It looks like a chink mod
what went wrong?
Doom Eternal thread
It looks like a chink mod
It's a first-person platformer now
I don't mind that. You ever play Demonsteele? Simply jumping around in that is incredibly fun, and I'm glad to have a game that lets me do that in levels designed for those kinds of acrobatics. Shame you don't get to keep your airdash momentum in Eternal, though.
I haven't though I don't mind Clustetruck. I just don't think it should be Doom, on the other hand I don't think Doom should play like painkiller either and everyone else seemed to love that
They went full retard.
the HUD and the over-colored items look really bad
legit bad
I understand you want to give visibility to the different items, but now the game looks like ass, or worse, like 2016 multiplayer
Perfectly understandable. That said, I personally feel that it's a fitting evolution of the game. I'm looking forward to playing around with it in the inevitable Doom Eternal mods that'll pop up after release, and hopefully we'll get some good mapsets designed around the air mobility gimmick.
Looks rad. Never gave a shit about HUDs in games because I'm not an autistic faggot. The designs of the enemies being like the original games is great, especially the cyberdemon. Little bitches will complain about anything.
hey sometimes chink mods are pretty good. They make shitty games but their mods of games from other countries can sometimes be quite nice
_Nice link faggot
Doesn't that make more sense for a single player Quake though? Quake always had a jump button (but I guess single-player quake just won't be a thing anymore)
Can someone an make this edit with the og smiling doom guy?
Yeah, chances of singleplayer Quake are kind of fucked. NuDoom is slowly becoming a blend of Doom and Quake anyway.
Maybe use this instead?
The UI
I though it looked a little odd at first, but I think my eyes just need to adjust after Doom 2016. The higher contrast between all the items will be helpful when you're frantically running and jumping around. A little color never hurt anyone.
I wonder what the replacement for siege mode on the ballista would be.
yeah, but it looks kind of tacky
it is like the proportions of the HUD and the items are all wrong, and it clashes with the "realism" of the environment
it is like you are fighting demons in honk world
Probably something actually balanced this time. That shit broke the game HARD.
Yeah, it is a bit of a contrast, but that was sort of true for the previous game too. The environments were relatively realistic looking but then you have all these gamey elements like powerups and health/armor pickups lying around. They took it further this time, but I don't think it's that much different beyond the more contrasting color scheme.
Whenever an FPS-protagonist has a sci-fiy helmet on I always take the HUD to be a sort of status indicator system. with the exception of the consol-button prompts it works pretty good to keep the 'immersion'
you can probably turn it off in the options calm down
the current gameplay b-roll they gave to journos during this e3 looks like Doom 2016 arcade mode, where items colors were oversaturated, and everything was kind of wacky in a comedic way
ofc, the slot machines sounds were not there, but headshots still have a ridiculous POP to them
I get that they're going for a more "gamey" approach with certain elements of Eternal (e.g. the 1up heads, the giant floating question marks, the giant coin things you can collect) but it feels inconsistent with other elements that feel like they were implemented in a more immersive way (e.g. the health and perk upgrades are now small hellish shrines you find and break apart). The giant 1up helmet in particular just feels lazy from a creative point of view when they could have easily used an item that would have actually fit in-universe. They could have brought back collectable soulspheres, for example, and have them "resurrect" you instead of them just using a literal extra life mechanic. I also find it weird that finding secrets is now marked by giant holographic question marks when the little doomguy figures from 2016 were perfectly serviceable. The giant coins that are supposed to open up new areas could have also been demonic keys instead
It just feels like certain aspects of the game are being designed by two separate groups who have their own idea of the game's tone should be like. It's as if the game is trying to emulate Rise of the Triad instead of Doom.
It feels like a mishmash of those Snapmaps with the floating objects you could place around the map combined with arcade mode. I already miss the more grounded feel of 2016 and I doubt it will be as good as 2016.
>game is gamey
>this is bad
Okay shitposting aside, I truly don't see the issue. They're doing away with some of the things people complained about in the previous game. Many people complained about menu navigating when managing upgrades and whatnot, and now a lot of that is being brought into the gameplay. The best way to do these things without interrupting the flow of gameplay is to simply have them be pickups instead of coming up with elaborate in-world explanations like the field drones and suit chips in the 2016 game. Doom 2016 already had pickups that had no in-universe explanation, like quad damage, berserk, supercharge, etc. They're simply increasing the number of these pickups.
>Doom 2016 already had pickups that had no in-universe explanation, like quad damage, berserk, supercharge, etc. They're simply increasing the number of these pickups.
The powerups in 2016 did have in-universe explanations, though. They were demonic entities, with one of them (I think beserk) being framed as a violent demonic spirit possessing the user. Even classic Doom bothered to contextualize its more abstract pickups as soulspheres and megaspheres.
Again, the main point is that the implementation of some pickups isn't consistent with others for whatever reason. We've got giant floating 1up helmets floating next to demonic health upgrade shrines. Why isn't the health shrine just a giant floating plus mark to fit in with the 1up collectable, and vice-versa? Even if you don't care about immersion, the level of inconsistency is questionable, and feels like there's someone on the dev team who's just freely implementing ideas without anyone going behind him and checking to see if it fits in with the rest of game's presentation. It comes across a bit amateurish, honestly.
I guess I just don't care about the consistency of the pickups and the immersion in a game of this type, at least not as much as you. I see them as fun game mechanics so I don't need an elaborate explanation for what they are in the game's lore. I understand where you're coming from though, there are many games where I really need some context to the game mechanics and how exactly they fit into the game world, just not in a balls to the wall destroy everything shooter like Doom.
Thanks man
>I understand where you're coming from though, there are many games where I really need some context to the game mechanics and how exactly they fit into the game world, just not in a balls to the wall destroy everything shooter like Doom.
Well Doom 2016 bothered to contextualize all of its more abstract elements, as did classic Doom as I stated before, so it just makes the approach taken in Eternal come off as lazy.
I should note that one of game's directors is an big lore/worldbuilding guy, so it makes Eternal's implementation of things like extra lives even stranger to me.
For all we know, there might actually be an in-universe explanation for these new pickups in the game itself. Just because they're pickups this time around and not field drones doesn't necessarily mean they will have zero explanation. But, that remains to be seen.
I just hope they got rid of the instant death pits they had in D44m, the loading times made those very painful.
The loading times were extremely fast for me in nuDoom, and I think I died to the death pits about 2 times in my whole first playthrough. git gud
Did you play it on PC?
Well then, your PC must be a lot better than mine
I didn't even install it on an SSD and the load times were like 5 seconds after a death. I don't know what could be bottlenecking you here. I don't have a monster PC or anything.