p instead of 1080p or whatever.
>Highly Skilled Pro gameplay
>shows a very basic understanding of the boost system but doesn't boost on straights to maintain his fire
Why couldn't she look more like what she was in that animated intro? Nu Tawna looks like an Illumination character.
>not maining a character you like and BTFOing everyone with him
just git gud.
It's the hair that bugs me.
>have 60 dollars
>go to pre order the game but it's 70 because Australia
i guess i'll try again next week
>Highly Skilled Pro gameplay
I cant imagine the adventure mode being locked on hard mode like it was in the original.
No game developer could complete the game to review it.
Do we know if the powerups have been rebalanced? In early footage there were some oddities, like players getting masks in 1st (you could only get them up to 2nd place in the original) or extremely frequent orbs/clocks.
Why are you not going to or price-matching with JB? It's $48.
Ok, yeah that's true.
i mean game Journalists of course.
This, not maining your favourite character because "muh meta" is for tryhards
$49 dollarydoos
You're welcome
>adventure mode being locked on hard mode like it was in the original
Having played both adventure mode and arcade mode on the original recently, I really don't think this is the case. The CPUs kept up with us much better in arcade mode than adventure.
It'll be fun seeing your disheartened face when your main gets BTFO over and over again and there's nothing you can do.
nvm the game still could be a 10/10
Good morning folks, Chick Gizzardlips and Stew reporting, to bring you some fantastic news.
I love you.
Now let's get back to racing!
>Caring about skill in a kart racer
That's the real cringe. I make fun of DMCucks a lot for example, but even I can concede that being good at it takes skill, despite how fundamentally shit it is.
Threadly reminder of what is actually possible in this game:
Wait, I'll be playing 30fps when pspro players are on 60?
I wanted to get it on the PSN store so I could pre load it. I think it's unreal shit holes like EB games are charging 70 while non gaming stores like Harvey Norman are doing it for 48. Can't get it for less than 48 in my area.
I too feel that emotion user
read the bottom of that article.
Jewish fucks.
JB(depends on the game)Amazon>>>importing from another country>>>CEX used copies(better prices than JB but used is a big detriment)>>>>>>>EB Kike>>eJew
Prove me wrong
Do it, is fun just like the first 3 games
Not a furry, BUT
okay thank god, its either everyone is 30 or 60, I was already looking at pspro on amazon
its 30 on everything
Oh yeah, that's a fucking rip off can't believe I forgot about that.
what a terrible voice for her character, it's a rouge voice.
>muh 1% speed difference
it'll be fun seeing your disheartened face when you realize you can't drive
Put PSN with EB and eBay because that's just as fucking jewish.
For the last time, this game is 30 fps ONLY. The only one that COULD be 60 fps is the PC port that will probably be released next year. This was such the case of the N Sane Trilogy.
I'd play as Stew
Why did they give Isabella a beauty mark in the remake?
Sure, kid. You'll see it on the track.
>reading outdated articles
Love those portraits
presumably to help distinguish her from Tawna
I'm not sure what to think about voices yet since it's weird enough they're voiced at all. This is the first time we've ever heard Tawna speak.
Also I really hope the Jap voice trick works in this game like it did with N.Sane. I want to hear who they picked for the new voices and to hear based Sentai Villain Cortex's CTR voice lines.
Honey, at this point I'm pretty sure we're gonna get Visicount and Yaya.
Everyone is here, motherfucker.
so you've never played anything but nu-mario kart I take it
Everyone already knows about drift boosting, you silly cunt
>character has never spoken before
Can she really have a 'wrong' voice?
I want to play Coco Bandicoot.
Haven't played a MK since Double Dash. Whether you wanna classify that as nu or not I don't really care
that was a bug they already fixed
Everyone except the people getting paid to play it.
w h o o s h
that sucks but i'm only now finding out n sane trilogy was on pc and that runs at 60 so i'll just wait for that.
