I hate all of you so fucking much.
I hate all of you so fucking much
what a fucking chestlet
The feeling is mutual, tranny.
this upgrade is 999999x better than the original desu
dimensions are fine
added attire is lame
Itty bitty titty commity.
>sports bra
>thigh highs
>shorter, fancier miniskirt
I don't mind the spats (in fact I expected them) but those things ruin it for me.
Half of what made Tifa such a nice design was the simplicity of the outfit; it was basically a cheap-ass tank top and miniskirt accessorised with combat boots and gear. Ironically, adding details to the outfit to spice it up mostly ends up cheapening it.
This, I'd like to stop being called a pervert for not liking the new clothes.
the socks are open to personal taste but i like them personally
the top though i feel is objectively improved, the black providing a border and extenuating her bust. on the fan edit i saw of it where they took it off, the white just blended into her skin and looked terrible
On the plus side, it's an easy fix for square to just include the classic outfits. Switching costumes in XV was no problem.
>no jiggle physics
This is probably the one time I actually felt jiggle physics were absolutely necessary
>i-its realistic
everything else is unrealistic why she have to be the exception?
I just hope the game has a costume where they're not horribly smushed up by the sports bra. They should be outlawed, the shape is completely ruined by it.
Don't be stupid Yea Forums, you will get the OG outfit in the DLC for only $29.99
That would involve them admitting they were in any way wrong, and possibly risk pissing of a "certain group" of individuals, never gonna happen.
So what is remakes Tifa's actual cup size?
I know one of you autistic spergs did some pixel calculation or some shit.
That will be $15 dollars + tip
I'll get the OG outfit for free when it comes to PC.
do you fags have any "proof" other than these outsourced cg cutscenes?
Except for the thighs. lol she might as well wear pants.
>tfw the trannies got tricked into celebrating and missed their window of outrage
Here's my issue, with the addition of all the new black clothing her look has become so monochromatic, the red bracers and white shirt aren't enough to combat how dark they've made her design now.
Then there's the fact that while it is a nice little touch, the embedded skulls in her skirts pleating just come off as immature, and childish.
>any proof besides the official, in-game model
Like what?
oh boy your other piece of "proof" is a shitty cashgrab mobile game, you sure showed me
the artwork was done by nomura u dumbfuck
The battle model, the FMV model, the model from advent children, the model from dissidia, the official art. Basically the only time she's ever been this small was Kingdom Hearts.
>the official, in-game model
that shit's not ingame dumbass, this is
Then go away.
Simple practice that seems lost on people these days, if you don't like something it's not for you, go do something else, don't ruin other peoples fun.
Im fine with her boobs, but her legs are too thin and her butt is nonexistent.
>that shit's not ingame
What? It's literally in game, retard. There's no arguing that. They don't give you a youtube link. It's on disk. It plays IN GAME. What the hell are you on about?
what is there to be outraged about?
>outsourced cg cutscenes
First do you have proof that these CG cutscenes are in fact outsourced?
Her tits are basically nonexistent if you like this you might as well fuck a child
how much anime do you watch?
I hate those mosquito bites so fucking much
but not the in game model, even then this artwork isnt too different from the gif in the op
there's a difference between a video file that plays and models rendered during gameplay, my dude
>there's a difference between a video file that plays and models rendered during gameplay, my dude
They're both in game, jackass. Do you ignore story events in cutscenes too because it never happened "in game", as you see it?
desu this retarded controversy putting her in my face 24/7 makes me wanna buy it
nu-tifa is perfect and i will buy her game!
it was done by an international team called Visual Works.
