can someone explain this whole cyberpunk controversy? how is this pissing off both the left and right?
Can someone explain this whole cyberpunk controversy? how is this pissing off both the left and right?
Other urls found in this thread:
there's no controversy you clickbait nigger
do the world a favor and kill yourself or being useful and post cyber futa cocks
>The right: "You are giving this tranny shit a platform! It's all in your heads! Boys are boys, girls are girls! Stop endorsing tranny shit!"
>The left: "You are objectifying transgender people! They are not tools to be used for video game sex ads so you can make some kind of political statement!"
>Yea Forums please write an inflammatory article for me pls
end your life journo
The right thinks this is tranny propaganda.
Trans people are offended at the objectification of a trans body.
Devs are saying that it's intentional, because it's part of the corporate run cyberpunk setting, where everything is objectified, including bodymods and entire lifestyles.
The truth is between the lines.
It fits the setting, but it's also intentional, to grab everyone's attention.
its doesnt have to make sense. people just want a reason to REEEEEEEEE online. no one would actually discuss this IRL.
>how is this pissing off both the left and right?
why do you care what either one thinks about video games??
Trannies pissed off because they are 'fetishising/sexualising' trannies
Trannies also trying to cope by saying the right is triggered, when /pol/tards couldn't give less of a shit
reminds righties that trannies are a normal part of society, this triggers the rightfag
Reminds trannies they aren't "real" women, this triggers the leftfag
There is no controversy, just people "both left and right" that like to outraged about things for the sake of being outraged.
Next time make a thread about video games
>Right thinks this is gay
>Left thinks trannies shouldn’t look that beautiful
/pol/ spends most of their efforts on Yea Forums whining about the tranny "invasion" into vidya, what are you on about? the right IS triggered.
Don't they know that that's the point?
a Corp. is doing something bad in a game where Corps do bad shit.
It's not an ad for the game. Did they get mad about they racist art in Bioshock Infinite?
The person in the pic may not even be trans in the modern sense. The setting has people going nuts with regards to personal modification.
>/pol/tards couldn't give less of a shit
Hah sure, /pol/shitters are just as happy to be triggered
I'm sure you're happy to trigger them because deliberately angering people is something SJWs enjoy.
you are trying too hard you /pol/nigger
>not enjoying purposely angering people
Both /pol/ppets and keyboard warrior SJW are cancer.
That's all you need to know about OP.
>the rumors of persons being converted to exotic playbeings against their will by biotechnica are false
the best lore
It's a thing in Shadowrun too. If you get in debt to the wrong people or run across human traffickers they can have your mind wiped and turn you into a living fuckdoll.
Only see fag flags complaining and not that many. Stop reading click bait.
There's no controversy.
It's just faggots linking literally who twitter trannies who lives on an outrage culture and nothing else.
Also kill yourself
There have been a couple Yea Forums threads complaining, that I skipped over
I'm not aware of anyone on the right who actually cares about this. It's just Suicides-in-the-Making who never shut the fuck up.
it's only really pissed off trannies. Yea Forums loves futa
Yea Forums complains about anything just to try and annoy other Yea Forums users.
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
b... based cdpr lmao
The Left is pissed because the character is wearing white face, while they should be using their natural skin color, ethnic pride and all. The Right is pissed because the tranny dick is too small, as in a world of cybernetic enhancements why would you ever not max out?
Nobody cares if you can be an aidscatcher in this game. Only incels who want the world to approach them with kidgloves because they are mentally ill trannies are.
lmao calling posters don't want this fucking forced ass gay shit trannies lmao fuck you
>can someone explain this whole cyberpunk controversy?
neither party knows the cyberpunk genre and are a bunch of secondaries who're only attaching due to the aesthetics
The disclaimer and warnings really help you get into the setting of Cyberpunk.
God I wish I had friends to play tabletop games with me.
>forced gay shit
You aren't forced to be gay, tranny. You chose that life because you failed to ever fuck a woman.
there's nothing forced about giving you permission to be a homo. game should always give you permission to do more, not less.
This just proves both sides are retarded and dont know shit about video games
show me the pissed off right
did Fox News did a segment on it did Alex Jones?
i only saw Polygon and Resetera getting angry
I wanna be a computer cowboy that fucks resting bitch faced Asian ladies.
>dont include trannies in games - trannies complain
>include trannies in your game - trannies complain
>wtf a tranny
>wtf a sexy tranny
they haven't even fucking shown straight male v is fucking possible lmao they haven't fucking shown male v fucking women lol
Only one side is complaining
In the game, unlike your life, you will be able to fuck women. If it were that simple IRL you might not have become a tranny.
Susinct and astute post, user
im a tranny and honestly i dont give a shit that this is in the game
This episode has best exposed the similarities between the left and right SJWs
>the right
Really? So far I've only seen Twitter and Resetera leftists seething while Yea Forums laughs at them
You must be blind or willfully ignorant.
it's called pandering to homos, user
Most grounded post here.
Reminds me of people who got offended by Blade Runner 2049's objectification of women. Namely JOI.
You know, a dystopian society where machines that for all intents and purposes are human don't even get basic human rights.
Right hates trannies. Left is angry because real trannies can never look like that. Boom done.
Guess so, cause so far I've just seen LGBTQBRAAAP getting mad over this shit
if that's what they're fucking doing it'll fucking extend to the fucking game straight male v won't have fucking content straight male v lowest fucking development priority man
Pretty much demonstrates that both right wing faggots and lefty pussies are SJWs that bitch about everything. I'm straight and I think the monstrous cock on the tranny ad looks sexy af.
We all know these slavs are secretly based and redpilled.
>I'm straight
>the monstrous cock looks sexy af
Thanks for your opinion reddit
I want to play as her in this game. Fuck everything with a hole.
I think there will probably be an even distribution but keep sperging out user lmao
There have been non-stop threads crying about this shit. There's at least two up right now.
So the left thinks it's fine that females have been highly sexualized in Cyberpunk from the very first trailer, but a tranny has an outline of a dick and they get triggered? Seems a bit transphobic.
You realize /d/ is just around the corner right?
As much as I hate lgbt shit it doesn't really bother me in this game because it's not promoting it. It's an urban dystopia, everything that's a part of that dystopia is due to cultural and societal decay so if anything showcasing brown people, gays and trannies is a jab at the left.
The worst part is he doesn't even get paid to do it. Wow.
>keep sperging out user lmao
He's been at it for weeks. You can always recognise him. The funny thing is, even if he is just shitposting and not actually serious, he'd still have to be deranged to keep at it this long and this frequently. I really can't decide if it would be worse if he was serious or not.
More like two threads of laughing at trannies.
Nobody but trannies is actually angry about this shit.
Yes but at least /pol/ understands that there will be tranny shit in a dystopian setting
>everything that's a part of that dystopia is due to cultural and societal decay
It's very explicitely caused by megacorps.
So there's the sperg who creates threads shitting on a different game every couple of months and there's this sperg who clearly isn't the intended audience for a cyberpunk genre game
stay gold Yea Forums
in the e3 floor demo V makes fun of his ebonics.
Not solely. Diversity shit definitely had a hand in it.
then there's the fucking faggots shilling for tranny shit in this fucking game
It's only 2 sides.
>Witcher shitposters
Left overs of the /dag/fags who are eternal in their asspain about the Witcher 2 being better than Dragon Age 2. Which honestly isn't saying much since anything was better than Dragon Age 2. But because of that asspain anything CD Projekt Red does attracts the attention of a very dedicated group (and sometimes a loner) shitposters who just autistically rail against it day and night. There was that single german faggot who got exposed posting the same Witcher 3 pre-release shitposting everyday for a good 3 months straight and he fucking dropped off the face of the earth I think he just killed himself
>lefties/trannies/retardera etc.
