If it hadn’t the Zelda logo plastered on it it would’ve been a 6/10 at best
>empty open world
>almost no story
>boring gameplay
>retarded ass weapon degradation that games from 10+ years ago did better
>gameplay consists of running from point a to point b with nothing in between
If it hadn’t the Zelda logo plastered on it it would’ve been a 6/10 at best
Other urls found in this thread:
>retarded ass weapon degradation
>retarded ass weapon degradation
That's why you get a modded Switch and just give all weapons infinite durability.
>BotW is STILL causing ass pain 2 years later
Breath of the Wild 2 is literally going to make people bleed to death from ass hemorrhages, isn't it?
If it didn't have the Zelda logo people would like it more.
No complains of muh overworld music or muh dungeons.
lol get over it already, it's a great game
Also, have sex
we can only hope
Honestly this, even though I like the game, I did wish they included actual dungeons and such
>Retarded ass weapon degradation
>Why can't the game play for me?
I suggest to stop eating the crayons.
>2 years
>we can only cope
Umm, sweaty, you're not allowed to dislike BotW. If you're not lavishing it with praise to the point of fellatio, it must mean you're an anti-Nintendo drone.
not him but weapon degradation is ass
>gameplay consists of running from point a to point b with nothing in between
I don't know if you're just blind or really dumb, user.
we know. don't rile up the shills
It wold have been like a 7.5/10. People hating that hard on it are retarded, as are people who suck its cock. It wasn't a bad game nor was it anything amazing. Get over it.
>2 years
Where did the time go? I wish I could go back and experience this masterpiece for the first time again
>there are fags biting the bait
>have switch
>don't care much for botw
>not allowed to criticize it without getting raged at by seething fanboys
>If it hadn’t the Zelda logo plastered on it it would’ve been a 6/10 at best
I've never actually heard this criticism before but I think you might be right. If it was some action/adventure game that came from another company and was like a new IP it would be a 7/10 imo.
I think weapon degradation is fine to an extent. But I kind of want the weapons to last longer or be mendable. The feeling of "I want to save this weapon for later" and never using it can kind of suck.
Not OP but what are the counter points in these flaws. All I'm seeing are just cope or have sex posts.
My problems with the game was the literal shit story and the weapon durability. There's no counter point to that, the weapons in this game cancer.
I do have other problems but I'm too lazy to go into detail here.
pretty much, i loved it but yea alot of problems heres hoping the next one will fix most of it
If ubisoft published it it would habe been shit on for being just another open world game. Only reason people like it is because it was (((innovative))) with just repeating what games have been doing since Asscreed 2
I think the game has alot of cool things about it. However, I just can't tolerate the stupid story, because it constantly restricts the gameplay for the purpose of maintaining the narrative. Of course, there are other issues as well.
>I shouldn't have to pay 20 bucks for a hard mode
>the game should run at 60 FPS. 30 is bad enough, but it constantly drops in villages and goes to 10 FPS in the korok woods
>it's too easy
>you shouldn't be able to eat food during combat or during climbing. It trivializes the stamina meter and combat all in one fell swoop, and with no cooldown you can do it infinitely
>shiekah abilities are overpowered and ruin the game by making it trivial
>the shrines repeat too much, and the combat shrines are painfully repetitive in particular
>the game shouldn't be padded out with 900 korok seeds, if you're only going to need about 300 of them. The game should at least reward you with something other than shit. Why punish 100% completionists?
>fast travel should be reworked so you can only travel to towers. Being able to go to any shrine made overworld exploration trivial
Hey, I want to like the game, but I can't ignore the problems.
Yeah, pretty much my thoughts exactly.
And its not even the fault of weapon degradation itself. Fallout 3 and New Vegas did weapon degradation in a way that was acceptable and believable. Not a steel sword that explodes into bits after 5 swings
But you can climb anything and go anywhere and find nothing!
I genuinely hope the sequel is good so that all these braindead circlejerkers can finally stop pretending their game is perfect.
>literal shit story
What exactly did you need out of it? A basic 'save the world' plot is fine and Zelda's conflict in the flashbacks is okay but not grating.
If it's such a mediocre game why do you keep bringing it up? Stop fucking talking about this fucking game, it's not fucking hard.
It deserves a 10 because, simply put, it's fun
What you just detailed is exactly a shit story.
Zelda is an obnoxious bitch and I should've been able to drive a sword into her chest, before ripping it out Doomguy-style.
I hate waifu trash put into games.
I want runes gone and replaced with ALBW's item renting. Rupees are plentiful in BOTW, so they would have constant use in purchasing items. Theme dungeons could come back, and you can continue doing stuff in any order you want.
I like ubishit though
Doing the same shrines over and over and running errands through an empty world was the best time ive ever had !
Yet other people still talk about the game like it's the next coming of Christ. Gotta have the other side, balance it out. Nothing's perfect but everyone else says it is.
Every game contains some repetitive actions user.
Alexa what are
>Twilight Princess
>Majoras Mask
>Skyward Sword
what the fuck does this mean
No. It's simple. It's not amazing but serviceable as a backdrop for the game.
Like, I see where you're coming from. I'm even excited for BotW2 myself but good lord am I tired seeing anyone talk about this damn game. It's...To use the buzzphrase, it's all so tiresome.
When the majority of your content is that then there is a major problem here user.
Having repeating actions doesnt mean they are repetitive.
Repeating =Repeating something
Repetitive = it gets boring through repetition
>ugh, botw is so underrated! 97?? should be 970/100
So the higher the percentage of repetitive actions in a game, the worse it is?
I suppose Pacman and Tetris are shit games too then.
Yeah... Mediocre.
See, you're still trying to defend something that objectively very flawed and I don't understand why.
Technically they are shit. They don't have enough narrative driving them and they're too videogamey.
I found it weird how little involvement the Yuga clan had. I never got attacked by any of them at any point before I went to their base, and then when you beat the boss he gets dropped down the hole and I thought he was going to show up again later, but nope, that was their entire role. And then after that I started getting the ambushes.
I would love that so fucking much, I honestly preferred ALBW to BOTW
What repeating actions become repetitive to a person is subjective. You may find the shrines repetitive but others don't.
>a video game is too videogamey
What am I reading?
Yea Forums everybody. When it gets to the point th
Yes they are, when they are made to be played for a long period of time which they aren't. Nobody plays tetris or pacman for 3 hours a day. It's a casual game, zelda is not a casual game. So repetitive things in tetris or pacman is ok.
Also for fuck sake you dumb faggot those games are from decades long ago.
2 years later and you're still salty that you can't play it... :)
that simply being a video game is a negative.
I'm absolutely sure there are people who play Tetris and Pacman for more than 3 hours a day.
>zelda is not a casual game
I mean I played it on Master Mode and nothing in it was particularly difficult. It was pretty casual and relaxing for the most part, but I guess people like you struggle with it?
If you're disappointed that the story wasn't amazing and didn't hold enough twists and turns (if any), that's fine. But it wasn't as offensively bad as others want to believe.
As someone who played through the game but didn't love, I have some legitimate criticisms. I look forward to this post being ignored because for some reason, BotW is the only that should be above critique.
1. The open world killed any sense of pacing or progression. When you balance your entire game around being done in any order, you throw out all semblance of progression, because every dungeon now has to be designed around different players having or not having different pieces of equipment. This was the main problem with ALBW too, and it's the reason even Ubisoft sandboxes make you go through story missions in a linear order.
2. Weapon degradation systems are not inherently bad, but in a game where you have no system in place for weapon repair, every enemy in the game has to drop a new weapon, which is why every enemy in the game is humanoid. In a game like BotW, which is easily a 100+ hour game, having only like three different enemy types is incredibly fucking tedious. Your reward for each Divine Beast should have been an unbreakable weapon of each type.
3. The shrines and Divine Beasts are all incredibly samey. Yeah, there's a handful of different shrine types (although, fuck "Mechanism" shrines), but the fact that they all have the exact same interior design makes them feel interchangeable and not the least bit memorable. This is an especially egregious problem because shrines are the bulk of the side content, and this is only compounded by the fact that several of the side quests in the game reward with you with the ability to do another goddamn shrine.
4. This is probably the most minor complaint, but it's one that's worth mentioning because it was ultimately the one that annoyed me the most: fuck the weather system. Anytime it rains, the game is effectively telling you, "Tough titties, fuckface, but you won't be doing any exploring today."
Falseflag bait
We've got a winner.
This guy. He gets it
It's the most basic bitch kill bad guy save princes crap that could possibly exist. It'd be preferable to have no story than that excuse.
By casual I mean game that can easily pick up and play then put down, you just for like 10 minutes. And then that's it. Seriously the majority of people does not play a game like tetris at 3 hours.
A game like zelda though, is a game that you wanna sit down and be immersed in the world, not something you pick up play on the bus for like 5 minutes then close it.
It was Smash babbies' first zelda game.