>going fast is a bug
stop posting my wife
should i just wait for the switch version/pc versions or is it confirmed for ever exclusive?
it's on switch day one silly
Crazy Cyberpunk has more UK pre-orders than crash despite it coming out in 2020
Don't forget to visit the RDR2 vgg thread and tell the people there that they can ride horse in their game. I swear this thread is special needs as fuck
her official artwork and fan works over the years scream "Bimbo"
>switch version
user that releases the same day as the PS4 and X1 versions(there's probably some marketing deal with Sony to get only that version shown off) JB has all 3 for the same price of $48/$49(Straya).
I would have pre-ordered if Amazon would fucking let me
>I swear this thread is special needs as fuck
Yes, we are aware you're here.
n.sane trilogy is on pc and spyro will be on there in September so ctr will like be on pc at some point
if it wasn't for the skins, I'd be walking down to sainsburys to pick this up first thing, Amazon have always let me down on the day, I'm not expecting to play it late afternoon.
Perhaps I should get with the times and download the game in the store.
ok then so is there a good chance of a pc release, cause i kinda need to make my gaming pc worth the price.
>Still *nothing* on what Megumi sounds like
Not even a shitty video from some dude's cell cam, nothing.
Also sainsburys gave away copies of KH3 a day early which wound me up to no end, I could likely do the same here.
I know that's why I said it was weird and not sure what to think yet. It's weird they went with Mommy voice when she's more bimbo. That's why I'm curious about Nip voices. They might make her an Onee-san type which will be more fitting with the bimbo part. Gyaru would be absolutely hilarious if they went the full 9 yards on her looking the way she does. Imagine this;
>smug voice: Eh? Maji?
Again I have no evidence of anything on that front. As for the English voices I have no clue what to think yet because I haven't heard them enough yet and also haven't heard all the girls(NO ONE'S PLAYING AS FUCKING MEGUMI) so I'll hold off judgement until then.
predict the game size, I need to know how long I must suffer till it finishes downloading.
Does ps4 even do preloading?
the game journalists got tired of coming 7th every race and stopped playing, writing up their reviews as we speak.
Tawna was planned to be a "femme fatale" character right after her design change for the original game. Never panned out, so that's what we have now that she's back.
Are you on the spectrum or something?
There's another stream today right? When is it and where will it be?
Why are the girls models so damn ugly? I don't want them to be sexualized for furries or conventionally attractive, just to have aesthetically pleasing models and not these amateur-looking proportions, they should remain goofy in nature instead of pretty.
Pic related, the new Lola was desexualized and turned into a purely comedic gag character like everyone else, but you can see she's still competently drawn and not amateurish.
Truly the Sekiro of kart racers.
About 8 months to a year later sure. If you're thinking of going PC and have a switch get switch for comfy and to easily play with bros locally. Get PC to go full legit 8 months to a year later.
>What about Events
Considering no crossplay(to my knowledge) PC will be like a localized gacha game you'll be behind in events so when everyone's on Event #8 or whatever you'll have the first event. Look at any gacha like Bang Dream(Japs are on a new event, west just got the Vocaloid collab which was a year ago) Something like that.
yeah I'm known to think out loud too much, even when typing fuck
are you retarded?
Don't listen to him, they're one of those people who purposely try to find something wrong in things just to blow them out of proportions and get a reaction from others. Just have fun when the game comes out.
They actually confirmed a while back that you can play Adventure Mode on multiple difficulties now. It was when they revealed that you can play Classic or Nitro-Fueled Adventure Mode I think.
She looks like Tara Strong if she was an anthromorphic bandicoot, no idea why they didn't get her
oh its one of the big streams? So it'll be like the penta reveal again?
I don't think that pic you used there is a good example
Why are so many retards try to bait in these threads today? Are they mad that for once a good game with little to none flaws comes out and they can't play it?
in fur I sin
yeah I know, but if that feature wasn't available and were forced to learn game mechanics quick to win races.
Die, furfaggot.
You absolute retards. We're in the middle of E-fucking-3 and you think journos or fucking ANYONE would give even the remotest flying fuck about what the VA of a literal who NPC who doesn't even have lore in a game remaster?
Get a fucking grip
sell me on this game Yea Forums. I played the platformer crash games on ps1 but didn't really play any of the racing ones so no nostalgia. I'm a mario kart 8 fag and am debating dropping some leaf buxx on a copy of ctr once it's out
It's literally just one guy sperging out, they'll tire themselves out.