Let me put it this way: There's a difference between models that are rendered in real time and PRE RENDERED models which were the result of the pre rendered cutscenes being outsourced
I'm gonna be honest, the tits are fine but I don't mind if they make them bigger. I really like the top and the skirt. I think the skirt is cute, but there is just something funny about it. The high thighs has to go, I feel that it strays too far from her original design. If this design was due to censorship, that's fucked up. SJWs and art don't mix.
then why are u putting cutscenes in ur OP u retarded fuck?
this is how tifa boobs look like in gameplay
>Let me put it this way: There's a difference between models that are rendered in real time and PRE RENDERED models which were the result of the pre rendered cutscenes being outsourced
Ok? And what does that have to do with you flying off the handle at me for using the term in game? It is in game. I said in game. What's the problem, what the fuck are you on about?
shit dude you might have legit brain problems
dial 8 tranny
>Visual Works is a Japan-based CGI animation studio dedicated towards creating video game cut scenes and full-length feature films for Square Enix
They are LITERALLY under Square's command.
yep that's brain problems alright
Oh hey and here's the second line
>Visual Works was founded as the CGI department for Square and was responsible for creating the pre-rendered CG openings for the company, starting with Final Fantasy VII in 1997.
Take your outsourcing argument bullshit and jam it firmly up your axe wound.
based user btfoing resetrannies
they also look like this during gameplay: you know what, forget it
From Wikipedia: "The game's computer-generated imagery (CGI) FMVs were produced by Visual Works, a then-NEW subsidiary of Square that specialized in computer graphics and FMVs creation. Visual Works had created the initial movie concept for a 3D game project. The FMVs were created by an international team, covering both Japan and North America and involving talent from the gaming and film industry; Western contributors included artists and staff who had worked on the Star Wars film series, Jurassic Park, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and True Lies."
Outsourced to a different team which included Americans,
that's a cutscene not gameplay,jesus christ
stop being such a pedantic incel. a 3 second clip in an FMV that wasn't even designed by the character artist does not supersede the actual character models that you use for dozens of hours of actual gameplay and is never what is being referred to as the "in game version" of the character.
>subsidiary of Square
p sure that's gameplay
either way the in game and cutscene models are essentially identical so i have no idea what youre trying to prove here
Flatter than Blaze the fuckin' Cat, nigga.
Yes, but not Square themselves. The cutscenes were done by a completely different team which included dudes from America.
That cutscene was added in the "International Edition" of the game along with several others. It wasn't in the original
wtf why aren't her titties huge cowmilkers like in my mommy doujins REEEEEEEEEE
>you know what, forget it
I'd like to, because it was really fucking stupid of you.
the dastardly truth
Spelling political activists takes to long
>posts a cutscene
>heres my canon custscene tho
i haven't heard any of the "tifa titties reeee" incels complaining that her knees aren't doll ball joint sockets in the remake. what gives?
cowtits are fucking disgusting anyway
>can't tell the difference between cut scenes and gameplay
the future is now, old man.
wow i can literally see it
>subsidiary of Square
>a company controlled by a holding company
We wouldn't know. They put thigh highs over them and covered up her glorious doll ball joint sockets. Fucking censorship, man!
There's going to be a $500 super special collector's edition only available on the squenix store that gives you access to the rare oppai materia.
She shows more midriff, and the sports bra provides a needed division between the clear skin and the white shirt.
You realize being under someone's command doesn't mean you phone in to get their take on every little detail right?
They want to throw bodies at the project and just want some work done
The sports bra provides a needed division between the shape of her cowmilk boing boing and anything sexually appealing.
why are you replying to me, what does this mean
And who made the models and signed off on everything? You do know subsidiaries need to get an OK for their work from the parent company. Like a permission slip for a school trip.
>Papa Square is this work good
>Yes Steve it can go in the game
Do you even think before you speak?
you're literally bringing me proof its nerfed
>a needed division between the clear skin and the white shirt
said no one ever
>You realize being under someone's command
You could say the same thing about the work teams they use within the same company. You're saying it's outsourced when it's a subsidiary they created SPECIFICALLY TO make cutscenes for them. For this game. That's absolutely ludicrous. You don't outsource something to another team that's also fucking yours, and also run by you yourself. That is not outsourcing. You are being ridiculous.
oh I get it, you've mistaken me for someone else
did you just lose an argument or something?
>And who made the models and signed off on everything? You do know subsidiaries need to get an OK for their work from the parent company.
...Just like...any outsource job...?
