P-prease buy my game desu~

Attached: 2696020-ikumi_nakamura[4].jpg (600x960, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:


yes ma'am

which one?

>WTF? We made video games too! She's getting fan art while all we got was death threats and dic pics! Where's our adoration? What does she have that we don't?

Attached: 92e.gif (550x309, 3.3M)

death stranding looks like shit fuck your game

seething roast beef hole

Yes. Please buy her game.

Attached: 49CFB27B-50B1-4D9F-BB17-18F22CE65C67.jpg (703x568, 176K)

Attached: 2147968-ikumi.jpg (480x480, 21K)

wow she doesn't have perfect teeth?
I'm sure you are a top model

Only if she tells Todd to stop trying to sell me Skyrim



Attached: 1516131470720.png (205x246, 6K)

She's still a woman and you're ugly undesirable tranny. Rope yourself.

Yes! I'd like to see it again too!

Attached: 1559722496910.jpg (859x960, 224K)

Attached: fd6c292d971f6bbd9b38e55877d5eafd.jpg (563x575, 28K)

As luck would have it, I have amazing teeth, thanks for asking.

Definitely going to give Ghostwire a shot, looks pretty neat. Be interesting to see what it's all about, I just hope it's a far departure from TeW.

Im looking foward to it even if she didn't present it and it was just Mikami looking dead behind the eyes as ever.
>that moment when a audience member shouts something out
>he luaghs but also puts his hand out in a way that says inside he is saying "FUCKING PIGGU GAIJIN INTERRUPT ME AGAIN AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS RUDE AS FUCK AMERICANS"

i bet mikami is a real hard ass to work under.

Watch out guys, the virgin patrol is here

Textbook and unironic example of weebcel coping.

But you're also probably gay or a tranny so

I didn't ask though, dumb nigger

its amazing how hard you faggots get triggered when ugly chinks get called out

Attached: 1560319357816.png (800x750, 160K)

hey she's a bit less intimidating, and more approachable now. cute!!!!!

Heh heh, i'd actually like to see the loser's response to this.
>N-no!! i'm not a tranny!!! I'm a normal straight man that just os happens to get mad at what other men like!

Y-yes m' asian queen.


Watch out bros, the angry incels are here to tell us their opinions on women that would never look at them

No one's perfect, but this can be fixed.

Is this supposed to be a turn off or something?

she isn't ugly though, it's average

Attached: 1544561925446.gif (226x224, 182K)

Bro why the fuck would you poke me with that, you know I'm sensitive to sharp objects!

Attached: 4959dccf631ad2233d21e0735dc1ed67.jpg (1100x1202, 167K)

I fucking knew Keanu and her would ruin this board. FUCK YOU Yea Forums!

Attached: 1554298863365.jpg (876x579, 72K)

I can accept her imperfections.

Attached: honey-im-home-wow-mudshark-slut-degenerate-not-like-my-16344918.png (500x300, 50K)

Attached: average gook.jpg (1280x731, 80K)

Set and setting, and they touched on the lore briefly while stating they were moving away from the TeW format.

She looks like she can suck good

This. Everytime.
It's funny that pathetic weebcels can't even defend their "waifu" properly and instead just try to label you as tranny, white roastie, [insert meme buzzwords]. Which doesn't make their chinkfu less pathetic.
>She looks ugly as a sin, look
Turbo kek.

Attached: 1544898081309.jpg (600x485, 55K)

Some superficial flaws only make people more approachable. This only applies to women through, nobody wants to date a man with a busted face.

Are we right though? Are you gay?

>muh beautiful asian waifu who is a goddess and would never even look at me or anyone else here

Attached: 1559453705606.jpg (1592x668, 180K)

That's probably just one tooth stuck in the bad judging by her nice smile at E3. Everyone's acting like she has Iizuka teeth or something.


>Ruin anything ever

Attached: D8tyhtmUIAAn2yr.jpg large.jpg (1024x576, 65K)

post a picture of yourself, you dilating tranny. go ahead. we are waiting.

