Who's superior, old John or young John
Who's superior, old John or young John
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Old, young Jon wasn’t as experienced and they did a really good job showing it
both look like rodents
young john was a stick, who taught us that hard work can be circumnavigated with money
Only thing is I still think they skipped his development from young John to old John. We never saw any moment where he made the leap from his past self to his current one. They just had him as young, inexperienced and unsure the whole time, then another goddamn timeskip and suddenly the old John is there.
Arthur was cool, but I don't get the "even though I've murded hundreds of innocent people I'm a moral fag now, and Ur CrAzY DuTcH" shit halfway through the story.
that's the entire story of RDR1
what are you talking about the entire prologue was John's transformation, the whole thing with Arthur was the set up to that
Maybe I'm alone in it but until you were playing as him I never felt like RDR2 John was anything like the first game's John.
That's the point of Arthur's story arc, slowly coming to the realization that senseless killing has no meaning, and that Dutch really was insane.
because he wasn't, he was young and no where near the kind of person he becomes, it's only when he actually tries to stop fucking around for his family that he starts his transformation
it's a well known problem with these kinds of games that the protagonist is invariably an insane psychopath if you actually step back and look at what they're doing
some games integrate it better than others
People that don't understand Arthur's redemption ark are legit retarded.
And did you not notice Dutch at all until Arthur begins to question him? He's obsessed with attacking colm back on the mountain while everyone around him is struggling, in horseshoe overlook Dutch shelters himself from the gang and will lash out at you for approaching him, he once again obsesses with the mythical braithwait and gray gold, and ends up full out using his men like cannon fodder, and in the end tries multiple times to get John caught and hung
Yes we did? We know everything that happened, and any missing details about what John did in hiding after Arthur died is explained in the journal
Old John is the better human being, the only decent guy who came out of the entire gang.
Arthur is just "It's a cowboy game and you're an outlaw, do whatever you want." protag.
Uh...Thats the game. Did you not play the game? What do you mean you dont get it?
Dutch was already on a downward path at the beginning of RDR2 definitely but when he hit his head in St Dennis it sped up immensely, he acted way worse after that moment
Wrong, Arthur turned into a decent person and had his redemption in the end. John was a pretty good guy though
Epilogue/RDR1 John is the best younger John was a beadbeat idiot
Did it really? I feel like that was a placebo, meant to make you wonder if his insanity was the result of an accident or a building moment, which I think is the ladder. I didn't notice a difference in him, I think people just make that connection because Arthur mentions he bumped his head after he says something crazy
He didnt start to become a moralfag until he got TB and came to the realization that he was gonna die an awful person.
Nah man do a replay of the game when you get the chance it’s very noticeable. It’s mainly Dutch’s aggression, it ramps up significantly after that event and it’s when Arthur starts to feel weird about him
Why do you not get it? Arthur lived the life of an evil man without thinking much on it. He comes to confrontation with the way he lived when he has a terminal disease and realises karma came back to get him. It's a great fucking story and change of fates.
Yeah that's what I thought too.
Don't forget Dutch does this exact thing before the game even starts and gets pissy every time it's brought up
Dead John
The real question
Arthur or John
>e3 is over
>no red dead 2 pc release date
Arthur until you hear American Venom kick in
I expect Blackwater DLC
Did you miss the entirety of the epilogue?
He didn't really become a moralfag, he had an existential crisis when he found out he was dying and that he spent his whole life working for a con artist
>"we're bad men, but we ain't them"
i honestly think john looks better with a fresh short haircut
cringey dialogue, I can just imagine the snotnosed soifaced faggot writing that thinking he was so cool for creating a morally ambiguous protagonists who murders thousands but draws the line at racism and sexist judged by early 21st century californian standards
Yeah he knows he's a bad man he admits it every time someone says he's a good one
i have literally never seen a pic of john in 2 that doesnt look really weird. his facial model is just off. i always want to be surprised and see someone make him look cool, but i havent seen it
That's not his signature look it just feels wrong
>games called Red Dead Redemption
>surprised when the protagonist tries to redeem himself
Because he realized that he was going to die a slow painful death just because he beat a man for a few dollars and that Dutch has gone insane. Hell the game even fucking explains it to you with Sister Calderon
Wouldn't be surprised if alot of people missed that last sister mission and got the reverend instead there's not much reason to go back to Saint Denis in chapter 6
>there are people who didn't autistically check the map after every story mission to see if more stranger missions had popped up
I didn't help the first priest because I was playing low honor and it didn't make sence in my head to help some loser begging for money on the street. Started playing high honor after the diagnoses but never went back for the mission.
Old John, cause he wasn't in RDR2
Hate this game so fucking much...