You'll buy her game right?
angelafags not welcome
You'll buy her game right?
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I'll bump the thread, you better thank me faggot.
You're right, without angelafags, this thread is dead.
Angela sold me the game
I dont care about a blonde airhead japs used to fap two decades ago
and dont start shit with angelafags, we all want the same thing:
Even more art
Her game looks like shit. Why couldn't it be 2D?
It already exists in 2D though.
I beat her game years ago
Only shit thing here is your taste
Team Powerhouse: Riesz,Duran, Kevin chads report in
you like the nu-mana 3D? there's no hope for this world.
i didnt even know who this bitch was until i jacked off to a flash game with her a few months ago
>muh dog
>muh wizard beat me
worst plots
Are you fucking retarded
So what's their abilities?
making my dick hard
riesz can become a summoner but spells are fucking weak in this game but there's a trick to cancel casting time if you open up a ring menu while a character is "chanting"
>Lucky that SoM remake was trash
Look what we would have got if it wasn't for that
Honestly the original was never good to begin with. The remake only exposed how trash combat originally was in the first place. Nice soundtrack though.
Blonde is a lancer and buffer/debuffer. Pokes shit, buffs people, nerfs enemies. Can summon some norse looking motherfuckers for her final classes. Considered the 2nd best character in the game due to splash-ability with everyone and how well she fits.
Purple hair is a mage. Casts pew pew. Considered the worst character because Magic is not good in game. Still usable because SD3 is not hard.
Blonde gets shittons of porn(Like borderline touhou tier), pisses off Purple's fanbase. Their obviously being stupid because Blonde causes more porn for Purple so they act like faggots pretending she doesn't get any. Blonde are dumbasses anyway as all waifufags are.
Best answer is what thinks, BOTH.
know what woulda been cool, a fighting game with the mana characters
I kinda wanna see that happen for real now.
Why didn't they just do this? What convinced them to make a soulful remake?
What remake? All we got was a re-translation.
The rom even works on snes9x , what the fuck are you talking about
>a fighting game with the mana characters
Riesz is in one. She fights Iori Yagami in it.
Im not kidding.
Are you retarded?
Damn that looks good too.
Million Arthur: Arcana Blood
Huh it's even on steam. Neat, thanks for sharing
Collection of Mana will have everything I need to get into the series, right?
My backlog is just ridiculous at this point, I've always always wanted to at least give this series a try.
isnt this just lise from seiken densetsu 3
they're capitalizing on nostalgia for old guys
this character was a sleeper, but was super popular
>because Magic is not good in game
I hope they fix that in the remake.
Taka is the best character, you better all use him as the MC
Fuck's sake, you idiots, let's set this straight.
Collection of Mana just came out for Switch with a retranslated Seiken Densetsu 3 SNES Rom in it.
Trials of Mana 3D Remake had so many people bitch about .the ugly graphics that they pushed the release further this year and are reworking to make the game look less like a cheap cellphone game
If you hate the 3D Remake you can still play Collection of Mana, eveyrone wins.
so reize was considered second best?
I guess that makes sense but duran just seems better overall because he has a stronger main attack and can either be your (other) healer or get all the sabers
buffs are better than sabers? I didnt exactly mixmax this game
Best character is Kevin hands once you do the attack up glitch.
Pretty much will let him do 600+ damage once you get the flame drum and can breeze through the game.
No other character required.
sabers are shit because you can the same elemental effect through claws bought in the black market
Kevin is the best because he gains an attack boost at night, a further attack boost if you let him get attacked, and if you summon flammie they forgot to remove the boosts meaning they stacks even furhter
What's her story?
They ruined her in the enlgish translation by making her talk like Elmer Fudd. Play the fan translation
Yes I will play her game because I like Examu's fighting games
For me, it's Evil Shaman Charlotte.
being the actual best girl
I think she was running away the church because the priesthood was getting infiltrated by evil or something, and bumps into the other characters, after not being able to get past a seal?
