>Have a lot of nostalgia for the original Lego Star wars
>Previews suggest they a doing a lot to revamp the combat, plus It's also a massive collectathon with an open world
You know what, sure, sounds comfy as fuck.
Have a lot of nostalgia for the original Lego Star wars
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This is unironically the best game announced this E3. I actually cannot wait.
lego star wars was such a surprise. and it started the long running trend of lego games based on franchises.
The original Lego Star Wars is still the best in the series.
I hate what they did to the flying levels after it.
are they gonna go back to silent mumbling instead of full voice acting?
Apparently not.
It's a shame, the pantomime was a huge part of the charm.
bring back the old system for going to different levels and purchasing characters
They might be. Apparently the devs said everyone at E3 thought they were going back to mumbling too, and were disappointed in the demo where they speak. So he said that he's going to see if they can add an option to remove voice acting and have the pantomime again. I don't think they are late in development, so it might be possible to do both.
This. The hub system was the best. But Lego games are falling for the open world meme hard. Unfornutately this is going to be another open world Lego game, so no hub. But I don't think we've ever had an open world Star Wars game either, and apparently you can go to a number of planets with your ship, and the Tatooine open world includes Mos Espa (TPM) Mos Eisley (ANH) Dune Sea (ROTJ) and fucking Anchorhead (KOTOR) on it as landing ports for your ship. So I guess I can't complain, getting a fully explorable Tatooine sounds fucking cool. I fucking hope the other planets aren't just all OT faggotry (Hoth is also confirmed) and they better include based PT planets like Corsucant, Naboo and Felucia in this manner.
Kind of agree. I think LSW1 is fucking amazing, but I like the little extra's LSW2 added like gun dodging and such, it just had more polish. So LSW1 levels in Complete Saga are just perfect. But then LSW3 The Clone Wars is such a fucking underrated game. I think it's the only Lego game in existece that went for a less casual approach than a more casual approach. There are RTS sections and the combat feels more complex because you have multiple clone types all with different guns and weapons/grandes etc. It was the most combat focused Lego game yet and it was really fun to play. I played Lego Lord of the Rings afterwards and couldn't believe how casual and kiddy Lego LOTR played in comparison to Clone Wars.
I heard it has a combo system for Lightsabers, and TPS controls for blasters, which is a pretty nice improvement.
I prefer the open world because it works very well with the collectathon angle, and there aren't too many proper collectathons around anymore.
wait open world as in no story levels at all or open like the superhero games?
is this not going to be an actual remake?
>mumbling could come back
>but we're not getting a %100 lego world
Granted, that wasnt how it was but....
We only have behind close doors previews to go off, but You can start any of the movies in any order you want, and then the story takes place in the open world, presumably with individual missions or whatever. Like most open world games. There are probably liner set pieces for certain levels though.
I agree, the lightsaber combat sounds much better, and so does the added force combat. This honestly means the PT levels are likely going to be the best levels in the games, which I am going to love. The problem is I am not so sure on blasters being TPS over the shoulder. From what I saw of the cover shooter parts in the TFA game (never played it, fuck the ST) it looked very casual, and also was basically the same thing when you replayed on freeplay so it was very locked, on rails and scripted. I am just hopeful that the TPS they mention here is different alltogether, and maybe something more like Max Payne or RE4, and not a shitty Gears clone. As long as we aren't stuck behind fucking cover pieces, and are allowed lots of movement it will be okay. I mean Lego already did a following behind the character camera in Lego LotR middle earth hub anyways and that was okay.
And in regards to collectathons. I guess you are right there, but for me I just really enjoyed the hub worlds. Not too many games do that anymore either. To be honest hub levels have always been my favorite type of level design.
I've never played the Capeshit lego games. But I am guessing it's an expansion on how Lego Lord of the Rings worked. The hub is instead increased in size by 100x, and you can explore all of middle earth/tatooine, and when you get too weathertop/jabba's palace etc there is a mission trigger there for you to start a classic style level.
