Its going to be amazing, isn't it?
Its going to be amazing, isn't it?
Amazing is a big word, more like "different"
Recently played through this game on my phone. Up there as the best Zelda for me. New artstyle looks rubbish though
It will be good but im still wondering what will they add to justify the 60$ price tag for a remake of a Game Boy game.
Its growing on me. Still dont know if I'll pay 60 fucking dollars for it though. Even as someone's who's never played the game before, it still seems outrageous
>60$ price
>60 fucking dollars
Is this considered a lot of money to people without jobs?
>60 dollars for a fucking remake
Nintendo should look towards Activision for some tips on remake pricing
LA is a great game, shame the new art style is dog shit.
It's the only reason I won't buy this shit. That and they remade this....but kept it 2D. Fuck you Nintendo. I wanted to explore Koholint Island in 3D. Look at RE2 Remake, that's how you remake a game with a new perspective.
Is not that is considered a lot of money, it's just that usually remakes are released at a lower price, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Shadow of the Colossus, MediEvil, etc. released/will release at a 30$-40$ price tag then Nintendo comes in and slaps a 60$ to a game that doesn't seem to be worth it.
It's not confirmed to be full price.
>in 3D
No. Just no. 2D Zelda games are distinctively different from the trash like Ocarina and Majora. 2D Zelda equals best Zelda.
It has been since pre-orders went up on Tuesday. $60 for just the game, or $70 if you want the one with the artbook.
It'll be good at least. It'll be amazing if they add a second quest with new dungeon layouts.
It's got the Nintendo Price. Shit is full price. Fuck them.
I agree.
GB Zelda has more charm, I don't know why they would remake Link's Awakening. They should have just remade Zelda II from NES.
I agree with this so hard but you know damn well how much whining everybody would do because of the shitty "ZELDA 2 SUXXX" meme
If you don't have a thinking brain you should not post
That's exactly why they should remake it. If it sucks then Nintendo should make Zelda II more enticing to play by doing a remake, and besides, I am pretty sure majority of Yea Forums probably never gets to play any NES Zelda games, or some probably had via Nintendo Switch Online, but they never bothered playing it again because there were no precursors so they were deemed as shitty games by modern standards.
Wew, just checked. Even with the new mode, the game is too short for full price.
It's a remake of Link's Awakening which is already a pretty 10/10 game. Plays the same, will have oodles of new stuff on top, even has a hackneyed version of a Zelda Maker for you to muck around with.
Doesn't look like it has new stuff. We don't even know if it still has the photo mouse from DX since Dampé replaced his shop.
Watching the footage made me realise how weird oit is to play a Zelda game without a tutorial. Even the Oracles had a tiny bit of story before you even got your sword.
Relative to a videogame, let alone a remake of a gameboy game, yes it is a lot of money. Job or not.
$5 is not a lot of money but for a cup of coffee it is.
I agree one hundred percent. I just see Nintendo playing it safe and running what already works for them into the ground, instead of the bold choice of fixing what "didn't work". Nevermind that, like you said, 95% of people haven't played it past the first palace and formed their opinion based on that. It's an enormous shame, maybe one day it'll have it's day in the sun.
>sword always on B, Pegasus boots and power bracelet always on R, two free item slots
This alone makes the game much more enjoyable, it was also cute how they showed bomb arrows in the trailer.
>the legend of funko pop
for the first time I can see tumblrinas out in the open on Yea Forums
trying way too hard