Maybe but I wouldn't hold your breath, we're 1 for 3 on the reveals from streams so far, and the last stream they did was some total garbage. The second one at least showed oxide station.
It's a 20 year old game that will have shoe-horned F2P monetization in it. You probably wanna stick to MK8
you know dam well she wont look like this in space jam 2, there gonna go for the furry bucks.
You're blowing my post out of proportion, all I wanna know is what she sounds like.
boot up ctr on a ps1 emulator and figure it out yourself nerd
use d pad for turning
Emulate the old game. Like right now. It's literally the same + new roads, characters, onlineplay,skins and in general content. Gameplay is the same. Though you probl should watch a video to learn how to go fast because thats the appeal of the game.
Her boobs would need to be twice as big for that...
Emulate it and see for yourself. Make sure to watch some actual decent gameplay afterwards to see hwo much you suck at the game and how much fun you could potentially have if you didn't.
I don't think the version with the trophy girls is present at E3, it it was we'd have seen it by now.
your posting milf tara strong.
I dunno if they’ve revealed PS4 file size, but Switch filesize is just under 6GB. I’d assume with all the non downgraded assets it wouldn’t be anything over 20GB.
Our last chance to see our boy brio.
And I want you to take your autism pills but it sounds like both our wishes will go unfulfilled. I even had to fucking google what the fuck a Megumi was. Faggot
I take that back I was wrong, but the version in the livestreams don't have the trophy girls and the new track
Dumb tourneyfag
Oh's not enough to go on but that was "pardon the dust" right? Ah man, she sounds fucking retarded. I was hoping for broken english or full on japanese. Ah well.
Nah he’ll definitely be in a Grand Prix season if he doesn’t make it into the base game. Beenox are trying to get literally everyone into this game.
I get you realized you were overreacting and are now trying to be funny, but it's not working.
You have aspergers.
I know I'm late here but she's the handling my fat smelly cock and balls type
If you weren't autistic you'd understand the value of having the monopoly on a piece of information that a niche desires
>that one autistic sameposter spamming the thread with shitposts
In what way, that it's not desexualized or that it's not competently drawn?
Space Jam Lola is furry trash, I don't think they'll bring her back in the same incarnation as the original in Current Year, but if they do it's gonna suck.
I believe the spyro model for CTR is ready to go according to the artcle leaking spyros September release for the switch a few days prior to the official announcement.
So I think we'll be seeing the first 3 grand Prix relatively soon after release.
>In what way, that it's not desexualized or that it's not competently drawn?
Like, it's not a good example of what the TGs are doing different (in this case, wrong).
They're both pretty de-sexed.
It also wasn't clear enough so it's hard to pin her accent. I think it might be they're trying to go for how to put it. You know the Asian accent where they over pronounce each part of an english word. It kind of sounded like that accent but it's too hard to pin point until it's someone playing as her.
soulless calarts
literally why
Just thinking about this
>Event 1 - Nitro Force - July
>Event 2 - Time Travel with Baby T - August
>Event 3 - Spyro - September
It works out so I think it's going to be each event lasts a month.
I think PC will get everything post release up until that moment
so it's not the same game?
>Remake a classic
>Ruin it with scummy modern monetization
It's not the first time it's happened and I doubt it'll be the last
Nope, you're a bewildering sperg who actually needed to be told off. The fact you think anyone should care about a trophy thot in CTR is baffling to say the least.
We're talking about an NPC who was literally not even in the actual game (only appeared in post-race cutscenes) and had 0 fucking lore. What is wrong with you?
Ended that too soon
>Each event lasts a month
OR there's just one event a month but it lasts for like 2 weeks like any gacha game does.
The show is the best Looney Tunes-related media to come out in decades
And if something they said ended up being true, they will shitpost even more every thread
Is just sad
that would make sense but they cant confirm a release on the latter 2, so it likely development isn't complete on them yet.
>Mario isn't able to look to see when its going to lose for the kart racecrrt
Did you have a stroke?
>fucking yaya panda
I swear crash fans are creating their own niche of 'sonic friends' idiocy
I think asperger's user is the one who made the thread...