Also since they are adding areas from KOTOR like Anchorhead. I wonder if they are using the open world hub as an excuse to fit in as many EU stuff as possible and have references or side missions everywhere. I bet this is the case because Star Wars is clearly TT's favorite license, being their first and the one they always put the most effort and innovation into each time they do a Star Wars title. I bet Ahsoka shows up as a side mission in the hubs to do Clone Wars stuff in between Ep 2 and 3.
The ships are 100% Lego though. Apparently between the open world planets, you fly through space and can get attacked/meet friendly Star Destroyers, Super Star Destroyers, Venators, Acclamators, Providence Class's, Mon Calamari Cruisers etc and they are all fully explorable, full sized ships with internals and they are all 100% Lego creations.
They confirmed it's only Ep 1-9 as well, no Rogue One or Solo, not that I particularly care about Disney crap. But that means no Clone Wars proper missions either which sucks. Well I bet R1, Solo and hopefully Clone Wars but likely Rebels too will be DLC levels.
But there is also the chance that those things could be done in the hub between the main missions, for the most part.
>how Lego Lord of the Rings worked
exactly what i'm talking, as long as there's still the individual levels i'm happy.
the hero games did a great job on expanding the uniqueness of each character, hopefully they keep on that track.
but will it have that rts minigame
Well that's better than nothing I guess, what was the release date again?
I fucking hope so, that was the most out of left field, but also most fucking awesome addition to any Lego game ever. LSW3 is underrated as fuck, I love it. I was so pissed we didn't get a LSW4:TCW2 dealing with all the other seasons. Lego games always seemed like they got slightly more casual as time went on, with LSW3 being the odd one out as it actually took steps to become more hardcore. I think in terms of mechanical depth and complexity it's better than Complete Saga and any other Lego game in existence. It's only drawback is lack of content since it's only based on S1 of Clone Wars with a bit of S2 levels too. LSW3's mechanics, but adding content from all 6 films and the later seasons of Clone Wars would just be absolute god tier.
Yeah I am pretty sure there are still individual levels user. I just hope that we still have unlocked characters walking around the hub getting into factional batles like in the previous LSW games. The problem with Lego LOTR was the map was so huge you rarely bumped into other characters you unlocked, and sometimes they would also only stick to their factional zones, like Elves in Rivendell and such, so you'd never come across a fight between a bunch of Elves vs Orcs while exploring which sucked.
I want to be exploring Tatooine and suddenly come across a fight between Sheev, some Battledroids, Qui Gon Jinn and Bib Fortuna, just like it was in the original hub based Lego games.
Next year sometime. We've gotta wait until Ep 9 releases first, as if anyone fucking cares about the ST content in this game anyways.
>yfw some poor intern had to be assigned to make The Last Jedi levels
I wonder if there will even be a hub based on any TLJ locations. I hope not.
I hope that when The Clone Wars season 7 comes out at the end of this year, it gets a really good reception and they announce a Clone Wars DLC for this game as soon as possible as result.
Why the fuck do devs do this "behind closed doors" trash. I want to fucking see gameplay for fucks sake.
These games are all good, playing the final part of episode III in co op and battling is a fine moment.
50% of the posts in this thread are blatant shill posts. Wtf. Fuck off.
>Shilling LEGO on Yea Forums
What company would be retarded enough to do such a thing?
Could it be that people are simply nostalgic? Nah.
Lego LotR is unironically one of the best LotR games so I hope this is good
>an open world
How is that going to work across 9 movies I wonder.
Just flit between at will, or will the world change as you progress like a ‘normal’ game?
