What are you homos playing?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Waiting for Kiwami 2 to finish downloading

Grim Fandango, finally

Senran Kagura Burst Renewal. Gonna play Path of Exile next.

Resident Evil 2 (2019)

Hope you have fun user!
Sen seems alright, interesting taste user. Also PoE you play that before?

looks like my dad

my niggah

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100%ing New Vegas
Sorta regret it but I'm almost done at this point so I can't stop now

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>tfw Empire Earth IV never ever
I hope Age of Empires IV goes full EE and let us play from the Prehistoric Age to the Space Age.

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Rise of Nations already exists

>Hope you have fun user!
I hope so too, completely forgot that I had it and don't think I've ever actually played it, so it'll be a new experience

Starsector ad planetside 2

Finished a Refugees survivor no child labor, no death, not crossing the line, saving everyone run on saturday, now working on New Home.

Either Unreal Tournament or UT 2004.
Trying to get a workaround up and running for the deep learning bot AI that mimics human behavior.
Each agent is an emulated client that connects to a server hosting a "director," I'd just like to get them running native somehow.

skyrim playing a breton alchemist

breddy gud desu

It's not the same, I've always loved booming my economy and advance through the ages faster than the AI. Getting to the modern/futuristic era ASAP and bump rushing the AI with tanks, planes, nukes and robots while they are stuck with knights and catapults has never been so fun.

skyrim with mods , ds3 pvp

Terraria. New update rekindled my addiction.

wit ur mums tits


Nightmare Troubadour

Taking a break between first playthrough of Pathologic 2 and planned second playthrough of Pathologic 2.
Will take this time off to do some creative work. Finish a review, do some reading for a couple of papers I'm working on.

Then it's back to the Steppe baby.

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Trover saves the universe is hands down the funniest game I've played

reddead2 pvp because I hate myself and this retarded broken aiming system


Just beat Wolfenstein 2. Why is granny Irene Engel so hot bros?

I'm not playing anything but I should be up testing CS:GO bots and configs

Why do this to yourself
Nice and nice
I liked star field but dropped it because I dont like those typed of games. ¯\_( ツ )_/¯
Do people really play through a game 2 times in a row? I can barely stick with one game. also a review for what?
hate to shit on you but
Please explain why its good
sorry user. Single player was great though
Why user?
play Boomer DOOM and see how much better gaming was back in the day. New shit MOSTLY cant compare.
what why?

You guys have some okay taste I guess.

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I got my PS2 all set up, 250GB HD full of all the games I missed, got my OPL setup with a sweet theme and all 80 games got cover art, backgrounds, and screenshots. bout to do a Baldur's Gate DA & Champions of Norrath marathon. but fuck me wouldn't you know it my DS2 is fucking dead because the compound they used for their conductive membranes oxidates if you don't use the controller for a real long time.

Been playing a lot of Wasteland 2 recently. Enjoying it but there's quite a jump in difficulty when you reach California. I find that even after putting lots of points into demolitions my characters went from 95% any mine in Arizona to 30% every mine in California Then there's safes, alarms, locks etc

Testing bots for a custom survival game mode I want to try.

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im so sorry user

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Diablo II LoD
Ceasar III (fuck you Ceasar I'm not mismanaging my funds)

>play Boomer DOOM and see how much better gaming was back in the day. New shit MOSTLY cant compare
Oh yeah, constantly going back to it to remind myself what a good FPS looks like. I hate this stupid kill all monsters until you can proceed thing. New DOOM had that, Shadow Warrior had that, and Shadow Warrior 2 went the shitty looter-shooter path.
Wolf 2 sucked, and the story was so forced and stupid. I just wanted a good FPS, but it's not even that. Is The New Order and The Old Blood worth playing? I went straight for Wolf 2, since it's on that Xbox Game Pass thing.

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Yea WL2 is fucking great when you get a good party rolling. Only annoying part is how easily you can fuck up if you don't do all the shit in the first half before you leave for cali.