They will never EVER forgive CD Projekt Red because last year they committed the unforgivable crime of tweeting 2 absolutely disgusting and horrifying and diabolically transphobic misogynistic nazi tweets of all time. One said "did you just assume their gender?" when someone asked why there were a bunch of dudes in a photo. And the other was "I identify as an attack helicopter". So because of that CD Projekt Red is a verified unsafe place for mentally ill faggots who can't comprehend anything but what their overlord dipshits at Shitaku or Polygon say. So when they see OPs pic of the Cyberpunk world having its corporations act appropriately as per the rules of the game world, they have to recontextualize it and assume its another assault on their fragile ego.
Yes and the megacorps caused cultural and societal decay. You don't have brown people and trannies running amok in a healthy society user.
>Show tranny city first
>Cut to Keanu: "We've got a city to burn down"
Uh.... I'm thinking based
Megacorps didnt cause it they just exploit it
an actual cyberpunk game was obviously never meant for you if this is your take/reaction
>I wish I had friends to play tabletop games with
I feel you
> And the other was "I identify as an attack helicopter".
I wasn't aware of this one, you are forgetting the one in pic related.
its just a shit game, so everybody is pissed
fuck that witcher was fucking based it had straight male protagonist geralt fucking based but cyberpunk lookin fuckin gay man v lookin like fuckin homo ffs read this shit cdpr still hasn't fucking shown straight male v man
>t. people who have never played Cyberpunk
The original had mostly white people and few trannies because it was made in 1990. Still a dystopia.
Exploit and perpetuate it.
It's like the military-industrial complex in that regard.
>Model doesnt have balls
>Thi means she literally attached her dick to her body via body modifications
Pic related
In a world where you can detach and attach everything to your body.
Dont tell me you wouldnt switch to a vagina just once to experience to have a pussy
then there is people like me in the midle, i honestly dont give a fuck and dont think this even that bad
> but what their overlord dipshits at Shitaku or Polygon say.
I find it kind of ironic that it's Polygon who were first on the dickgirl advert article (with interview) and pretty much didn't have any negative spin on the situation after talking with the person who designed it
They seem to have a single reasonable writer
Glad they finally got it right then.
Biotechnica won't do it themselves, but they will sell their stuff to street docs that will.
I'm pretty sure but i cannot prove it that many Witcher 3 shitposters are butthurt Bethesdadrones.
the designer looks like average polygon staff member lmao
Reasonable and dare I say based response
Wonder how the Twitter crowd feels learning that a woman designed it
>Yea Forums is up in arms over a woman wearing a really technologically advanced strapon
So it really was fucking nothing
I seriously hope he's only organizing socialist/anarchist shit for westcucks instead of trying to shit up Japan.
lmao the woman looks same as this
>Resetera, Twitter, Polygon up in arms over a woman wearing a really technologically advanced strapon while Yea Forums alternates between laughing and wanting to suck the cyber dong
Fixed that for you
Male V is too cute to be straight
As long as he's not a teacher it's fine. Adults raised in a health environment aren't really susceptible to brainwashing by some fat tranny weeb.
Kids though, that would be bad but I doubt based nippon would give someone like that a job.
Hashtag culture is a vile abomination that deserves to be mocked.
>Yea Forums is up in arms
Yea Forums loves this shit. There have been celebratory futa threads.
And don't anybody tell me they wouldnt spend at least just one night with a cyber futa prostitute
Wonder what would happen if his details and social media were sent to Japanese police and government officials
>tries to enlighten Japan on social justice
>gets shipped to Somalia as cargo
>Yea Forums is up in arms
You really aren't paying attention. Yea Forums is fapping.
>monstrous cock on the tranny ad looks sexy af
>I'm straight btw
No. You're not.
>That fucking conversation
Goddamn that got me.
faping ? this is a god dam orgy
tfw no male V powerbottom bf
what the fuck is with that can lmao
fucking disgusting fucking celebrating this shit lmao now i know why you fucks keep sayin you don't want straight male v to be a option lmao
artist still hasn't learned perspective
Actual issues: studio ill equipped to handle a cyberpunk setting, shit workplace environment for the devs, straying from their original vision to cater to a wider demographic
What Yea Forums think are issues: "WAAAHHH WHY IS THE SUN OUT'
here's a clipped piece of an actual cyberpunk 2020 rulebook
/pol/ here, I don't understand why this would make me angry, I'd fuck the trap in OP pic, no homo. Looks fit, is white, passable save the obvious dick. Most traps don't look like that however. All the water buffalo looking no-dick trannies shitting up Yea Forums and vidya in general can go kill themselves though, I agree with that.
If this game makes it big you will have tranny uwu shit in ALL games
Fpbp, OP btfo'd.
Go LARP elsewhere, nobody cares about your made up strawman outrage.
because duh devs say dey only use it cus its contreversal
I thought you /pol/ types were against 'degeneracy' which basically meant you have the sex lives of mormons.
Someone should set up a cyperpunk virtual tabletop game.
>pissing off both the left and right?
But it isnt, you have like a few user posts whining about tranny representation but most of the outrage is outside this site is from the opposite.
If it annoys both, you know it's good.
We live in times where "artists" that don't even have a grasp at perspective can make a buck by just making fap bait.
Truly, a decadent time.
its a small group of extremist trannys, i personaly dont give 2 shits that this is in the game
in any case i dont think it will be removed or changed
>implying most /pol/acks aren't trap lovers
how can the rest of the site be so clueless about the demographic of this board? they're your bogeyman yet you know literally nothing about them
someone posted tweets by that thing in a thread about the yellow cover art and another person said it claiming to be self employed probably broke japanese immigration rules and reporting it might get them deported.
/pol/ tend to shitpost a lot and have a weakness for traps and passing MtFs. The ones who rail on about racist shit tend to also have a soft spot for cute black girls. The entire board is hypocrisy and LARPing.
Just like pride month
>Corporations already use male and female sexuality to sell products
>Morons are surprised that corporations in Cyberpunk still use sexuality to sell products but now with a body mod twist
Maybe they should actually attempt to know anything about the setting before making nonsensical complaints about it.
>small group of extremist trannys
It'll solve itself in a while at least
I love how the outrage is entirely trannies, it's all over social media shit and yet a few anons here complaining make out like the outrage is on even footing.
It's important to note there are some genuine morons and psychos on the board, but unless things have drastically changed the prior statement stands.
discord gg /yhetDa
discord gg /yhetDa
discord gg /yhetDa
discord gg /yhetDa
discord gg /yhetDa
Basically, if you went to /pol/ and had 1,000 people show up to something, 5 people would show up and 995 would show up to a livestream hoping someone gets the shit kicked out of them.
>>The right: "You are giving this tranny shit a platform! It's all in your heads! Boys are boys, girls are girls! Stop endorsing tranny shit!"
This is exactly how I feel all the time. Even if this portrays them as degnerates, you know the script will still be on their side. Sick of LGBT content, and not buying this game. A tranny present in the game, bad or not, is just more damage than it is worth.
sounds like you were never in to cyberpunk anyway, no loss there
based pondsmith
A top 1% trap isn't degenerate, it's a hot toy that wants to get fucked. As long as they don't cut off their dick, and they look passable enough, they're acceptable. And as long as they don't try and push their shit on kids, or do any of that story-time pride parade shit. Like Natalie Mars for example. Meet those requirements and you can dick pic on /pol/ all day, no one will care (unless actually Natalie Mars, because your dick is all weird), save a christfag or two.
dick girls going main stream
one day I'll be able to go outside and say
I like little girl and nobody is going to bat an eye
How dare you not pick a side you daft centrist cunt!
Here, have a extremely reaching strawman comic to show just how uterly ridiculous people that share the same view as you are!
>I'm straight and I think the monstrous cock on the tranny ad looks sexy af.
You're right about the first sentence, the second? Not so much, faggot.
>implying anyone is actually considered a 2nd class citizen in this horrid modern fucking clown world
Both sides are pissing themselves because they think it's a tranny, but it's actually a cyberfuta. And if they ever accept that, the right will pretend a hot woman with extra genitals isn't hot as hell, and the left will insist futa is immoral because everyone is supposed to be attracted to men on hormones.
i just dont think this is that deep, i have opinions i just think having on on this is a waste of everyons time
can you find me one post from someone that is echoing your statement when it comes to the right ?
people dont want this shti bcs its disgusting and degenerate not bcs boys are boys and girls are girls.