>being excited about a remake of a game is making shillposts
>shilling about something heavily involving the Star Wars Prequels
>shilling about wanting The Clone Wars tv show
Get fucked. Disney hates the PT and Clone Wars. It's pure fandom that wants it all back. I am most excited about the PT levels and hubs in this. The OT is cool but overdone. Literally no one cares about the ST shit in this (which is likely why Disney greenlight this game in the first place ironically)
But also in regards to the shitty ST. How would a Lego Last Jedi even work? That film doesn't seem like it could be put into a video game very easily. Even Legoizing it would be hard. My bet is that most of TLJ happens in the hub missions, and that only main parts like the salt planet or the casino chase are proper levels. I mean who would want to spend time an effort making TLJ levels anyways.
Also I wonder if they are gonna stick to their 6 levels per film rule again. The PT, especially ROTS has so much content that limiting to 6 levels means a lot of content is cut. So either a lot of ROTS will be in the hub, or hopefully, they up the proper level count for it.
I was disappointed by it actually. The open world was empty, and they released it too early, should have waited a year and done it as a PS4 game, instead of a late PS3 game. The fucking pop in and LOD problems in the open world were very bad.
Also the swordplay was underwhelming compares to LSW's lightsaber play. A lot of the early proper levels were boring to replay because they for some reason overly stuck to canon, so there was literally no combat at all for most of The Fellowship levels. They should have just thrown a few orcs here and there for fucks sake.
Overall, it had good highs, but low lows as well. Also they skimped out on doing a proper Minas Tirith which sucked. And the graphical different between the PS2 looking open world, and the gorgeous proper levels was also annoying, constantly switching between them.
You can freely fly between every single planet that appears in the movies apparently.
Fukken nice.
I guess the other question is whether they’ll have PT, OT and ST versions of each depending on where you are story wise, or if each planet will just have a disconnected continuity, some existing in PT and ST next to each other and such.
Yeah I have no idea how it will work timeline wise. But since complete Saga had Ep 2 Anakin able to meet and fight against Darth Vader in the cantina, it likely will be a mashup. But who knows.
Also apparently, reading through articles there is something like 20 planets confirmed for the open world hub, and I don't think that includes capital ships in between. There is no way each one will be as big as Tatooine which has multiple landing ports (Coruscant could probably rival it easily though), but that is pretty fucking cool.
I want as many PT planets as possible, but we all know every Star Wars product under Disney will have endless OT pandering faggotry. So I think it's safe to assume all OT planets will be in, then we have to have wasted space with shitty ST knock off planets, then whatever slots remaining will be the based PT planets. So 20 slots, lets make guesses.
Tattooine (biggest hub most likely since it has major scenes in at least 4 movies)
Death Star
So that's 7 planets down. Now for ST shit planets
Nu Yavin (dunno what it's called, the fucking resistance base planet)
Starkiller base
The fucking capital ship TLJ takes place on (I fucking hope I am not right here, and this is just a level instead of a wasted hub world)
Casino planet
Crait (salt planet)
So that is 6 fucking wasted slots, now we can only hope the desert parts of Ep 9 are Tatooine, and the crashed deathstar is on Endor, because that saves us 2 slots for based PT content. But likely there will be 1 or 2 more Original the Planet Donut steel slots wasted on Ep 9 crap. So lets say, 7, 14 total, leaving 6 for the PT, but I don't know if 20 was confirmed or estimated, maybe it's 7 planets per trilogy.
So for the based PT we get
Coruscant (likely the main and biggest PT hub planet)
Fuck. That means Order 66 planets like Felucia will probably get shafted for ST shit. Goddamnit.
I don't think you listed the planet luke was hiding on for ST.
Speaking of that planet, I hope we can play as a Porg.
I hope to high heaven that they do include the option to remove voice lines. It was super jarring when playing Lego TFA to hear all the characters talking, and it felt like the game lost a fair chunk of its charm as a result.
But looking forward to this anyway, seeing some of the screenshots made me wonder if they pinched assets/environments from Battlefront, Endor in particular looks nearly the same. Also, the reveal trailer inspired me to go and finish my totally not a chinese knockoff that I got on the cheap Lego Super Star Destroyer.
