Stop playing video games

Stop playing video games

Attached: varg stare.jpg (980x653, 118K)

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>telling varg to dilate.


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Varg is a strong aryan warrior that provides for himself and wouldn't do hilariously cucked things such as being a shut in neet that lives off the work of his wife spending his time doing essentially nothing productive with his life.

you've convinced me

cool he's back on youtube

and stop watching porn

Varg is, OP isn't

I want to live the Varg life but i'm still saving to buy some land and build a house, but on the meantime games help me escape the degenerate world we live in for a moment

Link to his new channel?


didnt varg used to like video games though? his favs being stalker and morrowind and some others

They poison the mind, breeding apathy and transgenderism
The electric jew is a hotbead for liberal mind poison

>Stop masturbating
>Stop watching porn/hentai
>Stop playing video games
>Stop watching anime
>Go outside
>Hunt an animal
>Kill it, butcher it, cook it and eat it
>Get swole
>Get a girlfriend of your same race
>Fuck her
>Marry her
>Have children

There. Simple recipe, though not necessarily an easy one, to living a good and fulfilling life. You don't need a large amount of money to live the varg life, you only need discipline

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But Varg loves videogames, his favorites are Deus Ex, Stalker and Morrowind


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Video games have changed
They now exist only to pander to Social Justice ideology

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>making appeals to nature on how to live your life

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stop being a reactionary

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Goal posts.

Silence, communist

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What do you niggers think of my new teeth?

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Varg unironically believes in child sacrifice because of "SURVIVAL OF FITTEST"

Reminder all of you internet reactionary chuds will be swinging from a tree when us Trans-anarchists finally rise up

Silence, tranny

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I didn't wanna have to post this.... I really didn't. But you stormweenies won't stop raiding and trying to "redpill" us from you reactionary discord servers.

It's over....

White males accounted for 69.67% of suicide deaths in 2017.
as of 2019 it's reached 70. meaning out of every 10 **successful suicides** 7 of them are straight white males.

Compare this to transgender people whereing 40% **attempted** (/pol/fags miss this cause they can't read) suicide with far less succeeding..

You've lost movies, you've lost gaming, you've lost academia, and you've lost the court of social opinion.

The only thing white males are winning anymore is in killing themselves so do what you're good at and KYS incels.

Fuck /pol/
Fuck white supremacists
Politics don't belong on, Yea Forums go back to your reactionary chud subreddits, or become the 70%, /pol/cels

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The proletariat will stomp out fascism once and for all.

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a lot of them are today but theres still a lot of good games out there both new and old and even if the devs are left leaning at least they dont show it in any way in the game

>that provides for himself
He's living off gibs from the french government tho

>He thinks communism is pro-worker in practice
>He doesn't know that national socialism is the real worker's party (it was even called that)
You should read something other than the shit your (((teacher))) tells you to read

Varg: Always a Poser. Always a Loser.

Reminder that Varg has good taste in games.

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Typical Varg
>"Stop playing games"
>Plays Morrowind, his wife says he plays Lego Lord of the Rings on her laptop

I've never seen his wife talk.

No instead he gets locked up for 20 years by murdering a legend and then making shitty synth music. Fuck varg

When has he ever said to stop playing games? Or did you take a shit post for an actual quote lmao

Anarcho-Communism is pro worker.

What was pro-worker about Hitler sending millions of working-class Germans to their deaths in a multi-front war of aggression and imperialism that was doomed to fail because he couldn't be bothered to honor a treaty with Stalin, a fascist in his own right who hated communism and merely used it as a memes to usurp power?

Communism means that the automation that is supposed to free our lives benefits all of us, and not just the capitalist class who live in grotesque luxury on wealth they could never spend while those they oppress starve and die because they can't afford basic life necessities, when we have the technology to provide for every human being on the planet and then some.

Meanwhile fascism seeks to divide humans based on meaningless physical characteristics and deny our common humanity that we share with people of all races and ethnicities, that we are one species, and we shouldn't be fighting with one another, or trying to compete and destroy our brothers and sisters, for every person should be our comrade, and we shouldn't be destroying our precious resources and environment in which we all live or die.

no it's YOU who should have never come here

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>A legend
Euro was a fag, and he's equally as shitty of a person.


Is Varg nigger pilled?

He understood literally everyone was worthless in the grand scheme of things and knew how to put it in the music. He also knew play guitar damn good too. Shame Varg was a jealous little bitch. Burzum fucking sucks.