That's just subjective. I play BotW in short half hour bursts but other times can sit there and play it for 5 hours in a row. I could do the same for Tetris. This whole argument is just meaningless.
its probably my fault honestly.
people like me just shit on the game non-stop because open world procedural shit just sucks in my opinion and the opinion of others and we didnt want it in zelda and never played botw and never will but still like to drop in and shit on it
the unfortunate side effect of this is that it created a legion of uncompromising (and probably unpaid) shills who christen it the greatest game of all time as loudly and as often as they can because they like general open world shit and have to counter the people who hate it
in short its not even about botw anymore. discussion of the game itself is secondary to discussing the philosophy of game design chiefly whether open world is ever a good idea or not
this is all emphasized by this very post, where i have completely ignored your well thought out criticisms (because i didnt even play the game for more than 10 mins at a friends house) and am instead engaging in the meta discussion that dominates these threads which can simply be boiled down to: open world good? or bad? unga bunga
I would consider myself pretty casual when it comes to games, even though I don't play actual casual shit, but I honestly liked the weapon degradation
Go play fifa faggot
>"Tough titties, fuckface, but you won't be doing any exploring today."
I've never had problems exploring in rain. The worst is not being able to climb large scale walls, but most of the time I can walk steep hills. Maybe a piece of clothing/armor to make it easier to climb in rain would have worked as well, but it never seemed like a huge hindrance. Even lighting is avoidable with wooden weapons.
The fact that 70% of this board is pretty much these NPC responses makes me sad. It's either full on dick sucking of x, or this image repeated for the entire thread.
Everytime I go this route it always ends up with the answer "it's subjective"
Well I say that's just fucking bullshit
OP you have a point. As soon as I saw that Ubisoft logo I was hit with a wave of disgust and flashbacks of Uplay. If Breath of the Wild was a Ubisoft game I probably would never have played it. Just like every single Assassin's Creed.
HZD is a better games. Incredible combat and enemies, kind of feels like a monster hunter combat even. Awesome designs, world, art, graphics. Interesting story, quests and unique setting. Beautiful world that is not empty. runs in 4k and is one of the most tech advanced games on the market rn.
but its snoy, so its ignored or shit on
The fuck are you on about? Casuals love that shit.
>oh i get to pick up a new weapon again! bing bing wahoo give me that dopamine hit!! its the same wepon i have picked up 30 times but it make me feel good!!
>retarded ass weapon degradation
If it wouldn't have the Zelda logo on it, it wouldn't be such a well designed game. In over 30 years ever since the first LoZ game came out they haven't made a single bad game.
So we're just going to pretend Skyward Sword doesn't exist?
>Zelda 2
>triforce heroes
>Links Crossbow training
Skyward Sword was a MASTERPIECE
>Skyward Sword
>Twilight Princess
>Triforce Heroes
>the first Four Swords
>A Link Between Worlds
I'm convinced that anyone that doesn't like Zelda 2 is just a casual that thinks it's too hard
Please learn to stop hating yourself user. You deserve it.
Finally, an original opinion that tells it like it is.
It was okay for what it was. Blame the Wiis shitty remote control gimmick.
What are you talking about? Zelda 2 is fucking great. Never played the other two.
>twilight princess
Shit tier tastes, rest is accurate tho
Skyward Sword wasn't a bad game, just a bad Zelda.
Whereas BotW wasn't even a Zelda game.
Samefag here. Forgot the DS games.
I was actually just trolling when I added TP. The non-waggle version is pretty good.
question BotW fags:
what did breath of the wild do better than other open world games?
What's bad about A Link Between Worlds ?
So far I've only played this one and BotW, what other Zelda game should I play next while I wait for BotW 2 ?
>insert paragraphs of incoherent philosophical rambling about exploration that is somehow unique to zelda
Twilight Princess either on WiiU or GC
Phantom Hourglass is aight for a ds Zelda
>recommending PH over the countless other Zelda games
Wind Waker
Majora's Mask
Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Minish Cap
Link's Awakening
Zelda 1
Zelda 2
Four Swords Adventures (preferably with friends, but solo is fine)
He's recommending only TP and PH. Obviously it's a joke post, doofus.
It's a solid 7/10.
>almost no story
If anything it has too much story. The game would have been better off without the memory scenes, or the guardians constantly talking to you in the divine beasts.
More cutscenes would not have made the game any better.
There are worse Zelda games than TP
>>you shouldn't be able to eat food during combat or during climbing. It trivializes the stamina meter and combat all in one fell swoop, and with no cooldown you can do it infinitely
Then don't do it. Make it harder for yourself if you think the game is too easy when you eat during battle.
>>the shrines repeat too much, and the combat shrines are painfully repetitive in particular
They are something like 10-13 of 120 shrines
>the game shouldn't be padded out with 900 korok seeds, if you're only going to need about 300 of them.
So you should need to be a 100% completionist to max out your inventory slots? Don't punish the majority of regular players to satisfy 100% completionists.
I agree about fast travel to shrines and the performance though
Based as fuck
I'm not going to act like it was a masterpiece but it was still better than OOT. This next one will up the anty and probably become my favorite, the current favs being link between worlds and majora. It didn't have too much more to explore than it needed and was a pretty good 60 hour game. I cant imagine this post not coming from a salty ubisoftie who didn't experiment with the environment and got details spoiled for them.
TP belongs in my bunghole
It's meant to pick a different weapon you fucking faggot
I bought OoT for 3DS for my little sister, I guess I'll start with that. Don't have a Game Cube anyway.
Well yeah everybody wipes with toilet paper unless they're a savage
>Then don't do it. Make it harder for yourself if you think the game is too easy
>However, I just can't tolerate the stupid story, because it constantly restricts the gameplay for the purpose of maintaining the narrative.
Hi ACfag
Enjoying you gay robot porn collection?
>ACfag is so retarded and obese he can limit himself from eating irl or in vista
>Then don't do it. Make it harder for yourself if you think the game is too easy when you eat during battle.
Not him but this argument is always fucking garbage. It's not the player's job to cripple themselves just to get something resembling a balanced experience. It is fundamentally less satisfying than actually being able to use everything at your disposal. Developers should design their games properly.
>If it hadn’t the Zelda logo plastered on it it would’ve been a 6/10 at best
You couldn't be more wrong. If it some other non-big3 studio, then the game would have been hailed and praised to the heavens as the AAA killer. People would not have shut up about how incredible the game was and how out of left field the game's reveal would be.
BotW's E3 showing (with the demo) just might be the best E3 showing of a game in the history of E3.
Any game with an E3 showing of that calibre would be acclamed.
I bet you think emulating games is bad because of savescumming, instead of thinking that people who savescum are just shitty players.
>It's not the player's job to cripple themselves just to get something resembling a balanced experience.
So if the developers had stopped you from being able to eat food during battle, it would be a balanced experience, but simply choosing not to allow yourself to eat during battle is crippling yourself?
>I look forward to this post being ignored
this is no excuse for having to stunt yourself because the game isnt challenging enough
I dont even know what you are talking about, weirdo
>>Twilight Princess
>dungeon,collect bugs, dungeon, collect bugs, dungeon, collect bugs
>>Majoras Mask
the only repetitive thing is reseting the time again and again, but the actual content of the story and sidequest is not repetitive at all
>>Skyward Sword
>re-using areas
At least emulation is not playing the game in its intended state, so it's easy to dismiss save states as being outside the game.
I'm not even that guy and that would not be my solution, but yes. That's called fucking challenge. That's part of the game developer's job, to craft a challenge for the player. If I wanted a totally self-imposed challenge I would fuck around in Minecraft or GMod or something. BotW is not like those games, Nintendo was clearly trying to make BotW somewhat challenging (considering how hard enemies can hit in contrast to previous games), they just didn't execute it well. Food is far from the only thing that's broken, basically every combat mechanic is hilariously imbalanced. That's what happens when you intentionally design your games to be easy for almost two decades, you forget how to balance your games.
I like how everyone forgets the cd-i games.
Pacing/progression could still work in a BotW-style game, Nintendo just executed it wrong.
>unbreakable weapon
Fuck off.
>At least emulation is not playing the game in its intended state, so it's easy to dismiss save states as being outside the game.
Wow that's a lot of cope.
>thing i can do in this game is too easy
>"stop doing thing?"
Weren't made by Nintendo, never appeared on a Nintendo console, were made as a result of a protracted legal dispute over the Phillips CD add-on for the SNES
Why did you even bother replying if you weren't going to say anything?
The prompt was:
>"ever since the first LoZ game came out they haven't made a single bad game."
It is still a legend of zelda game. a bad one at that.
OK, in that prompt, who do you think "they" was implied to be?
where does cunny go?
The jews
Nintendo. They chose to deal with Animation Magic and allow them to create these games.
And although they are not canon, they are still aptly titled "Legend of Zelda" for a reason.
>They don't have enough narrative driving them and they're too videogamey.
Not everyone needs a story.
the memes cant be denied, that game was a gold mine.
>Nintendo bonus is real
In other news, grass is green. More at 11.
>If it hadn’t the Zelda logo plastered on it it would’ve been a 6/10 at best
You're absolutely correct user, it's amazing how so many Nintendo fanboys don't see that the iconography of Zelda games is the majority of it's appeal.
>If it hadn’t the Zelda logo plastered on it it would’ve been a 6/10 at best
You have no proof to your claim
Have sex
>have sex
>question BotW fags:
>what did breath of the wild do better than other open world games?
They can't answer that because BotW fags are Nintendo fags and don't go outside of Nintendo's ecosystem.
the proof is the cognitive dissonance that BotW fans display when they try to explain why their game is better than other open worlds despite how generic it is in reality
Will the ass-sting from BotW ever go away? Jesus Christ it will soon be THREE FUCKING YEARS. Just how bad did this game rape you?