>Both sides are pissing themselves because they think it's a tranny
It is, the creature that put it in the game confirmed it.
why would I want to fight against advertisments with nice bulges like that
>Yea Forums: everything I don't like is a tranny
>CDPR: puts a literal tranny in-game
feels like they did it on purpose desu
All they had to do was claim the model was just a very feminine man, or that it’s not a penis just unfortunate shading. I’m actually starting to believe this is manufactured outrage, like what dante’s inferno tried to do.
Fuck this whole thing, post trannies.
the artist is some futa degenerate and thought he/she could get away with this.
really good post, Leto would be proud.
The world wasn't ready for I RECOGNIZE THAT BULGE.
Such thicc girlcock has never been seen by mainstream media, it will take time for them to adapt
I'm disappointed that Yea Forums are getting drawn into this controversy. /d/ickgirls have been around for longer than damn near all of these newfags.
Would mix up/10
The most hilarious thing about all of this is even the trans community isn't united on this. Jump on twitter and there's tons of trans people defending it, feeling that it fits the Cyberpunk theme and aesthetic, is oddly inclusive in a corporate dystopia fetishistic way, and isn't offensive or transphobic in the slightest. There is literally a subset of the trans community onboard with this and have vocally stated that much of the trans artist community produces work exactly like it.
Unfortunately they're drowned out by the obnoxious "" trans community who cannot fucking stand any perspective, even from their own community, that isn't hysterical outrage for the sake of outrage, and are absolutely tyrannical at closing off conversation even if it's coming from another trans person.
only one or two trannies I know of
didnt see any "right wing" tweets about this yet
It's more just proof that these dumb niggas are newfags. I recognize that bulge should have been the immediate, and prevailing response to it alongside the pictures.
Anyone have an article on the interview where the guy repeatedly asks CDPR about gender-fluid representation in the game?
>still no official confirmations that catgrills will be in
It's not fair Yea Forumsros...
>as a girl
Sure thing buddy, sure thing.
There's no way this isn't bait and holy shit it worked. What a completely, unbelievably stupid post. The entire point of cyberpunk is that the future has continued it's current technological growth and that society is decaying. "Disgusting and degenerate" things like public sexual advertisements are literally exactly what makes the genre. Holy fuck just off yourself.
I fucking love this whole controversy. Shows what a ridiculous shitshow modern internet """""politics""""" are.
it pisses me off every time they call her a "trans model" like suddenly having a penis makes you trans, she looks like a dickgirl to me, and if you don't think the future is gonna be fucking chock full of dickgirls, then you haven't been on the internet long enough
yup can confirm thats how it is, trans comunety is hot boxed so much, thats why i generaly stay way from people like me
>not trans
human ingenuity & machining is insane
>universe where people could be fucking cars, boxes, uguu catgirls, and tanks
>freaking out about a screw on dick
I got shot by the sweetest gun
I don't get why people are so fucking upset. It's a cyberpunk fantasy game set in the nearish future and apparently implants cost less than a fucking car. The concept of gender at this point would have probably completely dissolved when you can wake up in the morning and open your big drawer full of dicks and vaginas and pick one out to wear along with your eye colour, style of arm blade and socks.
It's a cyberpunk game, of course there's going to be raunchy degenerate shit. The level of nihilism when your body is more machine than man would be ludicrous.
And in a bizarre turn of events triggered trannies with it while Yea Forums laughed and masturbated. Funny old world.
>boomers who found Yea Forums through r/thedonald and stated cross posting from /pol/ will never fuck off in your lifetime
A centrist is a brain jumbled faggot, colour me shocked.
>Context is everything
Yes, fool. Yes it is.
girls with strapons are trans too right?dumb faggot
But those are zoomers
>having a dick surgically stitched onto your body is the same as wearing a dildo
Jesus Christ you are retarded beyond my comprehension, you truly are.
>defends dick"""""""""""girls""""""""""
>calls others faggots
cybernetically attached retard its fucking cyberpunk, nobody has a real body
lmao at these insecure fags who cant enjoy a good girl-dick up the ass, keep following normie rules sheep ;)
>born to early to have a girlfriend (male) with a massive robodick
He's defending "dick girls" in real life, not the ones in the game, you absolute fucking braindead illiterate retard. Though at this point it's clear he was trolling.
dont talk to me about the mentally compromised trannies, nice try trying to save urself by pretenting to be another idiot tho ;)
Well I’m on the right and I quite enjoy Futa. This is completely fine. Tranies once again BTFOed!
>surgically stitched
It's the fucking trans-humanist dystopian cyberpunk future, retard. Changing sexual organs is something probably any retard can do in 5 minutes with plug and play dicks. You are just as bad as the fucking trannies bitching about how this is "so offensive" because it's using "transexual people's bodies for shock value!". You're both just ignoring the context. This is why everything feels the fucking same these days, you retards can't stop yourselves from judging everything by the standards of modern day.
I agree, the horseshoe theory means both sides are sjdubyas. Have an upvote and some Reddit gold!
I don't get it how is this tranny related? Maybe the pic is too small for me but I don't see it
>It's the fucking trans-humanist dystopian cyberpunk future
Learn to read, you literal fucking down syndrome retard. He was talking about real life trannies in the current year. I'm not gonna read the rest of your drivel, brainlet.
The girl in middle poster has a huge dick shaped bulge in her crotch.
this is whats called "projection" in psychology "friend". my context is right there, what are you ignoring to not understand?
Fucking kek nicely done mr.concernedmemer.
Learn to read.
>right doesn't like mental illness glorification
>left doesn't like that the shemale manjaw isn't bigger and that he's not obese or built like a fridge
I just wanna swallow that cute nigga's dick.
Can we stop talking about dumb shit like a poster having a dick, this game looks fucking amazing, has political themes but isnt shoving its opinion down your throat, open world, amazing atmosphere, going to have massive good value dlc as to be expected from projekt red
and you fuckers are here talking about some randos cyber dick.
lets talk about getting so many cyber enhancements you lose your humanity and permanently kill a major npc.
I don't think that's supposed to be a dick
I don't know what the benefit of including it would be as it pisses off the left and right, so I'm pretty sure its not for pandering
>people on the left legit think that people seeing a girl with a dick would just make them laugh at it
>not realizing this is the shit that teenagers see and furiously masturbate to, establishing the lasting foundation of their sexual preferences
>not fetishes, preferences
>fetish means you're sexualizing something that's generally nonsexual
>(You): Haha brbrbrbr I'm a retard!
>Everyone else: Fuck off, retard.
>Also (You): Clearly the anti-anti-anti-anti-retard people are the problem!
CDPR already confirmed it's a dick, user
I wonder how great would be mixing her cream with her drink in my mouth
>has political themes
>but isnt shoving its opinion down your throat
it's been confirmed by the designer it is
>Yea Forums: based, I can finally play as a big dick futa
>CDPR already confirmed it's a dick, user
source? what the fuck?
>trannies are disgusting
>this triggers the Yea Forumsfag and centristfag
That is most definitely a dick, my guy.
>I don't know what the benefit of including it would be as it pisses off the left and right
Left and right are both full of shit, so why shouldn't they piss them both off at once?
Have you been living under a fucking rock?
Maybe it was unintended and they just rolled with it.
The shitstorm if they came out and said 'the dick is all in your heads' would be much worse than the current one.
that sounds kinda sweet and tsundere...
>mix it up
definitely unintended frends haha
It is a dick, confirmed by designer.
>I don't know what the benefit of including it would be
World building, reflective of the society the game takes place in. Corporations already use sex to sell products. In Cyberpunk they still use sex to sell products only now more aggressively and with an added body mod twist considering body modification everywhere.
But we took context out behind a shed and put a bullet in it years ago so of course nobody fucking gets it.
There is a tranny, which ticks off the right. But she's sexualised, which ticks of progressives. Who are not necessarily leftists, but leftists to tend to have socially progressive views.