Hawkeye is usually considered 2nd best by endgame, but he kind of sucks for a good portion of the game after class changing though due to some stupid design decisions. His biggest problem though? Only his dark path is any good, his light path is possibly the worst character overall in the game.
Riesz is good for all the game, and all her classes are viable with everyone, with her summons having some utility to them. Also very convenient. Duran can only get sabers going dark and still misses out on the most important one:Holy. His Light classes are gimped because shields but the Lord's best one do not actually work.
both Riesz and Duran's main gimmicks can be Black Marketed, but Riesz just offers more and is just more convenient and applicable, while having some neat extra options. Duran is stronger but not really by much, and cant take a magic hit worth a damn.
Wants her husbando back. Retranslation made her Elmer Fudd, but she always talked like a dumbass. Just not to that extent.
>his light path is possibly the worst character overall in the game
he has some really cheesy spells like counter magic, they just take forever to unlock
To unlock that you need to invest points in the useless evasion stats, yuck
So why is the trailer about her ma and pa?
Do you think we'll get 20 more years of Riez getting the most hardcore porn known to mankind?
Cause some of that shit out there is off the charts.
If you already knew why the fuck are you asking
They are shills only to sell whatever their masters tell them to sell.
I'm only here for the purest of reasons, porn.
But what does that mean for her story
Assuming they patch out all the glitches, how would that affect Kevin as a viable character?
Why though? Just go to your Boss and ask him if you could suck his dick instead? You're being a little bitch on here anyway.
Hey, it's that elf girl I fapped to a bunch!
She's just so popular that a lot of people with "unique" tastes want to see her in a variety of situations. Really no different than any other character.
He needs to do that with Dark as well.
Every other level.
He doesnt even get the defense down till like lvl 26 or some shit.
There was a small part of the game originally where she finds out about her parents. They did say they're going to add stuff they wanted to but couldn't before.
If there was one big issue with SD3's narrative though, its that the characters didn't have much interaction with each other. Sure you had the cute Hawkeye/Riesz moments and Duran/Angela insulting each other, but those were far and few between.
I clearly remember there was a romance sub plot that never really got anywhere, but it was Duran+Angela right?
Osake Riesz
>If there was one big issue with SD3's narrative though, its that the characters didn't have much interaction with each other
I'm hoping this version will have some kind of relationship system so we can see our ships in action.
It goes places if you have Duran as your main character but keep Angela out of the party.
Maybe the SoM remake didn't sell well? Or they got so much criticism over the art style that they went all out on it for this one.
I don't even own a switch but I'm happy to see the characters see a little bit of relevance on pixiv that's all. Same reason I'm not buying the ff7 remake but it's nice to get new tifatits porn Maybe we'll even get some new fan remixes?
Shit's nostalgic, man.
Duran/Angela and Hawkeye/Riesz were implied couples.
Shouldve been Angela/Riesz though.
Nothing, that's just from way later in the game when you need to get into the elf village.
Poor girl, tho, at least another decade of getting raped.
I think that's the only time I've seen the protag of the first game look that cheerful
Angela's mom is actually the best girl.
>Nice soundtrack though.
They completely raped it in the remake, here's the theme of the first village:
But I can understand that some people like the weirdness of having an OST where the main composer is a cat randomly jumping on bagpipes.
I liked the new one. The original is totally gay
can't wait for the vore
I"m more of an inflation gentleman
>the degenerates are here
rip thread futa is alright
I kinda like breast expansion myself
Why the fuck is Reisz so popular.
She's just a blonde moeblob. There was tons of them even back then?
I'll buy her doujin that's for sure
Can someone remind me if the dialogue is affected at all by the order you picked your other two party members in? Obviously there's the very early stuff with the spots they join up at but I mean how in some games with parties there are preset "comment from character #2" "comment from character #3" moments sprinkled around.
her outfit is cute
Based yurichad.
How does her game play? I only recognize her form h-doujins.
But no one likes green.
Hope they haven't cut out those cute sleeping animations from the remake.
