>perfection doesn't exi-
Perfection doesn't exi-
somebody post it
>african american
Giving a white character dark skin doesn't make them black
>water gym leader
I think you're mistaken about her ethnicity. Water gym leaders generally have to be excellent swimmers.
Reminder if you compare brown anime girls to real life blacks you're a retard
whoops, looks like you posted the wrong pic op. I've got you.
do you not see the floaties she has to wear
Are brown anime girls as well optimized when it comes to doggy style
>>african american
Why do Americans keep calling black Europeans, "african american"?
too bad she is stuck in a soulless cashgrab
You pathetic virgin losers will do anything for a chance at lewds. Prove me wrong. You can't.
you are small time
Why can't I find any good pic where she's being bred up by an angry Gyarados
I wouldn't do anything, but probably a lot.
This is an accurate representation of what fanart and R34 is like in the Patreon era.
Too bad pokemon isn't voice acted so we can't hear her west indian accent
How does Nintendo keep getting away with murdering millions of my unborn children because I masturbate to their sexy brown girls and mommies?
I don’t want lewds
>artist who I wanted to do lewds of Nessa said they're already tired of seeing her
Where is the bulge?
Is it because they don't look black AT all?
She has an exotic vibe to her design
She's looks Indian but she weren't, she certainly wouldn't be black. We had characters like Lenora who were explicitly drawn to be nigger fyi
>Being brown makes you a nigger by default
Mutt IQ at its finest
>let me bring my race shit into 2d characters
Peak norm*id.
A pink/brown slit
In my pants
i would literally rather have sex with 100 africans than touch an am*rican with a 10 foot barge pole
i wish i had a sonia fuckdoll
Americans literally mutilate their children's genitals
Nessa is fucking perfect
She's so fucking perfect I don't want to see lewds of her I just want to admire how fucking cute she is
How does Nintendo do it?
>butthurt pajeet
OMG gamefreak please shut up and take my moneys xDDD hahahahaha
So cute. So so so so so super duper cuuuute. HahaHAHaha. That pokegirl™ is my waifu. And that pokegirl™ is my waifu too! And that pokegirl™ is also my waifuu. WAIFUU HAHAHA CUTE WAIFUS
A quality video game? What is that? Im all about the cute cute cutecutecute WAIFU POKEGIRLS. Hahahah. Yes! YES! GAMEFREAK ARE THE BEST BUY THEIR GAME their cute game haha with cute waifus haha.
I’m so happy about the pokegirls™. Are you going to buy Nessa’s game too? Heehee. But I’m not a pedophile!
>whites can now have black skin
Imao, the absolute desperation of mutts
Aren't they mostly just supposed to be tanned japanese people? They have those, you know. Japan stretches down into pretty warm climates. A lot of Japanese have very dark skin as a result.
It does and thats the only way theyre attractive.
That or mixed who get lucky with white features.
Pure black women aint pretty
>Faps to a blue eyed, thin nosed caucasoid brown girl with straight hair unlike Lenora and no manly nigger jawline
>"b-but s-she's b-black u rayciss!!! X(((("
Yes keep believing your delusions, nigger. Her facial features are 100% caucasoid.
Dropped. Wheres my dfc girl
And he's still right
She also has a great theme too. Shes seriously too good for this game.
Yes, because caucasians have giant fucking eyes stretching from the middle of their entire skull to the brow line.
Her facial features are 100% anime.
>Anons obsess over various aspects of nuTifa's design
Half the internet starts shouting PERVERTS!!!
>Anons obsess over a little brown child in a swimsuit while fan art explodes online
No one bats an eye
Oddest timeline...
>Very likely that she's south Indian since UK
>Could be based on an Arab
>Could be based on non negroid north african
>Could be heavily tanned like Marlon
>Or she could simply be ambiguously brown
>"n-n0 she'ss definitely black despite not having afro hair like Lenora!!!!!! my dad works at gf!!!!!"