I hate it, but you're right. Cyberpunk societies is a raw hell for everyone, and cyberpunk games don't expose that fact enough.
>dat bulge
Tranny game confirmed.
Yep. The only ones seething once again are the kind that don't buy games, meanwhile we get to laugh at the entire fake outrage
Literally 4 no-name SJW professional victims are offended on twitter for whatever reason
/pol/ is triggered because thats what hat board is about, gulping down manufactured outrage and getting mad at niggers trannies liberals etc as a hobby
The worst part is that it isnt even a dick.
T-there's a tranny? In a cyberpunk game?!
>Game trying to realistically depict a dystopian cyberpunk future has the sexualisation of girls with robo dicks for advertising
>Anyone thinks this is tranny baiting from a company that has made fun of trannys multiple times
Fuck. Next you'll tell me there are cyborg furries and Dominion Tank Police style sex androids.
It must seem foreign to you, being able to maturely discuss political topics without poisoning it with your own bias, I know. This is why everyone fucking hates you, if only you could dilate a wider space to fit a bigger brain inside.
Reminds me of this +18 hentai pic
There's no way they weren't inspired by it, right?
>born too late to have a normal sexuality
>born too early to get dicked down by cyberfuta
Yes, please can we stop calling everyone against LGBTPBRAP++ committee an ANTI-LGBTPBRAP++ member? The people that are supposed to be for inclusiveness really want to divide people into enemy groups.
That would be absolutely unacceptable!
Fun fact: people who leave racist hate groups have higher-than-normal rates of marrying outside their race. All politics is sexual pathology.
>The left: "You are objectifying transgender people! They are not tools to be used for video game sex ads so you can make some kind of political statement!"
But this is pretty much what the left does...
There are thousands of pictures just like that on the internet. Why do you think they saw and were inspired by this exact one?
>Literal furries walking around
>As in people who have got body modes to literally become their fucking fursona
>A chick with a dick is too much
I no longer understand this world.
this guy gets it, nothing matters in the future because soon enough body mods means you can get dicks and pussies on everything.
>people thinking it's a robo-penis
>mission to deal with a gang of furfags
go away Freud
Leftoids and rightoids are scared of big dicks.
Don't you love when people forget that something happening in a fictional setting doesn't mean the creators approve of it
You don't need a mission user, this is open world.
Get your flamethrower out and walk into that furry stripclub locked and loaded, and turn any corpo cop that tries to stop you into a crisp while you inject more performance enhancing drugs.
damn that's hot
What sourcebook is that?
Pretty sure they're mad at the manufactured part of the manufactured outrage.
>Literally 4 no-name SJW professional victims are offended on twitter for whatever reason, and /pol/ is triggered. God knows why.
>Literally 4 no-name SJW professional victims are offended on twitter for whatever reason AND getting news coverage from several publishers, and /pol/ is triggered. God knows why.
Ignore me and my works to destroy you. If you pay me attention, you're only making me your king.
>adverts sexualise women
>being trans/nonbinary is increasingly normalised
>adverts now sexualise dickgirls
The fuck are they even complaining about? Do they want the social politics of 2077 to be stuck in 1950? Do they want no themes of corporate explotation in a cyberpunk game? Fucking victim-obsessed retards.
they're only deal with a sources that they always agree with.
Cool quote user but every single time I see SJW shit posted here is a triggered /pol/kid that wants the rest to see it and get triggered with him.
When your life has no drama, you fabricate your own
so basicly damed if you do damed if you dont
I hope the robo tranny stays
its a nice "fuck you" to the idiots that think a fucked up hypothetical society can't be fucked up
god i love video games
The more you people talk about /pol/, the more power and funds you lent them. Every time you mock them, you give them coverage and presence.
And all /pol/ needs to do is exist.
>interact with billboard advertising a drink
>nearby vending machine gives you said drink
>interact with this billboard
not sure, probably one of the later ones since the night city sourcebook mentions the humanity cost which was scrapped in later editions
/pol/ aren't the ones making the fuss. There are some trans people and far-lefties arguing that the portrayal of a sexual image of an intersex person is fetishing trans people and is an act of bigotry.
post futa
you first
And, again, fetishism has to do with things lacking inherent sexuality. So for someone to be attracted to a girl with a bulging cock can't be fetishism. It's bluntly sexual.
Fine. Here.
>Trans people are offended at the objectification of a trans body.
More like they are jealous they don't look as good. Trannies anyone more passing than they are.
can't do my hands are full
more please
Yeah, you started pretending you are not to look better. There were absolutely seething /pol/threads here. Get out of my board.
It's just further proof that trans people are in fact as mentally ill as women. When they sexualise themselves, it's empowering and "fighting back against a hetero-normative society." When someone else is sexualising trannies, something that ultimately performs the same end-goal of normalising this stuff, they freak out because the competition is better looking, or getting more attention. They kick and scream because the standard being set isn't something they can attain, they'll never achieve peak femininity so the only option is to kick out the pedestal and bring it down to their level.
So if they talk about it here and not on /pol/ then how does that not make them Yea Forums? Was there a group think memo that I missed?
The rage this is inducing on trans and the flippant response from CDPR where they aren't apologizing but explaining their reasons makes this all the better. When a company is this determined to do shit their way it makes me want actually preorder their game for the sake of supporting them.
good choice
delusional at 360 degrees
alot of the trannies are women though so that might be why
Why don't you just fuck off and hang yourself,
you mental midget?
Kill yourself faggot.
A preorder won't do a better job at supporting them than simply purchasing the game when it's out. Don't be a retard, NEVER preoder. No exceptions, I don't care if your fucking dad is the lead developer.
Basically 99% of the audience of the game doesnt give a fuck.
ah yes the argument that we need to protect people from gay porn lest they all turn gay. you seem closeted as fuck dude, if you think gay porn could "turn" you gay then you were already gay and just didn't know it or refused t acknowledge it
the size of that bulge disappoints me but you have extra points for being semi exotic
If biological women are roasties, are post-op trans women bolognas?
>I don't care if your fucking dad is the lead developer.
But if their dad was the lead developer they wouldn't have to preorder because they'd get the game for free
I recognise that penis
>The left
You mean trannies. It's just trannies.
blow me
You're misreading what I wrote. I was just explaining the phenomena. I wasn't implying good or bad. I was just explaining that that is how that shit works. It was my personal experience.
>"They try to, and successfully, influence people's lives. They shove products down their throats."
The people who whine don't understand that a major aspect of Cyberpunk is that it's a shameless techno dystopia where everything that can be marketed by the mega corporations will, and that it's supposed to look questionable to us consumers.
To think that in Cyberpunk 2020, characters like that image actually fucking exist, with exotic splicing turning themselves into catgirls with robo/augmented penises.
Mike Pondsmith was a man WAAAAYY ahead of his time, and this is just further proof This game is going to be kino.
the inclusion of the dickgirl is good, I think.
reminds me of the retards bitching about games that take place in the past when racism was prominent complaining about there being racism.
like no shit the time period is shit that's the point, except this time the shit time period is a hypothetical future.
one could view it as
>supporting trannyism in video games is bad
>supporting the fetishization of transgenders in video games is bad
either way both serve the purpose of making this hypothetical future feel shit because that's the point.
and before you go telling me to dilate or 40% myself, I don't like trannies. but I don't like people who complain about history existing too. like those idiots wanting historical monuments taken down because it reminds them of bad times even though that's the point.
sort of to serve as a reminder of what not to do in the future so history doesn't repeat itself.
nice blogpost, now go dilate
Imagine being so fucking obsessed with /pol/ you make up imaginary reactions that haven't been in any thread about this to date.
I don't have a dad so I don't know how the whole dad-son thing works, but that does make some sense
Imagine being eastern european company and having to deal with all that retarded western shit on a daily basis.
They are clearly unhappy that it's not cyberpunk enough, we need some pic related for that authentic feel.
