Can we stop mocking them?

You know why their graphics were always a decade behind since the 90's?


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name ONE dev that still can inject soul into games like GF does

we can hate new Poke games all we want, BUT thats what peak soul looks like in 2019 and you both should end your life ASAP

soul is just a stupid fucking buzzword that retarded autists use to describe shit they liked as kids (or stuff that is reminiscent of it) because it gives them "comfy" nostalgic memories

Nigga peak soul is CTR in 2019. Kindly kys.

NO; soul is when a character is designed by one man with a based vision instead of a team of migrant worker designers with forced race/gender quotas

Unless you define exactly what you mean by "soul", you have no argument.


Wojakposters are right for once

Pokemon is soulless

Soul conveniently is a lot cheaper to make so they can afford their yachts.

It is now

-> /vp/


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This ain't it.

Don't waste your time. They won't understand.

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on the Famitsu interview, Masuda explains the concept of Pokemon Home:
>Pokemon Home is your pokemon's "house"
>When a pokemon is able to go to a game, it will be able to go on an adventuere
>if the game's region isn't compatible (e.g.if it's too cold), then they stay at home
Please understandu, small indie company

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it's not only the graphic that's bad
the gameplay has become worse and worse aswell

cheaper is often better in vidya

compare hotline miami 1 to any AAA modern shooter


fucking lmao xd

>3D pokemon

>understanding soul

go work 9 hours everyday for the nosed one

But their soul is rapidly evaporating.

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Have fun getting scammed, I hope most of the fans aren't as stupid as you so this franchise can improve again.

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What fucking soul? It's got all the soul of an all-consuming abyss.

nu-pokemon is as soulless as it gets

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OP man. sorry to disappoint you. their soul is very very SLOWLY evaporating . last i played were sun and moon and soul was everywhere. i had to stop coz Citra got me only 10fps :^)

thanks to Israel

based retard

you see static birds....i see soul. you just cant percieve it coz _____YOU____ are soulless. when was d last time you had sex? meditated? did yoga? relaxed all day long? went on a hike in nature?

yeah I taught fuckin so. go work 9 hours a day for Goldstein you NPC shitter

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your average /pol/tard everyone. No wonder incels never get laid being this retarded

i'm not mocking them because of the graphics. they look fine. i'm mocking them, because the game looks (as a whole, not just visually) lazy and shitty. every generation it's the same game + one gimmick. no innovation at all, like in other nintendo games. they are the absolute worst nintendo 1st party devs

also, this game has no soul what so ever


>no graphics and shit fps
yo kai watch
>soulfull and comfy
>nice graphics and good performance
how do they do it?

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You know, I was always kind of fine with the sub par visuals, since it is unironically a lot of work to handle the visuals for over 800 pokemon.
But to have these lackluster as fuck Pokemon, and then they cut half of the pokemon anyway? Then why the fuck does everything look like ass?

They axed their own excuse and did nothing to change it.


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Does anyone know what their logo is supposed to be? Has this ever been confirmed anywhere? It looks like a surfboard with a 'G' on it

Soul would be putting a ton of effort in to make every Pokemon have lots of unique animations full of character.
Like Dragon Quest XI. Or fucking Pokemon Stadium.

I would be totally OK with them limiting the amount of Pokemon in the game if it meant they would make the ones in the game have lots of fun animations, unique attacking animations, etc and a more realistic ecosystem for the Pokemon to live in, but that's not what they're doing, probably because Masuda said "that's too much work, kids today won't notice and will just go back to their phones, haha..."

>cherrypicking ONE useless move

Damn... They did it bros...

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That’s the stupidest definition of SOUL I’ve read.


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Lmao I fucking wish it was just one move

Jesus fucking christ thats terrible. How did anyone look at this and go "yeah thats the best animation and model we can do, ship it"?

Battle Frontier was amazing. It was actually hard and competitive though. I didn't know how to do it as a kid. I brought the types and pokemon with OP moves, but you can't heal so I don't know how you get to the top. I guess IV and EV along with competitive builds.

Lets play spot the berry tree

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Actually soul is when I like it.

I'm genuinely confused, what "work" does Gamefreak have to do to impliment the Pokemon into the game? People datamined Sun and Moon and found ACTUALLY FINISHED MOVEMENT ANIMATIONS FOR ALL 807 POKEMON

you know it's true though. soul is when there's a passion and vision for the game.

Game Freak pushing the DS hardware are far as it'll go

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"muh balance" and """higher quality animations"""

They'd need to stop being so incompetent which is an impossibility

They're not incompetent. They're doing this on purpose. Which might be worse.

Oh shut the fuck up, if you're so competent at making games, why don't you do, huh?

i mean, i understand and agree about limiting the pokemon at the start to only the new ones at the start, to not overwhelm people and force them to try new things, but they should just systematically add the old pokemons with the free new updates or at least timelock them

I don't think even PS2 games looks that bad like what the fuck

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I really fucking hope lets go faggotchu is playable on yuzu till this game comes out.

>i mean, i understand and agree about limiting the pokemon at the start to only the new ones at the start, to not overwhelm people and force them to try new things, but they should just systematically add the old pokemons with the free new updates or at least timelock them
>but they should just systematically add the old pokemons with the free new updates or at least timelock them
It'll be a $60 3rd game and you'll like it paypig


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Checkout this rare soul, not many games have storytelling like this

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The fuck are all those red pillars of light? Looks fucking stupid

>anything from XY to current

objective markers, you'd get lost in a world like that without them

this gets worse everytime i see more
how do we make normalfags stop buying this garbage?

Jesus christ. No one is allowed to complain about TES compass markers ever again.

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And now they have neither.

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You don't. Game Freak is the equivalent of a porn game on patreon. They know they don't have to put effort into their game since retards will shower them with money anyways. No one here can say they wouldn't do the same if given the chance.

aaaahhh i see, you think that it has soul because it look so much like shit that it must have been programmed by a single person. hence a single vision

>trannies lose their shit over no national dex and start spamming on social media
wow. as if you needed those old pokemon you haven't used or even thought about in 6 months at leasts. That's just looking for an excuse to start drama and fling shit. Pathetic.

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>grafigs in video game matter
imagine having a low enough iq to unironically have this line of thought

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>le graphics does't matter meme
>smug anime faces
is this what being American is like?

>VIDEO game
>graphics don't matter

Yes, they do matter, now whats your rebuttal?

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>"graphics matter"
>*buys a switch when pc, ps4 and xbone exist*

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>shit designs only weebfags understand

>tfw unironically don't care about graphics, all 3d shit looks the same to me
>draw the line at no postgame
that's literally all they had to do bros.

Pokemon games have had no postgame ever since XY tho

Consume product. Don't ask questions. Get excited for next product.

I'm not even asking for good graphics, I just want it to look better than a fucking gamecube game

Why do people make a big deal out of graphics? I'd think visual clarity would be more important, and with the current standard of graphics that can very easily suffer from there being too much detail, or too many filters and particle effects.

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they're not objective markers you tards, they have something to do with the giantification thing

Even by the measure of artstyle, it looks awful:

You need a low IQ to enjoy Pokemon in the first place.

Nobody is expecting high graphical fidelity.
But having a good and consistent aesthetic with animations that aren't dogshit is more than reasonable.

Still looks completely fucking stupid

you mean since OR/AS, that's when I stopped buying them

Fair. Granted I'm mostly bringing this up due to how people sperg at other games that look better than PKMN.

Said other games have a superior and more coherent artstyle, as well as a distinct lack of animations that are just the model bouncing up and down.

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