Chave fun anonY
There is actually not a single mechanic that exists in botw and didn't exist before, it's just a collection of mechanics.
There seems to be some sort of a weird attitude where people believe that botw has more combined sandbox mechanics than other games.
Kek. Another mentally ill shitter who doesn't understand game design and is baffled and enraged by all the praise heaped on BotW.
Go play Cowwadooty.
>2 years later
>still not a single legitimate defense for the degrade system
>cope! seethe! have sex! XD
Ocarina of Time was p bad
I bought the game in December 2017 and still haven't finished it. I actually never got past the quest that sends you to the 4 different people that pilot these stupid robots. What does this make me?
I used to think Skyward Sword was the worst 3d Zelda. Then I played BOTW
I actually don't know why botw makes my angry.
I have finished it with bro on switch and play it on emulator sometimes, don't even own a console since last gen.
Just something about people loving a game that I consider objectively mediocre makes me mad, it feels like I'm living in brainlet world or something.
There is no other way I can explain how people enjoy botw to such a degree.
>There seems to be some sort of a weird attitude where people believe that botw has more combined sandbox mechanics than other games.
No, there seems to be a very real, informed attitude that BotW is simply better designed than most video games.
nice rebuttable idiot
Two and not a single convincing argument against BotW has yet been made.
What have you been doing with all these years?
>can't understand game design
>calls others idiots?
What does it feel like waking up every day in a world where BotW is considered one of the greatest games ever made, a masterpiece of game design and its still topping GOAT lists and is considered by most to be the Game Of The Generation?
Seriously, whats it like for you? Does it make you want to come on 4channel and start chimping-out?
Please explain to me how?
We both play video games, at both played botw.
I genuinely don't understand you to the point where it makes me mad. What do you even mean? Have you played sandbox games? Old shit like Daggerfall, various GTAs, fallout nv, just cause and that sort of stuff.
I genuinely can not grasp what botw does different because to me botw felt like boring sandbox more on the open ended side, like just cause.
This system does not convey difficulty, it is only tedious. This is the sort of superficial bullshit that Nintendo would have avoided in older generations.
>Please explain to me how?
Game Design 101:
Take Koroks for example. Koroks work so much better than similar ideas in other open world games.
Take Spider-Man on PS4 for example, which I'm currently playing. You have Peter's backpacks to find, essentially this game's idea of the korok content - a little easter egg hunt which provides you with credit to updgrade your stats and shit.
As is typical with most open world games, finding these backpacks is a chore. It involves nothing. They are lit up on your map and you just push your character there and press a button when you get there. That's it. Its NOTHING.
Nintendo, on the otherhand, understand game design far better than most. They gamify the concept. You aren't told where the koroks are. *YOU* find them all on your own. They aren't lit up on the map. Finding them is usually a subtle psychological test because your brain is programmed to question things which seem odd or out of place. So natural curiosity will pull you towards them
- your focus is always on the visible world in front of you rather than constantly looking at your minimap - and when you get there will find some puzzle to do. Simple as fuck puzzles yes, but at least its SOMETHING rather than NOTHING.
Straight away Nintendo takes this tired and loathsome open world trope and turns it on its head, makes it engaging and rewarding and ultimately tied to the core gameplay concept - exploration.
Its subtle shit like this which puts Nintendo head and shoulders above every other developer on the planet - an understanding of what makes video games video *GAMES*. And its the kind difference that uneducated plebs cannot wrap their heads around because they don't understand the craft of designing games.
>Twilight princess
>bad game
shit taste
okay not THIS is a game that truly deserves a 97. Yep.
no it will not, because BOTW2 will be a good game instead of a techdemo, by then the media will "suddenly" realize the flaws of BOTW and how much BOTW2 improved the formula
and this is a shit game that would be a 71 without the nintendo bonus. it even runs like shit lmao
One of the basic fundamentals of game design is saving the player from themselves. The player should not be required to gimp themselves or rush into danger willy-nilly in order to provide a challenge.
I dislike it because I wanted a good Zelda game, not an open world first game that should have been a new IP. Also, it's flawed as fuck, but the diehards refuse to recognize it and still dance around making an ass of themselves, which in turn pisses people off and they start calling the game complete shit, which destroys all discussion.
I agree somewhat but disagree on principal basis.
If this is about gamifying exploration than games like Gothic and Morrowind have botw best by a long shot. Korok seeds are contextualless essentially, they are still just trivial items that you gather without any real reward of any kind, be it in gameplay or some cool cut scene at least.
On the other hand Morrowind for example uses this to hide away important items, whole questlines or even bonus NPC's. From the start of the game with books and rumors you just know that certain artifacts exist out there, but you are never really told how to actually get them, you just explore in your own accord and bam, this tree stump had magical boots hidden in them. Best part is that all of the above is usually really worth it, the artifacts are actually good or with unique enchantments, quests are interesting and deliberate, mudcrab merchant is the richest merchant in the game which is good for you to sell etc.
I feel actually rewarded for exploration on top of exploration happening on my own accord, this doesn't happen in Botw and I find no enjoyment in just exploring the game world since it's not even that dense with content in the first place.
You posted this in the other thread. At least have the decency not to spam pasta, especially after you got several good rebuttals that you're completely dismissing. Why should anyone bother responding to you seriously?
Botw isn't unique in that not did it invent it, but other games also manage to have some use from collectibles. Botw collectathon is a gay chore, you have to be a literal Minecraft tier autist to enjoy just endlessly waking from point a to b.
you've been saying this literally for a week without ever replying to anyone who calls you out on your bullshit
>Korok seeds are contextualless essentially, they are still just trivial items that you gather without any real reward of any kind, be it in gameplay or some cool cut scene at least
If you can't understand how rewarding koroks are and how they help contribute to player progression then I can't help you.
>On the other hand Morrowind for example uses this to hide away important items, whole questlines or even bonus NPC's.
BotW has tons of weapons, unique armour sets (some with special abilities) and magic spells in the form of the Champion abilites and more. All of which are discovered naturally and organically in the game without the need for cutscenes.
BotW doesn't have gratuitous "FUCKING" in it so it can't be Ubisoft.
I cant even take you seriously because what you say is based on nothing. you only serve to prove my point
>If you can't understand how rewarding koroks are and how they help contribute to player progression then I can't help you.
Because nothing of which you stated says why it's good. You can't prove to be that korok seeds are good,I won't enjoy collecting them due to your explanations, especially explanations that just describe the game mechanics of finding the seeds but not how it is rewarding in any way.
>BotW has tons of weapons, unique armour sets (some with special abilities) and magic spells in the form of the Champion abilites and more. All of which are discovered naturally and organically in the game without the need for cutscenes.
Alright, I'm out, this is pointless. You are either trolling or you have legitimately never played any game they isn't Nintendo. The pride with which your describe completely common game mechanics is astounding.
I get tired of posting the same shit to morons for more than two years.
I'll say it again; more than two years and nobody can make a convincing argument against BotW.
BotW isn't perfect but nitpicking the game isn't going to detract from the overall experience.
Its like listening to a child trying to convince be The Godfather is a bad movie.
>the first 40 minutes are all about a wedding!
>nothing but scenes of people talking!
>no car chases, 'splosions or tits!
Notions of visual language, thematic subtext and movie-making craft are lost on the immature and uneducated. Much like the tweens of Yea Forums are baffled because they can't fathom game design.
>find two bowls, one has an apple in it
>put apple in second bowl
>korok appears
amazing game design
you are saying nothing but buzzwords nigga, there is nothing special about good have design without map markers, that used to be a staple of Vidya, korok seeds are in fact more pointless due to them having zero direction because it essentially turns into a non-mechanic, something that exists completely passively and no one gives a single fuck about
Honest question, do you want this board to hate this game?
Cause that's what it looks like.
If you want your botw threads to get derailed, shit flung and overall hated by the rest of the board you're doing a terrific job.
>>boring gameplay
guess how everyone can tell you're a snoy
either that or you never actually played the game
The LEGO games gamified their collectibles in the same way BotW did. It also had the added benefit of those collectibles actually doing something. Does that mean those games are also the best designed games ever?
Funny, if I say Div os2 is garbage for the same reason everyone jumps down my throat about how “no bro It’s fine to one shot everything with a box just don’t do it”
You are so far too your own ass man, how do you even type from there? You have not proven shit and you can't prove game design because it has to be felt, korok seeds are shit because the only incentive you might have for collecting them is completely internal, in fact if you don't look shit up and go out of your way to collect them you will end up hating the game even more.
>I'll say it again; more than two years and nobody can make a convincing argument against BotW.
I did, right here, in a post I fairly accurately predicted would get ignored by people who refuse to hear any criticism of the game.
>You can't prove to be that korok seeds are good
Finding koroks empowers the player. The more you find the more weapons you can carry. Early game worries over weapon management become less so. How can not grasp simple concepts like this?
A wild shitter appears.
>you are saying nothing but buzzwords
Concepts you can't understand are buzzwords. Ok.
No it's not fine and divinity is janky often times.
Anyone who says otherwise is a retard. Difficulty shouldn't be determined by what player chooses or doesn't choose to use, especially in his first playthrough.
This is a rabbit hole which can break down all game mechanics into post modern hell.
And it becomes useless very fast, eventually it turns into a pure grind without any clear bigger reward at the end. Do you seriously not grasp how this would be bad game design in any other game? Are you genuinely retarded?