Why are niggers so fucking self centered
Excuse me? You mean to tell me we can reasonably infer that from an art style with massive, googly eyes, a nose simplified to a curved L-shape, a neck that looks thin enough it should snap from the weight of the head, and ears that out of context would probably be more likely to be identified as plates?
This is Japan, the most xenophobic among the industrialized countries. Most of these characters are meant to be Japanese. The fact that westerners can so easily see themselves in them too is just a happy coincidence.
>the mutt's still defending his shitskin colour as still being "white"
There's no wonder why everyone is laughing at your kind
>He says this when we had motherfucking Lenora and Iris
>Both had afro hair to indicate that they are the only black pokegirls
YOu're getting really desperate now, Tyrone Mcdindu
You're comparing 2 different things, retard. Tifa's problem is about the accuracy with the original model.
She's probably old enough to breed.
Because they're genetically predispositioned to force themselves to be the center of attention at all times at the expense of anything else.
That was my first post ITT
Weeeeeeeeew rent fucking free.
The point is, she has WHITE facial features not nigger.
Dark skin isn't exclusive to niggers btw
WE WUZ ANIME AN SHIET! Everyone mistakes me for Goku, naruto and yamagi lighto!
it's almost as if they are based on native okinawan people, you know the people nips associate with islands, water and swimming.
Fucking this.
Blacks cant swim retard
God I hate black people.
I hate myself for being half black
I mean, you took the worst looking niggas for this comparison. Indians and middle-eastern girls also look disgusting, most of the time.
Pure anglos aren't pretty in 99% cases either. Literally a goblin race of deformed brutes. Yet exceptions exist
T. Mutt with niggerskin who thinks it's white because great granny was 1/8 english
She's missing hairy pits though
Damn, why are pokemanchildren so fucking obsessed with labelling anime characters as this or that race? Used to be so simple. If you had brown skin you were nonwhite.
>I mean, you took the worst looking niggas for this comparison.
All niggers have chimpface
>Indians and middle-eastern girls also look disgusting, most of the time.
Keep telling yourself that. Indians are dominating the tech field while niggers are busy eating dirt in Africa or committing crimes and getting arrested in the US
I've also yet to see a pure nigger who didn't have at least one of those:
-Big nose
-Manly Jawline
-Nappy/curly hair
>Oversized lips
Imaging coping this hard with the fact you'll never ever look white you self hating mongrel mutt.
Min Maxing stats is important
We already had a superior brown girl.
>Literally, unquestionably a niggerpajeet thinking it's above other niggers
Can't make this shit up!
Protip Rajesh, you all look the same in the evolved eyes of higher whites.
If you are sexually attracted to Nessa you're no better than a pedo and deserve to get castrated.
Look, Japan makes cartoons for Japan. Most of these characters are japanese, but we can see outselves in them too, because THEY'RE CARTOONS and THAT'S HOW CARTOONS WORK.
So let's just all interpret them however the fuck we feel like and keep the discussions about what constitutes what race to /pol/.
>slut spreading her legs for a literal gook pervert
>best anything
Let me just... slide this in.
discord gg /yhetDa
discord gg /yhetDa
discord gg /yhetDa
discord gg /yhetDa
discord gg /yhetDa
Says the self-hating nigger who's trying his hardest to pretend he isn't fapping to an Indian looking character
Left guy is correct. It's the duty of any male to let other males know when they like something terrible
Friendly reminder that japs aren't retarded-autistis when it comes to race compare to ameritards. They just make cute characters with differents colours. Everyone who obsesses over a character's race is just an autistic, fat, mutilated-cocksucker.
Halfway there now
>this drawing is caucasoid
this entire site must be purged.
>Arguing about anything is autistic
Sorry Rajesh, but I belong to the higher white race, the pure nordic, and would never lower myself to your animal race.