You do realize that putting any work away from the core team, EVEN IF IT'S AN IN HOUSE STUDIO makes it outsourced right?
Or are you really going to split hairs over this?
>You don't outsource something to another team
Yes you fucking do retard that's exactly what outsourcing is, if 10 people are working on something and you hand a portion of their work to another 10 people it's not going to see eye to eye and to argue this is fucking retarded.
>They want to throw bodies at the project and just want some work done
That would be true if they just outsourced like say the Spyro remake devs did. But and APARENTLY I need to post this line again
>Visual Works is a Japan-based CGI animation studio dedicated towards creating video game cut scenes and full-length feature films for Square Enix
Let me highlight the key line
>for Square Enix
If they were just throwing bodies at the project they wouldn't have a legacy team STILL working on their games to this day.
Besides all that and this is important
If one of the burgers tried turning Tifa into a nigger and tried to get it through they'd be told to fuck off by Square. It may not be for every LITTLE thing but CHARACTER DESIGN IS NOT A LITTLE THING.
I can't wait for the new wave of Tifa porn to hit. My dick is tingling just thinking about it.
>You don't outsource something to another team
I wonder when that sentence terminates. If only there were some signifier of that. Some sort of marking to show the end of a statement. I guess we'll never know.
...Did you just agree with me that Square made the FMV models? The models you have been claiming WERE OUTSOURCED?
This is the case for literally any outsource work, I don't know why you seem to think it's any different because the studio is in house.
Or that taking work away from the core team isn't outsourcing because the people that aren't on the team have the same people cutting their checks.
It's really stupid to even argue but here we are because you want to argue for what everyone and their mother agrees is an off model CGI render.
Unless you want to tell me you don't think it'd off model, just do it now so I know you're not worth wasting more energy on
>they show the sewer section right after cloud has sex with don corneo
>not a single shot of the wall market
Fuck Tifa's tits.
Do you think the reason her shoes are red and not her gloves is they revised her into more of a kickboxer?
You should only hate yourself for having no taste.
>Square cuts checks for an already established team they hired on
>Now it's Squares work and their collective skill is now Sqaure's
I'm getting a fucking headache apparently when a company hires you you are now an automaton incapable of being anything other than a core team member
this desu
it's tifa's year bros
Two things
>you want to argue for what everyone and their mother agrees is an off model CGI render
How is it off model if SQUARE MADE THE FUCKING MODEL? The ANIMATIONS were done by Visual Works. The MODEL aka the thing determining canon was NOT. It literally cannot be off model if the modelers of the game made it that way.
>This is the case for literally any outsource work, I don't know why you seem to think it's any different because the studio is in house.
Retard, YOU'RE THE ONE saying that.
Think very carefully here.
>If Square needs to give an OK that means they approve of the work, it's quality and design
THAT'S RIGHT CLASS, the model IF it wasn't made by Square STILL GOT APPROVED BY THEM.
Square can say take it back. If Square says "This is good" THAT MEANS THEY BELIEVE IT'S ON MODEL you cum swilling retard.
*blocks your path*
>for an already established team they hired on
It was literally formed for FFVII, how is it already established if they were literally just formed.
Additionally IF Square made the model NOT VISUAL WORKS that means the FMV model IS CANON TIT SIZE.
Please, user, think for once in your damn life.
Nu-Tifa's skirt is too short and not far enough above her hips.
you should take into consideration the much more realistic artstyle
her simplistic design worked well in the more cartoonish anime artstyle, but here it would be just out of place, her fighting while wearing these casual clothes. Adding more blacks to her design makes it more combatant
So you're asserting Square made the model, and then you double back and say that even if they didn't they approved it?
What's worse is that you refuse to admit passing work off to different teams is outsourcing even if the initial team isn't doing it?
I guess if EA had made DICE make a game and handed some work to Criterion they'd both still be EA and it's not outsourcing.
Blow it out of your ass
>sadness status debuff
Which means Fury is also in. Based.
>IF Square made the model
So you're argument is based on IF, even if everyone with eyes can tell it's off model and none of the models came close to THIS Interesting take friend.