Your life will have literally double the meaning once you have two masterpieces to become ass enraged by. Congratulations.
Good for you to ignore rest of the post
Some time after BotW came out, I think it was at the GDC, there were news articles about other game developers who said that they were stunned by what the Nintendo team achieved with this game in terms of open world.
So it's not only loved by many players and has a high critic score, but is also praised by other Devs. So there must be something that they really nailed with the game, that you either not see or just doesn't hold as high, that makes it above average. I can accept that games like the Witcher 3 or HZD are great games even if I don't like them. Why can't you?
>korok seeds are shit because the only incentive you might have for collecting them is completely internal,
Here >in fact if you don't look shit up and go out of your way to collect them you will end up hating the game even more.
Are you stupid? You're not supposed to collect them all. The point is that will naturally find enough to support no matter where you go. BAFFLED .
Not him but boring is subjective, anybody can say any game is fun or boring.
>And it becomes useless very fast, eventually it turns into a pure grind
What are you doing? A "grind". Do you thinkt the point of the game is find all the koroks?
Best Zelda since Majoras Mask. Get some new material autist.
>spend 30 years climbing an epic mountain having to deal with rain, lightning, changing weather, and stamina management
>finally reach the summit
But in that case there is no point in koroks past a certain point, do you understand? You can't advertise and proclaim they oooh find all 900 korok seeds if there is essentially no point in it. I have never seen any game fuck up a collectible that much.
If it's essentially just meant to be an upgrade point, there is no reason to even limit it, why not make 300 stationery korok seeds and then have certain camps generate them rarely, that would at least drive the memo that it's essentially s consumable and not a collectible.
>If it hadn’t the Zelda logo plastered on it
But it does. Yes, sometimes the game being a franchise game does make it better. That's why people make them.
No, there is nothing wrong with that.
Wow look at all that landscape - actual playable content which DOES NOT EXIST in other open world games. A world where the landscape, weather and climate inform the player's choice and allows them to fashion their own solutions to navigation. Other games cannot compete.
Any time you want to prove me wrong, go right ahead.
Just to be clear, you're claiming that actively disincentivizing the player from collecting all of the collectibles in a game is good game design?
Well it adds a little bit of difficulty, but not much. And yes it also has tedious aspects, but the later weapons are very durable, except the black series. But what many games show, most notably wow classic as of recent, is that sometimes a bit of tediousness gives the game believability and you get a certain gratification from overcoming the tediousness. Like weapons that almost never break or, in case of wow, mounts so that you don't have to walk and summoning. In earlier Zelda games you only had one bottle early which was also tedious to always refill.
>there is no point in koroks past a certain point, do you understand?
Yeah about 200 should completely max out your inventory. How many hours did you put into the game to manage that feat?
time to dial 8
BotW was the first 3D Zelda that was actually good.
*cooks 30 full heal recovery meals after 10 minutes of gathering*
heh, nothin personnel ganon
It was specifically game developers I don't care about.
Listen I'm a pc guy, I grew up playing Ultima underworld, started replaying consoles only in recent 4 years or so to catch up.
It's just that I genuinely don't understand the hype surrounding botw, and actually a lot of hyped console games, the only time it felt justified was wth mechanically tight games like NG black or DMC series where mastery of combat reminds me of dedication you need to get good at quake or something.
What I'm trying to say is that I haven't experienced anything in Botw they I didn't experience before and I don't have love for Zelda because I entered the series when I was an adult.
>still seething 2 years later
>about to seeth even more with the sequel
keep it coming
>more than 2 years from realeas
>people still mad about it
Basically you want an engine test demo with shit ton of useless features and zero direction. That is your ideal game, nice.
>gets to water ganon fight
>can't beat it because i ran out of shock arrows
>can't find any more because my map isn't complete.
What a nice game
Bullshit, casuals hate the weapon system because they can't just spam one weapon for the entire game and they're too smooth-brained to notice just how many weapons are around.
>but it, ugh, just feels bad
Yes user. It's the exact same thing as the dev giving you a god mode where you don't die and enemies roll over and get killed in one hit. Why is it there in the first place? To appease the stupid casuals? AKA the people who we should be gate keeping out of this industry?
I don't get it. It's the most boring world with the most boring worldbuilding I've ever seen. It's just so unbelievably bland.
>you're claiming that actively disincentivizing the player from collecting all of the collectibles in a game is good game design
I'm saying you don't understand game deisgn. BotW is very mature in its design and Nintendo have the confidence to let go of the player's hand. Nintendo aren't forcing you to do anything.
>A world where the landscape, weather and climate inform the player's choice and allows them to fashion their own solutions to navigation.
You faggots always exaggerate the shit out of this element. Its fucking easy and brainless getting from A to B in this game.
I gathered a little over 150 in my MM play through and only actively searched to get the last few for the next upgrade and then never bothered with it again. That's why there are 900 to fill the journey with little side tracks and still have people find enough to not care. Which is a genius concept note that I think about it. In my journey I was always happy to find a korok seed, but at the end I didn't give two shits about them. They served their purpose flawlessly.
the movement isnt even that fun. i don't understand why people tout it. its more fun to move around in asscreed or to drive around in GTA. if the movement in this game was so fun they wouldnt need over 100 fast travel points littered all over the map. i fast traveled in this game more than any other open world.
too lazy to post and too lazy to finish the game
what do you do with your time
Why do you pretend that botw is more than it is.
If me and you would sit down to play it right now would you still say cringy shit like they every time a mundane game mechanic would show up?
BotW gives the player a single objective: save the princess from the evil castle. The entire game is about you figuring out how to do that all on your own, YOUR way. The castle sits in the middle of the world map as a constant visual reminder of your quest. Its a pretty fucking amazing game experience.
>Disincentivising players from completing collection is genius game design
>two years later and brainlets still don't understand Korok Seeds because they're so used to open world games being solely about collecting everything
Hint: there's a reason why there's fucking 900 of them.
This, fucking botw tags ignore the fact that you use fast travel literally more often than you would even for fucking Skyrim.
Why bother responding with anything worthwhile when you are talking to people who ramble on inane issues on top of what might be legit criticism. who are seemingly more interesting in implying dumb stuff about literal anonymous people or proving their own lack of intelligence.
And that he ignored again right now, lel.
>you not having fun playing BOTW is your fault
>the game is brilliantly designed
This is why i hate botw fags
They act like theyre game is god and has no faults when it obviously does
I already told you that I understand the game design, this is literally the same as Morrowind, it's not an alien concept to me you fucking retard. There is no misunderstanding going on, your aren't envisioning some platonic concept that 8 can't grasp.
I fully, 100% understand what you are fucking saying. What I'm saying is that the sandbox that Botw throws me in feels like tedium and not fun. Well it is fun but not extraordinarily so to a point where I would want to keep playing of replaying it.
1 you don't need shock arrows
2 you can literally explore the whole map whenever you want, you can climb all 7 towers before beating any boss
>Game has collectible
>Pushes you for collecting it
brilliant game design Nintendo, 10/10
Its ok bro you don't have to like everything. But it doesn't mean everyone else is wrong.
have seethe
>Well it is fun but not extraordinarily so to a point where I would want to keep playing of replaying it.
And yet the concept of a lot of other people (apparently the majority, in fact) who do find it fun enough to keep playing and playing it makes you chimp out, why is that?
You are not meant to try to get all of them user.
I might be in the wrong, I just get worked up when people say stuff and it feels like they are pretending that something invented it and there is no way to experience it otherwise. I went into botw with these expectations and it probably made me dislike the game more.
>you having fun playing BOTW is your fault
>the game is fucking shit and I hope you die and get cancer and your unborn daughter gets raped you fucking CUNT
Seething. Nobody's saying the game is perfect. 97 isn't perfect.
97 by modern standards of ratings is basically 5/10
Why not? What do you have against 100% completionists? What have they ever done to invoke your ire?
>Nobody's saying the game is perfect.
Then why is any criticism either dismissed as "anger" or outright ignored?
Cope, lol.
Because it is anger.
>Run low on weapons
>Have to fast travel back to farm spot
>Do this every single time unless I find some decent weapons along the way
No, this is tedious, not challenging.
you have poisoned your argument with the very first paragraph "I look forward to this post being ignored because for some reason, BotW is the only that should be above critique. " implying you want attention and to imply anyone that disagrees with you is some kind of fanboy. if you want a mature and logical response try making you're post mature and less woe to me.
>find cool weapon
>it's gonna break if you fight
>only reward you get from the fight is a worse weapon
>avoid fighting
There's literally no reason to fight or explore since all you get is a weapon that's going to break after few minutes
You can do it if you want, that's just not their intended purpose.
You can also beat the game without ever taming a horse if you want, that's also not the intended way to go around things.
Because it feels like people like it mainly because they haven't played enough of other games that have similar features, even far back in the past going to late 90s early 2000s, and people claiming that Botw is the first ever only game to do x or y somehow deminishes those games that I like.
It's probably some kind of weird jealously, because there are so many genre defining games like Ultima underworld which is lost to time now. I also genuinely didn't enjoy botw that much, it was 7.5, but the way people talk about it just makes me angry.
Like that guy in the thread that speaks as if game being a sandbox with a singular meta goal that you can technically complete at any time is something that people never experienced or can't grasp. It actually makes me seethe unironically.
yes, and?