I 2nd the guy, post a pic of yourself for all of to judge.

Why does Yea Forums like autistic girls? Really makes me think

Attached: 971.gif (498x498, 613K)

I believe this was before she got braces. If you watch the Youtube video interview when she worked on Evil Within she had them there.


All shitposting aside, it's not just the teeth. That's a very unflattering image even if her teeth were perfect in it. She looks weird in OP too. Her lips look like she fell on her face as a kid and had reconstructive surgery.

Asians are really unflattering to look at irl without all the photo editing

What's even more funny is that average chink obsessed weebcel is hideous that's why they are so easy to jump on you with buzzwords and projections, it's simply relatable to them.
Here we go
>you can't critisize an idolized chink if you are not 10/10
Actual tumblr logic wow.

Attached: 1559896173414.png (978x748, 1020K)

Attached: 1555265538151.webm (320x240, 2.84M)

How does it make you feel that someone who you just accused of being autistic is far more successful and loved than you'll ever be?

Watch out parents, the trannies are trying to watch your girls pee in the ladies room.
It's hilarious when seething roasties and men in drag get angry that an ugly chink looks better than even in their sunday's best.

grow up you fucking autists

we just know you are ugly and that's why you behave like this

You sad sack of shit

>post simple reply
>"AHAHAHAH YOU TRIGGERED UGLKY CHINK XD" *posts wojak reskin n. 9234562643*

Attached: 1544753944757.gif (675x227, 73K)

That's what I thought you ugly mother fucker. No one will ever love you the way everyone loves her. Go make a twitter and see how few people follow you, talentless loser.

coping anime virgin alert

t. hunchback of Notre4chan

This. All you faggots who idolize asians and think they're all pure, beautiful waifu tier angels are deluded. The ratio of pretty:ugly asians is much worse than in white women. My dad used to work for a Japanese company some years ago and I met many of his Japanese colleagues, literally none of the 20 or so females who worked with him were even remotely good looking. Asians only look good after plastic surgery. This is the beauty standard naive white boys buy into.

I think she's cute but it don't matter, nobody on this site has an opinion that matters.


buddy you are such a pathetic loser that you laugh at your own posts 100%

I've seen many inrl and they look way out of my league. Like literal 10s.

>we just know you are ugly
>That's what I thought you ugly mother fucker.
Why do you project so much, goblin? You do realize this just looks pathetic, right? Keep loving hideous chinks, champ.

Attached: asian fake face.jpg (320x320, 14K)

I'd like to see Zoe Quinn on TS pussyhunters

Attached: 1456776442513.jpg (259x220, 38K)

Not true. Plenty of ugly, fat guys I know are dating 9/10’s. Girls think of guys like we think of girls. Most just don’t show off their sex drive as much as we do because it’s improper.

The projection here is just amazing. Call an unattractive girl out for what she is and a whole horde of weaboo virgins appears to tell you how she would never even look at you. Sure sounds like your insecurities from middle school are coming back. Asian women are for guys who are too beta for white women.

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

ugly faggot with a personality disorder

You aren't a white woman though, you're a white man you dilating faggot.


>same trannies that use cartoon avatars on their on twitter complaining about asians needing photo edits or makeup to appear presentable

Attached: 2Q==.jpg (225x225, 14K)

Lol ur pathetic

no one likes you

Keep telling yourself that, beta boy. I'm a 6/10 at best yet I've dated a few 9/10s and one I'd call a 10/10. I'm that guy people see with a beautiful girl and say "he must be filthy rich", but I'm not. The thing is, the expression "men fall in love with their eyes, women fall in love with their ears" has proved very true in my case. If you can charm a woman and make her laugh, you're 90% of the way into her panties regardless of your looks.

Seething wees/10

Sure is a lot of dilators itt.