>this entire embarrassing bitch fit
calm down you whiny little faggot
>Different companies doing work for the game isn't outsourcing okay the same guy is paying them so they must be the same person
i thought your argument was that it was a cutscene. you dummy.
The other guy is just as bad if not worse. Watching them both is pretty fun. Don't interrupt, though. Just grab popcorn.
like I said before there was no winning this. people already decided to be mad no matter the outcome.
I'd love to.
*blocks your path*
This, a bunch of triggered fucking virgins on here.
>So you're asserting Square made the model, and then you double back and say that even if they didn't they approved it?
How is it doubling back? Nigger have you ever heard of an if statement
Let me write it out like code so you're feeble brain can understand it
if(Model.Maker == "Square-Enix")
Model.Canon = true;
else if(Model.Maker == "Visual Works" && Model.Approval == true)
Model.Canon = true;
Model.Canon = false;
I can't make this any clearer to you.
IF means it MIGHT be true, I then stated that IF it wasn't true THEY WOULD STILL NEED APPROVAL FROM SQUARE. If Square didn't approve of their work it wouldn't be in the game as it is. What part of this do you not understand?
I want to lick that tummy
it is only game
why you have to be so mad
So no company has okayed work that wasn't very good to get their game done.
I'm getting flashbacks of DE:HR where the director's cut had updated boss fights because in the original they were outsourced and sucked ass
My tits are bigger than that
And I'm a dude ffs
>She will never uppercut your balls like this
>I'm getting flashbacks of DE:HR where the director's cut had updated boss fights because in the original they were outsourced and sucked ass
So then explain why they didn't change the "off-model" design in the HD remaster put up on modern consoles? That's their chance to fix the "off-model" design yet nothing happened? Strange...
My only issue is I wish her legs were a little buffer
Because it wasn't egregious and if they changed it we'd be having the exact same censorship crybabying, and don't even attempt to pretend that wouldn't be the case
Strongly disagree. There's already decent edits of her with her old outfit and it looks just fine with the realistic art style, regardless of any body proportion changing. Maybe I'm conditioned from watching too much of it and think of Tifa as a martial artist, but most martial artists wear plainly coloured gis and same with MMA fighters wearing rather simple designs mostly. The additional stuff makes it too busy and actually distracts from combat ability and makes her seem less legit.
They look like chicken legs. If the reason you changed her outfit/bust/whatever was for realism, at least gives her just a touch of muscle definition in those legs for the same reason. They don't have to be Street Fighter level thighs or anything, and I know she had thin legs originally for Japanese ideal sense of beauty but on a more realistic model, they look a bit silly.
>the from
Boobs denying gravity. Two round balls
>the to
There's a weight to them. Looks better
That's the one things that bothers me about the design. I'm fine with the tits, I'm fine with the face, I'm fine with the stockings, spats, and sports bra. I'm not fine with her skinny legs though.
This is starting to sound like flat earthers.
same. she's got no meat on her bones.
Agreed. I'm perfectly fine with the slight bust decrease if they toned up her body a bit. Just a little muscle definition in the arms and legs, maybe an ever so slighty visible six pack.
Keep fighting the good fight men. Don't let these stupid axewound discord spamming niggers win. They can't beat women irl or in games.
>Because it wasn't egregious
Yet you've been acting like it is the whole time. If they really didn't want that to be how people saw Tifa and had a chance to "fix" her. Why didn't they?
>we'd be having the exact same censorship crybabying, and don't even attempt to pretend that wouldn't be the case
Because people like the design and don't want it changed. Only difference would be that it wouldn't be called censorship, it'd just be insulting square for having shit design again because censorship only peaked last year with Sony's faggotry while FF7 arrived on PS4 in 2015 Almost 3 years before said event took place.
Man, I like how each attack feels like it has a punch behind them. Tifa might be my to go character instead of Barret, Cid and Cloud.
>If they really didn't want that to be how people saw Tifa and had a chance to "fix" her. Why didn't they?