Well they served their purpose. What more do you want? What inherently good is there to shackle players to collectathon? Isn't it rather brave from Nintendo to not just unnecessarily push play time when they know a concept exhausts their "fun" value over time and just organically fade it out?
It's thoughtful and shows that they know much about game design and don't just slap some NPC with a "credit" in some dark places on the map and expect you to get all of them for some arbitrary reward, or worse to even let you be strong enough to finish the game.
Its ok man, its just a game. Arguably I'd say it does the concept of open world better than other games. But its just a game and some people want different things.
The shrines are so boring. I activated them for the fast travel point but hardly ever bothered to do the challenge inside.
>Like that guy in the thread that speaks as if game being a sandbox with a singular meta goal that you can technically complete at any time is something that people never experienced or can't grasp. It actually makes me seethe unironically.
And maybe that's because BoTW was the first mainline, mainstream game to pull this off since fucking Morrowind? And they did it well?
Fucking Christ dude, stop being mad at other people's happiness, you will just be forever spiteful yourself.
Why do they have to have an "intended purpose"? Isn't the purpose of BOTW to be free from normal conventions? So many other open world games litter the overworld with useless junk. Shouldn't BOTW be stepping back from that?
>You can also beat the game without ever taming a horse if you want, that's also not the intended way to go around things.
i should be rewarded regardless of how I progress through the game. Rewarded with good gameplay. Even if all it means is getting maybe a useful item after 900 korok seeds, that would be fine. But literally nothing but a pile of gold turds? Why is that in the game? Why doesn't it have even a single function?
>Game has good aspects
>Game has controversial aspects that some like some don't
>Game has bad aspects.
>People only argue when good or controversial aspects are picked, bad examples are accepted and not further discussed since census is reached.
Yeah it's a mystery.
>collecting things is bad, every game that ever asked you to collect items is pure garbage
>implying you want attention and to imply anyone that disagrees with you is some kind of fanboy.
Because I do want to draw attention by my post. I'm encouraging people to disagree or argue against what I'm saying. I'm saying that anyone that sees my post and then ignores it is a fanboy, because they can't just throw up the usual smokescreen of "you're just butthurt 2 years later," or "you just didn't play it" or "b-b-b-b-but Sony!" Hell, you're doing the exact same fucking thing, finding any convenient excuse to not have to deal with the content of my post.
>bad examples are accepted
Didn't your mother tell you not to lie on the internet?
>Implying Link Between Worlds is bad
>Run low on weapons
but you are literally butthurt 2 years later because the vast majority of the world loved a game you felt was merely just okay so lmao
Alright, you are right.
Thanks user.
Yes, and? If too many people like a game, it's automatically bad as a result.
I sure hope you don't take the opinions of the neurotypicals seriously.
I seriously don't understand this, are people like spending all their free time smashing swords into rocks or some shit?
>only 4 identical mini dungeons total in a series defined by its dungeons
>only a few items in the entire game, all of which are spoonfed to you early in a series defined by its large and diverse item collection
>forgettable bland soundtrack in a series defined by its memorable and active music
>final boss location has NO FUCKING DUNGEON in a series defined by its memorable final boss buildups
I don't give a fuck what the game did right with its world or anything else. It is objectively a terrible zelda game because it completely dismissed every foundational staple nearly every zelda in history has had.
>The shrines are so boring. I activated them for the fast travel point but hardly ever bothered to do the challenge inside.
Some of the best puzzles in the whole series famalam.
>final boss location has NO FUCKING DUNGEON
But it did. It was the only good dungeon in the game.
I never see much argument over the bad aspects.
It appears in the critic's lists, but no one disputes them really. That the shrines are weak, that the divine beasts were samey and equally weak. That the Ganon boss fight was unfulfilling. All valid points that seem to unequivocally be accepted as flaws.
>piece of crap that I couldn't even finish because of mandatory gyro controls
And my joycons, being the cheap POS that they were, happened to break prior. Joy.
>It is objectively a terrible zelda game because it completely dismissed every foundational staple nearly every zelda in history has had.
Its one of the most Zelda games ever made.
I think its a shame that there is legitimate criticism in this thread, but the only thing that will be taken away from it is that some anons don't like looking for koroks, and it will be brought up in the next thread to trivialize more legitimate criticism.
It's almost like they've spend over a decade fostering this franchise and now the name of it holds some clout.
What a crazy concept.
There were some good ones, but overall they were weak.
You can lie out of your ass all you want, but I'm not buying it for a second. NOT A SINGLE ZELDA FAN HAS EVER ACCEPTED ANY OF THOSE CRITICISMS AS VALID.
Infact, I dare you to find a single thread over the course of two years where even one person accepted those as actual flaws, without calling people snoy niggers, or saying they were butt hurt, or pulling out the same recycled game journalist images.
>Some of the best puzzles in the whole series famalam.
And also some of the worst. Like any of the ones that used fucking motion controls. Fuck off with that shit, Nintendo, it's not 2007 anymore.
They do help in aiming, though.
They’re shitty and boring and weirdly conventional for a game that was trying to be so different. All the great design goes into the toilet when you step into the shrines
Who cares what this board thinks? All of you have shit taste.
go back to tranny discord m8
What flaws bro?
Thank you for proving my point. This lying child implied that zelda fans can take criticism, and then you immediately prove him wrong. Wonderful.
I just asked you to point out the flaws and you chimp out.
>Why do they have to have an "intended purpose"?
Because it's a necessity from a game design standpoint. That if you put elements in a game they have a use you can build around.
They might have many uses, they might be skippable to different degrees, but you can't design a game for every possible player behaviour.
>Isn't the purpose of BOTW to be free from normal conventions? So many other open world games litter the overworld with useless junk. Shouldn't BOTW be stepping back from that?
But it does, trying to get all the seeds is working against that exact design though.
The game never tells you to get all the korok seeds and gives you no need or tool to do so, it's a daunting and masoquist task that some people do literally just because they want to, and that's ok, but it's unreasonable to expect a special reward.
>Even if all it means is getting maybe a useful item after 900 korok seeds, that would be fine. But literally nothing but a pile of gold turds? Why is that in the game? Why doesn't it have even a single function?
Because rewards is how a game tells you what to do. The korok seed system is meant to give the player rewards for looking around wherever he goes, not to actively look for them, it ensures players find them by placing an inordinate amount of them on the map.
If there was an actual reward behind it people would call it the worst design ever, 900 seeds that you have to look for without any help in order to get something? Total bullshit
And you can't read too. That's just the cherry ontop. Well, since you can't follow a reply chain, I'll just have to show you what flaws he mentioned.
>That the shrines are weak, that the divine beasts were samey and equally weak. That the Ganon boss fight was unfulfilling.
This is what he claimed that Zelda fans can agree with. Which is a lie.
>he asks for flaws
>don't give any
Guess it had no flaws, then.
I've played through every single shrine in the game twice and couldn't even tell you which one that pic is or how to solve it
>But it does, trying to get all the seeds is working against that exact design though.
But I should still be rewarded for going through that effort. The seeds should have SOME use. I want to collect them because I find it fun being able to work towards a reward. Therefore, a reward should be waiting for me. You do not put useless junk in a game.
>The game never tells you to get all the korok seeds and gives you no need or tool to do so,
>it's unreasonable to expect a reward
That's too bad. I want a reward, and as the paying customer, I am always right.
>If there was an actual reward behind it people would call it the worst design ever, 900 seeds that you have to look for without any help in order to get something? Total bullshit
I gotcha. So Zelda is shit because the game rewards you too much. You shouldn't receive spirit orbs from shrines because that's "telling you what to do". My eyes have been opened to this evil cancerous mechanic of "rewarding you for doing something".
thats ok you think that, just makes you a casual is all
Equipment degradation, hunger meters, and all that other stupid minecraft inspired bullshit are the signs of a shit game, busywork designed to trick brainlets into thinking the game has more than an hour's worth of content.
That post right above you is quite elusive.
If it hadn’t the Zelda logo plastered on it you wouldn't make these threads every day
>run low on weapons
Yeah, like user said, casual.
>That the shrines are weak
How? You can could argue that the shrines never increase in difficultly they're all assessable. But how does that stop the game being good?
>That the divine beasts were samey and equally weak.
I actually thought they were great. I loved the quest build up to them and solving them. Tell me how they're bad objectively?
>That the Ganon boss fight was unfulfilling.
Could have been better I admit. Is that it? Is that all you got? Nitpicks? Why not bitch about the title screen too?
top kek seething
Git gud scrub
>gets mad after Nintendo baits them
lol seethe harder
>I want to collect them because I find it fun being able to work towards a reward. Therefore, a reward should be waiting for me.
That's literally just you.
Should I expect a reward for beating the game with no korok seeds? For not getting hit? Maybe I should get a reward for always keeping an even number of rupees in my pocket or for never being outside when it's raining?
All of those are difficult achivements, why am I not getting rewarded for them?
>I gotcha. So Zelda is shit because the game rewards you too much. You shouldn't receive spirit orbs from shrines because that's "telling you what to do". My eyes have been opened to this evil cancerous mechanic of "rewarding you for doing something".
The big difference is that the game actually tells you go looking for shrines, it helps you find shrines and they are given a great deal of importance.
You poor sod. The entire reason I brought up those critiques is because the other user said, and I quote, "Zelda fans can take criticism. We generally agree on these flaws". And then he listed said flaws.