>calling ugly asian girls ugly makes you a tranny

I wish I understood the """"""logic"""""" behind this. Shouldn't legit trannies be shitposting about beautiful women out of envy for them? I think there are beautiful Asian women, and beautiful white women too, I'm just saying Nakamura is average at the very best. Getting this assblasted because of such a simple statement is severely autistic.

how many chuckles did you just give your post, because no one else did

Just be yourself. There’s a girl out there for everyone. Unless you’re a vile disgusting human being or you never leave your home (even for school or work) someone will come around.

What is that even supposed to mean?

This is most cope seethe cringe weebshit post I’ve ever seen on Yea Forums

Attached: 58EF3AF6-CC18-4F2D-B020-1149AA7AF4B3.png (640x1136, 806K)

not joking no one wants you here or anywhere else
you have nothing of value to contribute
you aren't funny
you don't actually make anyone angry
you are just an attention-seeking loser who can't get anyone to pay attention to them in any other manner

there is literally nothing to indicate how the game will play and if its moving away from TEW you fucking autistic retard.

LOL! thanks for admitting that you are a foreveralone permavirgin

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Banana thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Yea Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Banana guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting about a fucking banana. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Bananafag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "I REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS PICTURE." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.


>you don't actually make anyone angry
And this is why u keep seethely replying so much, fag weeb? Ahahahaha

A man with a nose so crooked his glasses won't even stay on his face.

if you killed yourself right now your absentee father might hear about in two weeks

I want to FUCK that tooth gap!

tew1 is a masterpiece though

How about you take a picture of yourself unironically or else your mom would die tonight considering you are the one calling people ugly. Then again, Don't you could do your mom a favor by giving her the sweet release of death considering how much of a failure of a man you are you castrated coward.
>Shouldn't legit trannies be shitposting about beautiful women out of envy for them?
Trannies just like to try to imitate the worst traits of women by calling anyone prettier than them ugly to feel good about themselves. Kinda like how SSSniperwolf likes to call girls fake with their photo edits or surgeries, but is guilty of the same photo edits and nose jobs. I'm not calling Ikumi a bonafide babe, but I'm sure she's a beauty pagent winner compared to the average ResetERA user.

>Posting the same images again
Fuck off, nigger.


Sure is a lot of
itt. Kill ALL fags.

you're going to leave and you're still going to be a pathetic faggot that posts stupid shit online, because that's the extent of your value as a human

I'd still fuck both of them, like those lite crack addict look

women with fucked up teeth but 10/10 faces and are really really afraid to smile and shy are cute as fuck desu

Post face

She doesn't believe she's cute..even fat weebs have more girly eyes, because they're delusional fat weebs

its top 25 games of all time for me

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Banana thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Yea Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Banana guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting about a fucking banana. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Bananafag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "I REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS PICTURE." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

Seething white roastie detected


How will trannies recover?

Attached: 1560327616321.jpg (960x743, 373K)

>I'm sure she's a beauty pagent winner compared to the average ResetERA user.

So am I, but doesn't mean I can't call a woman that is ugly, ugly. Just because Resetera trannies are 0/10 doesn't mean a 4/10 woman isn't ugly. The fact that so many faggots here are absolutely SEETHING that anyone dare call their flavor of the month waifu ugly is embarrassing. I think I know what's going on though - she's just ugly enough for fat virgins to think that she's somehow in their league and that they would have a chance with her, if only they could meet in person.

>Tranny mod is at it again


Attached: 0a1.jpg (643x820, 80K)

guess you'll have to go back to 8gag faggot

>Then again, Don't you could do your mom a favor by giving her the sweet release of death considering how much of a failure of a man you are you castrated coward.
>The horrid grammar
>The enraged autism

Attached: 1526627302168.jpg (377x567, 15K)

Tranny janny u mad?