>Do people really play through a game 2 times in a row?
Pathologic 2 kinda warrants that, as the story is fairly non-linear and a lot of the mechanics lend themselves to emergent elements.
I also just... fucked up pretty hard (it is a hard game, designed to make you fuck up really bad on first playthroughs), so I want to do a less fucked up one now.

Review... for the game. Pathologic 2. It has been extremely poorly reviewed, mostly because most journo's are idiots and/or incredibly rushed for time. There isn't a single review that would actually be accurate.

I've been working on a proper one for quite a while. See where I can push it. I think the game deserves a second look, from someone who is not actually braindead yet.

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New order is actually really aesthetic and fun to play. Cant say for old blood but New order is really depressing for me personally.

My god dont remind me about shadow warrior. Such a drawn out grind I wanted to fucking smash my keyboard while playing it. I was really confused when a boss fight was taking 20 min and seeing no progress only for him to kill over randomly, than to do the same thing in the next area only now there are 2 of them. justfmguahhhh

pray, do tell. how far a long is it? whats it like?

Nice videogame tiddies fren

Finished YS 8 Lacrimosa of Dana.
Post-game depression this time is at an all time high, I can't get over it. Wasting hours in MHW and Tekken until it passes.

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Starbound, you mean? I think that's the name at least. I'm not a fan of the formula either but something about Terraria just clicks with me. With this recent playthrough I've really enjoyed being able to overcome combat challenges by using every tool at my disposal, from wide broadsword swings against slow melee mobs to whittling down stronger deep cave mind with whatever throwables I have, it's been a fun time so far. Unironically, Starbound feels soulless in comparison at least when I played one of the early access builds

The first nu-Shadow Warrior was just bad.
The second one is... really fucking weird, and I get why most people disliked it, but it has it's merits.

Kotor 2 for the first time. Not as good as the first and in some ways it just feels like a really well done mod.

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Link yt home boy. Good luck on the review

it'll end user but hey at least you will never get to play the same game again for the first time again.

Nah, depression this time is solely story related. Blue haired girls in YS = suffering. I should've seen the signs, I should've prepared mentally.

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American Truck Simulator :)

how did they get away with it?

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Blood Dragon. Taken all the garrisons and most collectibles in a single sitting, but starting to get a bit tired. Probably gonna finish it tomorrow, then go back to Phantom Pain, which I recently started and played a few missions of.

yea starbound, Glad your having fun user.
Well it was written by Chris avellone so. But yea the first one was a really great gather your friends adventure but the second is just depressing without the bois but its still pretty good. Its just the intro, ( the first 20 hours lol) that kinda sucks.

I finished Dino Crisis 2 and a replay of RE Revelations 2. I got the bad ending because I completely forgot about the one choice of the game so I'm gonna redo the necessary chapter tomorrow. In a lot of pain though so I'm gonna sleep even though I don't want to.

yeah I found its a bit back and forth like
>go to prison
>get so far
>turn round and leave
>go to Damonta(?)
>go through the canyon and temple first
>go to silo 7
>THEN go back to prison

but I'm still enjoying it. I THINK I've got a good party.
>assault rifles, safecracking, lockpick and perception with hardass perk
>medic/surgeon and SMGs
>melee with high strength and animal whisperer and outdoorsman
>heavy weapons, demolitions, alarm and toaster repair with weaponsmithing

then I've got other followers as fodder and pack mules but they have their skills. Chisel, Angie Death before Cali but now I've got Pistol Pete and that ex preacher guy with the MP5 and massive shovel weapon

>the main girl has blue hair or skin
why do they do this to us

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I felt the same way when I finished Ys VIII.

this is how

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MHW. I'm trying to improve my guard point timing with AT Nergigante. He's such a faggot.

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It was really depressing to hear that Darth Revan didn't take over the galaxy and that he was toppled in a civil war or something kind of makes the first game feel worthless when you do so much to reclaim your power only for it to be lost as soon as you make your come back. Also that mining station was a fucking slog and I got really sad when I thought I killed HK-47. I just helped the Ithorians take down Czerka and am about to head down to the surface.