Post more brown girl armpit you faggots
>guaranteed replies
>Larps as a white to pretend he's not angry
You're not fooling anyone, Jamal mcdindu
Do you think when all other races get wiped out and only one remains, people will start waging wars over hair colour?
she looks like she fucks white boys
>japs take white people and paint them brown
>weebs once again think Japan is some enlightened country with no problems
Sorry Rajesh, but I belong to the higher white race, the pure nordic, and I am going to steal all your women and blanda upp with them to ensure that the future is brown.
الله أكبر!
You wish, Rajesh, but the truth is, your bestial race is undesirable among actual humans. Now go paint the designated street with your skin colour.
>japs dont make blacks the ugly people they actually are
Well, Germans had this period where more worth was assigned to blonde and blue eyes to the point they invaded only to push that lebensborn idea since Germans themselves were mostly inferior due dark hair/eyes
>white people
White ppl are ugly. 2d character are not.
And then when all but one hair colour gets erased and only one remains people will wage wars over eye colour?
>brown/black chars are actually white
>white chars are actually brown/black
The absolute state of mutt logic
I think it'll be: skin, then eyes, then hair. Whatever's after is beyond me.
Africa is fucking gigantic. The idea that all black people look the same is just as ridiculous as all Europeans or all Asians looking the same.
It literally is
You will not change my mind here, you will not make an impact, your arguing is just you shouting the same shit around that has already been said thousands of times
Height, then head shape, then hand size, then foot size, then tongue length, then rib cage width
You joined Team Valor, didn't you Yea Forums?
that's a man, like litteraly a man.
die faggot
>draw a hot girl
>draw a goofy as fuck looking guy and put him right in the center of the picture so you can't ignore it
Why do artists do this?
No this is a man
>doesn't immediately recognize the style
newfag alert
Question: Will SS be able to top SM's waifu game? SM had so many god-tier women
They want you to start associating your sexual attraction with the goofy guy so you slowly turn gay. It's brainwashing user.
To be fair, nords, at least the girls look like clones.
Are you faggots seriously debating the ethnicity-science of fucking fictional characters from a fictional world that don't even try look realistic?
What are those weird fucking body proportions?
Does she have dwarfism or something?
Welcome to Yea Forums, newfriend, hope you enjoy your stay!
The BLACK woman is the epitome of female sensuality and femininity.
Let’s start by looking at her body. Her body is curvaceous. Her voluptuous shape makes her presence known without her even needing to point herself out. She is nubile, as a result of her high levels of estrogen. This gives her the appearance of health and fertility. She is then covered by her dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of her hardiness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The BLACK woman’s demeanor is one of alphaness. She is submissive, yet assertive, and can be explosively emotive. Her demeanor strikes envy into the more timid, prudish races of women(wh*te bitches)
The summit of expression of her femininity on her body is her bunda. The BLACK bunda is largest of all the races. As the bunda is the penultimate symbol of womanhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK woman the most feminine of women. This large bunda is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of WHITE MEN, being able to more than take all the length of the big white uncircumsized phallus. Its strength insures that when she orgasms, the potent african contractions will immediately draw in the seed of the WHITE BVLL the BLACK woman copulates with.
In total, the BLACK woman expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When she fucks, she receives the entirety of the lusts and desires of the WHITE BVLL without any restraint granting the most pleasurable outcome to both parties in the act of coitus.
All this is the reason why the BLACK woman is the epitome of femininity.
You still didn't explain the fucked-up proportions though.
Didn't you know? Yea Forums doesn't play videogames, but they like to shit on them, and they want them to be the way they want them to be.. They're basically the same as sjw.
>On galar
Who even thinks she is?
Based and bleached-pilled.
only if you argue about something subjective as there's very little chance you'll end up "winning" that argument or change someone's mind
Nothing is subjective on the internet.