Take your shitty profile photo ond fuck off out of here

trust me, read it

I'll just screencap your replies pathetic neckbeard chink lover :)

Alright already I'll buy it.

triggered samefag got banned

Attached: 1537239388675.png (938x1080, 1.16M)

waste what remains of your life, bro. we both know you share a limited lifespan with the troons

Cope! Seethe! Cringe!
That’s what your life is, mutt!

What the fuck even is this, holy shit

Attached: download.jpg (248x189, 10K)

>Thread is off-topic
>Instead of deleting it the Janny only removes the posts he doesn't like.

>can't be charmed by her personality
This is why you'll die alone, tranny.

>found out she's an SJW

why does she get a pass?

go commit suicide already, tranny

What were these posts? I missed it

Kinda makes me feel sad that Todd's commercial asset makes you guys bite on each other's necks.

Attached: [SOFCJ-Raws] One Piece - 048 (DVDRip 768x576 x264 10bit AC3).mkv_snapshot_06.54_[2019.03.19_18.05.13 (768x576, 68K)

some epic trolling from some extremely smart posters that will be dearly missed

High functioning autism is unironically the next step in human evolution.

since when? proof?

No u

>he thinks he knows her personality from seeing her on stage for a few minutes
>he thinks cutesy lol so random xD gestures are indicative of a good personality
>m-muh t-tranny


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

Lol, i wont buy her game now


You aren't denying being a tranny or being gay though.

I LOVE mediocre Asian girls. Im dating an average Japanese girl myself, because her personality is so kind and pure and fun. Manface western girls and tranny's will never achieve this.

you really just can't escape trannies on Yea Forums, can you?

don't bully her!

Attached: ikumi.png (606x874, 839K)

nah i'm quite happy living a normal life

some faggot that get butthurt everytime someone mention an asian girl

ofc my Nippon goddess
kawaiiiii naaaaaa

Like that would mean anything to you, you deluded autismo. So why even bother? I absolutely love how you're failing to refute my points though. SEETHE some more

this thread kinda sucks, the one that just got deleted was at least kinda interesting. only white knights, trannies and degenerates.

I'm not the same person. Also, I would've believed you if you deny it but seeing as how you aren't, he's correct. You're either a tranny or a faggot.

>we got was death threats
they literally fabricated them

So am I, have a nice day lad.

>liking asians
nigger what

>mfw i will never be am*rican
>mfw i will never have to deal with mentally ill roasties

Attached: 1484700270975.jpg (300x360, 34K)

That asian girl is still uggo friend

Post the full image coward.

You're definitely dating 5/10 at best my dude. Keep deluding yourself haha.

Not dating anyone at the moment, my guy. But I've dated several girls that were 9/10. I've also dated some that were way below that level. All I'm saying is, it's possible, and not even very difficult, to land a girl that's beyond your league in terms of looks if you're interesting, charming and funny. The fact that this is absolutely impossible for you to believe tells me a few things about you.

He hasn't dated anyone.

Ok bro.

holy shit matt forney stop posting

that haircut she had during the presentation really looks a lot better than her old one.
should probably keep the glasses, too.

This is sad, really. Try it, you fucking faggots. Of course you'll never even touch a pretty girl if you give up before even making an attempt. Stop being such pathetic beta virgin losers.

I would, but Bethesda gets a cut of the sales and I refuse to give them money.

well, you can definitely date girls that are outside your league looks wise if they like your personality for whatever reason.
but with the way he words his posts, I'm inclined to agree with you.

Hey just letting you know bro, I farted. :) How about that?

>but with the way he words his posts

Now what way would that be, captain autismo?

Notice how nobody who has replied to you has used words like beta and virgin. Just a cognitive tip for your future larps.

No, it looks like a mediocre copy of Death Stranding.

>implying anyone but onions pumped m*llennial scum racemix

Attached: 1552523653574.jpg (452x586, 38K)

They don't use those words because they don't want to trigger themselves. Their posts show that pathetic virgin losers is exactly what they are. The idea of a guy dating a woman that looks better than him is a physical impossibility in their minds, apparently. The pure disbelief that something like that could ever happen just shows a lack of belief in themselves. I actually wish all these anons the best, I wish they did themselves a favor and actually tried.