How does it feel knowing that we are witnessing the rebirth of the Mana series?
ngl i was legitimately more hyped to see this remade than FF7
or her mooning animation
SE is a weird company.
If they go Triple A Big Budget everything becomes a complete mess.
But if they go mid-size they suddenly become God-tier.
I genuinely liked what I saw of VIIR, but you can tell the development is a XV-tier clusterfuck.
You mean
>muh dad
She's not really a moeblob. Their personalities tend to exemplify being meek and uguu, and/or be completely naive.
Riesz is more the respectful yet firm prim and proper dork.
Feels good man.
>you can tell the development is a XV-tier clusterfuck
how so?
>Even we ourselves don't know how many games the remake will take
How does this not set red flags all over for you?
The thing got announced 4 years ago, the first game will out 5 years after it, and it's only the first game and apparently it's only gonna be Midgar.
>get fleshed out midgar instead of 1% of it then fuck outta here
You're completely missing the point buddy.
But from just that post I can tell you're of the "Midgar is the only good thing about VII-fags" so whatever.
>But from just that post I can tell you're of the "Midgar is the only good thing about VII-fags" so whatever.
Nice baseless deduction. And I can also see how jaded you are by assuming shit all the time in the usual Yea Forums fashion.
Post your face when we eventually get a Heroes of Mana remake
Evermore remaster fucking when.
Maybe it wont be stupid as hell
We can only hope
Well with the remake coming to switch!
And PC
>Square is actually putting some semblance of effort into a remake of an older game instead of shitting out a half-assed mobile port.
I'm happy for you, Manabros.
das it mane
good god, that's horrific.
And PS4
Thanks FFbro. Sorry bout what happened with 5 and 6, we all felt that one.
What if they add a yuri route?
Drawin some fuckin DIMES brother thats what that'd be.
Any options on if I should get the collection to play ToM or just wait for the remake?
Just get the remake later. Or if you're desperate, play the SNES rom right now.
>No multiplayer/coop
God I wish
The remake seems good then? I watched the gameplay bit posted earlier but I dont know if its a faithful recreation.
I'm playing my girl Angela again and I want to who the fuck on the team thought that freezing the game for 5+ seconds every single time you cast a spell that you're expected to cast non-stop during battles was a good idea. Nobody, not one person thought that the player would get sick of their fancy spell effects after the first time? She's lucky she's best girl or I wouldn't put up with this shit.
That depends on what you want. The remake plays like a more conventional action-RPG while the original has its own brand of gameplay as well as multiplayer. You'll be getting distinct enough experiences that you can play both without feeling like you're retreading the exact same ground but in 3D.
Goddamn, Charlotte looks so cute in the remake. I hope later classes don't force me to sacrifice that cuteness.
>Considered the worst character because Magic is not good in game.
You have to play with other characters' debuffing enemies and actually use elemental weaknesses to do damage with Angela. I'd say Charlotte is a lot worst as character.
i just want a legend of man remaster reboot sometihng. i dunno what it would be but i want it.
Damage isnt the big problem with Magic. Its the counters.
Most of the dangerous bosses/enemies that do FST's do an immediate counter after being hit with a damaging spell or FST. Its dumb and gimps angela hard for no real reason.
If I remember right, there was a 2-player co-op available, but the second player had to constantly switch characters according to the story, right?
yea. as other critiqued that it was a mess i still loved it.
loved the writing, music, and backgrounds.
Carlie is total trash offensively but she basically makes it impossible to lose. Having her around is nice especially when you get to the second half of the game when enemies start dropping nukes on a regular basis that can be tough to keep up with even with poto oils.
Oh, so that's where this doujin is from.
Guess i'll try the games
I hope they make magic better and more fun to use. Also put in extra dialogue & story for all the characters interacting with each other. Not just limit you to the three couples.
144 really likes her
I'm happy I never played 5 because I'm already offended by merely looking at that screen, I don't know how hard it shits on the original thankfully I never saw any screen of the FF6 remake because I'm sure I'd end up mad as fuck if it looks like that.