"happy birthday...

>"happy birthday, son! we got you one of those new-fangled gs4 pro's you've been asking for! don't spend too long playing on it!"

Attached: 212321.jpg (640x640, 23K)

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imagine being some poor kid who actually gets this for his birthday

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I'd be pretty happy. I love my mom and dad and I know they're doing their best.

thanks dad

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Okay, but what exclusives does it have?

looks like a better deal than ps4 pro desu

>*plays and enjoys it unironically knowing that I have loving parents

Is this what third worlders get for bday and christmas

it has a 110 more games than the thing it's ripping off

>It's just not a game anymore!

Attached: image.jpg (500x282, 14K)

Fuckin' hyped for those funny games.

Attached: fg.png (981x474, 51K)

>having parents that give you birthday gifts

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>8 bit
these fucks have being doing this since late 90s
why can't they at least do shitty 16 bit analogues?

Attached: 1553742221201.jpg (499x496, 35K)

>8bit tv games console
> game card
> take record your child
> funny games
fucking funny games

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You must be a sad lonely little person, to try to mock someone whose parents love them. I truly pity you.

i wasn't mocking him, you're right about the first part though


You must be stupid

>Dualshock 3
already an improvement

Are you autistic?

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shut up samefag


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