Because it was an HD remake of a decade old game and changing it would make shit look worse, since they can't intentionally downscale the model and then upscale it again to make it look like it did in 97 like you can for a retry of a 2 year old game, happy?
>Because people like the design and don't want it changed. Only difference would be that it wouldn't be called censorship
Straight up lie and you know it, I don't know how you can pretend to put up an argument and turn around and be disingenuous the moment you're at a disadvantage, just admit it's be the same situation, there's no shame in it
That's a completely different company. Criterion isn't under DICE. Wasn't made by DICE. They don't answer to DICE. I really don't see how you think that would be comparable.
I'm going to have to see the rest but out of the four we've seen I'm definitely most interested in her. Tore up DMC5 so anything that has potential combos and aerial raves and shit is best.
That's a weird way to inherit model's values to the others, but I'm not questioning it.
They were under EA you fucking nitwit
>completely ruin the combat of the original by making it zoomer action shit where you control a single character and tap to cycle through them
>"this is fine"
>give Tifa only D-cups and thigh highs
fake-fans are the fucking worst.
t-they should add some armpit textures and slight stubble on tifa to make it more realistic just kidding haha
I'm curious how Yuffie will play with her huge Star weapon too. Or how Yuffie will look.
I'm 100% sure she will have her button buttoned this time. Which is fine, because it looked dumb. I also hope they make her arm-armor look more natural.
What I like what I've seen now is how every character has a different feel in how they play and hopefully different timings. Makes it a bit more engaging than how it originally was.
Yeah, that's the problem. DICE isn't EA. They've got nothing to do with it. Of course it's different.
But EA has to approve it bro, doesn't that mean the work would still be passable and it's not outsourcing despite one company being known for shooters and the other known for racing games?
Wouldn't it be okay since EA okays it?
Or are you shooting at shadows hoping something will stick?
>since they can't intentionally downscale the model and then upscale it again
They can however upscale and THEN redo the geometry.
>Straight up lie and you know it
Explain how when censorship only really started picking up last year with the OLZ incident and the following cases of Sony becoming Sunny while 3 years before that there was no such concern as boob games were releasing in Japan without issue. Additionally, at that time, Nintendo was the one censoring games while Sony had pantsu games.
So please, explain your case with clear, sourced evidence.
Why would I want the same combat as in FF7? It's outdated as fuck.
I added the dot by mistake and accidentally rolled with it. Remove the dot and it's correct
FFVII's combat was only ever serviceable, just like every other JRPG that aren't tactics games.
turn based is outdated
If they can make every character feel unique, that will be enough for me to forgive taking out the pseudo-turn based mechanics of classic FFVII. I usually just always use the same party in VII because who fucking cares they all mostly play the same minus ranged weapons and stat allocation, I could see myself mixing things up a lot if there are significant differences in each character.
And EA isn't DICE. It'd be a different matter if Criterion didn't exist yet, was created by DICE, and answered to DICE. Then it'd have little practical difference from DICE just hiring another team themselves save for a slightly higher chance they'll be doing their work from a different building.
>They can however upscale and THEN redo the geometry.
Why put that much effort into it when people will lap it up anyway?
>Explain how when censorship only really started picking up last year with the OLZ incident
Blatantly not true since most of these retards think any type of demure design is "SJW caving" and any brazen design is "Owning SJWs" SJWs have been a hated group here for a few years now, so it only being one year is blatantly not true
I fucking knew it.
Fake fans as always.
>n-no really I love the game, I just hate the game part it needs to be completely different!
Because realism only counts when a fictional woman is more attractive than the average wannabe thot.
>no tifa gf
>acknowledge a game's flaws
Fucking autism. The only thing in FFVII's combat that is actually somewhat interesting is the materia system, everything else is pretty uninspired, unless you think that limit break is some kind of revolutionary gameplay system.
the only thing that holds up 100% flawlessly in FFVII is it's story/spoiler]
>gib proof
>i dun liek dat proof, gib different proof
>*artwork by origional designer*
>nuu i dun lik dat
But isn't the argument that the company under SE is SE?
Why wouldn't 2 companies under EA be EA?
