Is Japan starting to embrace fatties with their recent trend of more and more “thicc” characters?

Is Japan starting to embrace fatties with their recent trend of more and more “thicc” characters?

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t. fatty who thinks shes thicc

t. beefsteak cemetary

Have sex, incel

What's the point of making such a big deal about her thighs if the 3D model doesn't make it justice

Chun Li says you're a cum guzzling faggot.


>Chun-Li has big thighs, right? So back in the day, I asked Mr. Yasuda, "Why does she have such big thighs?" And he started shouting and went off and was like, "I can't believe you don't understand the appeal." And he started explaining the attraction. And you know, I'm a woman and I asked the question but it kind of got awkward when he started explaining his fetishes. I mean, he has really strong feelings toward his creations. There's a reason for everything being the way that it is. When I heard that, I thought maybe that's something that everybody thinks, but everybody doesn't go out telling everybody. But he just told me.

how is thhis fat

I thought Atelier was supposed to be pure, why is the new girl a slam pig?

work out fatty. not too late to become thicc

>>"I can't believe you don't understand the appeal!"
>>Sitting someone down and lecturing them on your fetishes

What a fucking role model holy shit the balls on this man

she's a stronk farmer cutie who needs to lift hay and herd livestock.

Thick has 2 curves, fatties have 1 curve

yeah it's American influence and it has corrupted them

I want her to herd me if you know what I mean

Is Ryza a goddess?

Shh, Ryza is sleeping.

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What a god

>ywn wake up to this

*kisses her on the forehead and tucks her in*

>American influence
but she's not a nigger nor tranny

Is this the new default roastie phrase?

Do you think Ryza is ticklish?


Where's the art?

September can't come soon enough.

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Make sure she eats all the eggs

She's not a nigger but she fucks them

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Hey user,
How many times have you fapped to me?
Be honets

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Let's see... they revealed her design on the 27th of May. Since then I've fapped to her twice, sometimes thrice, daily. I'd say somewhere within the range of 40-50 times so far.

Are you too new to even know about healthy?

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Why is she such a footslut?

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Who is that?

Jesus Christ

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God fucking damn.

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>fingers touching

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What a sperg

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>giving them ideas

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Probably around 10 times

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Stop trying to conflate thick thighs with landwhales, dumb fatfag.

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thick girls are good. Fatties are not. Thick girls are cute and chubby with nice soft boobies and thighs. Fatties are just gross tubs of lard.

Twice. It takes a lot to break into my rotation of women I find fappable through concentrated effort though so congrats, you made it in at all.

Dumb sweaty hick

Please look at me like this, Ryza-sama!

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seeth and cope

Cursed image

Confirmed fake thicc thighs?

t. a very lardful lad

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How about a lap pillow?

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>barely any fanart for Klaudia
S-she'll catch up with Ryza once the game's out, right bros?

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she fucks pigs

She's gotten more than I expected she would.

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No one wants to fuck pigs.

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i just noticed that the feet are turning blue due to poor circulation

The real question is will all the fanart and "muh thighs" people going to actually buy the likely shitty game?

Worked for 2B's game.

Atelishit games are boring dogshit though, as all yurishitfilth games are.

Is it true that Ryza looks cute from any angle?

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Explain to a brainlet whats the appeal of thicc thighs. Please im genuine curious

Obviously too thick is disgusting, but thighs like in OP have a "mass" to them that would make for a very tactile experience when fugging. This thought is what makes them inherently erotic.

The more thicc women in video games and the less lolis the better.


Thighs are complementary to a woman's nether regions, it's a bit like being naturally attracted to wide birthing hips, only instead of assisting in childbirth they just look and feel really, really nice. Not gonna lie, this is less of a brainlet issue and more of a testlet one, this is one of those things that is just intrinsically understood on a hormonal level in men. Thighs are nice, and when they're juicy they're even nicer.

Nah, it is just the newest trend in trying to weaponize memes in stupid culture wars. Can we go back to just having funny pictures? Weegee, pedobear, mudkipz, demotivational posters. Those were usually not used against anyone. They were stupid, but harmless. Now it seems every other "internet inside joke" is just some tool to shorthand some political idea.

My brothers

>not liking both

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[Glass Her] with some morning water

I remember reading a post once where an user claimed everything was political. I think that really says a lot about the kind of people who browse Yea Forums today.

Thicc ass thighs are political. I want thicc ass thighs as my president, set this country straight again, I tell you hwat.

Why do I feel like this board became lewder after going SFW? I feel like there's even more ecchi than before.

Yea Forums was never formally NSFW but the shift to 4channel definitely stirred a hornet's nest.

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>Has the same name as my mother
I've been reluctant to rub one out thanks to that.

Chun-Li's thighs are fucking disgusting though, they're like a caricature of good thighs.

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I know the feel, man. Fitting that it's an Atelier thread, my mom's name is Pamela.


>Not wanting lolis with thick thighs

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>not wanting to fap while repeatedly saying “mommy”

I'm so sorry for your loss, user.

>lolis with thick thighs
Nah, fuck off with that shit. I like my lolis as lolis, and my thicc women as thicc women.

That's a bit weird, user.

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At least it's just her. I mean, what other video game characters have that name? Don't answer that.

Japan should be made into a porn sweatshop

It's not even THAT off model. Someone's game is getting played.

Have sex

Sex with Ryza

of course the idolshitter is a faggot
who would've thunk it

What if Ryza was an idol?

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She'd be in a different costume, which runs a high risk of her character design actually getting worse because goddamn, did they nailed it out of the park with her as is.

Time travel is a very strange thing.

>ywn go forward in time a decade to plagiarize your own designs before you even think of them

What if we went back in time and used Ryza as the first protagonist design in Atelier

I'd imagine the protags would get slowly but steadily thicker as the series progressed, which would probably result in something like 60 inch asses being the standard at this point.

KEK you should have asked this question years ago when they started doing more and more of it

your mother's name is Reisalin?