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It's almost like a Suda game but not made by Suda.
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It's almost like a Suda game but not made by Suda.
You can tell it wasn't made by suda because it was actually fun to play.
did they shut the online down?
it really wasn't
The chain-smoking giant lizard was kino
One of the worst "proper" games I've ever played. So bad the developers actually publicly disowned it and flat out said it's terrible because it was micromanaged by incompetent Konami people. Rebellion aren't exactly great developers but they aren't THAT bad so I believe them when they say it's not their fault. The thing may have been made by a western dev but it feels exactly like a crap Jap game.
It had some interesting ideas, not executed very well.
it was done by the MGA director, so it was 100% going to be weird. guy is still at Konami, i would love him to do a MGA3, he was asked by Konami before but he wanted to do a break after Neverdead/
>micromanaged by incompetent Konami people.
the director was the Metal Gear Acid guy, so he wasn't incompetent.
According to Rebellion he was. The game wasn't fun. They kept telling him it wasn't fun. But that was the way he wanted it to be and so it was going to be that way. There was no way a Jap was going to take the advice of a gaijin! You don't actually think the game doesn't suck, do you?
From what i've found, this what was the Rebellion guy said
"...what we concentrated on with NeverDead was the graphics, the engine, the destructibility, all the technical side of things. What we didn't have any substantial input into at all were characterisation, script, and large elements of the way the gameplay rolled out over the game.
If you like, the elements I'm particularly proud of because we were involved, were the massive technical achievement to get the destructibility, which some reviewers haven't noticed because it's so seamlessly integrated and so functional. It just seems to work really well, that it's almost a given. If you compare it to the destructibility of other games, it's vastly superior.
Having said that, we had Shinta Nojiri embedded here for much more than a year, controlling a lot of the elements of content. He comes from a different culture. He's Japanese. We had a full-time translator with us. He was very much working from the Eastern methodology, the Japanese style of gameplay, and it created some really interesting creative tensions."
Seem to be the fault of both studios having troubles, and just that the game was a japanese game but worked by western devs who had troubles with japanese games.
Yep, rolling around as a head every 30 seconds and letting a QTE decide if you die or not is fucking awesome.
Cold FUCKIN' Fear my friends, what a classic
Game was killed by RE4 back then right?
Goddamn user it's been a long time since I thought of this game, thanks. My cousin and I had a lot of fun playing it since it was the first non-rpg MMO we ever found
Yeah which sucks because it's such a good game, amazing gun-play too, enviromental kills are awesome too
There's an interview with someone from Rebellion that is a little less "diplomatic" out there. They say they knew it sucked. They told Konami it sucked and there was pushback against westerners telling them how to make a game. Rebellion just gave up. They realized they were being to paid to make a crap game and they had no choice so so be it. There were no troubles from "both studios". It's all on the Konami guy. His game design. His story. His characters. They all fucking suck. All Rebellion had to do was implement it all and they did a find job of making the shit game he asked for.
As annoying as it was, the boat swaying mechanic was pretty cool. I guess it did it's job in making things challenging
cold fear was a horrible RE4 clone that would have been ok if it had ditched the fixed camera angles and removed enemies with guns entirely
I challenge anyone to dig deeper than this
Definintly upped the tension if you ask me
It was in develepment BEFORE RE4
>Game was killed by RE4 back then right?
Not really. Cold Fear was an Ubisoft experiment in budget game development. That's why the game was so cheap and lacking content. The experiment failed. It was kind of like a precursor to the "episodic gaming" experiment that would come later and also fail.
and you can tell they aggressively tried to clone RE4 in the last few months of its development, and failed
was this that one game where you cut off body parts to solve puzzles?