I'm not following the logic here, because it's DICE's game? Wrong, it's EA's game, they're having DICE make it.
I fucking love this seething femcel.
Before they showed Tifa this fan work was being passed around and she works perfectly fine even with realistic textures.
>those stockings
Why they gotta go and take her legs from us man? They're like 90% covered
At least mods will fix it hopefully
>the only thing that holds up 100% flawlessly in FFVII is it's story
the story is the worst part you poser, are you fucking serious?
fake gamers the lot of you.
>everything else is unrealistic
Completely untrue, besides clothes everyone else was changed just as much.
That tongue will be up Tifa's ass the moment the game is released on PC.
Yeah, it's still an EA game, and I still won't buy it. Not a DICE game though, that's where the analogy breaks down.
Square formed Visual Works, not a parent company.
Imagine wasting so much time discussing Tifa's sizes as if making them bigger or smaller is going to fix this travesty of a remake
I can't believe it. I have found someone that is literally so fucking retarded that they think FFVII's combat is not only good, but the reason to play the game.
It's not wrong depending on the language. Just weird.
what's wrong with it?
>Square formed Visual Works
So a new group of people, with their very first project being FF7, was the core group of people in SE working on FF?
Which is why they were a different division than the core group making the game?
Seems really strange, because if that's not outsourcing I don't really know what is.
It'd be like if EA formed a new company with new employees and everyone was just saying they were EA despite being new blood in the company.
>Blatantly not true since most of these retards think any type of demure design is "SJW caving"
Hardly true, demure was liked if the girl wasn't ugly which AS YOU KNOW Japanese designs are not considered ugly here on Yea Forums. So again you're statement is incorrect. Additionally SJW tier pandering really spiked in the following year of 2016 and this was where the agression really started showing up as this was when Overwatch and it's surprising amount of porn by western game standards showed up before the game started hard pandering to SJWs later in the year.
So again, explain your case with clear, sourced evidence because the events your talking about happened a year AFTER FF7 came to PS4.
The gameplay is completely bog standard. FFX has better gameplay. Like every good MegaTen game eclipses FFVIIs gameplay.
>Adding more blacks to her design makes it more combatant
wtf does that even mean? did you die mid sentence?
it's literally the only reason people care about the game
>the story is the worst part you poser, are you fucking serious?
Arguably, it is how none of the characters feels unique outside their limit break, but okay.
Give me one reason not to play Barret, Cid and Cloud?
Her legs in that webm would look better with leggings
>scrawny build
>looks Korean
>no tits
>safety thermal-wear to not upset American feelings
>no earrings
Tifa used to be sexy but forgettable, now she's just forgettable.
I don't know, ask me in 2053 when the final episode gets released so we can look at the full picture
>started hard pandering to SJWs later in the year
While continuing to release waifu costumes like witch Mercy at the same time.
It was genius really
So nothing but hyperbole, gotcha.
>G*merg*te august of 2104
>FF7 on PS4 december 5th 2015
Try me nigga I dare you
it's poseur, you dumb faggot.
I'm a boomer, getting very close to 30. I have been playing turn-based games my entire life. I have also been playing action games my entire life. I was playing Final Fantasy and Pokémon at the same time that I was playing Goldeneye and Mortal Kombat. It isn't outdated in the slightest. In fact, when FFVII Remake was revealed in E3 2015: EVERYONE shit their pants. Go on youtube. There are two videos totaling SEVEN HOURS of people losing their minds over the announcement. It's the single largest mass freakout in video game history And you know what? Nobody had a single fucking clue in that moment that it wouldn't be turn-based. Go look it up. The initial assumption was almost assuredly that it was. And that was the reaction. I rest my case. Turn-based is not only not outdated, but it's extremely safe to say it would still have sold like hotcakes if they stuck to the formula.
>dramatic faggotry
you're on the right board
There is no Final Fantasy game that is worshiped for its combat. It's legit the least important thing to get right.
so much this
Maybe pantyhose or lingerie stockings, but even that's just personal taste and I would disagree. But they definitely would not look better with ones like Tifa's. She might as well just be wearing tight pants. All you see is a little bit of thigh
There goes that cursed word again.
i got it, user
>I'm a boomer, getting very close to 30.