Since when are e-celeb threads allowed

I always find it funny when people on 4chins think they're some experts at psychoanalysis lmao

delusional, you have to go back

Attached: Back_to_pol.jpg (546x700, 136K)

get lost incel

I would fuck the shit outta Zoe tho

psychoanalysis is pseudoscience and your iq is 85

Nips have small jaws.

>defends e-celeb muh asian waifu thread
>calls others incel

Do you even know what that means? Can't make this shit up lol

I love how this average christmas cake is working all these seething trannies and toasty roasties into a shoot.

IQ is pseudoscience and yours is 45

the incel explainer has logged on

She's so charming, a stark contrast to her co-worker Shinji Mikami, the least charming man in the video game industry. Seeing such a contrast convinces me there's some form of equivalent exchange at work in our universe.

which is a plus for the women, makes them look a lot younger. their men are fucked though

Of course I will cuteness has to be rewarded.

you post all of the time about how other people are stupid because you did poorly in school and have never accomplished anything and implying you aren't a retard is the closest you ever get to someone believing it

Actually most Japanese girls prefer the youthful looks of Japanese guys, they think foreigners usually look older than they are because of their big noses and chins. But of course, Japan isn't a hivemind, and a lot of girls like that older looking guy too.


Obviously people have different tastes. I was more talking from my perspective.

>you post all of the time about how other people are stupid

No I don't lol, is this some sort of mega projection or what? Because YOU are doing exactly that, you faggot.

i love when people on Yea Forums deny their obvious personality failings and project them on others lol

It's so gross seeing men like 24+ dying their hair. That's shit I did when I was like 16 going through my scene kid phase.

Japanese girls idolize white men the same way many white men idolize them. There are videos of random girls being interviewed on the streets of Tokyo and being asked if they like white guys. Almost all of them fucking drool over white guys. Easy to see why white incels feel this attraction towards insectoids.

And that's the thing, western millennials have regressed so much that now they are back at their emo phase.

Attached: 1539015533279.jpg (1436x714, 581K)

Me too lmao

Based haha

i bet that happens all the time with you around lol

That doesn't look very emo user... Or even alternative for that matter.

How tall is Mikami tho? He seemed like 150 cm on a stage

But you also get crooked teeth because they don't fit properly.

With emo I mean the angsty "hurrr fuck the world fuck adults fuck society" phase.

Yeah, I often see through people and get right to their personality failings and cope mechanisms. Keep coping my dude.

nah lefties hate asians though

nu! fuk ogaf

>"hurrr fuck the world fuck adults fuck society"
But the faggots you posted are adults. Pretty fucking old adults for that matter.

Attached: 523412.jpg (1065x859, 84K)

Are you joking?
All of them watch anime, trannies most of all.

Not white guys. White chads. They dont look on average Yea Forums mutt lol

google delusions of grandeur

Just not true. I live in Japan and have for many years. They find foreigners interesting, and many do find white guys attractive (usually early twenties girls who are infatuated with the idea of travel and different cultures - and desu they're often real basic girls), but it's definitely not the norm. Don't get me wrong, I love my boosted stats here, but to make such a sweeping generalisation based off a few interviews is silly. You can disregard me if you want, but I've chatted to many Japanese girls casually about what they like and don't, and there's definitely a 'type' that likes foreigners, but it's not the norm.

Japs have dental care too. They just don't always go for braces when any tooth is a bit out of line so overall you have a lot more Japs with crooked teeth.
They also seem to think that crooked teeth are cute for whatever reason, or at least I have heard that claim a bunch of times already.

>But the faggots you posted are adults
Only physically.

Attached: 1541014045038.jpg (716x1030, 433K)

Google coping mechanism

ironic weebs

> english teacher in Japan


p-please sit on my face and I promise I'll never play a Japanese video game again!

