Should I get this?

Should I get this?
Thoughts on FF XII?

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You absolutely should but know you can't change classes for your characters. They get two classes and they are permanently stuck with it.
It's a fantastic game and if you like other Matsuno games then all the better.

One of the best FF. If you like building your characters and planning your strategy just as much as, if not more than actually executing the battles you will love it. And the Switch version is the best one

You can change them in the Switch version

He can if he gets the depicted switch version.

In the Switch version you can change classes


Cool, getting it digital right now since it's on sale in the eShop right now.

Been playing it on switch, its comfy af to play in portable mode. Probably one of the most content-packed FFs there is.

Has a bit of an issue where it feels like there's constantly a quarter to half second of "input delay" which has bugged me a bit but I don't know if that's just FFXII or if its something with the switch version.

Ok but what about the ps4 version?

Most boring FF game in term of story

Its got a more political and cerebral plot and is very strong, zoomers can't appreciate it.

It's excellent but it isn't a typical Final Fantasy game. You solve a local political problem. You program your battle tactics. The first character you control never appears in the story. Minigames are scarce and skippable.

I just want a memorable, fun, good and kinda replayable RPG with charismatic characters.

As long as it meets those standards I'll be happy.

The best RPG is the one you can play more than once and still feel fresh or at least, not boring.

Shitty protagonist

>Its got a more political and cerebral plot

This is something I liked about the game when I started it. Unfortunately it all but vanished and only stirred to send you to some ancient places to get some things.

reminder that 12 changed directors halfway through and its really sad because 12 starts off real strong but half way through gets kinda..just overstays its welcome I feel

Yeah I remember. That sucks.

>memorable, fun, good
Yes, yes and yes.
>and kinda replayable RPG
There are many optional bosses and bonus areas, plus there's the part where you experiment with jobs. It's the most replayable FF.
>with charismatic characters
That's FF12's weakest point, the characters are flat and uninteresting. Half of the party doesn't even get any character development. They are ripped from Star Wars anyway, you get FF12Leia trying to defeat the evil Empire and get back her kingdom, FF12Solo as a legendary pilot, and his sidekick FF12Chewbacca who is of course female and furfag fanservice because it's a Japanese game.

iirc, fran and penelo never even interact together. Balthier is still best boy though. Always and forever

I'm fine with them being like the original SW trilogy cast, those are my favorite movies anyways.

Still waiting on them to patch the PC/PS4 version with the shit it should have had from the start that they finally added in for the Switch/Xbone port.