>make thread about a anime girl
>becomes filled with bleachfag incels pajeets we wuzing and skinny fat junkies trolling or coping by calling her "white"
>all of this because she's brown
It's just funny AND sad at the same time
Oh and Fuck niggers we wuzzing too
It's weird, I almost never notice a cartoon character's skin color until someone else points it out. I'm not even joking.
The company I work for also works for nintendo and I can firmly say she's based on carib brown
I thought this game was set in Britain, not in America.
So why are there niggers
Because she's Indian
Not a filthy monkey nigger
Game Freak finally embraced realism.
are you retarded, Londonistan is full of africans and pakis
She's black British so she's actually based
Here's a little secret, it's not actually race that's the problem, it's being American. Black Americans are the worst black people, white Americans are the worst white people.
She's from London, so it makes sense.
>post about a character from a Pokemon game
>Pokemon is a Nintendo franchise
>Nintendo makes Smash
>thread is filled with bleachfags
>Ichigo confirmed
You're pathetic.
>rent free
it's called squatting
glad you understood what japanese games are about
my cock is going overdrive on her
It's a tanned white girl. Note the blue eyes, normal facial features and the ability to swim
You better deliver.
>my dick doesn't work if her skin is the wrong color
I'm gonna be disapointed if she doesn't do this in the game or at least the anime
Not that I am buying the game
>Has floaties on her shoes
user watch out..!
this doesnt change the fact that the game is trash
Fuck no.
>Inb4 "delicious brown"
It's fucking bongland, lads.
god you're pathetic
heres your reply
that's a draw you autistic
*blocks your path*
It doesn't exist.
Much better skin colour, and delicious thighs to boot.
fuck yea i love niggers and wanna bleach all niggers
>I get turned by anything with a vagina regardless of how attractive or masculine it is
i want to Have Sex with Nessa.
>I don't have eyes and have to use an elaborate braille computer to post on Yea Forums
Shoes are gay as fuck, but otherwise a handsome lad.
Heh, more women for me, fag. Bet you make up a lot of excuses as to why your dick isn't working.
Just admit you're racist.
i disliked you are gay video
racism is natural
Not being racist is a mental illness.
Post something racist on facebook then, instead of an anonymous image board. Lets see how natural you can be.
> blue eyed nigger
make her a lighter shade of brown like shantae and I'd blow my load to her
>floats on her shoes only
this would make it more difficult to not only swim, but actually just float on your back/stomach. that's fucking retarded
so is cannibalism
This nigger gets it.
x2 bonus for white hair.
Breeding with any human that has a vagina is also natural. The more people you pass your genes the better, no matter how ugly she is.
Where did you find that image of me?
Facebook is as moderated and artificial as social media goes. Bad example dude.
Humans being tried in various kinds of danger, to weed out the unfit and weak, is a necessary continual of mindless breeding. In modern society that isn't the case at all, and as such mindless breeding should not take place.
This is actually cute and funny
Only the liberals call them that, sane people just call them blacks or dindus.
Worse than chipmunk fang. I hate this artist, no idea why they hired him to do the official art. Should have just posted the 3D model or something.
Stop niggerposting.
Name an unmoderated social media outlet.
Nah nigs are nogging eachother in London same as anywhere else
>Humans being tried in various kinds of danger, to weed out the unfit and weak, is a necessary continual of mindless breeding
Not true, why do you think we have so many mutts then?, how come that we worship retarded people while intelligent people die virgin. Even marriage was made to include betal males into societies, otherwise they'll leave because they can't compete with the alpha one.
Basically your statement works to a certain extent. We need the retards and weaks to manipulate them and to die for our wars.
>In modern society that isn't the case at all, and as such mindless breeding should not take place.
Are you refering to my example of breeding?, in that case yes, it's true.
SJWisms have infected the gaming industry so deeply, that the line between Yea Forums and /pol/ has blurred severely.
Britain is just little america at this point, but with worse teeth.
I can't, but the less moderated we get the more natural it must be. And the less moderated and censored ones have racism, if they aren't just CP sharing sites, but then it isn't really a social media anymore.