Attached: 1554103951100.jpg (566x413, 96K)

yeah that's one theory of your problem MY DUDE

it's never the norm really, they are just much more visible because if their type is "foreigner", you can immediately tell so when they run around with their SO because that's a trait that's visible on first glance.
if their type would be something like "quiet guys", good luck finding that out without talking to them for a while.

Never been an English teacher. They're usually the biggest retards here, especially the British ones.

When will you finally realize white women are terrible and good ones are out of your league?

Just get an asian wife already, haha!

Attached: 1509349152324.jpg (2372x2760, 2.29M)

cope harder

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Meanwhile, they are all losing their shit over shitty superhero movies and Pokemon games.

not wanting to drink is one thing and I wouldn't care. but if some fag would just stare down on his switch the whole time instead of participating in at least the conversations, I wouldn't invite him a second time.

you are really reversing the own my binch

>being a pedo

how many of you even know the name of her game

oh no no no no

Do you actually find the left attractive? She looks like a fucking midget. Asians can be total babes but she's not one.

The OP pic is literally a picture of her looking attractive. One cherrypicked photo of her teeth does not erase an entire video of her adorable mannerisms.

Attached: 1560373562519.webm (720x720, 2.9M)

Nice to see you're doing a good job at coping with your failings.

All yellow fever tards are pedos

Attached: 1560373652518.webm (480x480, 2.19M)

Ghostwire Tokyo
Do I win something?

looks like she got her teeth fixed anyway

>one cherrypicked photo of her teeth
So her teeth aren't crooked in other photos?

now if only we could get you to the mental illness quotient online would drop by 86%


Attached: 1499544462215.jpg (599x563, 74K)

Did they look crooked during the Bethesda conference? I didn't see anything out of place.

Attached: 1560375779168.jpg (480x640, 27K)

That's definitely true, and I think it creates a bias in guys that come here, because they go to a foreigner bar, or a meetup and have girls that are more likely to be into them based on their appearance, and think they're some kind of superchad over here - when in reality they're just finding people that are seeking out that kind of interraction.

>cherry picked

The picture doesn't lie, retard. All those mannerisms don't erase her fucked teeth.

No. She had braces and fixed them.

Learn to write coherent posts, retard. What you just posted makes no sense. Are you shaking too hard to type properly? lmao

>all this White vs Asian women faggotry
>implying you faggots can get women from ANY race to even give you the time of the day
Dilate, Sneed and then have sex.
This thread is cringe and chuckpilled.

Attached: 1558663147148.jpg (480x480, 36K)

Ching Pong

this is literally ResetERA users lashing out on Yea Forums and the internet in general because a asian woman was met with universal adoration while Anita Sark and her like that were pushed so hard were just reviled.

Attached: 1552518139959.jpg (1080x920, 116K)

maybe if you had stayed in school you could read english and wouldn't have developed crippling insecurity

Do braces fix your genes now?

The video doesn't lie, either. You can't call her ugly if there are pictures where she looks attractive. Funny how her teeth looked perfectly fine on-stage. Almost as if she got them fixed, and people are just passing around an old photo that she doesn't even look like anymore...


Attached: D8qpzpfXkAATmWS.jpg (550x707, 120K)

if you want to look for the 100% perfect genetic matchup, you'll spend quite some time looking.
crooked teeth are some of the smaller problems, even if your child has shit luck and got them, you can just fix them with braces pretty easily.

Maybe if you tried harder you would be able to write it. You don't even know about proper capitalization or punctuation, so more advanced topics are certainly beyond you. I can't even imagine being too much of a brainlet for the English language. Shit's easy.

>You can't call her ugly if there are pictures where she looks attractive

You can't call her attractive if there are pictures where she looks ugly. Wow that logic was really difficult to just turn around on itself.

"i don't even understand this" -big brain psychoanalysis knower that cannot even perfectly crafted english sentences

fucking cringe.