I don't think the left sexualizes trannies
I see them more being hyped up as soft pure muffins who need protection or whatever
>imaginary reactions that haven't been in any thread about this to date
alright I'll do it for you baby, open your legs
So link me all these "triggered" /pol/ posts. Oh wait, they don't exist.
Exotic custom parts is one of my main interest in character customization
Dominion Tank Police came out in 88. Playbeings seem similar to the Puma Twins, which were pleasure droids.
there's no hole there you're just gonna end up shoving it up my ass
taint wounds are already disgusting but pooping pussies are even worse
where they robots all that time???
>Trans people
>be attracted to trannies
>get accused of objectification and fetishising
>don't be attracted to trannies
>get called a bigot
>Diversity and degeneracy isn't pushed by megacorps so that the masses are easier to manipulate
Dominion did bio androids.
Daily reminder that Teddy K perfectly described the left's mentality decades ago:
>Leftism is a totalitarian force. Wherever leftism is in a position of power it tends to invade every private corner and force every thought into a leftist mold. In part this is because of the quasi-religious character of leftism; everything contrary to leftist beliefs represents Sin. More importantly, leftism is a totalitarian force because of the leftists’ drive for power. The leftist seeks to satisfy his need for power through identification with a social movement and he tries to go through the power process by helping to pursue and attain the goals of the movement. But no matter how far the movement has gone in attaining its goals the leftist is never satisfied, because his activism is a surrogate activity. That is, the leftist’s real motive is not to attain the ostensible goals of leftism; in reality he is motivated by the sense of power he gets from struggling for and then reaching a social goal.
>Suppose you asked leftists to make a list of ALL the things that were wrong with society, and then suppose you instituted EVERY social change that they demanded. It is safe to say that within a couple of years the majority of leftists would find something new to complain about, some new social “evil” to correct because, once again, the leftist is motivated less by distress at society’s ills than by the need to satisfy his drive for power by imposing his solutions on society.
Arguing with these people is pointless, because they're not rationally motivated. They NEED to complain about this, whether or not it's actually offensive is irrelevant.
They are objectified for the sake of virtue signalling and twitter kudos. They're probably not sexualised but hell if they don't want you to know that they used to have a dick.
>trannies are a normal part of society
the absolute state of """"""""""""""""first""""""""""""'"" world countries
This publicity is doing wonders for this game. This is gonna sell like hot cakes.
You know this whole overly sensitive culture started because of kids growing up being constantly told how dangerous the world is and parents will be there to protect them. They can't handle adult life because of all the safety organizations, tv ads, and parents freaking out over every minir thing.
This is neat. I spent so much time looking forward to the cybernetic modifications that I never once considered gene splicing as a possiblity.
This reminds me of the Victoria Secret "controversy" where sjw were mad that they weren't considering a trans model for their run way show that is for the "male gaze"
people just want to be mad at something that isn't them, they want other people mad at something that isn't them. They want something more up than them. Thus you get shit like the OP
That and the fact putting social media in the hands of 10 year olds really fucks up their development. They don't get to grow and understand their is the world around them and then their is the internet, it just all blurs together.
>Imagine being eastern european company and having to deal with all that retarded western shit on a daily basis.
This, fuck, in occident we can't say anything without offending anyone.
Everybody is so bitter that i'm tired even the most stupid joke or conversation.
der ewige centrist
>Snickering at the trans lady.
I mean sure, that or getting hot and bothered about the cyber penis.
>As a girl
If not born female then (As a man trying to be a girl) if a woman that some how got surgery for a penis attached then sure. But based on current technology it's probably more around the lines of (As a girl with some one else's penis)
>Context not mattering.
Context does matter, murder and self defense are seen differently most of the time, hunting out of fun or out of necessity will also probably be seen differently at least by some. Doing something to help, and doing something out of self interest can change your view on a person. Actually trying to help, or helping by chance while trying to achieve your own goals and not caring if you help or not also will likely make you see other differently, context matters.
small benis insecurity
>white gamer boys, the least punk people imaginable
what does punk mean now? it obviously doesn't mean what it used to.
If it's a girl with a cyber penis, is it still trans? I mean it's technically a high tech strap on.
Equivocal centrism is just step 1. Step 2 involves attempting to balance things. Step 3 is realizing that neither side can be allowed to win and that both must be stopped at all costs. Step 4 involves doors being breached and people screaming.
Nobody except trannies are mad about this. People on the right are mostly laughing at them.
I hope no one posts something that would endanger the adds.
>They NEED to complain about this, whether or not it's actually offensive is irrelevant.
Inherent to having children is teaching them, and probably the worst sin feminism committed is making the market wake up to the realisation that women can work AS WELL. The normal social institution of a house was replaced by two working people that come home tired and still having household on head simply because it made them earn more, and free market made it a necessity. In about a generation some kind of return to "one person at home" system, (even if nominally it's still equal treatment) will happen after political turmoil. Most likely it will be a return to women-at-home since the alternative will be screeching about women having to make babies AND being a breadwinner while men do nothing. Or maybe we'll have a rise of tinkerer stay-at-home dads, who knows. Because for all the progress, it's not getting better.
/pol/: girl cock me no like, ban
/tumblr/: girl cock me no like in this context, ban
should clear it up
>tinkerer stay-at-home dads
Add a small farm on the outskirts that requires some tech know-how (because one no longer works manualy, its all drones and robotics). Yeah, i can see it. However, just going by biology, women are more likely to be the stay-at-home.
This delusion is absolutely unreal
If most africans looked similar to picrelated and the continent had average IQs of over 95 racism as you know it today would cease to exist. Other forms of discrimination would still exist because humans are tribal though.
Sexual insecurities are only funny when it's about height or dick size. When it's about breasts and 90/60/90 figures suddenly it's no longer funny. Get fucked.
They want to be upset. Righteous indignation is a high to some people.
Honestly this is why I have very little interest in Cyberpunk. I'd see the trannies and the furries walking around and I'd immediately find the nearest corpo and lick their boots as hard as I can so I can join them instead.
Trannies are mad because the bitch had a penis and wasn't ugly as shit on the poster
The right is mad because they saw a tranny in a game.
So now that everyone's mad nobody will buy the game.
RIP Cyberpunk 2077
>cyberpunk does cyberpunk things
But that user just said that's what the right is doing so clearly they are.
/pol/niggers BTFO amirite guys?
>Attractive woman with cyber benis or an obvious trap in an add.
>Trans people get triggered.
What's new?
>implying people who care about this retard shit even buy more than 1 video game a month
I sure do love this new era of being triggered by anything and everything
>and isn't offensive or transphobic in the slightest
it isn't, but with the right amount of mental gymnastics that these freaks possess you can flip it into something that besets them.
for instance, Deus Ex and Shadowrun (like CP2077) also have the dilemma where augmenting your body too much is considered taboo because it changes who you are as a person, you can (see pic related) construe that as the topic of being critical towards gender reassignment surgery and all that other body modification shit that those freaks are into.
>Implying 99% of the people who were gonna buy it wouldn't give the girl with a bionic penis augment head.
Gotta filter the weak, user.
God I feel so sorry for drag queens. All they want to do is wear women's clothes in peace, but got caught up in the culture war they themselves have no interest in.
So where are these triggered posts nigger? Calling someone else delusional doesn't absolve you of the burden of proof.
jokes on Watch Dogs with all their lgbt pandering. 2077 will sell 10 or 100 times more.
lgbt don't buy games, they just bitch about them
Hmm, is it projecting? Perhaps they see them selves in all negative descriptions and instantly have a fit of outrage?
When the first post is also the best post
(and others)
can we please stop with political shit and post about cyberpunk stuff? I want to have some fun, please...
Request for native English speakers, what is the name of this hairstyle? stormer? I am not sure, it was popular in the 80's specially for the glam metal bands
This is pretty accurate to why Cyberpunk doesn't have a huge impact on Yea Forums. If the average Yea Forumsfag was put into a Cyberpunk world, they would be dressed in formal/smart casual wear and drinking orange juice while everyone else is half naked, has pink mohawks, and is drinking alchohol while taking drugs.