That's better.
>facebook is the benchmark of “natural”
the state of liberal arguments.
wait a second...
These idiots think theyre anime characters
Maybe there's some correlation to a website that posts CP and has racists. Maybe they're both pretty fringe and not accepted on society, which is why it's prevalent here. You're in a bubble, not mainstream society.
>why do you think we have so many mutts then
Because they're pushed in the media.
>how come that we worship retarded people while intelligent people die virgin
You're gonna have to explain this one in greater detail, I don't recognize it. Actors and musicians aren't worshipped, but if you consider them as such then the answer is again a biased media.
>marriage was made to include betal males into societies, otherwise they'll leave because they can't compete with the alpha
That's one argument for its existence at least, where are you going with this?
American education
That still doesn't make sense though. Europeans aren't American.
While writing my post I quickly realized - and I think you might have as well - that the fact that all mainstream social media are heavily moderated and censored it's impossible to get a clear answer. However, with 4chans surge in popularity over the last years this is definitely the single best site to make the estimate of how people behave naturally relative to racism, since it is a topic that - despite the rules - isn't very moderated or censored.
have you had some chocolate today?
First trap I've masturbated to.
They're somali shits.
Pokemon is gonna give me diabetes one of these days
>Because they're pushed in the media.
Mutts are a thing since always dude. Even the roman empire had mutts.
>You're gonna have to explain this one in greater detail, I don't recognize it. Actors and musicians aren't worshipped, but if you consider them as such then the answer is again a biased media.
They're, many ppl will die for their favorite musician while they don't know who the fuck is Ramanujan. I agree that the media play a big part, but it's because ppl are easily manipulated, so basically trashy ppl exists, we don't try actively to weed them out.
>That's one argument for its existence at least, where are you going with this?
We need "weak" ppl. The value of every human being isn't easy to calculate, mainly because our society is very primitive.
This discussion isn't about society, it's about why you - in the modern day - shouldn't breed with anyone and consider it an advancement of evolution.
I've been on Yea Forums since before any surges of anything. We always said nigger, but it was a tongue in cheek nono word, and that's why it was said. The sudden surge of actual racists shitting up the boards didn't happen naturally.
Yea Forums isn't a gauge for anything, because the people here are generally social outliers. You'd be kidding yourself to think otherwise.
Yea Forums isn't censored in ways you'd think, but lets not pretend this place doesn't have rules. Racism isn't allowed on blue boards.
>The sudden surge of actual racists shitting up the boards didn't happen naturally
Actually it did.
>Yea Forums isn't a gauge for anything, because the people here are generally social outliers
I fucking wish. Normalfags have been shitting up this site for at least half a decade now.
>Racism isn't allowed on blue boards
In fact it isn't allowed on any boards other than Yea Forums, you stupid nigger.
>All that make up
My first post was about what is natural and our naturalness. comes from ancient times that's why I addressed it.
>All that make up
hell yeah, imagine the lovely lipstick on your cock after she kisses it
But you can still talk about cannibalism.
where is the fat art
Yes, but naturally life is full of dangers, not anymore. Similarly mankind has (or should have) developed an understanding of the fact that breeding with everyone isn't viable.
begone /d/egenerate
>it's natural argument
You can justify literally anything with it. By natural you mean it's a) within the realm of possibility and b) is a common enough phenomenon
By that logic crime is normal
You're fucked in the head if you posted this unironically, user
video games
>Achhtuallyyy it did
Yeah, no. Wasn't until the elections that the containment boards started leaking out.
Yeah, i'm sure they outweigh the amount of fucking retarded bullied kids on this site
>In faaaact...
Yeah, that's how a thread dies, and why people get upset cause some retarded fuck thinks a pokemon thread needs crime statistics because a black person was mentioned
I can actually hear the whine in your voice through your post. Impressive,
natural != good
Go spear and eat an elephant raw if you want to be natural.