You just proved him wrong by arguing that every single one of those critiques doesn't count, thereby proving that you can't take criticism. You have made a gigantic mistake here today, and I will never let you forget it.
>even one person
You speak in absolutes without proving or disproving anything. There will always be zealots, that
doesn't mean that the majority of the discussion is about defending genuinely good aspects and
conversing about the pros and cons of questionable mechanics that some like, some don't.
>The big difference is that the game actually tells you go looking for shrines
Whoa whoa user, the game telling me to do anything is bad. Evil game design. I should never be told to do anything in a game, otherwise I'd be like those other evil open world games.
Currently playing the game and not ONCE did I have to stop and search for weapons
Literally play the game through and you gather weapons as you complete your objectives
If your weapons are breaking constantly you're probably using your best weapons to kill some low level moblins and wasting them
The memes of “Nintendo will go third party if Zelda flops!” Memes
Of course Nintendo embarrasses the living fuck out of everyone screeching that meme.
Funny enough no one remembers that both NES-SNES mini raked in a ton of money for Nintendo as their safety net
holy shit you're so mad
please keep going
To be fair, it's also ridiculously easy to cheese, so unless you intentionally avoid going to the top in favor of exploration you're going to blitz right through it.
I'm terribly sorry user, but YOU are accountable for the zealots in your fandom. If they shitpost and bring down discussion, the entire fandom has to suffer for it. Otherwise they'll just keep tolerating it. If you don't like that, then you should've thought of that before refusing to speak out against the shitposters.
>Muh overwold music
I hate this complaint because the music in the game is fantastically done-- especially considering the story and the fact Link is an amnesiac. The subtle fucking hints of familiar songs was just fucking spot on. The nighttime riding theme. The temple of time's theme. All fucking great, but since it's not powerful and constant people bitched.
Why would you buy a Zelda game and try to avoid exploration?
Is it fun?
If so yes it’s well designed or works in the realm of the game.
What is there to get good at?
Ah, a meme from an older time. Worth its weight in dirt, but worth consideration regardless.
No you seething baby. I've actually been openly critical of the game since Day One.
I hate the clinky UI for example - it breaks the players immersion. Thats a REAL flaw. But here's the thing - in the grand scheme of things its just a nitpick. It does not ruin the overall gaming experience. Do you get it? BotW is amazing game and you're desperate to hate that you will feverishly try and elevate trivial shit in isolation and pretend they're MAJOR GAME BREAKING FAULTS.
This is why shitters like you get laughed at.
Cry more lil' bitch. BotW isn't perfect, but its pretty fucking close.
if it wasn't popular Yea Forums would be telling me every day it was based
is it really a meme when it's literally what's happening?
Grinding is common in literally every rpg
Real life has fucking grinding
I recently bought the game and is there anything to do other than wonder around hitting gobblings and climbing towers?
>I've actually been openly critical of the game since Day One.
>by the way it doesn't have a single flaw and is the greatest game ever made
I think you need to look up the term "openly critical".
Well, it depends. Who is the mad one, the guy talking about Zelda, or the guy calling people niggers and faggots for daring to criticize Zelda?
You don’t need all 900
Hell post 200 or so you literally have all the upgrades
You’re supposed to accidentally stumble upon them while exploring not austistically seek them out
Well found the zealot I guess.
I'm in the "I love BotW" camp and raised those points.
Also your arguments are weird.
>the shrines never increase in difficultly they're all assessable
What does that has to do with the shines having good or bad puzzle design?
There are good shrines, mind you, but overall the shrines were "weak puzzles" not "weak as in easy".
> I loved the quest build up to them and solving them
Which is not the divine beast. Aside from the Rudania pre-Q I also liked them, but the beast itself were
formulaic and visually trist. The map gimmick was nice, but ultimately underused.
I am always there to say what people see in the controversial aspects like weapon degradation and
korok seeds, but the game is not flawless.
>not autistically seek them out
Find shrines and solve puzzles, do story stuff if you wish, tame horses, look for Koroks
I speak out against zealots the same way as I do
against shitposters. How would you know that I don't?
This being an user board and all?
>I'm in the "I love BotW" camp and raised those points.
Yes, and you just proved that you're a liar. Zelda fans can never take criticism, and I demonstrated it while BTFO'ing you all in one fell swoop.
>but the game is not flawless.
>except every single flaw is made up by jealous snoy fanboys, and you're seething lol!
It'd be nice if you could go one post, just one, without contradicting yourself.
Don't eat when the battle music plays, don't use the map and mini map.
Navigate by knowing the environment. Don't teleport.
Really improves the game.
You get your final mission within 25 minutes of starting the game
“Destroy Ganon”
Wether you defeat him shirtless with 3 hearts within 1 hour or completely decked out with full upgrades 500 hours later doesn’t matter destroy Ganon that’s your destiny
>I speak out against zealots the same way as I do
against shitposters. How would you know that I don't?
Because nobody ever spoke out against these zealots. Unless you can show me a thread where you actually did. Hell, show me where ANYONE spoke out against these zealots.
As soon as someone claims to have BEAT or BTFO'd someone in an internet argument their opinion on anything is instantly invalid
You won nothing, you beat no one and you're somehow more pathetic than you were before you started posting
who brought up sony?
WoW you are delusional you never BTFO'd anyone in this chain
and I also don't contradict myself anywhere. Get over yourself.
Fact: any thread that starts with "if X was Y" is a shitpost thread.
>Use cringe in any way shape or form
Fuck off Plebbit-underaged
If you don't like doing it, don't do it you turbo autist. You gain NOTHING (except for a turd that has no function in the game) from doing it, so you LOSE nothing from not doing it.
And since nobody called him out on it, EVERY Zelda fan must be held accountable for his post.
You said that Zelda fans could agree that the game had some flaws. Yet everyone here, EVERY SINGLE ONE, is saying that the game is literally perfect.
I'm not around 24/7 also I don't see any discussion going on.
Where are the arguments and discussion topics. Looks like a troll
to me. Why bother answering?
It literally hands you a turd as a prize for collecting every korok seed
The game is not literally perfect. There, now fuck off.
But then the game is littered with useless junk. Why can't it have some use even after I've maxed my inventory? Why can't I at least sell them, or use them as ingredients, or SOMETHING? They don't even have to go towards a collection percentage, but have them have SOME use.
I'm saying it NEVER happened. Nobody ever calls these trolls out for blind fanboyism. If you're implying otherwise, find a post in the archive that shows it.
It's a little too late for damage control.
20 shrines are tests of strength, fucking 1/6th of them
Why are you still fucking seething two and half years after this?
Why don't these threads happen for Sony exclusives? Why does nobody, sony or non-sony fans, care about them to this extent?
What are you a fat, clumsy nigger?
I’ve accidentally dropped my shit down a flight of stairs and it still works fine
Don't forget that they don't scale with your level, and half of them can be beaten with starter level gear.
Agree with all these points. It's not a bad game, but no way is it perfect like everybody claims it is.
>what are you a fat, clumsy nigger
Yeah, just out yourself as a /pol/ user. That'll help your argument.
What people on both sides don't understand.
Aspects like Weapon degradation and Korok seeds are not as
easy to judge overall than some other aspects of a game.
People that genuinely defend them and don't just snoy-boy-shitpost
try to explain the good aspects of these mechanics.
If these aspects don't appeal to you because you think that it's tedious
that weapons break or have a collectors soul and hate that there isn't more to the Koroks
that is totally fine. The gripe comes from proclaiming that these systems are inherently bad.
Just like the arguing begins when someone says they are inherently good.
And often times these posts go under without a single answer.
OP being ignored on this board is the ultimate form of "BTFO" as you'd put it.
>But then the game is littered with useless junk.
You are supposed to find them in the world organically. That is why there is so many of them and why they are specifically placed in the world. You are supposed to just stumble upon them when you are doing other shit, if they just spawned and despawned randomly around the player, you wouldnt really stumble upon them anymore and you would instead be forced to seek them out.
>Durrrr if game wasn't game it wouldnt be good
Are you retarded OP?
>The gripe comes from proclaiming that these systems are inherently bad.
But if someone says that GOW or Horizon or Uncharted are inherently and objectively bad, then there's no complaints. But suddenly we have to tread on eggshells with your game.
Weapon management
Shrine competency
Item management
Learning attack patterns
The chemistry system
Lightning avoiding
An appreciation of minimalist music and the sounds of nature being 95% accurate
The state of the Ubidrone, everyone.
>But if someone says that GOW or Horizon or Uncharted are inherently and objectively bad, then there's no complaints.
Prove it. Go ahead. Make a thread about this.
Plus you have an option to turn off the UI and HUD so even that problem is eliminated
But I stumbled upon more than 300 during my travels. I never purposely sought them out, they just happened to come by. That doesn't help that they still don't have a use, and If I didn't enter these threads, I probably wouldn't have known about Hestu's gift and would've collected them out of curiosity. Then I'd be punished.
yeah and?
Destroy Ganon
They told you that literally before you get your paraglider
Unverifiable assumptions. Prove it.
Also why would I defend/bash a game I have not played.
Do you think it's always the exact same people here?
Or that all people that like X or Y are the same across the board?
Not a single Nintendo fan showing respect for the games. They just go right ahead and make all the classic jokes.