I'm seeing Halloween wigs calling it a spiked mullet hair style.
>human ingenuity & machining is insane
Some of the stuff that watchmakers came up with is mind blowing. Pic semi-related.
Seems like a high top/punk rock hybrid. don't know if it has an exact name.
no idea but I know the show
Punk Rock Mullet search results. Close as I can really think of getting.
>Hmm, is it projecting?
it is, notice how it is only trannies that take issue with the concept that replacing or removing your body part can be taken as a negative.
they can't find acceptance in the real world so they want escapism to their cyberpunk utopias where they want to be revered for their decision to mutilate themselves, instead they get pissy because even in vidya they get questioned about their choices.
>imagine being a sane guy in this clown world
Look at this loser
>Hello fellow /pol/ users, we like trannies by the way.
I wonder who could be behind this post
What are these threads then? why is this thread full of screencaps from some no-name tranny twitter? if you really dont care why the fuck go digging just to get the most retarded opinion about the "outrage", screencap and post it here? you are addicted to this shit, the same as the whinny trannies crying about muh white males on the cover.
it's the little details
cyberpunk is more about politics than it is about rain and neon lights you cocksucking zoomer
The right
>woman with a dick
The left
>ATTRACTIVE woman with a dick
That's 90% of the people who buy videogames
If they don't preorder or buy it in the first months then they just forget about it and never buy it
And this little controversy is more than enough to make them not buy the game for a while
Seems thematically appropriate. Trannies just get triggered when they look in the mirror
>first world
No, it's definitely /pol/shitters. Anything to appear less triggered and make people here hate them less.
>H-HA I'm not as much a snowflake as those trannies.
You absolutely are.
>you are addicted to this shit
Says the faggot that thinks only /pol/ would talk about this shit. You realize YOU are talking about this shit right now? YOU are the one sperging out about an imaginary fucking bogeyman you've constructed. Jesus fucking Christ you're stupid.
if they force you into being non hetero I am not going to buy it I couldn care less about anything else
Sympathy in "their struggle". They just want an excuse to get upset for attention.
main majority of people who will buy this game will either never hear about this shit or wont care.
then theres the people who follow the gaming scene and still dont care about this shit which is a majority over the people who follow the gaming scene and do care about this dumb shit.
Yea Forums and resetera is a very very very very small fraction of sales
thanks, I am a huge fan for the ones that are extra big/volumetric, somehow I had in my head "stormer" was the name for it... do we have a board on 4 chan to ask for such thing?
I wish I could make an exotic cat girl with that hair
Based incoherent rambling tranny
Corpos want them around to consume and advertise. You know that right? Guarantee they will be pushing that shit.
its a punk rock mullet
Who cares it is just a game
>do we have a board on 4 chan to ask for such thing?
Beautiful. Concise. Sublime. FPBP hall of fame.
Just shoot them
back to /r/thedonald tripfag
am I imagining this?
I don't go on twitter to find opinions that make me mad, I dont have a FUCKING RESETERA account with the only purpose to find shit to get butthurt to, who does this? tell me you and your friends are not obssesed with trannies as much or more than the trannies themselves, I am talking about it but I am not the one who starts shit every day, Im not the one who has a I HATE TRANNIES folder on his PC with 400 twitter screencaps.
Concepts of Sanctum and Profanum are Philosophy 101 and heavily feature in any study around cultures and religions. I thought these people studied humanities?
I'd argue that in that cinematic V had a comparatively little amount of augments. He found the second wind in his humanity when remembering Jackie. Bug was unable to completely fry his circuits.
Pretty much this. Its fucking retarded overall. The way i see it is, this world is set on the fact that if we keep doing what we are doing this is the society we will eventually turn into. It is up to the player to decide whether or not they want it to become a land of trans and multiple identities or just classical traditionalism.
So, in your addled mind, people posting the reactions of butthurt trannies is /pol/ being triggered by Cyberpunk? Wow you really ARE fucking retarded.
I dunno user, /fa/ might have a clue.maybe Yea Forums ... it's probably a question for a boomer that likes punk rock enough to be interested in the hair styles. Since these days, I can't recall seeing it around, so chances are, people won't know what it's called.
Why do these cuck sjw trannies only use the same faggot library of libtarded meme word?
...oh wait
Explain to me why would you have a resetera account and follow a bunch of retarded SJW you hate on twitter if not because you an outrage addicted moron.
shit, thank you
>The right thinks this is tranny propaganda. nobody thinks this except retards like you creating strawmen
everyone has been calling it what it is, clear example of the degenerate future we're heading towards, perfectly fits the dystopian setting of cyberpunk and cyberpunks attempt at predicting what the future would look like
I agree, I think it shows its going to be part of the game.
Like if you had a shit ton of cybernetics, went loud and got jackie killed he might just end up in some shady black market for wiped minds or get a bad end or some shit.
tempted to go clean on my first playthrough if I can so I dont get some bullshit "too many cybernetics kek bad end"
social progress hasnt moved anywhere for the past 100 years
cyberpunk is a fantasy that dates all the way back to the first factories being built
Explain to me how the reposting of other peoples' reactions is /pol/. Then explain to me how this reposting makes /pol/ "triggered." You have still yet to actually provide any fucking valid basis for your bullshit. Take your red herring and shove it up your ass.
/pol/ had one thread on this, there were like two posters who bitched about it and everyon else called them retards and said it fit the setting perfectly
you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, this whole thing is a yawn who cares for the right
I asked you a question, you like to spew all your inforgraphic fallacy names but you still answer a question with another question
I mean if it's "quality" stuff, why wouldn't you save them to share, like that one about parents making a 10 year old kid dress in drag and dance on stage, in a gay bar. And alot of people might be getting them FROM HERE. How do you know it's not a small number of people that actually scout this stuff out, or that it didn't end up being something they run in to. Aside from what, people might look this stuff up, it's kind of something that keeps developing, some might want to keep an eye on it.
>I asked you a question
Sure you did dickhead, and I don't fucking care. Either explain your reasoning for why Cyberpunk has "triggered" /pol/ or fuck off. I don't give a shit about your mental gymnastics about who goes where and why. You have absolutely nothing to back up your claim that it's /pol/ going there and retrieving these screen caps. You are mentally fucking ill. Seek help.
lol fucking normalfags say shit like this
Cyberpunk 2020 is pretty dark and i mean REALLY dark in some aspects, while at the same time sprinkled with ironic and satirical humor.
The right is the rational one here. They always stated their disgust towards trans degenerates. But the left is retarded as fuck. I don't know why the fuck would they be angry at that. Maybe jealousness because no trap looks like that irl?
Holy shit /pol/ is LITERALLY seething. Watch them respond all like nah im not even mad lol but they actually are mad have you seen all the threads on /pol/ about it? I don't go on /pol/ so i wouldn't know because /pol/ is reddit but they're definitely seething.
>trying to be diplomatic
Should've just shrugged and said "sex sells".
god these "people" are disgusting
Who is doing that and why then? are those the famous discord trannies that go post twitter screencaps from themselves to make them look bad?
>You are mentally fucking ill. Seek help.
>Take your red herring and shove it up your ass.
>Wow you really ARE fucking retarded.
> Jesus fucking Christ you're stupid.
You sure seem pretty fucking mad.
>I'm straight and I think the monstrous cock on the tranny ad looks sexy af.
The only truth
in the future we would definitely MixItUp™
i haven't seen anyone on the right be upset with this
So if you don't go to /pol/ how exactly do you know how /pol/ cares about Cyberpunk? If you actually took a moment to go there you would find a grand total of zero threads about it.
Nice non-argument kiddo.
>inoffensive shit makes some people outraged
>some people outraged makes some other people outraged
>some other people outraged makes even more people outraged
And so on. It's been like this for the last decade. CP77 is just the new subject.
Why the fuck do Americans think that anything is either "the left" or "the right"?
It's like they think that there are 2 possible ideologies in the entire world, and thus it's impossible that someone might be right-leaning and think something like this is completely fine. What the hell is going on in America for this retardation to even take place?