I agree.
based Take saving pokemon
>Yeah, i'm sure they outweigh the amount of fucking retarded bullied kids on this site
They do.
>We can't talk about racism in our first world shitholes, ergo no one can
All you fucking do is talk about racism, you retarded niggers.
you being retarded is natural
>Wasn't until the elections that the containment boards started leaking out
Are you implying that increased traffic due to /pol/Anons creating election related memes isn't a natural increase?
>i'm sure they outweigh the amount of fucking retarded bullied kids on this site
Can't speak for the whole site. In some threads they're a minority and others they are a majority. Damn I hate normalfags.
>that's how a thread dies
This thread is well and alive, despite the word nigger being said. Just like "40%" being a common thing to say without it ruining threads.
>I can actually hear the whine in your voice through your post
Might want to get your head checked, you're hearing things that aren't real.
LMAO now she looks like Chinese!
>No narrow nose
>No elongated skull shape
>Nodisgusting big lips
>No Fuzzy hair
>Nosilicone flabby ass
>No soulless colorless nigger eyes
Loling at all the niggers who think she looks black.
Choose only none.
>Posts an image with her skin remarkably lightened
somebody post it
she's cute but nobody wants to acknowledge that she really does have no boobs or butt outside of indulgent fanart. that's okay though.
Obesefags get out
Do you think that we would have had that much of an increase if the republicans didn't have a walking meme as a candidate?
You share a domain with a lbgt board and a bunch of racists. Not everyone can be a sperg like you.
Yeah, saying nigger doesn't shut a thread down, it's the sperg /pol/ posting that does.
And I don't need my head checked to get that you probably whine out all your sentences.
The republicans having a walking meme as a candidate was not a natural thing?
ah finally, the patricians are here.
Now if we could just get rid of those dumb shoes.
Guys, help...
this thread man
>Black Europeans
They're niggers
I suppose i'd be the only one old enough in this thread to remember any other election.
What is so weird about it?
>goes on search engine
Elections are artificial constructs. The fact that Trump was a meme candidate is because he broke with that idea by doing silly shit during the candidate debates.
>Worst S&S pokegirl revealed yet
>A miracle
>Skin color is a definite indicator of race
Nigger IQ
So, you're not old enough to remember any other elections. Got it.
I'm not american, only reason I somewhat followed this one was because there was a meme candidate.
She's the best though
>that whore tattoo
Anime characters usually have caucasoid skulls no matter their intended race, it's not a way to determine their race.
She's probably the best
Water type
Looks fit and sporty
Brown skin but not as slutty as Olivia
Literally perfect
Her skin tone is a level or three too dark. Also no white hair.
I would be excited for this game if it didn't look like one of the laziest efforts by a major game studio to come from this generation.
Like it's actually appalling how bad this game looks.
>Anime characters usually have caucasoid skulls
Anime characters usually have cartoon skulls.
Y'know, cause there not fucking real and don't adhere to realistic proportions you dense shit.
>red haired megane gal
>chocolate lady
silver haired milf when?
And tanned swimmers are the best.
>game set in not-UK
>has African Americans
Why are anons so obsessed with the ethnicity of fiction characters.. pokégirls nonetheless?
Quite cringy, senpai.
the uk is filled with black people.
seriously everyone saying "lol uk has blacks wut" ill guarantee do not live in the uk.
It really does.
Absolutely disgusting.
Someone explain to me what the fuck is going on in her pelvic region.
>implying you wouldn't fuck her drugged up impregnated belly and crush the fetus once you cum
Pokemon game are so shit now, the only good thing are porns.
Sounds horrible
countryside is fine, some blacks in the citys take the red pill and genuinely help the community but theres alot of progressive retard we wuz kangs types.
if you live in some random buttfuck old town its just old white people.
God fucking damn it
the only user with taste itt
Truly a virtue worthy of a few men, but good men
This is the kind of animation improvements Masuda mentioned