>People like a game dev
>/pol/ comes in in droves to whine about race mixing

Even in your Sunday's best, she still looks better than you even in the most unflattering of angles, tranny.

Attached: 1559571042574.gif (500x280, 112K)

Pretty sure thats resetera and twitter girls

it does. especially since you also have the bonus of "foreigner" most likely being an undersatured trait, unless you live in some Western metropolis.
can't blame them though, feeling like Chad for once because women have to compete for you rather than the other way around is definitely a nice experience. you have almost all the ones that aren't interested filtered out immediately, with zero work from your side.

Are youn talking to yourself at this point? You were the one doing the psychoanalysis you fucking retard. Sucks having the memory and cognitive functions of a literal goldfish, doesn't it? Don't answer that. A rhetorical question.

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This guy gets it

>gets defeated in an argument
>b-but m-muh t-tranny!

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>comes in
The overwhelming majority of this site is /pol/. You can't runaway from it anymore.

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so what is it about? you hunt spirits in an empty tokyo?

But here's the thing: Anita can look good when she tries to. She can rock the sexy librarian look pretty well. Meanwhile, I haven't seen a SINGLE good picture of Zoey Quinn, or Brianna Wu.

The point is: sure, some people look good in specific photos, while others look bad no matter what photo they're in. I'm sick of people taking ONE picture of an Asian girl's teeth and calling her ugly, while ignoring every other photo she's in where she looks great. News flash: your photo doesn't erase the dozens of other cute pictures of me. If they proved that THOSE photos are wrong, and MAYBE they'd have a point.

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no one from resetera uses trs echoes or stupid phrases like beta

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someone who can't get any white woman at all probably won't be able to get an asian woman, either.
I'm kinda tired of the implication that finding any asian woman attractive is just yellow fever though. feels like it's just white roasties fucking seething.

instead of being happy that even someone they consider to be unattractive can receive that much positive attention by just displaying a cheerful personality, which should prove that men also care about other things than looks, they flip their shit.
they are beyond redemption.

looks like another one of those reading comprehension failures it's ok i know you can't read this and it'll be alright

e-celeb threads don't belong here anyway. I like that these threads are complete fucking shit flinging disasters because clearly they're not about video games.

I dunno, the few times I checked /pol/ seemed to love Asian women and considered them to be honorary Aryans.

If there are more pictures where she's attractive than pictures where she's ugly, then she's attractive. Since a video has dozens of pictures per second, my one webm has already proved this entire thread wrong.

Regular Twitter or Instagram complaining maybe, but the people on this board are clearly the anti-weab pol posters.

I refuse to accept this, though it maybe be true. I still wish you would go back to your containment board and let us enjoy things without you trying to ruin everything.

>can't write for shit
>le reading comprehension

This amount of cope is just unreal

Anons just have a tendency for binary thinking. Either something is perfect 100% of the time, or it's fucking trash.

Game devs arent e-celebs. Is Todd posting an e-celebs thread now?

White women don't have souls

>Since a video has dozens of pictures per second

lmao, you are unironically autistic?

there's a paper called unskilled and unaware of it that i would suggest you read but it's above your reading level so it is futile to do so

>women are "things"
More proof that racemixers are mentally ill racist misogynists

>s-she's still ugly!
I don't care. I don't need to put effort in a argument over a tranny that's just going to die as soon as June is over and everyone puts away their pride month filtered avatars. She will go on being loved by gullible weebs and you will die alone.

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There are no women on Yea Forums this is all shitposting

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Yes i would admit that she is not the most attractive, but thats mostly because she a bit old already, shes been doing game development for years.
But honestly who the fuck cares? Being attractive was never a requirement, but now that its a woman it is?
Listen, regards of her she looks, she is still a great developer and artist and im very exited for Ghostwire. Just stop thinking with your dick for once.

Nah, I dont go there. And I agree, I'm tired of the same shit in every thread. No board or thread is safe from those faggots.