It's possible but I think the appeal of getting to do each event up to then may be part of the fun hence the theory about staggered events. Plus the amount you'd need to make to get at least 8 events worth of gear/chars on top of the existing gear/chars would be a bit much.
I can't say which it'll be but I think in terms of fairness and grind staggered events would be a better idea. You can argue the opposite I'm just stating what I think would work better. If you disagree that's fine.
Nigga can you read?
Wh are the best characters the worst type of racers?
>blue kangaroo dog
>and now the qt space bandicoot
Wait, is that really him?
I didn't even read the op ahaha
Feel like cheating on Tawna
tWiNsAnItY iS a HaLf-BaKeD mAsTeRpIeCe
That's true however it's still plausible. The trophy girls are already done and Event 1 is already ready to go. Making 1 track, a few cars, 3 or so new racers(no stat changes are needed so it's just animations attached to whichever class they're in) and some skins. It's very much a doable thing at one event a month. Especially with characters that already have existing models. Spyro will likely be using the Toys for Bob made assets and parts of one of the games(probably the first) so it's not as crazy as it sounds once you start planning out how you would do it yourself. The challenges will most likely repeat and cycle around but be set in stone so at most you'd be making maybe two challenges related to the new track.
This is all very plausible for as long as they use existing data. When it comes to Twinsanity stuff or CTTR stuff(if either happens) then we might have a month gap so there's two months between events.
This is all speculation and based on how I've seen gacha do things as well as how I think I'd go about it. Take it with a grain of salt.
>that black guy
Damn, he must've had some visible seethe
Where's your proof the USF buff is a glitch?
Forgot to say that they might not want to confirm it'll be one after the other because I think they'll try and do something with non-existing assets next and that may take an extra month of so to get done. Also I think they've already done a lot of preliminary work on these first 3 events. They can also do filler events where there's just skins(Biker Crash still isn't a thing) so it's actually rather plausible if you think of it less like a battlepass and more like a gacha/mobage event system.
What are the chances they remove the jiggle?
Eh, I'll still main Ripper Roo. Make the best with what ya got, ya know?
Why does it take so little to start a snowball of shitposting
Not him but I'm starting to want it changed. There was a skillgap with USF before, but now just about everyone can grab it and hold it forever.
Items would probably make buffed USF way too snowbally (if you are damaged, you are now left with no boost and have to get all the way back to the USF pad).
looks like Uka to me, pal.
They're post-launch content, which means no ESRB meddling
Is $48 here in Whiteland though I have to buy it digitally since physically is well over that price.
Listen to the music
remember there was a user complaining because the breast and butt physics weren't good enough? I think a game with zero catch has broke some anons.
Tell me about Ripper Roo. Why does he look like a dog instead of a kangaroo?
It's very clearly Uka, and the character using it is N. Gin
they are seething so fucking hard they try to bait shit all day. Unironically lmaoing@theirlifes
The music isn't Uka Uka's
You think this game will keep a steady framerate on the Switch? Was really hoping for a PC release for 60fps.
That's Nash
Do you need anything else??
Because why the fuck not?
>zero catch
Still on the fence here because 30fps.
Who thought the game needed thes two.
Are you fucking blind?
>They're post-launch content, which means no ESRB meddling
That's not how anything works, you dumbass.
If I pay for that Plus shit in my main PS4, can my friend also play online?
N.Sane worked perfectly fine on the switch.
Yes, but I bought Mario Maker, which includes 1 year of free online.
Dude, even putting aside the fact that you can CLEARLY SEE Uka Uka's face, the player is in 2nd and N. Gin is the only character ahead. It's N. Gin using an Uka mask.
Either it's a placeholder, or an oversight. But yeah - that's Uka.
The only remotely good looking female model in this game is Coco and lolis do absolutely nothing for me. That says a lot.
Like putting jiggle physics on a pig
I honestly dont mind this in games.
It bothers me a lot in games like WoW where they put unattainable items back in the game through the BMAH ECT... If enough people cry about it.
For example my Arcanite Reaper doesnt feel as special as it use to.
Theres nothing wrong with locking people out of items if they missed out cause they werent playing at the time and it gives more sentimental value for the players that were.