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I don't believe you
I can't

I mean they announced closed multiplayer beta a while ago
Also a different roachanon here, it says he was invited because he knew someone from the firm too

Is it true you can get old in bannerlord?

>in beta
>playable demo soon
Is it really going to come out?

How do I get into Warband? It seems the game consists of randomized fetch and bounty hunter quests, where's the story?

no story, and that just the early game wealth building source, youre going to want to find a steady source of income asap

Callum confirmed it's real on Taleworld forums.

build up money
buy businesses and make sure you spread them out among the various factions in case you do mercenary work

creating your own faction is one of the coolest things to do in this game but it takes some experience to succeed at it

There is no story beyond what you make. I decided I was a merchant, bought businesses and hired thugs. Became a lord and had my minions do the fighting while I joggle the professionals' kindergarten "He pushed me!" "I don't like her!"

You are the story.

Just like how you can get old waiting for this game haha...

So its garbage, ok then

Now we just need to wait another five years!

Translate pls I don't speak (Turkish?)


Bla bla bla
Last phrase in red starts with Game key : followed by [REDACTED]

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most lines are generic ''k you're invited mate but it's a closed test so no pics or shit and be nice to everyone'' text
It states that the test has begun yesterday evening and the email sent the day before that though, if that counts for something.

>remember your dad works here so obey the rules or he's fired

Well it's not like they signed an NDA or someshit so I hope those testers leak some footage.

They are affiliated with people working there so losing your or making one of your family members lose their work would not be worth it and anyone not a friend or family was probably made to sign an NDA

If you haven't played the game don't post in the thread and act like you know anything

>it's just the multiplayer beta

Attached: wow, look at this.gif (250x250, 407K)

>that user who start college, got a girlfriend, graduated, got a job, got married, had his first kid, and now will have his second one; while waiting for Bannerlord

Yea Forums sounds like they would gladly be adopted if it meant being able to play Bannerlord.

>that user who did all of that but died in an accident while w

beta ? after all these years and delays is still only in fucking beta ?

That's almost release based retard

Who gives a fuck as a multiplayer. I want the Sp campaign and leave the MP to the swingy autists.
Any word on Coop for the campaign? It be rather rad to have a few friends be chucklefuck Soldiers on the battlefield.

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The bad part in "multiplayer beta" is multiplayer, not beta. All the singleplayer stuff might be nowhere near done

>Mordhau just released
>Chivalry 2 announced this week
>bannerlord going into beta
Whats going on bros?

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>that user who died before the game came out
I miss you dude

I'll believe it when I see it

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