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I don't care and you don't either.

>0 arguments
>doubling down on MUH TRANNY

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>shes been doing game development for years.
that's the part that makes her attractive to me t.b.h. What can someone like Anita or Zoe Quinn say? That they made a glorified html text adventure game?

I feel like most people have forgotten what "there are no girls on the internet" actually means.



Theres been a lot of salty reactions posted here in the last days, both twitter and resetera

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Stop replying to yourself and respond to my actual comment:

This place is ridiculous. Why are you cringe white people obsessing over some average asian woman who appeared for 5 mins during a game presentation?Its a little creepy

>Stop replying to yourself

What subgenre of shitposting is this?

Friendly reminder.

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Because this place is unironically filled to the brim with pethetic weaboo virgins.

Note to self:

Sell your product with an old japanese lady

It's called "falseflagging". But you already know that, because you're the one doing it, so you can avoid responding to my argument.

How am I falseflagging? I'm curious about your delusion, please elaborate.

be that as it may user when someone comes to Yea Forums and starts implying that you are a jew they aren't dickless middle aged men from resetera

>argument literally the equivalent of a petty school girl posting early gradeschool year book pictures of other people as if it changes or negates anything.
Literally the only "woman" aspect you have down to a t you castrated he-beast.

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With what? Not being mentally ill? I think I'll manage.

Teeth being crooked has nothing to do with genes lmao
It's due to not chewing enough solid food while growing up
Japanese people grow up drinking soup

/pol/ is just the a board bitter contrarianism like Yea Forums, but with politics. That's why I stopped taking it seriously.

>not a single word about the actual game she was presenting in the entire thread

Waifu threads should be banned

I was going to until I heard about how she raped a little boy backstage. Sorry but I'd rather not support child rapists...

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Have sex, incel.

You have nothing of value you talentless hack.

Where has anyone talked about jews? Ive been in the last 7 threads, the center was always her being admired, nothing else.

Fuck, I fell for this bait.

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I don't take advice from the mentally ill.

>Thank you daddy for marrying mom!
>If you married a white woman, we wouldn't be so beautiful!

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What happened?

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>Teeth being crooked has nothing to do with genes
Then explain why 95% of all crooked teeth are localized entirely in Brittain.

>not like me, I am a grown up who posts on video game message boards


you're right. It's "women"

The other guy's arguments were fucking terrible, and my response was much better. So naturally, you completely ignored my argument to go after the easier target. His arguments were so terrible, however, that it makes me question whether he was being serious, or whether he was intentionally acting like an idiot so you could ignore my much more rational response.

Someone should show her these threads

Of all the hot asians you could have chosen, you pick that dumbo ears monkey looking creature?

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Who is the other guy? Can you link to his posts? I'm having a hard time following. Still not falseflagging at all, just so you know.

I admit, this whole asshurt is pretty funny and I dont even care about asian girls since not many live in my country

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All women are whores.

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I just love that she's making roasties go nuclear with jealously.

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At least it's not a dyed hair fat pig

The only people who care about this are Yea Forums and the bottom of the barrel of Tumblr.
Actual chads and staceys completely ignore all this race crap.

It's the worst the west has to offer infighting over who produces the most racemixed abominations.

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She's fine, I'm not perfect either.


I assume she wasn't talking about herself when she mentioned white women who "take care of themselves".

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Man, these beta virgins idolizing her are absolutely pathetic, but that right there is even worse. Holy shit.


based and truthpilled


>H-haha, I am just to valuable for these guys anyway
>That's why I am fucking seething that they also like Asian women

>Driving home from work today
>That cunt on the radio complaining about inclusiveness in games

Fuck you "news" media, you deserve a thousand Alex Jones cast upon you

>fucking asian women
>haha incels
No wonder they are if the average white girl is this dumb.

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Did you see British cuisine? I wouldn't fucking chew any of that either.