>haha movie games
>god of my wife's son
>trans Aloy what an ugly la creatura :))))
However, if someone actually throws legitimate criticism at Zelda, suddenly it's shitposting. Saying that GOW fans should be killed is fine, but not praising Zelda is a horrible sin.
seeFind me a single Nintendo fan in that thread being respectful.
You can austistically seek them out just not all of them
Again post 200 they lose they’re purpose and value
>But literally nothing but a pile of gold turds? Why is that in the game?
To finally make you understand that doing more than what is necessary/what you enjoy while playing a game is autistic. And Japs know their autism. Follow their advice, user, stop being a sperg.
Epic, instant classic. Thanks for this.
I should transcribe it for a pasta,
but the performance is just spot on.
Absolutely based of 10.
>you have to only like the game in a certain way
>freedom bad
You're wasting your time. If he cannot enjoy a game because he can't have all the achievement for that "Bing-bing wahoo" dopamine rush, he's genually autistic and a lost cause.
But you don't like it, I though that was the point.
Because Sony games aren’t fun nor as memorable.
I played HZD last year and couldn’t tell you anything about it than I own a copy
Meanwhile I remember literally beating straight up hackers in Splatoon 2 by sniping his their bitch ass
Or the horse god from BOTW
Or how the joycon feel like a real fucking motorcycle when you hop on a Moped in super Mario odyssey
It’s the special touches that burns these games into your memory
You don't even have to try and avoid it. You can reach Ganon's room by complete accident while you're trying to explore. It's not like there's any real warning he's in there and that it's not just another entrance into the castle.
>all non-Nintendo games are bad
You're definitely not biased.
>Too underaged to know when everyone was just a nigger faggot.
Fuck off tourist
Who are you quoting? Also care to answer this question
Aside from some people drawing lines between Nintendo games, what
does it really have to do with this? The shitposting can come from everywhere.
Maybe it's a mix of Nintendo and MS people. If they only hate certain games even
from Sony fans themselves.
You are here in this post criticising Nintendo. So all seems in order, no?
I feel like the amount of shitposting is pretty equal for all platforms
seemingly orienting itself on the metacritic score. Since only a sufficiently flawed game
can have meaningful discussion while truly good games leave little room for anything else
than shitposting.
Nah, only sonyfags should he banned from Yea Forums and there would be little to no shut posting ever again.
I'm quoting you user. You JUST said that only Nintendo games are memorable. As a PC user, I'm angry that you literally spat on thousands of PC games because of your grudge against sony.
Spot on. Notice how morons like this use any excuse they can to avoid your criticism
>Because Sony games aren’t fun nor as memorable.
>>all non-Nintendo games are bad
hmm nah.
Learn to read, holy shit snoyfags are retarded.
I'd be content if every game got the same amount of criticism, and fans could take a little critique. But you can't do that. You have to strawman everyone into "evil snoys". Like right now, you just implied that I'm a snoy nigger even though I haven't even mentioned sony in a positive light at any point in this thread.
I want to know why.
The fuck?
When did I say that?
If anything I’m a Capcom-Platinum fanboy
DMC, Mega man, Resident evil 4 and 5 are my favorite games, I have an ungodly amount of time poured into monster hunter, bayonetta 1 & 2, Viewful Joe and already put in my pre order for astral chain
I can't wait for BotW2 to come out and for all these threads to suddenly stop and be replaced with threads praising BotW and shitting on the sequel.
You make this thread multiple times a every day for two years.
You had plenty of time to get your shit out
What is more commonly said in these threads:
>botw completely destroys all sony games
>botw completely destroys every single game in existence
HOw convenient that pretty much all of those games are on the Switch, as if to imply that only Nintendo's consoles are good, and if a game isn't on the Switch, it's bad.
You don't even have a PC, do you?
I haven't made a single BOTW thread. And any one that does get made is shitposted by zelda fans.
Snoyfags are so paranoid they have to make shit up.
LOL, have sex
botw doesnt need unbreakable weapons. they just need to last longer and be more rare.
i still dont know why there are rakes and mops as weapons. yeah, they are fun, but for 2 seconds only
There have been well over 1000, maybe stop if you think people talking about a game is shitposting
>haven't defended sony once
>"lol snoy fag"
>people say Nintendo is better than snoy
>completely sperg out for hours
LOL, you're fooling nobody
Pretty much
Wii60 was easily the comfiest time on the board
I hope Nintendo lets Microsoft bring gamepass to switch would literally be the biggest game changer in history.
>Jet set Radio
>Far cry 3
>All of my Xbox games
>Easy data transfer from Xbox,Switch and PC
As an idort this makes me hard as long as there’s no steaming just flat downloads
Sure I give my opinion of you're points, but your
attempt to bait people will only serve to draw stupid post to yours
Point one: I agree for the most part, but I don't find Ubisoft open world games progression very enticing it being mostly overpowered shit and stat boost to go to gated content, but the gated content isn't particularly unique in setting, so it feels immensely artificial.
Point two: I feel you have a decent point here too, but unbreakable weapons would break the game as it is. I also don't think to be able to repair weapons would make the system much better consider that the more combat encounter you take, the better the loot monster have so being able to fix stuff is sort of pointless, though more threating non-humanoid monster would have been welcome for better difficulting progression which flows well back into your first point
Point three: mostly agree when it comes to design and memorable shrines (but I feel 2/5 I ultimately had something mechanically speaking that makes them memorable to me), but I don't mind mechanism shrines because of there inherently easy to break nature which I found fun. also, most side quest award you a shrine with just a chest and monk so the reward is an orb and item
Point four: I loved the weather system in game it made the world feel more alive and real for me; also rain is very easy to get around.
Find me a zelda thread then. One that isn't shitposting, where Zelda fans don't freak out over the smallest of criticisms.
>people say Nintendo is better than everyone else in existence
>someone raises a counterargument
That might came out wrong, that's why I wrote criticising and not shitposting.
I see that it's wedged between two shitposting sentences, but in my head I already
was somewhere else. Also not mentioning sony has no impact for me, I don't mention it either.
I wonder why all people want to draw lines all the time. You can compare how successful similar
mechanics in similar games are sure, but why always coin it toward a platform?
They do lean in a direction, but there is sufficient crossover.
There are dozens a day, SEETHING, just like you.
Have Sex or dilate
Then quote it, snoyfag.
Which you can't
I do and an nice GTX 1080 ti after bit coin had that huge drop and I basically got it for a 100$ bucks off
I also own a Xbox 1X originally for Apex with bros but now it’s my GTA SA-Jet set radio machines when I’m sick of my computer chair.
Here’s an idea Stop being poor
>I look forward to this post being ignored
Just leave this out. It's immature and juvenile and discredits everything you say afterwards.
I just really disagree with the weather system and that point 1 killed the pacing. I guess you mean
it killed it for you, which is fine of course. What I do agree on is that there was a distinct lack of progression
because of it, but it gave you something equally as good back in my opinion.
Aside from regions where it's on purpose that it always rains, you can really arrange yourself with rain
it ups the difficulty a little, but you can climb even when raining. Though after you "beat" the game and just
want to do specific stuff it can be annoying to have it rain.
>the threads exist
>but I'm not going to show them because... ummm.... fuck off snoy!
A compelling argument indeed.
>then quote it
And all I had to do was follow the trail of shitposting console wojaks.
>I bought a used GTX bitcoin miner
Wow. And post discarded.
have sex
>calls people snoy fags left and right
>lectures him on being immature and juvenile
Inb4 faggot nincel defense force freaks out at your criticism because their self worth it tied to Nintendo games. Oops too late.
>calls people snoy fags left and right
Not once, ever. Sorry. Shitpost somewhere else.
I go play Persona 5.
>one guy calls Botw the best game ever made
>doesn't call other devs shit
>not even the one you were quoting before
Wow, sonyfags retardation knows no bounds
SEETHING this hard.
Sorry, you can't take back an entire thread.
He literally calls every other developer on earth an "uneducated pleb". Did you miss that part?
No, he called SEETHING, fags like you uneducated plebs.
Learn how to read
>he shitposted, but it's okay because lol u mad
Snoyfags really are retarded, huh?
>Sorry, you can't take back an entire thread.
Well I didn't wrote an entire thread, judging from your other posts
I think you grasps at straws for to defend your narrative.
Why shouldn't I hold you responsible for the shitposting of the rest of the fandom? You refuse to call them out for their shitposting, so it's no different from you doing the shitposting directly.
So you're saying we should finally ban all sonyfags from Yea Forums?
Sound fantastic.
Don’t know your problem
Everything runs fine on my machine.
I just like my Xbox, PC and switch whenever I’m in the mood to play
Have you played the game? You go through 30+ of EACH weapon.
Fuck off to your own threads nigger
Lmao yea seething because I was right. Stay salty nincel lmao
I'm not defending them, so I'd say go ahead.
If you owned a PC, you wouldn't blindly hate every single game on it for "not being on the Switch". Right now, if i talked about some of my favorite PC games, you'd hate every single one of them. That's why I don't believe you when you say you own a PC.
I’m all for it.