It makes you think how "wild" things can get...
>left and right
No, its dilation divas screaming in the void while no one else cares
>how is this pissing off both the left and right?
It's not?
Honestly, it's kind of funny to me how you fags picture the entire world as being whatever retarded twitter circle or gaming jerkoff rag you have bookmarked. You never developed a sense of scale or context. Your monkeysphere, which should be generally representative of your community at large, is instead a bunch of insufferable cunts on either extreme.
Here's a tip: if some insignificant cunt with no power or influence says something you disagree with, stop fucking reading their blog.
I askwed you a question you can't answer, thats my argument.
>So if you don't go to /pol/ how exactly do you know how /pol/ cares about Cyberpunk? If you actually took a moment to go there you would find a grand total of zero threads about it.
Thats what he is saying, its satire. Why do I even bother to argue with 90 iq retards
this is money just fucking WAITING
I wish i had the skills to make that
Don't be silly user, who's gonna buy that because "the girl with the huge cyber benis" was on the poster. How little would you have to care about what you buy, to care more that X person was holding it, than what's in it, how it's made, how bad/good it might be for you. What even is that, a soda that probably has like 2 cups of sugar in one glass worth of drink? Who would buy that ... no one!
>sips monster energy drink
Because /pol/ is my boogeyman i use to deflect legitimate criticism of the gaming industry onto. Once I've derailed the thread enough after screeching /pol/ for 50 posts the janitor will come to delete the thread ensuring your voices are silenced.
Maybe it's because they have a two party system and was a right leaning super power which was at conflict left leaning super power for the entire duration of the Cold War?
You have no argument. Yes, you can be straight and think giant cock is fetching. It means nothing,
>I askwed you a question you can't answer, thats my argument.
Still not a valid argument honey.
>there is people on the world, that are "into politics" and their main source of information is Yea Forums, the website with a board dedicated to dick vore.
why do you label yourself a consumer?
are you braindead? it's calling yourself an eater, like you can't help it
I'm NOT a consumer, I'm a fucking customer, I don't understand why you people put up with such derogatory names
the american revolution caused a very heavy and real split between the left and right, deciding on very hard laws such as slavery etc, and alot of salty old great grandads where left over.
so all their children and childrens children got indoctrinated into the cult of "fuck democrats" or "fuck republicans" "always pick a side timmy"
>I'm straight and I think the monstrous cock on the tranny ad looks sexy af.
is there anything worse?
>Homo meaning same
>Is attracted to people with the same main sexual organ as themselves
>is not homosexual
Doesn't add up user
link me the /pol/posts nigger
they don't exist, I know because I'm on /pol/ every fucking day, this in-game advertisment was barely a blip and right now pol is shitting itself over oil tankers getting blown up off the coast of iran and couldn't give two fucking shits about this game
There's actually no such thing as homosexuality.
Furries are literally canon in Cyberpunk. There are also gangs which effectively rank up members by putting them through themed modifications. There are legit furry gangs in cyberpunk.
I still can't believe Americans are being triggered by a fucking ad in the game.
How are slavs reacting to it?
>why are Americans locked in an idiotic right/left dichotomy
Because their government has been fostering that dichotomy for decades to keep the same cunts in power without having to actually address real issues.
Most Republicans are old-school southern racists still trying to bring back Jim Crow and line their pockets at the same time. Most Democrats are opportunists looking to fill the "opposition" spot so they can get elected without needing things like "ideas" or "policies." Both sides make millions and millions and millions off of legal insider trading (congress is immune to insider trading laws), barely-disguised embezzlement, contract favoritism, lobbying, etc.
The Right acts like saturday morning cartoon villains, the Left pretends to be saviors, and they both take turns kicking around emotion-building but relatively unimportant social issues (abortion, gay marriage, gun control, etc.) while they all agree behind closed doors to keep fucking the poor sideways and giving more tax breaks to their buddies.
If you want to know who is actually trying to help look at who the RNC cuts loose and who the DNC belittles (like Bernie and AoC)
Probably just the vocal minority user. Or at least ... I'd hope.
>trigger and alienate left
>trigger and alienate right
>trigger and alienate sun autists
>trigger and alienate gamers
>trigger and alienate normies
geee these cdpr folks seems to be geniuses of marketing
This post is a literal red pill that no one here will swallow
>Adding a butthurt line of insults at the end of every post
>Get called on being mad as fuck
>Now proceed to add a cool kid passive-agressive Im-not-mad one liner every post
Answer my question or stop responding. Who, if not /pol/tards are going on twitter to get screencaps from trannies?
>Answer my question or stop responding
Prove your assertions or kill yourself.
You greatly underestimate how stupid people in Yea Forums are.
Also, source on the artist?
There’s a pretty good chance you replied to yourself here.
Besides that, looks like nuance is continuing to be cut down by people not interested in feeling conflicted, which is what any good speaking points should try to do.
I hope that's a mechanic because you aren't able to go cyber psycho in the game, like you can be completely decked out with augs but if a netrunner hacks into you they'll completely fry your shit.
not surprising in the least
Logic and experience proves them. You got anything else to say?
true, get them outta here!
good fucking god you have no clue whatsoever what either party is like in the US
>Yea Forumsfag
rightfag. Anyone on Yea Forums with a brain cell finds it funny and kind of clever
No such thing as centrists. Just rightfags who are too scared to admit they're a pathetic rightfag
I'd take having to accept trannies exist than having to armed escort my wife everywhere so she doesn't end up on the black market
>Logic and experience proves them.
You heard it here first folks: Three fallacies and a loaded question are "logic and experience."
>You got anything else to say?
Shoot yourself in the head.
>Cyberpunk 2020
>actually relevant in 2020
I'm a 30 year old beltway insider from a political family and descended from a president of the united states
please enlighten me as to the true nature of the US government, bogan cunt
Only real way to play is fem V with mr. Stud mod
it's the discord trannies losing their shit over this lmao
nobody on the right cares, it fits the setting and rightwing rhetoric of what future liberal dystopias will look like
Is this enough?
Also Im not necessarily talking about posts on /pol/, talking about politics in Yea Forums is /pol/posting, the same way as making an offtopic thread is Yea Forums posting, not that anyone cares anymore since Yea Forums has been Yea Forums for years now, but there was a time when people called off topic posters here Yea Forumstards.
>my dad works for the president
That's a new one.
is it confirmed you cant go cyber psycho?
I imagine if you get fully decked out you'll lose the option to pick more empathetic dialogue options etc, and have choices like "punch guy" "leave" "call corpo"
lmao get the fuck back to australia you fucking shitposting cunt
>I'm in a political family and descended from a president
>"my dad works for the president"
Maybe work on your reading comprehension, then we can talk about your nonexistent views on politics
Who do you think makes those people user? They dont just find a furry implant on the ground and swallow it. They go to Johnson & Johnson & Monsanto and slap down $5k for the surgery by a corporate paid rich surgeon.
If it makes you uncomfortable, congrats thats the intent of cyberpunk.
>There are legit furry gangs in cyberpunk.
are they included in that expansion book focused on gangs? I don't have it
Lurk more.
hitmore, it's on e 621
Oh, what's that? You don't actually have a developed opinion on politics at all and know absolutely fucking nothing about it?
I already knew that, but thanks for confirming. You can go back to crying about trannies in a game about literal transhumanism now. It's more your speed.
>it fits the setting and rightwing rhetoric of what future liberal dystopias will look like
it's satire on how companies try to capitalize on minority groups by showing that transgender people are still seen as walking dicks by corporations but are normal enough that they'd try to put it in their marketing. That's why people with brain cells don't care. It's pride month rainbows with a huge dick. Meanwhile rightfags are crying about SJWs. just look at this thread.
How is it a loaded question lmao? what the fuck are you on?
Answer me, who the fuck has a resetera account on this board and posts retarded SJW ranting?
You know who? you and the rest of braindead morons like you that use Yea Forums as their personal "shit trannies say" blogpost if you really dont care about what these people say dont fucking follow them on twitter, dont screencap it and dont post it on here so 10 times more people can see it. You are addicted to the outrage and to hate "the others" now tell me about fallacies and loaded questions.