>Meanwhile fascism seeks to divide humans based on meaningless physical characteristics and deny our common humanity
Whites are responsible for like 90% of all STEM related endeavors. We don't need you and we owe you nothing.

Both Varg and Euronymous were poser douchebags who did nothing of value for Black Metal, and Varg is a complete aspie who thinks metal is bad now because guitar music was started by black people, because he's a colossal racist faggot.

He's never said anything outright about them, but any sane person hates negroes.

shut up


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You didn't do or discover anything. You made no technological advancements. In fact Muslims did more for science and technology than you will ever accomplish in your own life.

Imagine being such a worthless excuse for a person you need to try and take credit for the accomplishments of others because they shared your lack of melanin.

I'm 100% European, btw. Anglo, Celtic, Germanic, Nordic and a salt pinch of Finnish to top it off. I'm not some retard who thinks I get credit for the achievements of other people because I vaguely resemble them.

Funny how Alt-Righters sound identical to SJWs. You barely even have to take out context anymore.

sick burn

I want to agree, but you went overboard with the soi spacing. Back to plebbit.

>reddit spacing
newfag reddit tourist detected

He convinced his mentally ill band mate to kill himself for hardcore cred. If that doesn't make him a terrible person to you then you might be biased.

Based, living the white trash live pumping out 4 white kids who will also be multiplying on cheap foreigner workers labor's gibs

>Now he's all undercase soi typing
It's time to go back.

lol when you trans anarchists finally bring down the system you wont have a system to sterilize you. You need the system.

Also does varg really play vidya?

I wanna live on a farm but while Im not on a farm Im prolly gonna play vidya.

Based and redpilled, videogames are the electric Jew.

I wasn't even the guy you were arguing with, I just know newfags when I see em.

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Is his youtube channel still deleted or did he ever put a new channel up?

Stop paying for digital distribution

Yeah and Dead deserved it for being a weak willed shit

I don't like Vargs music, it's kind of weird.

Call me a pleb, but I like Stratovarius.

Stop posting some welfare-dependent snow nigger muslim-apologist.

did that discord group ever say why they were getting people to report his youtube?

Scroll up a bit in the thread

You've already been exposed soi typer, can't change your formatting now.

Doesn't he live on welfare

Yeah, suppose that's why he was in a weak, shit band to begin with.


So how does someone become a practicing Pagan? Also how does it fair better than the monotheistic religions?

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read it again

You just go to the forest, pretend to be a wizard, and talk about "muh ancestors".

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You forgot

>Stop taking hot showers

tdlr; Fuck varg.

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Seriously doubt Varg depends on welfare. Burzum is the most popular BM band, he has his roleplaying game fans and tabletop enthusiasts bought, his music is sampled by mainstream artists or used in soundtracks. You have to have absolutely nothing going on to depend on welfare.

Keep playing video games. It will accelerate the happening more quickly and thus is the most efficient thing to do. Unless you actually want to live that is (lol)

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>he doesn't know

>Hot showers
good way to harshly remove all the natural oils from your skin and give you a prune-like appearance by the time you're 40

This but replace
>get a girlfriend of the same race
>get an East Asian girlfriend
Just to piss off thst happa faggot shitposter who hates himself and won’t stop making it everyone else’s problem.

Comrade Varg.

So I either have to live in misery taking cold showers or I can look like a based raisin taking based showers

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But he literally is a neet that smooches off his wife and the French goverment welfare.
Also holy crap he has aged like shit. He looks like an autistic Gandalf but is only 46.

Get a load of this incel. Don’t you know how to moisturize?

Take warm showers.
Take cold showers every now and then.

He's also a fan of Baldur's Gate or at least was at one point according to an old blog post of his.

Suicide accounts for about 1.8% off all deaths in the U.S. You are FAR more likely to die from a road incident 7.6% than by suicide.

Regular warmth is fine, but try to to have cold showers when you can stand it like says

>Have regular temp showers
>Also moisturize
That was hard


>Take showers so hot I'm literally steaming

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Cold showers increase the strength of your immune system

Taking freezing showers makes me aroused for whatever reason.

That's probably a good thing user, means everything is working

>actually quit for like 3 months
>started playing again
"And just when I thought I was out, they brought me back in"

Kill yourself and your followers, Varg.

overrated youtuber

Black Metal is just a crappy genre. It's literally the musical embodiment of autism.

Kill yourself, commietard.

>try cuckmunism


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That wasn't real communism

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I'm proud of my ancestors accomplishments. Meanwhile you don't even know where yours are from, niggermutt. You're not in the position to call anyone ''pathetic''.