Disney should just buy Pokemon. Fuck it. Even western devs could make better games than this...

Disney should just buy Pokemon. Fuck it. Even western devs could make better games than this. It's literally astonishing how shitty GF are; They're fucking gameboy devs in way, WAY over their heads. How is it even possible for one company to fail upwards for this long without anyone catching on to their grift?

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Children are much more susceptible to getting scammed, just look at the college debt crisis

Nintendo needs to buy the other half of pokemon and ditch game freak and make pokemon games inhouse

I like how the "dynamax" gimmick is just making the models bigger. The most lazy/easy kind of change with 3d models.

I predict the next game will have "mini" gimmick, where Pokemon are shrunk Thumbalina sized.

I don't give a shit about that, you dumbfuck nintenchild. I care about all the games being, mechanically speaking, objectively three generations behind every other JRPG on the market.

What do you mean? Do you want pokemon to be a cinematic action game like FF7: Remake? Or to have artificial difficulty like the trash fatlus throws out

it's be even worse if Disney owned it since they'd have a shovelware company make literally exclusively mobile shit with insane microtransactions for things like "refill energy" and whatever.

If Nintendo was willing to do that they would have done it by now. Disney on the other hand is gobbling up properties like crazy, there's a shot. I fucking hate that company, especially what they did to Star Wars, but GF is truly awful and they're basically holding what could be a pretty great IP hostage and have been for twenty years.

You're retarded. Not because you think gamefreak are some massive fuck ups, no, they are in fact massive fuck ups with everything I've seen. But disney/western devs would just come in and fuck everything up in a completely different fashion. Especially disney, they'd probably sell that shit off to EA or something and who knows what kind of trainwreck you'd end up with. The game would not only end up worse, it'd be some nightmare universe bullshit of a game.

As for your question, because the games mostly continued selling, and because I'm sure they have some deal with Nintendo/TPC that means they have their part of Pokemon and it's theirs, end of story. Unfortunately that means its held hostage by incompetent devs that can't code for shit and are worried about competing with mobile games. The best bet would be Nintendo assuming direct control, but it isn't likely to happen unless the franchise either crashes, or GF willingly gives it up.

>Do you want pokemon to be a cinematic action game like FF7: Remake?
If my choices are between that and what we're getting now, yes, absolutely. Literally the only people making worse games than GF right now are smartphone devs.

Because people will just sell the money tree called pokemon franchise, right?

Disney is cancer though.

I've never seen a more stagnant franchise than pokemon it was the icecream cone and beehive ones that really sold me on it, some would say they should've stopped at gen 1,2 or 3, I'll be fair and say 493 was a good number cause you could add 7 more legendaries then have the nice 500. The games should be moster hunter world clones by now yet they are pretty much the same thing as what we played in 1996 and that's awful, pokemon fever died off for a reason

>shitty franchises like Pokemon, Mario and Call of Duty get yearly rehashes
>good franchises get fucking nothing or years apart sequels that change all the mechanics to be shittier.

It's not fair, why don't we get games like Morrowind every year?

You literally can't

>mechanically speaking, objectively three generations behind every other JRPG on the market

The reverse is the case though. Pokemon basically shits on other JRPGs.

I doubt they could handle it better, the games still sell 15+ million each game

Spfh, Catch me playing Yakuza 0 on loop before ever playing a pokemon game again. And Yakuza 0 isn't even an RPG yet has more RPG elements than any pokemon game

Literally kill yourself

You think you could make a game like morrowind in a year? The reason they're so shitty is precisely because they're yearly. Good shit takes time to make, look at how long it takes CDPR between releases even with their huge staff.

god dont remind me

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Why is that Pikachu so big?

>wahhh me can't havvv all da pwokemons


Pokemon is becoming more casual with every gen lmao. It's visually bad and soon will be gameplay bad, the last good games were Colosseum and XD

How many pokemon games have you actually beaten? They add more to them than youd think, and the features they add every gen help keep things fresh enough before you metagame and make your team. The concept is still in tact and they haven't broken the world too hard tot he point where it isn't pokemon. It's just red and blue plus a multitude of more features. Kids still love pokemon, and it's a larger community than it's ever been.

You sound like a shareholder.

Kids love fortnite, nerds like that pokemon crap

This. Pokemon is not a popular kids type of game, it's the kind of shit you hide from your friends if you want any sort of status among your peers.

No way, Disney would just make it worse. Try an actual gaming company.

Which is really sad cause back in like gen 1 and 2 you could wear a pokemon tee shirt to school and be ready for a duel at any moment and the only person who didn't enjoy pokemon at that time was the classic poor redneck trying to justify his dads binge drinking as not needing to "play that loser shit"

I don't get how they're using the excuse of needing more time in development to bring the older stuff over when they made stupid high poly models for everything in 6th gen specifically for this purpose. Unless they redid all the models AGAIN, I don't see how this is even a problem. Pokemon makes a billion dollars and they continue to make the least ambitious, low budget game you could make on Pokemon money.

Gamefreak doesn't deserve to have this franchise

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Its time to retire the franchise. After almost 25 years there's nowhere left to go, the pokemon keep getting shittier, the games keep getting shittier, just kill it now and put it out of it's misery. Or just remake red and blue in 4K or something

Wasn't the Eevee and Pikachu games a gen 1 remake already?

It's a fucking switch game, it's basically a remake for mobile phones so not really much of one at all.

Just fucking split development duties with other teams/companies, holy shit. If Masuda was crying about models and animations then hand those duties to studios specialized in them, not that fucking hard.

Aren't the new ones a switch game, am I supposed to ignore them for that reason. Infact all pokemon games were made for mobile