Heh, I'm older than you.
Either way, you'd assume age would at least make people realize when things are outdated. I didn't say turn based was outdated. But that FF7 combat is.
Turn based combat isn't outdated but FFVII's combat is.
>The initial assumption was almost assuredly that it was
I don't think anyone assumed anything about it's gameplay. Especially not with Nomura directing.
This about sums up the issues. If remake Tifa looked like this pic, there would be no drama, even if her titties were smaller. But her outfit has been significantly altered which is a big deal for how simple it was to begin with.
>Adding more blacks to her design makes it more combatant
did you even read your own post before posting?
I think he means in the grand scheme of things. Like giant swords dragons monster mutants blah blah blah. To focus so much on the body especially, a particular body, it shows that realism gets to have this one exception. However I dont give a fuck either way.
you say this no one in Japan hasn't seen these scenes like a million times and have it ingrained in their brain what Tifa is supposed to look like, outsourced or not
>there would be no drama
At least on here.
looks like the japs aren't happy either
That fists look like ra-seru from a game I forgot the name.
Legend of Legaia, severely underrated RPG.
>To focus so much on the body especially, a particular body
The point is that isn't true. If everyone looked similar to how they did in FFVII Barret would look like Gutsman. Everyone now has realistic proportions and designs, and with how much of a fucking sticc Tifa is watermellon titties would look wrong on her body type.
of course the correct way to fix this wasn't to give her smaller boobs but to give her some actual muscle mass on her arms and legs. I mean she has it on her midriff so why are her limbs twigs?
Nips are never happy. They are like your normal Swede. They talk shit about everyone else behind their back.
Some of them aren't, but a lot of them are if the fanart is anything to go by.
You were 7 when this game came out, kid. Fuck off. You're ten years too early to face a true boomer.
>So a new group of people, with their very first project being FF7,
>was the core group of people in SE working on FF?
Visual Works made the FMVs.
>Seems really strange
I'll explain it to you, don't you worry bud. Lets take a step back and ditch your analogy for a moment, because frankly, it's just fucking stupid.
We're a company, okay? Lets say... Thquare. Yeah, we're ThquareThoft. We're working on a new game in one of our biggest franchises, Final... Fanthathy. We're making Final Fanthathy Theven. Now, CGI is just getting big, and we're swimming in money. We've got the brand. Final Fanthathy is a household name. We've got the money. We want to make it the biggest, shiniest thing on the market, but we don't have the people. Now, to illustrate it, lets pause here and examine two possible courses of action.
First, lets check a)
We hire a bunch of people and form a new team at ThquareThoft to do the FMVs for us. We pay their checks, we call the shots, they may or may not work in the same building, but they've got the name. They're part of Thquare. It's not outsourcing, and nobody argues that.
Now, lets check b)
We hire a bunch of people and form a new subsidiary company called... ehm, lets go with Vithual Workth, to do the FMVs for us. We pay their checks, we call the shots, they probably don't work in the same building, they have a different name, but they're still a part of Thquare. This isn't outsourcing, since it's still all Thquare, and nobody sane argues it is.
Now, you see, there really isn't much difference between the two. I can't walk you through the rest of this, but I'll pray thus far has been an exception and hope you've got the brains to see some similarities with the case of Square and Visual Works that we were discussing.
oh wow, your right, I actually didn't see this scene before, good on you user
That's stil 23 years to play, understand, love and appreciate Final Fantasy VII. My reason for stating my age was to prove that I had been alive when turn-based games were still all the rage. What is your argument?
I just want this, like, exactly this, you could do it 8 years ago you can do it now
>no earrings
half the artists just like playing with new designs and will copy it regardless of weather they think it's good or not, it's like they have to draw it themselves first to now if they like it or not
Fuck off shill.
But she has earrings?
imagine getting beaten up by her haha
Japanese releases were not affected in Japan until after October 2018.