Oh fuck your right, fuck why does the ST waste so many slots. I hope it's not a hard 20 planet cap, or that contentless planets like that island Luke was on, or Nu Yavin are just ditched altogether. But with Disney breathing down their necks, not likely.
They also said they have "over 200" characters in the roster. Sounds decent, but we know a third of that is gonna be taken up by ST shits too. How many slots will be wasted with shit like
>Rey (Jakku)
>Rey (Training)
>Rey (Ep 9) etc
Oh god, and I forgot that Maz Kanata planet too. Fuck. Jesus christ. I want Order 66 planets and Clone Wars planets so much. Fuck this ST shit. What's the bet that having minimum 4 Rey clones, Finn clones, a fucking Porg, a playable Rose Tico will push shit like Captain Rex, Ventress, Clone Wars Sheev with double sabers, Clone Wars era Maul and such off the character roster. How many characters were in Complete Saga roster again, I can't remember. I just hope there is enough space that they can put a lot of side characters from the PT and Clone Wars in, and don't have to sacrifice for ST bordom inducers.
I hope they either make Clone Wars DLC, or just a full blown Lego Star Wars 5: The Clone Wars 2 after this that is based on Season 2-7 of the show, and includes a free HD port of the first Clone Wars game with it for S1 content.
You do realize that they said AT LEAST 20.
There was no upper limit given.
Oh well that makes me feel better. My main worry about this game other than having blaster combat casualized, is to much ST content pushing out PT and Clone Wars content. There is no worry all the OT content is getting in there to pander to nostalgia faggots like Disney always does.
>being excited for a game that is confirmed to include full remakes of Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith makes you a shill
KYS. The Prequels are based.
They most likely did, or at at least reusing assets from the Endor opening level of the TFA game.
I think that's why in all the screenshots they have shown, most of it is ROTJ content or levels, since they already have a lot of it done.
>My main worry about this game other than having blaster combat casualized
This is a Lego game.
Can't really fault them for reusing those sorts of assets, given the amount of effort that DICE went into scanning the forest where they filmed the Endor portions. Pretty much got the definitive version of the environment for use in all games going forward - though I don't think DICE or EA are involved with the development of this?
I know, but I mean, I like the pulled back camera in complete saga, with the fixed angles. I don't want them to do some over the shoulder cover shooter Gears of War clone.
I think LSW3 The Clone Wars had the best blaster combat out of all lego games. Since this one required you to play Clones in most missions, you have multiple type of clones with different weapons and fighting styles. I hope they follow on from Clone Wars blaster combat over TFA's Gears knockoff.
Probably not, TT seems to be able to get around EA's exclusive deal by going through Lego's deal with Lucasfilm. Though I don't think asking for assets from EA would be too far fetched anyways. I never played the TFA game, but I know it starts off on Endor, does anyone know if that was ripped from EA assets, or if they are just reusing that level for the Endor level here.
Anyone who has played Lego TFA, does this look more like EAfront 2, or Lego TFA assets?
All the Lego games are pretty comfy. They're one of the few games I manage to 100% these days.
Sometimes, you don't have the energy to concentrate on a Real Game, and just want to chill and collect shit in a game that isn't a repetitive grind or tries to rob you blind.
Lighting makes it look more like EAfront 2015, Endor looked brighter in Lego TFA. Though I think even they used models from EAfront for the trees and ground foliage.
That kinda makes me worry that there wont be a uniform look in graphics again, like with Lego LotR though. With some levels looking amazing due to photogrammetry. Then other levels looking noticeable worse because there was nothing to scan to make the textures.
BTW, may as well asked. Is Lego TFA worth playing even if I didn't like the movie?
How would you rank Lego TFA compared to the previous Lego games, or other lego games like LotR/Indy?
I know it had DLC with prequel characters and Clone Wars characters, so I kinda of want to try it in the meantime just for that while I wait for Skywalker Saga. Also how long is it if it's only based on 1 film, is it extremely short?