Can you just get ears and tail and become a Kemonomimi law enforcer?
>it fits the setting and rightwing rhetoric of what future liberal dystopias will look like
it's satire on how companies try to capitalize on minority groups by showing that transgender people are still seen as walking dicks by corporations but are normal enough that they'd try to put it in their marketing. That's why people with brain cells don't care. It's pride month rainbows with a huge dick. Meanwhile rightfags are crying about SJWs and trannies existing. just look at this thread.
i just hope CDPR and all other devs get swallow by the beast they help create
>There are legit furry gangs in cyberpunk.
source? I want catgirls...
user, we both know the guy you're quoting is incapable of contextualizing literally anything in life outside of MUH LIBRULS MUH DEGENERACY
Trying to get him to recognize nuance is a lost cause.
If you're talking about the tabletop game you can literally do anything you can imagine its tabletop.
In game idk but I hope so
This. It only pisses off clowns.
Fucking neato if so.
>who the fuck has a resetera account on this board and posts retarded SJW ranting?
Literally fucking anyone you dumb son of a bitch. How new are you exactly? This behavior existed before /pol/ or /new/ in the first place. Furthermore, your question is presuming your premise. How in the flying fuck can you see people who post on Yea Forums doing something and then immediately swing to "IT'S /pol/! /pol ARE DOING ALL OF THIS!" How exactly do you see people on one board doing something and then blame another fucking board entirely? It makes no goddamn sense. You're so full of shit it's coming out of your ears.
A crashing economy.
discord trannies keep making up bogeymen to scare themselves with
why do they do it
>Cyberpunk has futa
>/pol/ immediately jumps to Yea Forums to scream TRANNY
Could it be any more obvious how fucking insanely new you all are
Get the fuck out. Leave. Never return.
The same reason Hitler burned the Reichstag.
This indeed. Futacock isn't something to have a controversy over.
Nobody is actually complaining about futa monstercock.
Right winger here
I haven't heard any of my right wing pals cry about it at all, and most are excited for the game.
The only talk I've heard from them about the trannyshit is laughing at butthurt trannies.
I am 10 years new fyi
>This behavior existed before /pol/
see >Also Im not necessarily talking about posts on /pol/, talking about politics in Yea Forums is /pol/posting, the same way as making an offtopic thread is Yea Forums posting, not that anyone cares anymore since Yea Forums has been Yea Forums for years now, but there was a time when people called off topic posters here Yea Forumstards.
>talking about politics in Yea Forums is /pol/posting
So you are /pol/posting at this very moment and have been this entire time? How interesting.
Then what the fuck is this thread about?
That's one way to look at it, however by this logic you might thing that a vagina on a man might turn you on, no, personally I consider that as long as a some one was born MALE, they are male and as such intercourse with them is homosexual if you too were born MALE, if the person was born female, it's heterosexual, genitals might as well be a fetis as far as I'm concerned, aside from that, simple attraction dictating what you are is also a very bad way to lable people, imagine a guy with a wife and kids getting labled gay, I'd probably just shrug and not care, like that's gonna change how I choose to live my life or what I feel is right/wrong. The lable it's self is worthless as long as it fails to properly represent the action. Man + Man gay, woman + woman gay, Man + Woman straight, regardless of fetish involved, cyberpenis/strapon included. After all how do you know for sure what's going un up there, if they have an easier time relating to the pleasure of their own genitals which makes sense you're probably not gonna empathiz as well if you can't understand what the person is going through. Sexuality isn't simple, and even my way might not be idea, but I feel like it's at least better than the infinite broken loophole of "if X genitals, it's gay" "if X preferance I don't share, it's gay" because that just sounds too flawed.
>this entire thread
could've fucking fooled me
they've been screaming tranny at the trannies crying about the game
People want to feel special and like they matter. Some people are just childish about it because they have failed to mature and they feel entitled to this rather than earning it.
Rent free in your head.
>they've been purposefully seeking out the opinions of whiny snowflakes so they can paint an entire group as antagonistic
That's not better.
Except I'm not the one that starts all the shit buy posting resetera screencaps, /pol/tards are the ones that do that, they are the ones than ruin every thread by shifting the discussion to BUT NIGGERS/TRANNIES/SJWS
The ranking up thing is fucking cool
they had that in the last demo with the spiderfags gang.
which means pic related makes sense in the cyberpunk canon
My point is they aren't upset about it.
I think it's funny to watch internet crazies scream into the void and stamp their feet, so the people seeking out these exceptional individuals and screencapping them are truly doing God's work.
That ain't poltards lmao, that's anyone who likes to laugh at lolcows
The controversy is this: you are a homosexual and nobody likes you
>Except I'm not the one that starts all the shit buy posting resetera screencaps, /pol/tards are the ones that do that
So you got butthurt about resetera screenshots and immediately blamed /pol/ thinking they are the only ones who would possibly troll you in such a way?
Try to actually read the posts next time, mr faggot. People are complaining about the complaining trannies like yourself
laughing at upset trannies
you can go as far as you want, the sky is the limit in that universe, as long as you have the ca$h, pic related are the most extreme /expensive packages
also posting some music:
>we're not actually complaining or hating on transsexuals, we're just laughing at lolcows
>yeah you fucking disgusting tranny go dilate
Damn the man summed it up
pretty based.
>>/pol/ immediately jumps to Yea Forums to scream TRANNY
Listen to me you FUCK I have been on this website since it opened and am literally the reason /pol/ exists; it was built to contain ME, and I don't give a shit.
>dystopian setting
>people dont think that people will get cyberdicks for fun
>being mad about this
these fucking people man
Well my friend I can sum it up for you quite well:
>/pol/ doesn't care
>Yea Forums is quite sure that this is futa and definitely not trans
>resetera is upset because non-binary gender is being depicted as a product being marketed in a corporatocratic dystopia
That succinct enough for you?
Laughing about politic matters goes in /pol/ not in Yea Forums, talking about politics on Yea Forums is /pol/posting, going to a CP77 thread and posting resetera screencaps is /pol/posting.
>troll me
Oh wait, so shitting up the board with off topic stuff is trolling now? are you telling me every CP77 thread getting spammed with what some no-name tranny thinks about the cover is done just to troll ME? you may also go to a public place and shit on the floor, that would be trolling too since it makes people mad
sauce? is this from a book?
>Oh wait, so shitting up the board with off topic stuff is trolling now?
No senpai I'm trying to incite you to explain what the fuck you are on about and how you are perfectly certain that /pol/ is "triggered" by Cyberpunk. You seem intent on repeatedly asserting that only /pol/ would ever go somewhere to retrieve amusing retardation and then bring it back for others to laugh about. I repeatedly challenge this assumption but you don't seem to realize the error in your reasoning.
Wow, wow, wow. Did you just indirectly say futa = trans. You absolute pedestrian level norman, cease and exit this korean basket weaving forum at once.
>muh pol
Your attempts at entryism are too obvious.
Yea Forums loves to shit on everything, and they'll use whatever reasons they can to piss off anyone that takes the bait.
The fact that a growing minority of fucktards keep bringing up pol as some kind of boogeyman shows you're reddit/resetera faggots just trying to fit in.
I can laugh at lolcows losing their shit over fake bogeyman /pol/, and still find trannies disgusting
I don't understand what your issue is?
/pol/ doesn't have a problem with trannies in a cyberpunk liberal dystopia set in california. No shit there's trannies, it kind of goes with the setting.
>you're new!
>bring up how /pol/ shits on everything is new!
Motherfucker is from five fucking years ago
>user doesn't realize people aren't complaining about futa.
>But they're complaining about trans.
Yes and trans isn't futa, user. No matter how hard some out there might want to change it to that.
>talking about trannies
>in a cyberpunk thread
Do you guys understand that "trannies" wouldn exist? There's no "transitioning" phase, you just plug in the augs and that's it.
Can we use some other word please?