Any fan based deemed worse than Sonic the hedgehog furries needs to go
COPE harder, maybe next time you will get an E3
LOL, learn to read
>playing with game physics can be fun
>some puzzles are fun
>sound effects are great
>gliding in air is fun
>some cool enemies and seeing those dragons for the first time was really cool
>Hyrule Castle was well done
>cool horse
>enemy variety is disgustingly small
>Easy as fuck
>most shrines suck, dungeons and bosses suck
>armor and weapon variety is bad and weapons degrading was poorly done
>Master Sword literally runs on batteries
>Side quests are terrible
>Worst music in any Zelda game ever (made by Nintendo)
>Shit story
>Literally nothing of value to explore
>Disgusting graphics
>Frame drops everywhere
Overall it's a decent game, type of a game that every normy would want to play but more mature people that played open world RPGs before would probably find it dull and uninspiring. 7/10 or so, if they add actual dungeons, good side quests and fun stuff to explore it could be a great game. BotW2 will most likely be more of the same but the game after that could be actually a great rpg.
What is the point of seething, coping and calling others fanboys it just a circular argument that goes nowhere.
I never said I hated anything like at all.
I just think BOTW is a good game I also think the switch while underpowered it’s speed and convenience make up for the power loss.
Some of my favorite games aren’t on Switch at all
Wanna talk about Zombies ate my neighbors bro?
>Worse music
>I never said I hated anything like at all.
That's a lie considering how you angrily lashed out at me for saying that I preferred other games to nintendo's lineup, BOTW in particular. I didn't even say BOTW was bad, just that "it wasn't my cup of tea" and "I found other games to be better."
If what you claim is true, then you wouldn't hold hostility towards me for merely having different preferences.
If that's the best you could find you literally strengthened my argument so thanks I guess.
contrarian. You're the casual who likes a casual feature
>'wow the weapon broke just like in a movie so cool! Trust Zelda to reinvent the wheel heh'
I want to learn how to animate just for this
Below are all me
These are all my posts absolutely none of them are lashing out at anything.
Like I said I have an Xbox, PC and switch I just play what I want
Console wars are for poorfags
Lmao at this faggot nincel oh he’s got all the canned Yea Forums buzzwords down lmao don’t forget to tell me to dilate lmao keep dancing for me puppet lmao this kid would die for Nintendo lmao
Pleb filtered
>These are all my posts absolutely none of them are lashing out at anything.
And yet you say nothing to the people calling others snoy fags. Which makes me think that you're a liar and you purposely omitted some of your posts.
If what you say is true, though, then tell me why I'm not allowed to find other non-Nintendo games to be good. Why am I wrong for feeling an affection for games on the PC? How can you say that not a single one of them is incapable of "leaving a memory"?
>SEETHING snoyfags
Holy shit, have sex
You are, just snoy games are all shit.
Just a fact of life.
>Not posting the Monk Maz Koshia boss theme or Kass' theme
It actually made my playthrough more casual than it should've been. I realized that most of the shrines extra challenges give you fucking weapons, most of the exploration gave you weapons aswell. At some point my inventory was full of good weapons so I just rushed through everything because no reward was good enough for me to look for it.
What a twisted logic.
This is not Germany 1933, it's not about looking away when
innocent people are hunted. Get a grip.
Lmao like clockwork lmao watch out everyone, this guy literally worships Nintendo lmao Nintendo is his GOD lmao imagine being so shallow
The game ''motivates'' you to try new things, not just swinging your sword. You dumb fuck.
Are you illiterate or just purposefully ignorant?
He even mentions he just plays what he wants
No one said Non-Nintendo games can’t burn memories into your head
Beating the Asylum demon for the 1st time is legit one of my favorite gaming memories and this was back in 2014 when it was free on Xbox gold
Fuck off retard
COPING hard, dilate resetranny
I just started playing it for the first time and I'm really enjoying it. Got all the towers, one Divine Beast, a few memories, and the Master Sword. Really liking the sense of wonder I get from exploring all over and the story is interesting. The only other open world game I've played is Horizon Zero Dawn, though.
And yet you called me a snoy faggot for saying that my favorite game was better than zelda, a multiplat indie title that's not even best on the PS4.
You're intentionally playing ignorant when discussion is ruined by shitposters that can't take criticism.
>No one said Non-Nintendo games can’t burn memories into your head
Oh really? Because that's all I see here
You didn't call them out, so YOU are responsible for them. Take responsibility for once. At the very least you could apologize for them. Otherwise you willfully allow it and thus cause deterioration of all discussion.
>sperg every time somebody doesn't fellate sony
Yeah, you're fooling nobody snoytranny
Those aren’t even me.
I’m not taking responsibility from some rando’s shitposts
I don’t have to take responsibility at all
My favorite game isn't even exclusive to the Ps4, and if I show it to you, you'll just change gears and use another insult.
I wouldnt get my hopes up. Both journos and regular nintendogs loved it to death, so I guess they'll just make the same game again
>I don’t have to take responsibility at all
You are being silent about their shitposting, therefore you are supporting it. As far as I'm concerned, you are as guilty as if you had posted them yourself.
The only reason you're angry is because you want the freedom to shitpost, with none of the consequences.
literally everything you said in this post has been said hundreds of times already by both people with less eloquent and more eloquent wording than yours.
we get it, the game handled some things really fucking poorly. why are you guys unable to move on from this?
Nope, you only complain about people not sucking of snoy, snoyfag
seePosters like this one here don't even mention sony, but he's getting attacked left and right, particularly by jerks like Is he a snoy fag too?
Actually if it didn't have the Zelda logo I would like it more.
>He doesn’t know the only way to kill a troll is to not feed them attention
Learn ignore hide and don’t reply meta you idiot
>the only way to kill a troll is to not feed them
And yet you fail to take your own advice.
>threads like this regularly reach 500 posts
:big think:
>almost no story
And then the anons here complain that games are becoming "interactive movies." But if the story of the game is not told like a shitty Hollywood movie, the brainlets will complain.
most criticism of BoTW is people being bad or having problems with preference.
>Just outed yourself as a troll
You sperged the second somebody didn't call snoy the best ever, COPE more
Actually, I just pointed out a flaw in your plan. If Zelda critics are trolls, why do you reply to them? Why didn't this thread die before 100 posts?
this is now a DJ Khaled thread
Did he complain about it though? Why call him a snoy if he never once mentions it?
He didn't start sperging about it until somebody said HZD was not as memorable as Zelda.
You don't need to be a genius to figure out he's just a snoyfag
And where in this postDid he even mention HZD?
He started completely sperging later, outing himself
Have sex Boomer.
it wins, because you get banned
and hopefully never return
The majority of the criticism of BoTW is not logical, factual, objective, or fair.
As someone who has grown up with Nintendo, has only ever owned Nintendo consoles, and used to think Sony fanboys were the absolute worst, I've since taken a step back and realized fanboys are equally cancer regardless of what they jerk off over. Yea Forums is infested with Nintendo fanboys and they're a pain in the ass to deal with unless you worship Nintendo and believe they can do no wrong.
The game "motivates" you to ignore the tedious, pointless combat.
>farming weapons
Just drop bombs in front of enemies faces, they'll drop their weapons that you then steal
>You are being silent about their shitposting, therefore you are supporting it
I don't even know what you fags are arguing about and I don't care, but I'll call you an idiot for this alone.
If combat is actually tedious or pointless for you, you suck at the game.
He says in a snoy thread
>this board
Why do you act like BOTW haters aren't a small vocal minority?
People can criticize a game for reasons other than tribalism, user.
Most praise for BotW is people having very low standards for what makes a world fun to explore. I see reviewers say that the world is “full of wonder” or “mystery at every turn”, which just sounds ridiculous when you predictably come across koroks so often. These people have very low standards for wonder or mystery
Empty words
You say in the exact same generic snoy thread that has been made well over a thousand times now
Most people I’ve talked to honestly don’t think the game is that amazing, they think the climbing is cool but that most of the content is lackluster. Honestly if you look at discussions for what people want in the next Zelda, it’s basically BotW mechanics but actually good dungeons, story, enemies and music. People who call BotW a flawless masterpiece are a minority
Combat was only enjoyable in the beginning before the difficulty plummeted and all the blatant cheesing options started appearing. At that point it simply became a grind for OP armor so you could make the combat even easier.
Thinking the combat is trash has nothing to do with how good you are at it.
Why did you talk about koroks in a sentence about "making a world fun to explore"?
That's not the main use of koroks, they are here exclusively to reward you in a small way for exploring around.
So dishonest.
Where's your proof? There are a lot of people who aren't fans of BotW. A lot of Zelda fans in particular. Especially when the fans of the game are so aggressive in defending it.
And you're here, aren't you?
>good donjons enemies and music
All of those things are the best they have been in the entire franchise though.
What BOTW truly lacks is :
-Visual variety in dungeons/shrines
-Enemy variety
-more lore/story
Nah, these threads wouldn't use the exact same generic OP and be made up to five times a day without it.
Especially now that snoy didn't have an e3, these threads went into overdrive
Probably because korok seeds are by far and away what you will stumble across the vast majority of the time. They are there to pad out the world. There's 900 of them for a reason.
If it's easy then don't call it tedious you dipshit.
>stamina bar depletes while floating on water
I just started this game for the first time literally 20 minutes ago. I can tell I'm in for one hell of a ride.
>2 years and a half
>still coping
Holy shit
Add variety in rewards for exploring and this is literally all that's wrong with BoTW
>pad out
that's a strange way to spell "reward the player for exploring around"
You don't need to "pad out" BOTW's world. It is fun enough to explore on its own.