The game is good it just feels lacking, wish Lucas Arts would have given them more time because it could have been as good as the first.


Funny thing, I did the same in blood dragon to try and extend the gameplay but its really just sad that is so short but the part with the ai and the scientist had me crying.

Its not worth it. Go LS and foreskin slash all day.
t. CB main since 4U

Just finished Rune and now I'm not sure what to play next. Maybe some good old Terraria or something else from my backlog.

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why are you in pain user?

Scoliosis and sinus infection so bad back pain and headache

Yea it was really fucking confusing.
Who is your leader?

I like doing
>leader SMG,
>Medic sniper or AR
>Point sink skill user
>Heavy weapons toaster brute force
The rest is just up to you. Whatever the point sink cant do I will cover over the rest of my team

use the mod from moddb that brings back and finishes some content. Also I thought that light side was cannon ending in kotor 1?

For the life of me I cant get into MHW, Spent 17 hours in it and it just feels souless. What do I have to do to make it fun?

find friends to play with

Dark souls 2


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As long as you're PC and not a sperg we could play a few sessions together user.

Yeah, I think I'll do that. This fight is not fun for me. That instant dive is driving me nuts. I feel like a shitter right now.

Play with friends or find a weapon that you really like and then try to master it. Try using the SOS thing too. I love to join random hunts with meme builds.

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sorry user get well soon
Play through the whole game with the champions cov on. My biggest regret is not doing that.


Thats cool. I forgot about sniper rifles til after the prison when I found one in the rail camp, by then it was a bit late but I put a few points into Angie death for sniper rifles.

My leader has the assault rifle, lockpicks and safecracking and the hard ass perk.
Medic is a female with the SMG
Melee is a big savage looking guy
Heavy is all decked in metal armour and spikes.

Right now I'm at the LA aquaduct but with all the mines at the start being 30% I'm thinking of looking elsewhere for xp or any shrines on the map

cant you just shoot them or throw a grenade to blow them up? also you shouldt really take outdoorsman. you miss out on supplies and exp

>That instant dive is driving me nuts
Tracking bullshit slamdunk isn't even the worst of it, you can GP that if you're careful and keep close watch of its movements. You know what's absolutely unnaceptable?

Roar+dive literally forever. Now compare your actions with both weapons.
>if close and no GP on the roar, sheathing to superman dive wont work, not enough time
>keep weapon up, GP the dive after
>still get more than half your health chipped and 80% of stamina spent
>lmao foreskin slash whenever

Guarding in this game is absolutely fucked. Its either guard 5 with Lance and 40+min fights because no damage or apply what I wrote for CB above to any other guarding weapon.

user honestly I lost all of my friends to time and I don't know if I can do it again.

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Can I use that on a save I've already started? Because that's why I'm not using it now.
>Also I thought that light side was cannon ending in kotor 1?
Maybe in the lore but in the game nobody knows what really happened. I think the way you speak to the guy who is totally not Carth at the start determines whether or not Reven was Male or Female and whether or not they went to Korriban to lead the Sith or they helped the Republic win. It doesn't matter either way because the Republic wins if your a Sith because of something about a civil war or Reven got bored and left.

Hedon and Supraland,

I don't really consider this as being actual friends, just hanging out with people online. But if you feel that way I won't force the issue.

Yeah I'm thinking blow them up but I was hoping to get the EXP from disarming them cause in Angel Oracle I didn't have high enough safecracking, alarm disarm, or toaster repair for quests there

I think it needs to be a new game but most people say its do or die without the mod so. It could be worth just rushing through with the mod installed until you get to where you were.

I appreciate the offer though user.

About to grind some of the final achievements.

This will be the last time I 100% a game... I hope, I said the same thing with Mario Odyssey, why am I such a fucking completionist when I rarely enjoy it?

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Bad Company 2