My girlfriend laughed at me when I showed her Kingdom Hearts

My girlfriend laughed at me when I showed her Kingdom Hearts.

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ok and?
dumb frogposter

>Kingdom Hearts
>Reddit Frog
3 Strikes, you're out

>cancerous frogposter

Thank her for not dumping your petty ass
Kingdom hearts lol loser

>kingdom hearts
Let me guess, your girlfriend has a penis?

liking kingdom sharts is worse than frogposting

if she did, she would probably enjoy kingdom hearts desu

There are actual adults that enjoy Kindom Hearts?


>a keyblade

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post her feet

Girls CAN have a penis

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Facebook frog *

kill her parents and rip their hearts out and ask her if she's laughing now
I swear, sometimes you just have to do extreme shit to fix women

Did you show her the best part?

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>kingdom hearts
nigger, you deserve to be laughed at.

My dad laughed at me when I was playing Kingdom Hearts

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>m-merMAN *coughs weakly* merMAN!

Embrace Islam and throw acid on your girlfriend's face.

Probably because she knew you would be better suited to having a boyfriend instead.

Well deserved.

I don’t get why you guys play this weebtrash. Don’t you feel embarrassed when people see you?

in islam, the most you can do to your spouse is slap her with a twig

it's a fucking kiddie game, what did you expect dumb frogposter?

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>my girlfriend
stopped reading there, fuck off to leddit.

Serves you right for having a girlfriend you dumb fag.

i laughed at myself when i played KH1 3 years ago for the first time

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>decide it'd be a good idea to play Detroit Become Human with my mom
>mom says stuff like "this is so boring" "when do you play it" "what kind of game is this"

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Based gf

Damn, your mom seems really based

I laughed at my girlfriend when she showed me Kingdom Hearts.

Your gf has taste sorry mate your days are now numbered

that is what happens when you play stupid (and bad) children's games

I feel like mods have bugged my IP because I so consistently shitpost in bad threads and as soon as I do they are deleted and then I am banned.

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>it's a kiddie game
Oh, so you're saying its like WoW you dumb fucking faggot of a dick sucking nigger paladin jew kike spic chink.

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your mom just shit on every PS4 game ever, nice

Did she fart in your mouth too?

>game about disney and anime characters with 'dark undertones'
>anything but retarded

Maybe she was just laughing at you generally tho

All games are for children you're both retarded

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Yeah Planescape torment is for children.

You should be proud of your mom to be fucking honest

That sounds like projection jew fag

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Teenagers are close enough.

well, KH is unironically for kids


yeah, she should. It is a sign that you are too sensitive.

So is WoW, your point is moot

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>dumb frogposter is a faggot

weird, mine loved it.
desu Kingdom hearts is kinda girly.

The edge ow

Who wouldn't?

My girlfriend's boyfriend laughed at me when I showed him Kingdom Hearts.

Snoy on suicide watch.

Hey user-kun! Hows the vasectomy?

My girlfriend didn't appreciate me giving her a drawing of her, and it wasn't really bad.
She said I was weird and not like other guys too.

I'd laugh at you too
>bruh darkness
>I'm so close to you we're friends and this scene totally doesn't look like leading to a gay sex scene right now
>muh friendship
>dude look at Disney with animu Japan so kawaii

>not knowing the difference between wow and wc3
I expected no less from Todd poster. How many atoms have you bought in f76?

based girlfriend
KH is for retards, roasties and fujos

its a kids game

Women are shallow, disgusting creatures by nature and it is this nature which has programmed them to date upwards so that they find a genetically superior male.

Your girlfriend will leave you eventually, and by displaying your love for video games which is seen as a shameful hobby in society, with graphics and characters that are similar to a disney movie, your masculinity has dwindled, and so has her attraction to you. It is only a matter of time until she finds a chad who either doesn’t play childish games or actually has decent assets that she can steal and eventually divorce this chad, creating a perpetuating cycle of parasitic behaviour until she eventually hits the wall, lays all her eggs in the basket and comes back to you.

as she should its a game for girls and gays