Why is nobody discussing this game? I thought everyone was super psyched about it.
Why is nobody discussing this game? I thought everyone was super psyched about it
Because Yea Forums is a bunch of mad faggots over crafting and the graphics.
Because its not out for another 9 months.
The delay is a fucking joke and killed all interest
Because Yea Forums is just as bad as every other place on the internet about "It's Nintendo, just shut up and accept that it's worse now!"
What's there to discuss?
All the fun in talking about animal crossing comes from showing off or comparing towns to each other
>Animal crossing
because its a game for children. Nintendo isnt even able to make actual improvements of the game since the DS version
anyone down to help me make the 4th reich on the dawn of this new horizon
i've been discussing it with friends who are into it, but not online because we don't really know much about it
I'm hyped but there's nothing to discuss, it's animal crossing with a gnome prop
It looks fine, I'l buy it when it comes out.
I'm much, MUCH more concerned with the next Pokemon game cutting half the fucking Pokemon.
Animal Crossing is literally soulless by now. I wouldn't be surprised if this one had gachashit in it.
Every time I hear a person saying a certain game is for kids they turn out to be an angsty teenager in their "I'm a big boy" phase or a retard who peaked in high school
>Why is nobody discussing this game?
Nintendo bad
Do you want to argue this game isnt for kids? Are you seriously? Get outside of your room for once and ask any person in the street above 16 years that doesnt look like a degnerate tranny or nintendo toddler and ask them if they think this game is for kids.
You tell em, brother. If it ain't gore and tits, it's shit!
The conspiracy theorist part of my brain says the missing National Dex is just to distract people from how absolutely barebones and disappointing the Animal Crossing trailer and gameplay was
But then I realized even longtime Animal Crossing fans literally thought what they saw looked promising and that I must just be crazy
>being this delusional
bitch, people are guzzling nintendo's cock left and right even MORE so now that sony is making all weebs their enemy
its times like this we need rational people to come out and remind everyone that nintendo make generic shit games to shield themselves from controversy too. this pokemon fiasco is just the latest one and people can see that AC will be no different
It looks like shit
Why did you call me delusional if you agreed with me?
didn't you say Yea Forums was bad for calling out nintendo
if you didnt then my bad. the shills are out in force
He's right, you've got some dumb ass phase going on. I know because I used to think the same way but grew out of it. All games are for "kids". All adults have internal children with ourselves as parts of our psychological makeup otherwise we wouldn't resort to any form of play at all, and life would be more dull and less interesting.
Obviously people would say it's for kids, in the sense it can be played by kids too. Most people would say most games are for kids, unless they have a lot of graphic violence in them or sexual content. If you can think of games you have enjoyed as an adult that didn't have sex or a significant level of violence in them, that means you're a pathetic man baby.
I meant Yea Forums wants us to accept that beloved franchises can just become worse now because Nintendo made them so obviously they can't be bad
no point in hyping yourself up yet
>that grass
How does anyone not think this looks great?
No dumbass artstyles like with Link's Awakening, no shitty animations like Pokemon SS.
Look at the details on that grill, it looks amazing.
wtf. is this real
>still rolling log
I will never understand why Nintendo is such retards when it comes to graphics, but luckily, I'm not a graphicsfag
Everything looks like plastic which takes away the comfy atmosphere.
It looks good and promising, starting from a literal desert island to building your own town
then with some Nook shanenigans you get a city hall, new people moving in
also, the new mechanics look neat, something like stardew valley
Yea Forums never likes anything except for boomers stuff like DMCV for nostalgia
right. like the only defense im seeing for this pokemon thing is making fun of autists and saying "it'll still sell millions"
excusing the company making shit products because they can get away with it on name value as if thats a good thing or a winning argument
its not even shilling at this point, shills would have more tact. its literally the meme of that fat kid with the fedora with the nintendo patch on it
thats the only image i can have of someone retarded enough to post some of this shit
because I've tried to like these games before and always found that they have absolutely nothing to do in them.
I guess they're built for bored kids to play for 20 minutes at school every day, but it's not for me.
>Everything looks like plastic
t. every Turdtendo game since the Wii
>still complaining about muh grid after 2 decades
Do you consider that a valid excuse for them to keep doing it?
>yfw a nintendo thread to shitpost in appears on the catalog
It doesn't look any more like plastic than the Wind Waker did.
i think it might be that the camera is closer to the models and not semi-top down like in pokemon
thats what makes it look more hack and the models look super tiny for a console game
>Yea Forums never likes anything except for boomers stuff like DMCV
DMC and AC both came out in 2001
Animal crossing is the type of game that should be a lauch title, ALWAYS.
Im hyped but what the fuck am i supposed to talk about?
Having to build all the buildings on a literal square island isnt a feature. Its artificial padding. AC is one of the few games where they dont need to revolutionize anything. They should be treating it like The Sims.
I already played it like 10 years ago
>Still no dating
>Still no marriage
>Still not able to organize town gangbangs
Dead series
Based and cockpilled
The games looks promising, and it will only gain more form as more is revealed. Yea Forums is impotent and negative and have convinced each other that it's bad because "it looks like plastic" instead of making meaningful observations about the map and new gameplay elements.
wait hold the fuck up, have GF confirmed there's not gonna be a postgame national dex in gen 8?
that might actually ruin the game for me, the appeal of pokemon to me is the vastness of the pokemon themselves, and pretending that the region in question is completely insular and the rest of the pokemon just don't exist angers me because as someone who's been playing the games for 20 years I KNOW they exist
they're trying to pull some bullshit like "some pokemon cant live in this climate so they'll come back later"
yeah thats right. global warming is killing your bros
>franchise with shit mechanics and without a single good game
I don't mind not every pokemon being immediately available until they integrate bank support, my main concern is about them doing the same bullshit they did in Gen 7 where even once I import my living pokedex the in-game pokedex is still just the 200-300 pokemon that they decided were good enough to warrant having a page. The complete lack of national pokedex in (U)SM was one of the biggest nails in the coffin for that generation.
>6 year old me sent mail to this bluebitch confessing my innocent feelings of adoration to her
>bluebitch responds - confused
>try again, sending flowers
>bluebitch doesn't get the fucking hint
>finally decide to hit her over the head with a shovel
>she gets mad
>leaves town
forget about pages, they're not coded into the game. so you literally can't put them in for online battles or anything until they release ANOTHER game with a compatible region. the bank is where your data will be but you won't ever be able to use it unless all the pokemon you want are supported within the 200-300 in the current game
Can we fuck with the hemispheres so we can have an eternal rainy, snowy island?
damn, I didn't think they could actually do it
I've been a diehard pokemon fan for almost my whole life but I think I'm done